Since 2009
In Loving Memory
I held his wrist. As an 8th grader, I walked the isle at Cielo Vista Baptist Church and committed my life to Christ. A week later, I waded into the water of the baptistry in front of my family and friends and listened as my Preacher asked me, "Jimmy, do you know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior?" And then I held his wrist with one hand and pinched my nose with the other. I've never felt cleaner then the day I came out of that water.
Last week, various heroes of the faith remembered and honored the life of Reverend Henry Powell. From funny memories, to countless and blessed congregations from around the world, I sat and unsuccessfully fought back tears. And nothing I heard was as amazing as the eulogy written by his wife of 49 years, Sandie (my Sister Powell) which was read aloud by their son Tim. I'll never forget it. And while I know Brother Powell is with the Lord today, I couldn't help but think about his still, sweet body. If those feet weren't tip-toeing through the house to deliver Christmas gifts to grandkids, they were in the dangerous underground of China quietly delivering bibles and leading other pastors. If those hands weren't rooting for the Lobos, they were rooting for snotty-nosed kids just like me to live right. And if that heart wasn't beating in honor of his wife, it was breaking for the lost to know Christ as Lord.
You know, in ceremonies like these, we've all heard someone say that "It's not him" or "It's just a body." Well, I can't help but humbly and respectfully disagree. Especially when you consider that God made it, and all of the people who won't be reached without it. In fact, what did Jesus show Thomas in the upper room? And what didn't they find when the stone was rolled away? That's right. Not just a body. So you see, it's no wonder God said to honor that which carries and protects the soul. And that's why, when it was my turn to stand near and say goodbye to my sweet preacher who introduced me to Christ, I held his wrist...one more time.
--Jimmy Peña
P.S. Brother Powell would often urge us to "Do what you can. Do ALL that you can. And do it now." May that be an instrument you and I use today and each day to serve the Lord and others. I know I am. I know I will.
Should friend's desire, memorial contributions may be made to:
Outreach to Asia Nationals P.O. Box 2440 Winchester, VA 22604 or visit
Follow the Leader
"Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown." --Revelation 2:10
Read: Revelation 2
After President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, the men of the Secret Service were left reeling. Plagued by doubt and overwhelmed by a sense of failure, they still had a job to do. The new president needed to be protected and their fallen leader had to be laid to rest. And a decision by the widowed First Lady would put them back to work in an even more precarious situation.
When given the option between burying her husband with family in his home state of Massachusetts and Arlington National Cemetery, Jackie opted for the latter. When the route of funeral procession was determined, Secret Service agents pleaded with the First Lady to ride in a vehicle where she could be better protected. She refused, opting instead to march in the procession close behind the casket of her slain husband. The gesture inspired Lyndon Johnson and visiting heads of state, including the French President and British Prime Minister, to do the same despite the inherent risks of walking in such an exposed, vulnerable environment. The Secret Service, stretched to its limit, could not guarantee their protection.
We march, exposed and vulnerable to attacks, in the wake of our Leader. On this procession, the threats are persistent and the adversary is determined. But while our faith may become battered and bruised, we are securely protected beneath (and within) the shield of the One we follow.
--Eric Velazquez
Question: How does knowing that we are completely protected as we follow our Leader compel you to pursue a healthy, abundant life? Are you vocal to others about who you're following? Do you remain in secret service or is the Holy Spirit leading you to boldly declare your faith?
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"We don't strive to be healthy to be loved by God. We strive to be healthy because we are." --Jimmy Pena
It Took a Funeral
"The one who believes in me will live, even though they die." --John 11:25
Read: John 11
If anyone had the right to claim credit for the phrase "Today is the first day of the rest of my life" it was Lazarus. Four days gone. Entombed. Lazarus was dead. Then he wasn't. If any day felt like the first to him, this was the one. But it took a funeral to make him feel alive.
You and I are no different. Well, we don't cheat graves, but we are called to die each day, to ourselves. But we can't talk about death without including every aspect of life. Our minds: how we think. Our motives: selfish and proud. And our bodies: how we nourish His temple on earth. If we strive to be obedient in everything including, say, our approach to food, we live better. Conquering our daily life of health requires a daily death of self.
It's tough to live in a grave. Ask Lazarus. His best day was his first day, and so is yours. And it begins at a funeral.
--Jimmy Peña
THE IMPORTANCE OF "PRAY" IN PRAYFIT Research reinforcing the connection between physical and spiritual health The name "PrayFit" isn't an accident. We believe that a deeper connection with the Lord -- which is achieved through daily reading, prayer and fellowship -- is central to your ongoing quest for a healthier body. A recent story lends credence -- actual lab-coat-and-bar-graphs kinda credence -- to this fundamental truth.
A study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that individuals who prayed daily were 40 percent less likely to have high blood pressure than those who didn't pray regularly. And a 2011 study of inner city youth with asthma found that those with regular prayer lives exhibited fewer and less severe symptoms.
But the floodgate of research showing the correlation of spiritual and physical health doesn't stop there. Read the full story from the Huffington Post by clicking the link below.
>> HUFF POST: Why People Who Pray Are Healthier Than Those Who Don't