Since 2009
Deeply Rooted
Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong. --Ephesians 3:17
If there were ever any doubts that I was sentimental, yesterday's scene removed them. Looking over the wall at the construction site next door, my heart sank. Not at what they were about to build, but at what they had to remove to do so. For days, they've been laying the dirt for a massive new set of condos and shops, and they're almost done clearing the four football fields' worth of space. The last thing that needed to go was the foliage. For the 50-foot excavator, most of the weeds and bushes were no match. But at the top of the hill stood a very old, very strong tree. The trunk was easily 8-10 feet in diameter, and likely the first tree in the field many years ago, and thus, the last one out.
The massive excavator backed up for a running start and tore into it, ramming it over and over and over again, but it wouldn't budge. It just wasn't ready to go. Eventually, the breaking of the trunk sounded like thunder, because something so deeply rooted is not so easily moved.
Deeply rooted. If you're battling something physical today, and forces beyond or within your control work to tumble you, stand firm. Yeah, I'm sentimental, but just like my tree yesterday, you can say, "Not yet," because your health is something to protect. And spiritually, the more we love and trust Him, the deeper our faith grows. With Jesus in our hearts, we're His family tree and there's salvation in the soil; and from that you cannot be removed.
--Jimmy Peña
Yesterday, PrayFit announced that it had received an official endorsement from runner extraordinaire Josh Cox. Today, you'll get to know Josh a bit better through this candid interview. In it, he discussed his father's battle with cancer, time at seminary and what it means to give back. He also chats about what it takes to achieve a better running stride and the best thing you can do to run faster race times.
>> Click here for the full interview.
“Jimmy and the PrayFit team embody the words Paul penned to Timothy, ‘For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.’ (1 Tim. 4:8) Their daily devotional feeds my spirit and inspires my sweat!” –-Josh Cox, elite ultramarathoner, American record holder in the 50K
>> Click here to read the endorsements from other PrayFit supporters.