Since 2009
Seeing Words
Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it. (Luke 11:28) Christian vocalist Mark Harris has a wonderful line in one of his songs that goes, "Preach Christ, even if it means use words." Plainly put, our actions to an unbelieving world matter more than what we say. I thought of that line last week watching the recap of Nelson Mandela's memorial. By now you're aware that while the President and other world leaders offered their speeches, the sign language interpreter was doing anything but interpreting. Sadly, some people needed to see words.
As Christians in the fitness industry, what an exciting opportunity you have to take God's message to your individual corners of the world. Without a doubt, someone is listening to your actions. Among undoubtedly countless other lessons, your daily diligence and discipline have helped them make better food and exercise choices. Imagine, your life in motion is a spark that may have extended the lives of others. Some are also watching what your life says about humility and modesty. In an industry with no shame, you -- the Christian in the gym -- roar when you don't compromise. Whether your life is all about His hands and feet, or your own abs and arms, they hear it loud and clear. What an awesome responsibility.
Friends, those around us who don't know Jesus, they live in silence. Much like the deaf community last week, they could be depending on a stranger, straining to hear every move. Who'll deliver if not us? Our one chance to get it right could be their only chance to get the message. Our life is that chance. Our chance is our choice. Our choice is a voice. Let's keep talking. Preach Christ, even if it means use words.
–Jimmy Peña
"Whether your life is all about His hands and feet, or your own abs and arms, they hear it loud and clear."
Lunge | Focus: Legs, glutes, hamstrings, lower back | (VIDEO)
Stand with your feet together, abs tight and eyes focused forward. Step forward with one foot. Bend both knees to lower yourself, making sure your front knee doesn’t pass your toes on your front foot. Stop just short of your rear knee touching the floor and reverse directions, driving through the heel of your forward foot to return to the start. Alternate legs for reps.
TARGET MUSCLES: Glutes, hamstrings, quads
>> For more exercise descriptions and videos, click here.
>> Looking for a workout to develop your lunge proficiency? Try one of the many options available at our Fitness page.
Go Back and Ask
"God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites. I AM has sent me to you." --Exodus 3:14
When Moses needed a name, he got one. "Tell them I AM sent you." Before Moses became one of the greatest leaders the world ever knew, he needed guidance. The leader needed leading. So he went back and asked for it. Not the run-of-the-mill, garden-variety, Twitter-savvy kind of guidance, but he needed what only God could give; Himself.
Imagine if that were our first thought as we begin the week. Is your plate full? Big tests coming up? Maybe the boss has loaded you up with more than you think you can handle, or you just can't quite find the strength to sure up healthier habits. Whatever this new week stacks against us, make sure you remind yourself of Who lives in your heart.
If you notice, Moses didn't gather his wits, self-confidence or assurance. He didn't look in the mirror or take a selfie and repeat to himself, "You're Moses, you're strong, talented, you're handsome and happy. You GOT THIS!" No, Moses knew what was up. And he wasn't up for the task without the Lord. Who are we to think otherwise? Truth is, our week is no match for the One who sends us, and we're nothing for the week if we don't go back and ask.
--Jimmy Peña
Workout of the Week: Build & Burn
This start-of-the-week workout will have you building strength and burning fat in only a few intense minutes per session. Grab some open space and some dumbbells or heavy soup cans if you have them. After a 5-minute warm-up, you'll get to work with this total-body blast, starting with legs. You then move to back, shoulders and arms and finish the circuit on the floor with push-ups and planks to failure. If you have time or the energy, take a couple minutes to rest and repeat the cycle. The jump squats will be brutal but you should expect to achieve around 15-20 reps each round. Rest only as long as necessary before beginning the next exercise.
Welcome to Monday!
Bodyweight Squats for 1 min. Jump Squats to failure Dumbbell Deadlifts for 1 min. Jump Squats to failure Dumbbell Bent-Over Row for 1 min. Jump Squats to failure Dumbbell Overhead Press for 1 min. Jump Squats to failure Biceps Curl for 1 min. Jump Squats to failure Triceps Kickbacks for 1 min. Jump Squats to failure Bodyweight Push-Up to failure Jump Squats to failure Plank to failure Repeat the cycle
>> Click here for exercise videos and descriptions!
>> If you're looking for a more comprehensive, daily program to help you reach your fitness goals, try one of our at-home workout DVDs by clicking here.
June 6, 2011 QUOTE OF THE WEEK
"We can be tired, weary and emotionally distraught, but after spending time alone with God, we find that He injects into our bodies energy, power and strength."
--Dr. Charles Stanley
WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Strength & Cardio
Changing your body for the long term is due in large part to exercise selection and workout intensity. And if you're looking to strengthen, tone and build your heart health, this workout gives you a full dose of training for the week.
We're going to hit your upper and lower body using just your bodyweight in just a few minutes. We'll also work some high intensity cardio in the same spot to get the blood pumping and heart stronger. Once you go through the sequence, feel free to go through the exercises a second time. Remember to take each exercise to exhaustion unless otherwise noted and perform the workout 2-3 times per week for maximum results.
Walk in place - 1 minute Bodyweight squat - 1 minute Jump squat - to failure Stationary (isometric) wall squat - to failure Push-up - to failure Plyometric push-up - to failure High knee running in place - to failure Jumping jacks- 1 minute Walk in place - 1 minute
>> For details on how to perform many of PrayFit's core exercises, click here.
December 9, 2010Read: Psalm 25
"Show me your ways, O Lord." --Psalm 25:4
Earlier this year, Eric asked me to join him at a photo shoot. It had actually been a while since I'd been to one, but because I directed shoots for all those years, I felt right at home. I knew the exercises Eric wanted, the general feel of the article and even knew the photographer from way back when.
And as we were trying to get a particular shot, we realized that we were using the wrong lens for the exercise. The only way to get the shot we wanted, allowing us to see the entire move, was to use a wide-angle lens; we were too close to what we wanted to see, that what we needed was way out of frame.
Aren't we like that? We get so close to our days, jobs, and goals that we have no periphery. Our tunnel-vision eyes are so keenly fixed on what's dead ahead that the DEAD END AHEAD comes into view far too late.
So let's make sure we start each day kneeling, asking for His wisdom, seeking His guidance...and wanting His point of view.
For over two years, PrayFit has provided volumes of great information on healthy living. High-powered workouts, tasty recipes, fitness headlines and research, exercise tips and more, all delivered to your inbox or accessible with the click of a mouse. Now, we've gathered that info and pooled it into easy-to-find locations on the site so you can get all the wisdom you need for fitter, healthier living. We've also created permanent homes for exercise descriptions and videos so you can practice spot-on technique for faster, lasting results.
NEW! FITNESS: Workouts, fitness news and research, exercise tips
NEW! NUTRITION: Healthy recipes, nutrition news, kitchen tips
NEW! VIDEOS: Visual aids for technically sound reps, every time
NEW! EXERCISE DESCRIPTIONS: A detailed, step-by-step guide to getting your form right
Note: Fitness and Nutrition are both accessible at all times from the revamped left navigation on each page of the website.