Since 2009
Carry Your Purpose
"'Go into that village over there,'" he told them. 'As you enter it, you will see a young donkey tied there that no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here.'" --Luke 19:30
Read: Luke 19
Earlier this year, I happened to mention the donkey that Jesus rode on Palm Sunday. I know for certain I'm not the first person to talk about that donkey, but I may be the latest to find this story so amazing.
There he was. Tied up. Who knows how long he'd been waiting? The most insignificant of animals with an inconsequential life. No thoroughbred blood running through his veins. His next meal was his only solace between chores. A helpless laborer, a meaningless creature. When...all of a sudden...
If you're like me, you've questioned your significance. Is this really what I was meant to do? Well, the next time you ponder your purpose, think of that donkey. Jesus asked for him specifically. Sure, the Lord could have chosen any method of transportation, but He chose him. Uniquely qualified, his purpose was to carry Jesus to His.
Forgive my imagination, but I like to think that a donkey nobody had ever ridden knew exactly who he carried. I bet he did his best to make Jesus proud. Of course we don't know what the Lord said to him as He got off and walked away, maybe nothing. But this writer likes to think that as the crowd took Jesus the rest of the way, that little donkey stood taller than ever. After all, Jesus, the Maker, needed a ride.
--Jimmy Peña
Question: Have you ever pondered your purpose? Ever wondered what Jesus could use you for? No matter what your life's calling or trade, there is someone you know or someone you don't who is empty and lost. You're hand-picked. Like the donkey in our story, you may be the carrier of their only hope. So, deliver.
PRAYFIT NUTRITION: MILK There’s a good alternative for those sensitive to cow’s milk
If you’re sensitive to cow’s milk, you might try the goat variety. Did you know that goat’s milk has more essential amino acids and more omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium than cow’s milk? With all that said, its protein is easier to digest than cow’s milk and has less lactose. Wondering about the taste? It’s a bit on the sweeter side.
August 12, 2010Read: Matthew 20 "So the last will be first, and the first will be last." --Matthew 20:16
Some of you might be football fans. And if so, draft day is always exciting. Interestingly though, some of football's greatest Hall of Fame legends were some of the last picked on draft day. Curtis Martin, the NFL's fourth-leading rusher of all time (and PrayFit endorser) was selected 74th in 1995. Joe Montana, arguably one of the top three quarterbacks to ever throw a football didn't make the top 10 of his draft -- try 82nd. And as far as Tom Brady, three-time Super Bowl Champion and multiple MVP award winner? Only 198 players were chosen before his name was called.
Just goes to show that what the world sees as a long shot can be a winner in disguise.
Paul persecuted Christians, Moses had a stutter, and when others saw David as a simple shepherd boy, God saw a king. So if you're feeling like a long shot, have faith that you're a winner, not in disguise, but in His eyes.
PRAYFIT NUTRITION: GET YOUR GOAT There's a good alternative for those sensitive to cow's milk
If you're sensitive to cow's milk, you might try the goat variety. Did you know that goat's milk has more essential amino acids and more omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium than cow's milk? With all that said, its protein is easier to digest than cow's milk and has less lactose. Wondering about the taste? It's a bit on the sweeter side.
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