Since 2009
He Gets Us
"For he knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust." --Psalm 103:14
Read: Psalm 103
If focusing on creation and how we were wonderfully made has taught me anything over the years, it's that God gets us. He gets why we worry. Why else would He constantly encourage us to have faith? He gets why we suffer. Why else would He urge us not to lean on our own understanding? And yes, He also gets the body.
As He formed us, He set limits. As He encased our soul with flesh, He numbered our days on purpose. See, most sculptors never hope to reunite with their design, but God does. We're all He thinks about! Artists may pour heart and soul into their work, but our heart and soul is His work, and He wants us back. His biggest desire for our lives is that we meet the source of our lives. And if Jesus is in our hearts, He gets us.
--Jimmy Peña
REST NOT, WANT NOT How to use rest to your advantage when training with weights
If you train with weights, you likely do so with an eye toward being stronger and leaner. And while a great many exercisers will set their programs with precision — dutifully planning exercises sets and reps for each workout — very few are as diligent when it comes to rest periods. Instead, some people will choose to rest until it “feels right” to get into the next set.
But if you’re trying to burn more fat, you may want to start watching the clock.
“Studies find that those who rested 30 seconds between sets during weight training workouts burned 50% more calories than those who rested three minutes,” says Jim Stoppani, PhD, co-author of “PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days.”
>> For more training and fitness tips, visit our fitness page.
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He Gets Us
"For he knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust." --Psalm 103:14
Read: Psalm 103
If focusing on creation and how we were wonderfully made has taught me anything, it's that God gets us. He gets why we worry. Why else would He constantly encourage us to have faith? He gets why we suffer. Why else would He urge us not to lean on our own understanding? And yes, He also gets the body.
As He formed us, He set limits. As He encased our soul with flesh, He numbered our days on purpose. See, most sculptors never hope to reunite with their design, but God does. We're all He thinks about! Artists may pour heart and soul into their work, but our heart and soul is His work, and He wants us back. His biggest desire for our lives is that we meet the source of our lives. And if Jesus is in our hearts, He gets us.
--Jimmy Peña
PRAYFIT: WEEK IN REVIEW Revisiting a week's worth of faith-building and healthy living
BE HEALTHY, QUIETLY: No need to brag...let's let the byproducts of our obedience do the talking
A TRAINING PRAYER: A prayer to take into your next training session...and the one after that
BE STILL AND RUN: Today, kneel, bow your head and run
STILL TIME TO DANCE: It's never too late to start moving more
WORKOUT: An at-home workout for bolder shoulders in 10 minutes flat NUTRITION: How soy can help you recover faster, boost health