Since 2009
Start Pulling
I'll never forget it. I was 19; the newest member of a very small band of brothers. We weren't an official group on the Baylor University campus, by any means, these "Russell Rats." We had no membership roster, no board of directors or rules and regulations to speak of, but we were very exclusive. And although we weren't organized, we did pay our dues -- dues of a different kind that were collected daily. As far as acceptance into the group, well, it just happened. Call it a nonverbal recognition of pure heart. If you had it, you were in. And rather than Greek letters across our chest, we had chalk and sweat across our backs. There was no mistaking our crew.
In the late 80s, a small family of guys came one by one into the best (and only) fitness center on campus, Russell Gymnasium. The gym itself was actually a corner hole-in-the-wall within a bigger auditorium of basketball courts, with a two-tone, green concrete wall separating the outdated Universal equipment and rusty dumbbells from the courts next door.
Well, one sunny Waco afternoon, at a campus-wide celebration called Diadeloso (Day of the Bear), the group decided to enter itself into the annual tug-of-war competition. We wanted nothing more than to show the fraternities what real strength felt like. After a lot of hooplah, we marched -- in slow motion if I recall -- onto the sand. We could hear the audible gasp from the opposition. We nodded to one another with pre-victory smiles. After all, not only were we obviously strong, we had ourselves a plan. We reasoned that because we outweighed the competition, only half the team would pull when the whistle blew. And when one of us gave the signal, the rest of us would begin pulling. Trust me. We had it covered.
Well, we found our grip as our competition found theirs. I remember they were a preppy bunch. Handsome. But no doubt mismatched. We did our best not to giggle. The referee raised his hand to alert the start of the match and the whistle blew. And?!.....We got crushed. Within 20 seconds, we were pulled across the line. It honestly felt as if the rope was somehow cleverly tied to an F-150. What happened you ask? Well, a couple things actually. First, they had seven guys and we had six. Completely fair because the only limit was total weight, but an extra pair of arms pays off come to find out. But I think we lost miserably because we were overly confident and planned poorly.
Why the long stroll down memory lane? Well, I'll be a special guest at Baylor University this November, speaking to students and greeting faculty. And if I learned anything that day as I lay face down, swallowing dirt and pride, it's that we can never underestimate the enemy in life, and we can't wait to start pulling. Plainly said, we have to give it all we have, never saving anything for the second half, the second set, the climb down, or the swim back. We can't wait to share Christ, visit the widow, give to the needy. The fact that you're reading and I'm typing means we're knee deep in sand and it's quick.
Friends, we have to be humble constantly and plan wisely. In every area of life, be it with quiet times, workouts, relationships, school, work...a humble heart and wisdom will please God every time. So hang on tight. And when the sun comes up and you've given God your day, just start pulling.
--Jimmy Peña
P.S. Four years later, I led a team of seven onto the sand. We won every match but the last one; to a team of eight.
For Discussion: Are you waiting to pull with your life? Your quiet times with the Lord? Your health? If I can help you start pulling, talk to me. I want to help. And if you have similar memories where you were humbled, please share!
RECOVER WITH R.I.C.E. When you start a workout program or return to activity after a long layoff, it's not uncommon to suffer a few aches and pains. Muscles strain, ligaments groan and pain springs up in places that you wouldn't expect. In most cases, these injuries are minor and can be treated at home with a few easy steps. So before you go schedule an appointment with your general health practitioner, take stock of this four-step process.
I'll Say, "No"
"Though he slay me, yet will I trust him." --Job 13:15
My wife is the runner in the family, so I typically don't read her magazine, but the cover blurb on her Runner's World caught my eye: "The Most Inspiring Runner You've Never Met." And I can tell you that if he's not, he's close. Hit by a car at the age of six, Bret Dunlap spent weeks in a coma. His first word when he woke up? "No." Seems he knew he had more life in him. And while he doesn't remember saying it, the 39 years after the accident simply prove that he meant it.
And while I won't give anything away, there was something his mom said to him that stuck with me. She said, "God never said anything about fair. He said you got a chance." This she said to a boy who suffered brain damage, paralysis, a colostomy, and who's face freezes, and who's mind forgets what he learns; just to name a few of his afflictions. But this she also said to boy who would teach himself several languages, give 12 gallons of blood over the years as a volunteer, play the piano left handed, hold the same job for over 18 years and eventually, run. Oh my friends, he may finish last, but he runs his race; one floppy foot over another. The rest of the story is miraculous, and sad, and gut-wrenching, and funny, and unbelievable and well, convicting.
Have you ever wallowed? Ever thought, "Why me?" or stomped your feet and said, "Not fair!" I know I have. I know I do. But it's stories like that of Bret that help give me perspective. And hope. And courage. And it's stories like that of Bret that always seem to remind me of grace and what Jesus did for me on the cross. Like our verse reminds us today, God's grace really is all I need and want, so whatever else I have in life is a gift. And when the enemy tries to convince me otherwise, when he tries to blind me to blessings, when he tries to discourage my personal calling, when he reminds me that my body is failing, I won't let it steal my joy. I'll just steal a line from Bret and say "No." What about you? What is your answer today?
--Jimmy Peña
Question: What are you doing to show the Lord and everyone around you how grateful you are for the gifts you been given? Is your life a statement that says, "Faith" or a question that wonders, "Why"?
It’s not just a tagline: Milk does do a body good. So do cheese, yogurt and cottage cheese. A new study showed that women who followed a regular exercise program on high-protein, high-dairy diets lost more total fat –- and more from their abdomen –- than those on adequate-protein, medium-dairy and adequate-protein, low-dairy diets.
>> For more detail on the study, click here.
Jimmy Peña's message of "Life is not about the body, but health is a means of praise" is being well-received by congregations around the country. His story-telling approach to how a healthy body can strengthen the body of Christ and inspire abundant living is a message you don't want to miss.
Bring Jimmy to your church this year! Contact us here: info@prayfit.com
This One's a Fighter
"The Lord is my light and my salvation — whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?" --Psalm 27:1
Read: Psalm 27
With Boston still so fresh, it's difficult to think about anything else. The stories of heroism flood our minds. Spectating doctors dashing into danger, runners rushing to give blood.
Oh my friends, who's feeling grateful today?
Who's mindful for the health they have? Who reading this sentence today will run, walk, lift, stretch or otherwise in honor of those less fortunate? Share this entry if you're an overcomer. Share this entry if the enemy is whispering, "This one's a fighter."
--Jimmy Peña
Question: What will you do today to honor the Lord, your health and those who have lost theirs due to this senseless act of terror?
>> SOCIAL NETWORKS: Now you can "like," "join," "tweet" and "watch" PrayFit. Click the links below to get plugged in with the rest of the PrayFit community. Facebook HeavenUp Twitter YouTube
October 18, 2011Read: Hebrews 13
"So we say with confidence, 'The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?'" --Hebrews 13:6
"On a scale of 1-10, it's probably a 9 (in difficulty)" said Bob Connor, the owner of a Massachusetts corn maze. Last week, his farm became the center of national attention when a couple and their newborn couldn't find their way out as darkness fell. The emergency 911 call recorded their fear, and when it came to pass, it was learned that the trio was only 25 feet from the exit when help arrived.
Sounds simple enough, and the farmer's 15 minutes of fame have come and gone, but the story stuck with me this weekend. When it comes to health, the day's maze gets tough to navigate when darkness falls. If we're not careful, we can easily get lost amid the tall statistics. Before you know it, we're turned around and confused while sickness and disease become real scarecrows in the cornfield of life.
So friends, if you're struggling, take courage. Whatever labyrinth you find yourself in, God is neither bewildered or astonished. He's never slept and knows the way. Although the enemy wants to puzzle you, God simultaneously has your hand and an aerial view. So, don't panic. Mercy is on the way. We're either almost out, or He's almost back. You're lost only in a maze of grace.
According to NBC News, a new survey from Gallup indicates... >> Only 1 in 7 American workers are at a normal weight without a chronic health issue; >> 86% of American workers are above normal weight or have chronic health issues; >> Health problems can be linked to 450 million missed work days; >> Abnormal weight costs the economy 153 billion in lost productivity.
How have weight-related issues affected your business, your productivity or the work of a colleague? Please leave your experiences in the comments section below.
November 15, 2010Read: 2 Timothy 4
"I have fought the good fight..." --2 Timothy 4:7
This past Saturday night, many in the sports world gathered around their televisions to watch the much anticipated boxing match between Manny Pacquiao and Antonio Margarito. But by the end of the bout, those watching were witness to much more than just stiff jabs and timely upper cuts. One fighter taught a lesson in mercy, the other, in courage.
Hardly able to count the fingers being held before his swollen eyes, Margarito demanded to continue fighting. His opponent knew he was about to fall. But had Margarito quit or Manny gone for the knockout, no one would have blamed either, but instead they did neither. When the bell announced the final round, Margarito stood up and Manny stood down.
Ironic -- mercy meeting courage -- because for the fight to go the distance, both were required.
As we begin this week, despite last week's left hooks and low blows, the bell means it's time to get up. After all, as believers we're "prize" fighters, aren't we? And while our enemy shows no mercy, God does. (Ding...ding)
WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: 10-Minute Bodyweight Cardio Blast
No treadmill? No bike? Not a problem. It's short-sighted to think that you need some piece of gym equipment to get your heart racing. The greatest piece of equipment at your disposal is your body. Hit this intense, at-home cardio session to burn calories and start the day off right.
TRAINER TIP: To increase the amount of fat you burn, try this workout on an empty stomach. After a night of fasting, available blood sugar is low, meaning that your body will tap into stored fat for fuel faster than normal.
Perform each exercise for one minute and move to the next exercise immediately, with no rest between moves.
Walk in place Jog in place High knee running Jumping jacks Fast feet (Squat down, spread your feet and tap your toes as fast as you can) High knee running Virtual jump rope (Feel free to use an actual jump rope if you have one) High knee running Jumping jacks Walk in place
>> MONDAY "TO DO": Today, we're asking for a favor. If you haven't already, please visit the Official PrayFit Facebook page and click "Like," then suggest us to ten friends. Help us get to 1,000 "Likes" by the end of the year to help more friends and family get a daily faith and fitness inspiration as we head into 2011.
September 23, 2010Read: Ephesians 6
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.” –Ephesians 6:10
On a recent walk, I stopped at a nearby park where I noticed a group of kids huddled around a coach. He was giving a pep talk. I loved it. Squatting down to meet them eye-to-eye, he said things like, “Let’s be aggressive. Help each other out and work hard!” Parents formed a semicircle around the group, and when the team broke the huddle, I realized it was a karate class; self defense for the little guys.
Interestingly, the coach put one student in the middle and then sent one, two, then three other students in to fight him. “The key,” the instructor yelled to the one in the middle, “is to keep the opponent in front of you at all times!” Before the drill was over, it was 4-on-1. The whistle blew, the parents applauded, and the kids rotated positions.
Heading home, it dawned on me that the coach had it right. He said to keep everything in front of you, because that’s where your opponent is. A buddy of mine, Jimmy Page from FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes), taught me that God gives us armor, such as the breastplate, the shield and the sword that are all frontal weapons. He doesn’t give us anything to protect our back. Why? Because the battle is in front of us. We’re not surprised by the enemy, nor does he sneak up and attack us from behind.
So I suppose, in a way, our temptations and struggles can be thought of as compliments; God won’t allow us to be tested beyond what He knows we can endure. When God became a man, He lowered Himself to see us eye-to-eye and gave us a self-defense class of our own. With Him, we can conquer anything that lies ahead, especially since we know He’s always got our backs.
Contrary to popular belief, being super strict 100 percent of the time is not the only way to reach your physique goals. If you're feeling like you need to splurge a bit on your diet, that's fine -- just get better at picking your moment. One great time to splurge is right after a tough workout.
Many people will tell you that if you eat bad right after a workout, you've ruined all of your hard work. But nothing could be further from the truth. The best time to eat bad is right after a vigourous workout. Research shows that you are much less likely to store food (bad or good) as fat and much more likely to metabolize it for energy following a workout. So the next time you want to go nuts and splurge, hit the gym first -- just hit it hard!