Since 2009
You Know The Story, Part I
"When he came to his senses, he said, 'How many of my father's hired servants have food to spare and here I am starving to death!'" --Luke 15:17
You know the story. A silhouette appears on the horizon. Too far away to distinguish, but a father who's been waiting for his son to come home can't help but wonder. Squinting, he raises his hand over his eyes to block the sun's glare. As the distant figure gets closer, the father begins to walk in that direction; slowly at first, trying to match the pace of his visitor. Until he realizes this is...this is no visitor. It's him. It's his boy. His long, lost son was home. And with compassion and forgiveness, he ran to him, embraced him, kissed him, clothed him and fed him.
You know the story. The prodigal son is nothing new to you. The son takes his inheritance and high-tails it his way to the highway. You know the story. And in one way or another maybe you've lived it. Perhaps you're living it now. Maybe not with an inheritance, but perhaps with your inherited health. Long hours, long days, obligations, deadlines, family matters, friends that matter, must-see TV and your must-read social media find you on foreign soil; a place you were never designed to be. Maybe it's time to go home.
--Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: Can anyone relate to today's message? Perhaps you're battling an illness, a habit, a struggle you can't seem to overcome. Let us know. We want to pray with you. As always, simply say "unspoken" if you prefer. See you tomorrow for Part II.
RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Roasted Lamb and Apricot Stew
It’s not “what’s for dinner” and it’s not even “the other white meat,” but lamb is a very savory meat that you should consider adding to your weekly menu. Try this dish from PrayFit contributor Kimberly Fuller, NASM-CPT, CES.
Convenience of exercise is one of the greatest determining factors in program adherence. In other words, the easier a workout is to get in, the less likely you will be to skip it. For a great many people, home workouts are best. Team PrayFit's two workout DVDs provide challenging, results-driven, at-home workouts that are guaranteed to help you build a stronger, healthier body -- without having to venture out to a franchise gym. So far, the reviews on our latest DVD -- the PrayFit 33-Day Body Toning System -- are outstanding! Click here to read what others are saying! For a sneak peek at what you can expect in our newest offering, click the video player below. To order now, click here.
The Body Forgives
"If he has done you any wrong or owes you anything, charge that to my account." --Philemon 1:18
Read: Philemon 1 "Charge that to my account," Paul told his friend Philemon. In our reading today, Philemon had a slave who stole from him and ran away to Rome. When this slave met Paul, Paul showed him how to be saved. Then Paul wrote some amazing words to Philemon. He said that this man who was once "useless to you" is useful now. And upon the slave's return to Philemon, Paul wanted his slate clean; completely forgiven and welcomed home like a brother. From thief to saint, useless to useful.
Reading that story recently got me to thinking about how forgiving the body is. Imagine the rigors of the military or the pounding the body takes during sports; amazing how it recovers and bounces back. He sure knew what He was doing, amen? God knew all the situations we would get ourselves into, and He built us able.
You know what? The body forgives not only damage from effort, but damage from the lack of it. That's right. It doesn't take long for the body to respond to better choices of fitness or food. And when you consider that our health is only a tool -- a vessel to be useful in serving others -- an apologetic lifestyle may be the only response. To think, God nestled forgiveness deep within our bodies. Maybe as a picture of grace for us, maybe not. But aren't we glad that taking care of ourselves is only one way to thank the Lord for only seeing our hearts?
--Jimmy Peña
In your efforts to start living more healthfully, you may have paid a visit to your local supplement store. On the top of everyone's list for supplemental must-haves is whey protein, and for good reason -- it is crucial for muscle repair and recovery. But do you know how to make the most out of this wonder supp? Click here to learn!
>> For more tips like these, visit our new nutrition page by clicking here.
Opening Day
"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." --Romans 8:1
Read: Romans 8
Yep, I'm too predictable aren't I? For me, today marks the beginning of the 2014 Major League Baseball season. Of course, many of you know we're thrilled that the Boys of Summer have taken the field. In fact, I'm not kidding when I say I've been whistling "Take me out to the ballgame" a lot lately. (And maybe now so are you.)
But as I'll watch my beloved Yankees take the field today, it occurs to me that Opening Day can teach us a lot about grace. Reason being, right before player steps into the batter's box, each person's average on the screen will be .000 -- a clean slate. Reverend Scotty Smith says, "Jesus didn't just die to give us a clean slate, but to give us His righteousness." Take a swing at that for a second.
You know, each morning you and I step up to the plate ready to swing away at whatever the day throws at us. Thankfully, no matter how many strikeouts we had yesterday, God's mercy is new with each plate appearance. And with Easter fast-approaching, it feels so appropriate, no? Jesus conquered death so we can have life; an abundant life with no record of wrongs. When Jesus rose from the grave, He gave us every reason we need to look alive. You know, I'm now whistling a medley. "Take me out to the ballgame"...because I know "He Lives".
--Jimmy Peña
FAREWELL to THE CAPTAIN Today will be my favorite athlete of all-time, Derek Jeter's, last first bat of the season. I won't try to explain what it means to me, but I will express this. Many of the things I'm doing at PrayFit may very well be my last. I'm not sure - neither are you - of how many at-bats we have left. And much like Jeter demonstrates in this picture, I thank the Lord everyday for inspiring PrayFit. Maybe you're saying the same thing about a dream you're living. If so, here's a virtual fist-bump from me to you. Here's to a new day, a new season, a new opportunity to swing away.
Pick Up Your Bed
"I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house." --Mark 2:11
Read: Mark 2
It took four men to get him near Jesus. Four men who wouldn't stop until they made a breakthrough, literally. The bible says that "when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying." Reading this story a few weeks ago, some things dawned on me. First, the breakthrough -- the realization that there was no other option; no Plan B. Jesus was in the healing business and their friend was buying. If you read Tuesday's entry, you know I was sold.
Then, before Jesus does for the paralytic what the man thought he needed most, Jesus says, "Your sins are forgiven you." (Wait, what? His sins? Why not first heal his legs, I wondered.) Then Jesus answered my question when He asked the scribes, "Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven you,' or to say, 'Arise, take up your bed and walk?'"
In case there was any doubt of His ability to forgive sins, Jesus went ahead and said to the paralytic, "I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house." A paralyzed man carrying his prison back home is enough to quiet the doubters. And here's my last thought...he carried his bed home. Jesus put him to work. He didn't say, "Tell others what I did for you," or "Show off your legs." No, carrying his bed said it all.
You'll forgive the long entry, but as I'm recovering from my year, all I want to do is carry my bed. Our blessing of health is an opportunity to go to work; for family, friends, those less fortunate, our health is a means of praise. Someone you know needs a breakthrough. I did. And I'm betting the healed man in our story lifted other people's burdens from that day forward, wouldn't you agree? If you do, pick up your bed. Let's go to work.
--Jimmy Peña
THE JUMP SQUAT Build power, performance and better looking legs with the aid of this fundamental, yet challenging move Focus: Legs, glutes, hamstrings, lower back, calves
Stand with both hands directly in front of you, knees slightly bent with roughly a shoulder-width stance. Keeping your chest up and back flat, squat down until your thighs approach parallel with the floor then explode upward as high as possible, allowing your feet to leave the ground. Land on soft feet with your knees bent and repeat immediately.
Sizzle Reel of Life
"You are judging by appearances. If anyone is confident that they belong to Christ, they should consider again that we belong to Christ just as much as they do." --2 Corinthians 10:7
Read: 2 Corinthians 10
Yesterday I was blessed to spend the day in some incredible circles and meetings. In fact, this entry was written during one of them. Sitting with the amazing creative group at Bagg Street Productions, we brainstormed and discussed how we were going to package PrayFit to send to churches and groups across the country. We took material of past speaking engagements, headlines and some of our quotes, all in an effort to distill the PrayFit message down to a three-minute reel. Only three minutes? Better choose only my best.
I sat excited. They'll omit my mistakes, delete my stutters and polish my presentation. After all, they don't call it a sizzle reel for nothin'. But it was at that moment that I gave a noticeable pause to mentally write this entry (the team there no doubt noticed).
Isn't that what we do in life? We want the world to see only the good stuff. Put on the good face and step with the right foot. Nothing wrong with me (smile)! Accept me, follow me, love me. But God really knows us, doesn't He? And He accepts us, follows us and loves us despite ourselves. He sees the best of us, but He wants the rest of us. And when it comes to our minds, our jobs and our health, let's do just that. In the end, when our lives are distilled down, it's only Jesus we want others to see.
--Jimmy Peña
Sometimes, the best information available is best digested in small, wisdom-packed bits. The following eight healthy eating tips from PrayFit nutritionist Dana Angelo White can help you start making smarter choices for your body. Use this handy guide to eat better…forever!
>> HEALTHY CHURCHES: If you think that your church could benefit by refocusing its attention on God's call to physical stewardship, click here to find out how to get Jimmy Peña and the PrayFit team to come and visit!
>> PRESS/MEDIA: To find out what the national media buzz is on PrayFit, click here.
"Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air."— 1 Corinthians 9:26
I'm definitely old-fashioned, but who reading this remembers tryouts? I thought of it yesterday when I asked, "Who won?" to a young boy and his mom as they came back from his soccer game. They replied, "Oh, we don't keep score. In this league, we don't keep score and everybody plays." Hmm. I tried to hide my confusion, but had she replied in Yiddish it would have made as much sense.
You know, if Paul were in sports, I think he would have enjoyed keeping score. The way he talked of disciplining his body like an athlete, or how passionately he wrote of running the race. Something tells me, Paul would have understood the "thrill of victory and the agony of defeat." Of course, Paul would be the first person to teach us of grace and forgiveness, but a record of wrongs is not the issue at stake. The issue is more about the kind of fight we have in us for the faith, as well as for the body. Like Paul, it's time to follow our instincts.
Truth be told, if our health was required for Heaven, well, we'd be in bad shape. And if God kept score on our day's losses, we'd lose. But it's because of those things that we might as well toughen up. Who knows how effective we could be for the kingdom if we exercised a little more Godly gumption. Not in order to win favor, but because we have favor.
Oh, and I have to report, as my neighbor disappeared into her home, the little boy stuck his head out the front door, put his hand up to the side of his mouth as if to tell me a secret from across the street: "We won 11 to nothin'!" he yelled with a whisper. Atta boy, I thought. Gumption. He's a carrier. And so are you.
–Jimmy Peña
WEEK IN REVIEW Revisiting a week's worth of faith and fitness
>> READING LIPS: Showing the light in a world of darkness
>> NOW WHAT?: Abraham, Moses and Joshua asked. Shouldn't you?
>> WHEN HE KNOCKED: No need to clean up to take a bath
>> GOD WILL COME THROUGH: When in doubt, look up
>> WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Push-ups and planks
>> MEMORY FOOD: What super fruit can boost your ability to remember stuff?
>> RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Sauteed kale
>> PORTION CONTROL: How to eat 22% less this holiday season
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."— Revelation 3:20
It was a typical day when Jesus knocked on my heart's door. I wasn't expecting company, so when He knocked, I hesitated. Looking through the peep hole, I wasn't exactly sure what to do, so I paused. Again, He knocked gently. As I slowly opened the door to invite Him in, I admit, I was a bit embarrassed at what He walked into. I had plenty of grudges lying around, and the smell of fear lingered heavy in the air. Quickly trying to clean the place up, I asked if I could get Him anything, but He just made his way through the halls. (He seemed to know His away around.)
He first walked by my room of regrets. "Ugh, why didn't I keep that door closed?", I grumbled. Then my shoulders drooped when He saw all of the corners where I stood in compromise. "I'm sure He'll want to leave now", I resigned.
But the next thing I knew, we were in the backyard. I seldom went out there. He led me to the garden of Grace that He himself had planted. He said this garden will never die, and that I should spend time there each day. I nodded.
Then to my surprise, when we walked back inside, everything was made new. What was once a den full of doubts had become a living room of faith. It even had a new room; a Master bedroom. He said if I'd let Him, that's where He'd stay.
I'm so glad I let Him in that day. He's the resident king in the castle of my heart. I don't always act like I know that, but He shows me the garden everyday. And I nod.
--Jimmy Peña
>> IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Today marked the official, global release date of PrayFit's 33-Day Total Body Challenge DVD byLionsgate. View the trailer by clicking here, or order yours immediately by visiting Amazon. Share the news with your pastors, small groups, friends and relatives!
RECIPE OF THE WEEK: SAUTEED KALE Go green with this health-filled, spicy spin on kale
Serves: 4
Ingredients: 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 2 bunches kale, trimmed and chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add kale, season with salt and pepper and sauté for 2-3 minutes. Add garlic; reduce heat to medium and cook, turning frequently for an additional 5 minutes. Add vinegar and continue to cook until kale is just tender, about 5 minutes more.
Nutrition information per serving: Calories: 103 Total Fat: 3 grams Saturated Fat: 0 grams Carbohydrate: 15 grams Protein: 5 grams Cholesterol: 0 milligrams Sodium: 125 milligrams Fiber: 3 grams
Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC is a registered dietitian and is currently a nutrition expert for the Food Network, and has worked as a media spokesperson for Cooking Light Magazine. She has appeared on Good Day Street Talk, Food Network.com, Access Hollywood and GMA Health. Visit her at Dana White Nutrition.
>> For a printer-friendly version of this recipe, click here.
November 17, 2011Read: Psalm 103
"As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us." --Psalm 103:12
As I began my day yesterday, getting organized for another entry of Marathon Week, I decided to work on the admin side of PrayFit. I won't bore you with the details (because I really don't understand them) but let's just say I pressed the wrong button...or two. What I thought would deactivate an old e-mail account, actually deactivated PrayFit.com. Despite being asked a few times, "Are you sure?", I pressed 'enter.' What took years to build was wiped away with a few wrong choices (now there's an entry). So, in that moment, I did what any saint would do...I flipped out. You'd be more likely to find the holy grail in my dishwasher than to see me exercising self-control. But fortunately, in a little less than two hours, my wife and our web expert reestablished three years of content and our connection. We were told that we were one mistake away from losing everything, for good.
If you're like me, despite your best intentions each day, you sometimes feel like you're one mistake away from losing your connection with God. Not sure what you do, but me, I high-tail it. I run to others for reassurance. I run to the gym to sweat it out. But my favorite place to run is into the same old wall of worry. My sin is just too much for God to take. A show of hands for anyone who can relate? Shamefully, it's only when I run out of options that I find myself right back where I started.
Truth is, though at times we may feel disconnected, we can never lose our relationship, and His favorite place to run is to our rescue. So, here I am again Lord, out of breath. I'm tired of running. Aren't you?
--Jimmy Peña
RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Spicy Pulled Pork
Serves: 6
This pork is wonderful served with rice and beans, on grilled flatbread with cheese or in warm corn tortillas topped with shredded cabbage and diced avocado.
Ingredients: 2 pork tenderloin, trimmed (about 3 pounds) 6 fl oz dark beer ¼ cup apple cider or 2 tablespoons maple syrup Juice of ½ a lemon ¼ cup ketchup ¼ cup Worcestershire sauce 1 cup barbecue sauce 2 teaspoons adobo seasoning* 2 teaspoons chipotle pepper puree (recipe below) ½ yellow onion, thinly sliced ½ bulb fennel, thinly sliced
Directions: Cut each tenderloin into 3 large pieces – set aside. In a large soup pot, combine beer, cider, lemon juice, ketchup, Worcestershire, barbecue sauce, adobo, chipotle, onion and fennel.
Bring mixture to a simmer over medium high heat – add pork, cover and simmer for 40 minutes, turning occasionally. Transfer pork to a clean cutting board and shred using 2 forks. Place shredded pork back into pot and continue to cook on medium-low heat, uncovered for an additional 20 minutes.
Bonus: Chipotle Pepper Puree 1 can chipotle peppers in adobo
Place peppers into a blender or mini food processor and puree. Store in a sealed glass container in the refrigerator for up to 4 months. Add small amounts to sauces, dips and marinades for a smoky and spicy flavor.
*1 tsp of garlic powder can be used in place of adobo, but adobo seasoning can be found in the international foods section of most grocery stores
Nutrition Info Per Serving: Calories: 305 Total Fat: 5 Saturated Fat: 1.5 Carbohydrate: 14 Protein: 48 Cholesterol: 147 Sodium: 510 Fiber: 1
Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC is a registered dietitian and is currently a nutrition expert for the Food Network, and has worked as a media spokesperson for Cooking Light Magazine. She has appeared on Good Day Street Talk, Food Network.com, Access Hollywood and GMA Health. Visit her at Dana White Nutrition. You can also visit her blog for more recipes at http://blog.foodnetwork.com/healthyeats/.
July 22, 2011Read: 1 John 1
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” –1 John 1:9
Well, we’re at the end of marathon week. If you missed any of the entries, we hope you go back a few days and catch up. But on this final leg, I’d like to go back to what Loretta said at 4:00 a.m. the morning of the race. Sitting on the edge of the bed, with barely enough light to tie her shoes, she paused. Her unpinned race number lay beside her, along with the invitation to the race, and with a nervous smile she said, “Am I really doing this?” “You’re ready,” I told her. “I’ll see you at the finish.”
And when I finally found her, 26.2 miles and just over four hours later, amidst the crowd and celebration, you know what she did? After a long, happy, tearful hug, she showed me her medal. Did she win? Well, in my book, yes. But actually, everyone had a medal. The prize went to anyone who accepted the invitation to the race.
Friends, God invites us to accept Jesus into our hearts and lives. When we do, we join a race He’s already won on our behalf. Our job is to trace His steps and help others do the same. See you at the finish.
One thing we haven’t discussed in our PrayFit marathon week? The importance of good rest following the race. In fact, experts say to take as long as a week or two to fully recover. Light activity like walking or easy swimming are excellent ideas to help the joints and muscles recover from the vigorous strain of a long run like the marathon, not to mention the weeks of preparation necessary to complete it.
Our plea to adhere to good rest is not limited to marathoners. If that were the case, few of us would be resting! So in general, our bodies need good rest and recovery time, so feel free to take time off every few months, performing mild activity for a few days at a time to maximize recuperation. Also, take time to get an adequate amount of rest each week. If you’re sore, fatigued or otherwise limited, it could be your body’s way of telling you to back off slightly. Serious lifters, for example, will train a single bodypart hard then rest it for a full week.
Rest will help your joints and muscles, while also providing your mind some time to recover. Good message for a Friday? We think so.
March 25, 2011Read: 1 John 1
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." --1 John 1:9
I hate tetherball. I've always hated tetherball. For those of you unfamiliar with this sadistic schoolyard pasttime, let me break it down for you. There's a ball tied to a rope, which is tied to a pole. You stand opposite your opponent and try to hit the ball in one direction, while your opponent does his/her best to hit it in the opposite direction. The one who can get the ball to swing around until it touches the pole wins.
Not surprisingly, this hatred can be sourced to my height-challenged dimensions. I am 5'7", short enough to be dwarfed by most fourth graders today (and by my daughters soon enough). If I was the one serving, that would usually be the only time I'd touch the ball. I'd end up watching helplessly as the ball swung overhead. Out of reach, out of luck -- someone show me the way to the kickball diamond.
Still, the image of tetherball is a powerful one -- the ball straining at the end of a taut rope, with physics doing its best to snap the ball loose. And the game is won once the ball is back in contact with the pole.
We all stray from the Lord. Sometimes, it feels so far that we don't think we deserve to be back with Him. We get pulled so far in the opposite direction, waiting for -- and sometimes expecting -- the line to snap, releasing us into spiritual oblivion. But once you accept Him into your heart, there's no outside force that can shake you loose, no circumstance that can separate you from your salvation. You are tethered to Him by a rope of grace.
>> What is your testimony? Share it with us -- swings and all -- on the PrayFit forums by clicking here.
COMPOUND MOVES If you are looking to build strength, devote your energy to multi-joint moves
The three most popular, widely-used lifts in the gym are the bench press, deadlift and squat. Referred to as "The Big Three," these moves fall into a category of exercises called compound, or multi-joint, lifts. These exercises require movement at more than one joint, which means that more total muscles have to get involved to complete each rep. And the more muscle you work, the more muscle and strength you stand to gain. As a bonus, the more muscle you recruit on a given exercise, the more calories you burn. Finally, any measure of muscle gain will improve your metabolism since muscle is calorie-eating tissue.
Anyone looking to gain strength would be best served by doing compound moves, almost exclusively at first. Isolation, or single-joint, moves like curls, pressdowns, leg extensions or leg curls have their place in physique building, but they are secondary exercises that should only be implemented once you have built an adequate base of strength from which to work.
But The Big Three don't stand alone in the strength-gain column. Here are a few more exercises that make you stronger in a hurry:
Barbell row Pull-up Dip Bodyweight squat Lunge Push-up
>> For exercise descriptions and videos, click here.
>> For more workouts and exercise tips, click here.
ALSO: Pictured below are the official fight night trunks of former (and future) boxing champ Robert "The Ghost" Guerrero, who is taking on Michael Katsidis on April 9 on HBO Pay-Per-View. For more info on the fight, visit HBO Boxing!
(Photo courtesy Team Guerrero)
March 22, 2011Read: Isaiah 1
"Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow." --Isaiah 1:18
Walking Josey around the neighborhood this last weekend, I came across an open house sign. The arrow pointed us up the street, so up we went. Interestingly, the closer we got to the house, the nicer things seemed. The manicured lawn looked like the greens of The Masters at Augusta. Smiling neighbors waved at the milkman. Kids played hopscotch. Josey playfully chased cartoon animals across the street while Mr. Bluebird rested upon my shoulder. After all, it was an open house. And everything seems perfect at an open house.
Okay, maybe the cartoon animals were a little much, but as I stood watching the people going in and out, I could relate to the owner who had clearly taken great pains in preparing the house to make a good first impression. Before we let anyone in our lives, we hide the dirt. We sweep regrets under the rug, polish the pain and spit-shine the shame. We don't want anyone to see the proof under the roof.
Isn't it comforting to know that we don't need to clean ourselves up before we let Jesus in? We can stop scrubbing failures from the floor and just open the door. Besides, the asking price for your heart's home is way too high for anyone but Him, and He paid it in full.
Like most Americans, you probably paid somewhere near $4.00 a gallon at the pump this week. But before you go and blame Middle East unrest, market instability or rapid inflation, you might want to consider the following statistic.
According to Entrepreneur Magazine, nearly one billion gallons of additional fuel per year can be attributed to the average weight gain between 1960 and 2002 of people living in the United States. This represents nearly three times the total amount of fuel consumed by all passenger vehicles each day based on current driving habits, or approximately 0.7% of the total amount of fuel consumed by passenger vehicles annually. Moreover, it is estimated that over 39 million gallons of fuel are consumed annually for every one pound increase in average passenger weight.
In other words, the heavier we get, the harder our cars, trucks, trains and planes have to work to transport us from A to B.
Source: Entrepreneur Magazine
November 18, 2010Read: Matthew 18
"Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, 'Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?' Jesus answered, 'I tell you, not seven times, but seventy times seven.'" --Matthew 18:21-22
Our sense of smell is pretty remarkable. Did you know that we can recall something we smell with 65% accuracy after one full year? Even more impressive when you consider that after merely three months, we can only recall 50% of what we see. From the sweet to the foul, one whiff and we might as well be time travelers. Let's face it, the nose knows.
Our hearts have similar olfactory characteristics. Maybe not for grandma's kitchen cupboard, but each heart has a nose for remembering the good, bad and the rotten. And at times, the ugly scent can linger longer than the others. After all, it stinks to get hurt. Especially if it's by those we love. And even though we try to forgive, something can trigger a memory and the aroma of the old moment fills the air.
Aren't we glad that when we go to Jesus, our past doesn't leave a stench? Oh Lord, thank you for completely forgiving and completely forgetting. Please help us do the same.
FITNESS TIP: Better Arms
Looking for better arms? Then take a seat...literally.
Typically during a barbell biceps curl, you seldom exhaust the upper portion of the curl simply because you failed to move the bar past the parallel point. However, the strongest portion of the curl is the top half. Reason being, the first half of a curl is predominantly brachioradialis, not the stronger biceps brachii. So why not spend some time up high where the biceps brachii can be fully activated? Therefore, practice seated barbell curls at the end of a bench, allowing the bar to touch the tops of your thighs. This will emphasize the upper portion of the biceps curl.
September 27, 2010Read: Philippians 1
"Being confident in this, that he who began a good work in you, will carry it on until completion to the day of Jesus Christ." --Philippians 1:6
Last night, my nephew Casey called us to play a song he'd been practicing for an upcoming piano recital. Casey, 16, is an aspiring songwriter and musician, and as he thundered away at his keyboard, my wife and I put him on speaker. A few seconds into his masterpiece, Loretta and I were in awe. We couldn't believe his talent. "That's my nephew!" I boasted. And then right on cue, Casey's perfection got pitchy. What should have been sharp went south, and what flowed went flat.
"It needs work," Casey explained with a giggle as he got back on the phone. But of course, despite a few hiccups, we thought it was awesome. "Keep working, Case. It'll come," we encouraged with applause.
You know, Casey's call gave me encouragement for the upcoming week. Each of us has a song to live. A beautiful melody that God loves to hear us play. After all, He conducts our lifesong. And while we might hit a sour note from time to time, like Casey's riff, God the conductor is still at work and loving us through our low notes.
And as it so happens, a few minutes after the call, I sent Casey a text asking him what the name of the tune was. He sent back, "Who I am hates who I've been." (Wow, right on cue.)
PRAYFIT WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: 10-Minute Full-Body Blast
Contrary to what most "hour per session" trainers will tell you, there's a fantastic level of fitness to be had by investing 10 minutes per day in exercise. The following quickie routine is a perfect day-starter for those looking to hit all their major muscle groups without an exhausting trip to the gym. After a few minutes of warm-up -- think 2-5 minutes worth of jumping jacks, running in place and arm swings -- perform each exercise listed, in order, to failure. Move from exercise to exercise without rest, save for the time it takes to list how many reps you performed on each. When you complete the last set of double crunches, rest 1-2 minutes, then perform the entire circuit once more, again listing your total number of reps.
Try this workout 2-3 times this week -- or for several weeks -- and, with proper nutrition, we guarantee you'll be looking and feeling stronger and leaner.
Exercise Sets Reps Jump squats 2 to failure Stationary Wall Squat 2 to failure Power Push-Up 2 to failure Standard Push-Up 2 to failure Double Crunch 2 t0 failure
>> WORKOUT JOURNALS: Chronicle your successes and shortcomings of your experiences with this workout and others in a PrayFit Workout Journal by clicking here.