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No Mas: Part I

No more. I don't want to fight anymore. The 1980 rematch between Sugar Ray Leonard and Roberto Duran will forever be remembered by two words: No mas. For those who don't know the story, Roberto Duran, the toughest and most relentless fighter of his era decided he was done fighting midway through the eighth round of their championship bout. And with two words he sealed his legacy.

I recently watched a documentary surrounding Sugar Ray's quest to uncover the real reason Duran called it quits that fateful night. A stomachache -- as one of many reasons given to media from the Duran - could not have been, according to Leonard, the truth. So in Leonard's mind, even though he won fight, he didn't beat him. He needed closure. It's a remarkable film, but something Sugar Ray said in the last frame was a knockout.

For much of his adult life, Sugar Ray lived with alcoholism. And he acknowledged that when he finally told his story to the world, he felt free. Naturally, he related his sickness and years of isolation to how he reasoned Duran must have felt all this time. But alas, when Sugar Ray and Duran as much older men stood face-to-face, Duran stuck to the original story. And Leonard left Panama much like he left the ring in 1980 -- in disappointed wonder.

But then it occurred to him -- and here's where today's entry actually begins -- that in order to have closure, he had to give Duran his own. And in one of the most poetic statements I've ever heard, he did just that. A statement that -- to me -- echoes all the way back from that eighth round when Duran threw his arms up accepting defeat, to this very day, as Sugar Ray finally drops his own. As if issuing a ten count backwards, Sugar Ray mercifully picked each other up off the canvas and said, "As far as I'm concerned, He doesn't have to fight anymore." End Credits.

--Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: Guys, I sure hope you check in tomorrow for "No Mas: Part II." But I'd like to know: What do you get from this story? What Biblical principles jump off the page to you? Too many to get your head around? Yeah, for me too. Love to hear your thoughts. See you tomorrow. Lord bless you all.


Here in the New Year, many of us are trying to streamline our diets. But at every turn, we're barraged with flurries of nutritional temptation -- unforgiving lefts and rights that can leave us wider in the waistline. While no one expects perfection of us in the kitchen we can all use a little remotivation! PrayFit contributing nutritionist Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC gives us a few good reasons to say "No mas" when it comes to excess calories.

>> The unseen cost of extra calories


If you're reading this, we're blessed to have you. Whether you're a longtime reader of the faith and fitness writings we've been posting here since 2009 or a newbie who stumbled upon us in a friend's Facebook news feed, we take our commitment to you very seriously. We hope that you'll find the inspiration and practical tools necessary to become a better steward of your health.

Newcomer or not, we hope you'll take a second to read the broad strokes on who we are, what we believe and what our mission is. Our prayer is that the soul of PrayFit speaks to yours...


SOCIAL NETWORKS: Now you can "like," "join," "tweet" and "watch" faith and fitness at your leisure. Click the links below to get plugged in with the rest of the PrayFit community in 2014! Facebook HeavenUp Twitter Instagram YouTube


Nearly 10,000 people have chosen to receive the PrayFit Daily in their inboxes each morning. If you haven't signed up for this complimentary service already, simply click the links provided here. Click, type, send -- it could be the most rewarding 30 seconds you spend on the computer this morning! And if you want to help us go viral with this sign-up drive -- if you want to help us continue our faith-and-fitness revival -- you can do so by sending friends this link:


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Saved. Alone.

"In all things give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." --1 Thessalonians 5:18

Read: 1 Thessalonians 5

Over 100 years ago, a very successful lawyer and real estate mogul, Horatio Spafford, lost a lot in the great Chicago fire of 1870, but years later he lost much, much more. The fire left thousands homeless, and Horatio and his family spent years helping those less fortunate. Exhausted, Horatio and his wife, along with their four daughters planned a cruise to Europe. But just prior to pushing off, Horatio was called upon to stay for business. Still, he sent his family on their much-needed vacation.

Their ship however, the Ville du Havre, didn’t make it to England. Horatio learned of the tragedy through the now famous and urgent telegram from his wife. It read simply, "Saved. Alone."

I'm probably not the first person to do a poor job of summarizing the story of Horatio Spafford, but I was reminded of it yesterday while on a walk with my dog, Josey. As I turned a corner, talking to the Lord about my needs and concerns of our new website, I came across a homeless woman; mid-thirties, sunburned, sitting next to what looked like years of life in a shopping cart. I smiled, and she called Josey "perty." As I continued to walk, I thought to myself, "I'm worried about web traffic. She lives in traffic."

This week is a good reminder to hug those close to us, and to help those less fortunate. And 130 years later, Horatio can help us do just that. You may not recognize his name, but you know his famous hymn. As he boarded a ship to find his wife, he wrote these words:

"It is well with my soul. When peace like a river attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul!”

Good words for us to remember and repeat as we give thanks, if for no other reason than being saved alone. So from our families to yours, have a blessed Thanksgiving weekend.

--Team PrayFit

>> The PrayFit Daily will continue on Monday, November 26. Until then, you can continue to interact with the PrayFit Nation via Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, or visit our forums.

>> This weekend (Saturday, Nov. 24), catch PrayFit endorser Robert Guerrero in action on HBO as he takes on Andre Berto in what is shaping up to be one of the best boxing bouts on the 2012 calendar. Check out our Q&A with Robert as he prepares for this weekend's fight by clicking here.

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Love Stepped In

"It comes freely unto us, but Christ bought it and paid the price." --Romans 3:22 Read: Romans 3

Yesterday the boxing world received a staggering blow when it learned that the great boxing trainer Emanuel Steward passed away at the age of 68. Our prayers go out to his family and friends, including PrayFit endorser and boxing champion Robert Guerrero. You know, something Emanuel said while calling a fight last year was something I'll never forget. It came on the night of the much-anticipated fight between Manny Pacquiao and Shane Mosley.

In one of the night's earlier bouts, a fighter in the late rounds was taking too many blows, unable to defend himself. His corner didn't wait for the ref to stop it, but instead threw in the towel knowing their fighter had enough. Come to find out, the fighter's cornerman was also his dad. And then Emanuel Steward simply said, "Love stepped in. He just couldn't bear to see his son endure such a beating."

Friends, in the fight for our future, God could have stopped the fight. But since He knew that you and I could never defend ourselves, He let Jesus go the distance. I guess you could say, "love stepped in," until our fight was over.

--Jimmy Peña

NETWORK, SHOP, CHAT, SOW Take advantage of the many outlets and resources available to the PrayFit Nation

>> SOCIAL NETWORKS: Now you can "like," "join," "tweet" and "watch" faith and fitness at your leisure. Click the links below to get plugged in with the rest of the PrayFit community. Facebook HeavenUp Twitter YouTube

>> SHOP: Spread the health via your apparel at the PrayFit online store. Custom hats, cozy tees and logo wristbands are all available at the click of a mouse, with easy shipping. You can also pick up PrayFit books and DVDs to help you start living a healthier lifestyle here. Click to get started.

>> CHAT: Are you already a member of our forums? Get back in on the discussion by clicking here. Not yet signed up? All it takes is 20 seconds to get started. Click here.

>> SOWING: Plant the seeds of health and fitness in your church by arranging a visit from PrayFit founder Jimmy Peña. Learn more about his message by clicking here, or write us at to start planning dates!

"Being a big believer in Jesus Christ, PrayFit gets me on track to start my day off in the right direction. In boxing there is no room for error. You have to be not only be physically prepared but spiritually strong as well." — Robert "The Ghost" Guerrero, 6-Time Boxing World Champion

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Let Go of the Rope

"I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.'" --Psalm 91:2

Read: Psalm 91

As promised in yesterday's Prayfit Daily, here's another journal entry I'd like to share with you.

"I never predicted such weeks like this. If I ever get up...if I ever hope and rise and stand...if I ever smile, truly smile and speak and write and encourage, make no mistake, it won't be because I kept fighting. It won't be because of my inner man, my deep faith or some gut-summoned passion of belief. No, I have none of that. If I ever get better, it will only be by the mercy and unbelievable, inconceivable grace of my dear God."

Is that you today? If it is, I understand. For months, I tried -- hand over hand -- to scale the walls of a pit. The perfect patient with an impeccable health ethic. But as you just read, a few weeks ago, I let go of the rope to find myself on my back, looking up at the impossible, knowing that God's grace is the only answer. I tell ya, of all the things our health exposes, our frailty is one of them. Can anyone agree? How many of you reading this today are dealing with unforeseen health issues that you're struggling to overcome? If so, all of us at PrayFit want to pray with you. List your request(s) in the comment section below or simply say "unspoken" and we all promise to lift you up in prayer.

--Jimmy Peña

FITNESS TIP: What's in a Pump?

We are often asked what good "the pump" is during a workout. Here's the skinny on the muscle pump. First things first, a "pump" simply means that the amount of blood vessels that feed those particular muscles increases, allowing for an increase in the delivery of water and blood to the fibers, or a better pump, as it’s commonly known. It’s that enhanced pump that allows for ongoing success in size and strength because blood and water rush into the muscle faster than the circulatory system can remove it.

Why is that good? Well, that pump enhances the stretch on muscle cells, which triggers them to grow by bringing all the nutrients (e.g., amino acids, creatine, glucose, and hormones) and oxygen needed to support energy production, growth, and recovery within the muscle. The pump also helps remove the byproducts of metabolism (e.g., carbon dioxide and lactic acid), which fatigue the muscles and inhibit performance.

So if you lift weights and enjoy the benefits of the pump after a set, there is reason to rejoice. Send us your other fitness and physiology questions and we'd be happy to try and get to them here on the site.

>> LISTEN: Now, you can share the PrayFit Daily -- written and read by PrayFit founder Jimmy Peña -- with a click of the mouse. Click here, listen to your fave devotionals, then use the new "share" tool to spread the faith!

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A Stone and a Sling

"So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine." --1 Samuel 17:50

Read: 1 Samuel

For whatever reason, I've thought a lot lately about the young David. In fact, I've sent a few Tweets this week as I've considered the day he floored the giant. Not sure why, but in my mind I find myself with a sling in one hand, while rolling a stone between my thumb and index finger in the other. I want to pick a fight.

A week removed from a funeral and arguably one of my life's most difficult times, you'll forgive that I'm kinda reflective; taking a lot of deep breaths. Please excuse the imagery but words of wisdom echo down the corridors of my brain while tamed courage paces back and forth within my self-imposed and carefully designed cages. seems my health, my faith, my income, stewardship, prayer life, and my thought life all deserve and require a glance down at my stone and sling. What am I waiting on? What are you?

I think it's time to say, "Goodbye, comfort zones" and "So long, easy." In fact, in the time that it's taken me to write today's entry, I've realized that I don't have to pick a fight. The fight is waiting for me. It's raging. I gotta get in it. Do you?

What battles did you avoid this week? Was your pride bruised? Did vanity get the better of you? Did self-control actually lose it? Well, with mercy new each day and Jesus in our hearts, who do we have to fear? I have my stone and sling. Got yours? If the world needs proof that grace changes people, here we come.

--Jimmy Peña


The subject of physical stewardship is not a message you're likely to hear in this Sunday's sermon. But perhaps it should be. With an increasing number of our fellow congregants and family members struggling with obesity-related health issues, it's worth noting that the Lord desires abundant health for us and that even though He looks at the heart, failing to take care of the bodies He created in His image amounts to a heart issue. PrayFit founder Jimmy Peña has spoken at churches across the country imparting the message of our health as a means of praise. Could your service be next? Check out the video below, share it with your church leaders then contact us to find out how you can bring this message to your congregation!

>> Can't wait for a church visit? Why not start a small group? Click here to get your hands on PrayFit DVDs and books and use them as your curriculum!

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Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña

Because He Traveled

“Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My father if it’s possible, let this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.’” --Matthew 26:39

Read: Matthew 26

Getting ready for a business trip is no easy task. From the packing and planning, to some unpacking and repacking, it becomes quite the endeavor. Work before work. And while I’m grateful for the opportunities that business travel allows, I always have one thing on my mind — one solitary vision, and the reason I’m up for the fight — getting home. Even before I leave, I find that I’m homesick and still in my living room.

I wonder if Jesus ever got homesick. I mean, if anyone had the right to miss where they were from, He did. But something made Him leave. That something? Our helplessness.

Divine irony: Because He traveled, we’ll get home.

--Jimmy Peña


Let's hit the back of the arms this week, shall we? Known as the triceps because of the three muscles (long, medial, and lateral heads), the tri's make up the majority of the upper arm.

While you can't completely isolate any one of the three muscles, you can engage one over the others based on the angle of your arm. For example, anytime you raise your arm overhead and extend the elbow, you hit the long (inner) head with better accuracy. Regardless of your fitness level, from beginner to seasoned athlete, these moves can improve your upper arms with laser-like accuracy.

Pressdown 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions Seated Overhead Extension (with a dumbbell, cable or even a soup can) 4 sets of 8-12 repetitions Lying Triceps Extension 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions Close-grip Push-ups 4 sets to failure

FAILURE: Failure is the point at which you can no longer complete reps on your own with good form. Taking your muscles to this point ensures adequate breakdown of muscle tissue, which is key for building strength. However, it should not be overused in any program.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


"Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air."— 1 Corinthians 9:26

Read: 1 Corinithans 9

I'm definitely old-fashioned, but who reading this remembers tryouts? I thought of it yesterday when I asked, "Who won?" to a young boy and his mom as they came back from his soccer game. They replied, "Oh, we don't keep score. In this league, we don't keep score and everybody plays." Hmm. I tried to hide my confusion, but had she replied in Yiddish it would have made as much sense.

You know, if Paul were in sports, I think he would have enjoyed keeping score. The way he talked of disciplining his body like an athlete, or how passionately he wrote of running the race. Something tells me, Paul would have understood the "thrill of victory and the agony of defeat." Of course, Paul would be the first person to teach us of grace and forgiveness, but a record of wrongs is not the issue at stake. The issue is more about the kind of fight we have in us for the faith, as well as for the body. Like Paul, it's time to follow our instincts.

Truth be told, if our health was required for Heaven, well, we'd be in bad shape. And if God kept score on our day's losses, we'd lose outright every time. But it's because of those things that we might as well toughen up. Who knows how effective we could be for the kingdom if we exercised a little more Godly gumption. Not in order to win favor, but because we have favor.

Oh, and I have to report, as my neighbor disappeared into her home, the little boy stuck his head out the front door, put his hand up to the side of his mouth as if to tell me a secret from across the street: "We won 11 to nothin'!" he yelled with a whisper. Atta boy, I thought. Gumption. He's a carrier. And so are you.

--Jimmy Peña


You may recognize Terry Crews from his roles on TBS's Are We There Yet?, UPN/CW's Everbody Hates Chris or the action blockbuster The Expendables. You may also recognize him from his hilarious commercial spots for Old Spice. But this faithful, action-comedy star also happens to be one of the fittest men in Hollywood...and a fan of PrayFit.

"Jimmy Pena has been doing his thing in fitness for decades, but with PrayFit, he's taken things to a whole new level," Terry said in his endorsement. "If you're looking to build a stronger faith while also getting healthier, then this is the resource for you."

Crews joins a powerhouse list of endorsers that includes actor/producer Tyler Perry, TV host Mario Lopez, actor/entertainer LL Cool J, 2010 American League Most Valuable Player Josh Hamilton, two-time boxing champion Robert Guerrero and actress Rachel Cannon.

>> For the full list of PrayFit endorsements, click here.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


"Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air."— 1 Corinthians 9:26

I'm definitely old-fashioned, but who reading this remembers tryouts? I thought of it yesterday when I asked, "Who won?" to a young boy and his mom as they came back from his soccer game. They replied, "Oh, we don't keep score. In this league, we don't keep score and everybody plays." Hmm. I tried to hide my confusion, but had she replied in Yiddish it would have made as much sense.

You know, if Paul were in sports, I think he would have enjoyed keeping score. The way he talked of disciplining his body like an athlete, or how passionately he wrote of running the race. Something tells me, Paul would have understood the "thrill of victory and the agony of defeat." Of course, Paul would be the first person to teach us of grace and forgiveness, but a record of wrongs is not the issue at stake. The issue is more about the kind of fight we have in us for the faith, as well as for the body. Like Paul, it's time to follow our instincts.

Truth be told, if our health was required for Heaven, well, we'd be in bad shape. And if God kept score on our day's losses, we'd lose. But it's because of those things that we might as well toughen up. Who knows how effective we could be for the kingdom if we exercised a little more Godly gumption. Not in order to win favor, but because we have favor.

Oh, and I have to report, as my neighbor disappeared into her home, the little boy stuck his head out the front door, put his hand up to the side of his mouth as if to tell me a secret from across the street: "We won 11 to nothin'!" he yelled with a whisper. Atta boy, I thought. Gumption. He's a carrier. And so are you.

–Jimmy Peña

WEEK IN REVIEW Revisiting a week's worth of faith and fitness


>> READING LIPS: Showing the light in a world of darkness

>> NOW WHAT?: Abraham, Moses and Joshua asked. Shouldn't you?

>> WHEN HE KNOCKED: No need to clean up to take a bath

>> GOD WILL COME THROUGH: When in doubt, look up


>> WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Push-ups and planks

>> MEMORY FOOD: What super fruit can boost your ability to remember stuff?

>> RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Sauteed kale

>> PORTION CONTROL: How to eat 22% less this holiday season

COMING SOON!: This week marked the official release of PrayFit’s first DVD, now available for order on Amazon and other retail websites. Reserve yours by clicking here or shop for friends.

SHOP: Looking for the best in non-DVD PrayFit products for the health-minded believers in your life? Click here to visit the PrayFit store.

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July 1, 2011 Read: 1 Peter 3

"So he went and preached to the spirits in prison." --1 Peter 3:19

This weekend we celebrate freedom. As a nation, we proudly hail the day we loosened the chains of tyranny from Great Britain. At PrayFit we want to salute the men and women who never lived to enjoy the freedom they fought to protect. Their memory is a reminder both in celebration and memoriam, that freedom is never free.

As believers, we too celebrate freedom; from our past, today's worry and fear of tomorrow. Those prisons have no key, but the cross stamps pardon on our hearts and the doors open. We're meant to live free indeed.

Friends, when it comes to our health, many of us have a burning desire to be free; from guilt, from diets, and from sedentary lifestyles. But no "how-to" guide or fitness guru is more able to help you achieve abundant health than the one who breathed it into our lungs in the first place. Because of His broad stripes, He's the only one we'll need when our health loses its final perilous fight with pain. Surely, we can trust Him with it in the meantime.



Your heart is a muscle. And just like the rest of the muscles in your body, it responds positively to exercise. So it should come as no surprise that doctors are starting to turn away from long-held "rest and relaxation" approaches to heart health and rehabilitation, instead urging patients to train harder than ever. A more efficient heart, they rationalize, is better at delivering blood and oxygen to working muscles for everything from a walk to your car after work to a no-holds barred weight workout. This can fortify you against cardiovascular disease, help you recover from a heart incident and maintain a healthier overall weight.

>> ABC News delivers the details here.

>> RELATED: An introduction to high-intensity interval cardio

>> SHOP: Be sure to check out our newly-upgraded tees for men and women and take advantage of our clearance sale on selected apparel at the PrayFit store!

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May 26, 2011Read: 1 Corinthians 6

"Honor God with your body." --1 Corinthians 6

During a radio interview yesterday, while thundering away about PrayFit -- probably using 20 words when ten would have sufficed -- the radio host said, "Jimmy, I like to tell my listeners that I want to live until the day I die." What she said made me lose my train of thought. Many of you know how I like to capture moments and phrases, well, this one just so happened to hit me during a live radio interview.

In one sentence, a voice I had never heard with a face I hadn't seen summed things up perfectly. What's funny, although I was invited to her show to talk about my book, she was the one selling it.

Fittingly, last night I caught an early round match of the French Open tennis championships, where an underdog opponent was losing two sets to zip and down five games in the final set. And while nobody would have blamed him if he quit trying, the man was diving for the ball and fighting for every point as if it were the first game of the match. The crowd noticed, and so did his opponent, with applause.

Isn't that the way you and I should be living, working and training? Like it's the first game of the first set? We should live until we die. After all, a voice we've never heard and a face we haven't yet seen has a book, and by taking care of our health, we can sell it.



PrayFit contributing dietitian and advisor to the Food Network shares some ways that are proven to help burn off unwanted/extra calories.

"Calories in and calories out — the calories you eat from food are expended with physical activity. When eating outweighs what you’re burning, you can pack on the pounds. High-cal foods take more exercise to get rid of, and sometimes it makes it more real to visualize just how much moving you’d have to do to shed those decadent calories."

(The values below are average based on a 155-pound person.)

Dessert Damage 2 small scoops of chocolate ice cream = 1 hour 20 minutes of tennis 1 medium strawberry milkshake = 1 hour 30 minutes of high intensity aerobics 1 slice cheesecake (restaurant portion) =  1 hour 10 minutes on the elliptical trainer

Fast Food Frenzy A large order of French fries = 1 hour of swimming laps Bacon cheeseburger = 1 hour of fast running  at 8 mph Fried chicken sandwich = 45 minutes hiking

Takeout Trouble 1 slice pepperoni pizza = 30 minutes of medium-paced jogging Medium-sized movie popcorn with butter = 1 hour 20 minutes of downhill skiing 1 order General Tso’s chicken = 2 hours on the stair-climber

Snacking A candy bar = 1 hour of  brisk walking at 3.75 mph A (12-fluid ounce) can of soda = 30 minutes of volleyball A 1-ounce bag of potato chips (15 chips) = 45 minutes of weight-lifting

Damage Control We aren’t suggesting banishing these foods from your diet forever, but if you want to indulge a little more sensibly, consider:

Serving up smaller portions Indulging only on occasion Increase your calorie burn by getting out there and exercising more often

TELL US: How do you like to burn those extra calories?

Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC is a registered dietitian and is currently a nutrition expert for the Food Network, and has worked as a media spokesperson for Cooking Light Magazine. She has appeared on Good Day Street Talk, Food, Access Hollywood and GMA Health. Visit her at Dana White Nutrition. You can also visit her blog for more recipes at

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May 19, 2011Read: 1 Samuel 17

"Then he took his staff in his hand, and chose five smooth stones from the stream." --1 Samuel 17:40

Before David hurled the stone at his giant, I picture him down at the stream, tossing them one at a time in his hand. See, I have a feeling he measured a few before finding just the right one for his particular overgrown nuisance. Did you notice the verse? He "chose" five stones. He made decisions based on his needs and abilities. "Too light.” Toss. "Too small." Toss. "Ah, that’s the one!” After all, David knew what he was up against and planned accordingly.

What about you? In the area of health, you might be facing some big issues. Is it your diet? Your training consistency? Maybe you can’t find the right routine? Well, whatever the case, take a stroll down to the stream with David. Kneel down with him and gather some ammo. If the pebbles you’ve been flinging at your giant-size goals aren’t making a dent, then reload. You know what you’re up against. The key is to do like David did and find it. Remember, His fight was worth it and so is yours.


THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM What are the main causes of the obesity epidemic?

Weight gain occurs when people eat too much food and get too little physical activity.

Societal and community changes have accompanied the rise in obesity.

Some Americans have less access to stores and markets that provide healthy, affordable food such as fruits and vegetables, especially in rural, minority and lower-income neighborhoods. Restaurants, snack shops, and vending machines provide food that is often higher in calories and fat than food made at home.

There is too much sugar in our diet. Six out of 10 adults drink at least 1 sugary drink per day.

It is often easier and cheaper to get less healthy foods and beverages.

Foods high in sugar, fat, and salt are highly advertised and marketed.

Many communities are built in ways that make it difficult or unsafe to be physically active.

Access to parks and recreation centers may be difficult or lacking and public transportation may not available.

Safe routes for walking or biking to school, work, or play may not exist.Too few students get quality, daily physical education in school.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


February 24, 2011Read: 1 Samuel 17

"Then he took his staff in his hand, and chose five smooth stones from the stream." --1 Samuel 17:40

Before David hurled the stone at his giant, I picture him down at the stream, tossing them up one-by-one in his hand. See, I have a feeling he measured a few before finding just the right one for this particular overgrown nuisance. Did you notice the verse? He "chose" five stones. He made decisions based on his needs and abilities. "Too light.” Toss. "Too small." Toss. "That’s the one!” After all, David knew what he was up against and planned accordingly.

What about you? In the area of health, you might be facing some big issues. Is it your diet? Your training consistency? Maybe you can’t find the right routine? Well, whatever the case, take a stroll down to the stream with David. Kneel down with him and gather some ammo. If the pebbles you’ve been flinging at your giant-size goals aren’t making a dent, then reload. You know what you’re up against. The key is to do like David did and find it. Remember, His fight was worth it and so is yours.


THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM What are the main causes of the obesity epidemic?

--Weight gain occurs when people eat too much food and get too little physical activity.

--Societal and community changes have accompanied the rise in obesity.

  • People eat differently:
    • Some Americans have less access to stores and markets that provide healthy, affordable food such as fruits and vegetables, especially in rural, minority and lower-income neighborhoods. Restaurants, snack shops, and vending machines provide food that is often higher in calories and fat than food made at home.
    • There is too much sugar in our diet. Six out of 10 adults drink at least 1 sugary drink per day.
    • It is often easier and cheaper to get less healthy foods and beverages.
    • Foods high in sugar, fat, and salt are highly advertised and marketed.
  • Many communities are built in ways that make it difficult or unsafe to be physically active:
    • Access to parks and recreation centers may be difficult or lacking and public transportation may not available.
    • Safe routes for walking or biking to school, work, or play may not exist.Too few students get quality, daily physical education in school.
    • Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


December 3, 2010Read: Joshua 1

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." --Joshua 1:9

Chances are good that you've heard the expression, "Burn the boats!" They say Cortez was the first to make that announcement when he arrived in the new world. Upon reaching land, setting the ships ablaze sent a message to his men and his enemies that retreat never was an option -- that whatever the odds, a fight was coming.

Do you believe Christians should be the example of honesty in the workplace? Of course. Would you also agree that Christians should be best at showing love to neighbors? Without a doubt. So why are we so reluctant to take a stand on the subject of better health? Shouldn't Christians strive to be some of the most health conscious people on earth? Some might argue, "Well, Jimmy, the Lord looks at the heart." True, but doesn't that mean it's the effort that matters? And to be honest, not caring for the body that carries the soul just might be a heart issue after all.

So if this is an uncomfortable subject, mark it down. Because this will become an increasingly sensitive topic the bigger and bigger we get. But I believe it's the church's responsibility to lead the fight. A fight that we are losing. Where's Cortez when you need him?

Lord, we love you. Help us as believers become better stewards of our bodies. Help us learn to make better choices in what we eat and what we do. Help us commit to taking care of ourselves, not only so we can serve you better, but to be examples for the rest of the world. Amen.


FIT IT IN A few things to ask yourself as you work toward a healthier you

In what ways are you making positive change in the area of food choices? How have you been able to modify your meals to accommodate your goals? What are some ways that you're not winning the battle? Any specific struggles? What time of day is the most convenient for you to train? Are you making it a habit to fill that time with exercise? What's most important to you, eating right or exercising? If you could only do one, which would you do?

DID YOU KNOW? Eating late at night won't automatically make you gain weight. If you have not exceeded your recommended daily caloric intake and you've kept your daily expenditure high, eating right before bed will not cause weight gain.

>> NEW! Check out our new fitness and nutrition pages, then be on the lookout for more updates to our homepage this weekend.

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