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Here I Am To Worship

"I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart." --Psalm 138:1

Read: Psalm 138

Here I am to worship. If it's been a while since you've been to the gym, whisper it to the Lord as you open that door. If you're starting to walk after work with your spouse, pray it together as you take that step. Here I am to worship.

Whatever you do, it's not about the mirror, or lower bodyfat, or the muscle. Those things may happen, they may not. If they do, consider them gifts of obedience and blessings of diligence. But we believe it warms God's heart when we take care of ours. So go ahead. Lift, run, walk, swim, stretch. Have church. After all, you are a temple.

--Jimmy Peña

MENU MAKEOVER: Bread Pudding By Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC

Soaked in sugar, eggs and half-and-half, bread pudding is decadent to say the least. Good news – it’s possible to cozy up with a tasty version of this comfort food for less calories.

Nutrition Facts Classic bread pudding recipes can have over 600 calories and 30 grams of fat per serving. If you’re using doughnuts and buttery croissants instead of bread, you’d be lucky to keep things under 1000 calories.

The basic recipe is simple, combine bread with custard and bake. To lighten things up, you can use smarter ingredients at each stage of the recipe and keep portions to about ½ cup per person.

Bread Dense or sweetened breads will undoubtedly have more calories and monster portions just aren’t necessary. Consider using whole-grain bread for tummy-filling fiber and figure on 4 to 5 cups of cubed bread for 8 servings.

Custard Replacing half-and-half with low fat milk saves 200 calories and 25 grams of fat per cup. Don’t worry about the thinner consistency of the milk -- eggs help thicken the mixture and allow it to bake without separating. For every 2 cups of liquid, add 2 eggs and ½ to ¾ cup of sugar.

Extras Boost flavor (sensibly) with any of these embellishments: • Add 2 cups of fresh fruit or ½ cup of dried fruit • Sprinkle the top with cinnamon and sugar before baking • Mix in ¼ cup dark chocolate chips • Add 2 tablespoons of rum or orange liqueur to the custard

Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC, is a registered dietitian, certified athletic trainer and owner of Dana White Nutrition, Inc., which specializes in culinary and sports nutrition.

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His Idea

“God’s strong name is our help.”  --Psalm 124:8

Read: Psalm 124

If possible, forget the idea that when we're healthy, we're better at work. Try to ignore the fact that when we take care of ourselves, we're better for our families, kids and spouses. Block all that out for a second. Focus on this short and simple command: "Honor God with your body." Vain, you say? Petty? Too temporary? It would be if it were my idea. But it isn't. It's His.

Recently at church, we sang praises. We listened to a sermon about the importance of praise. Then we offered Him praise through the giving of our tithes and offerings. All good. All expected. All right. But then the Pastor returned to the podium, rubbed his belly and jokingly bragged about the oversized meal and game he was about to enjoy. He even prayed that it wouldn't be too healthy. I found myself squeezing my wife's hand.

Now, maybe I'm sensitive. I admit, perhaps my feelings are exposed because my life's work revolves around health as a way to praise God. But friends, listen up. Our best effort at health is not a good idea because of the benefits it brings, it's a good idea because God said it. In the end, we're not loved because we're successful at it, nor because we plead forgiveness if we fail at it. He loves us regardless. But shouldn't we be doing one or the other?

--Jimmy Peña

WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Shoulders & Legs

Many of our workouts are geared for the living room, but for those of you that are gym-goers, this one's for you. An odd combo you may not be used to involves training legs with shoulders. But we think you'll enjoy it as much as we do. You're going to hit legs first then attack shoulders. The top-to-bottom approach is so satisfying we think it just might become one of your go-to routines for two areas of your body that are important for different reasons.

With your shoulders, greater muscle tone goes a long way toward defining your torso's silhouette, giving the appearance of a smaller waist. But regular training of your shoulders is also a great way to bolster your resistance against injuries that can spring up suddenly with these complex, yet delicate joints. And training your legs intensely not only has tremendous athletic benefits -- those who are stronger on the squat tend to perform better on sprint and agility drills -- but these large muscles help your body to burn more total calories, both during and after your workouts.

Try this routine and post your responses in the comments below or at our forums.

Legs Squat (Smith or free-weight) - 4 x 6,8,10,12 Leg Press - 4 x 8,10,12,15 Romanian Deadlift - 4 x 10,12,15,20 Jump Squats - 4 x 20

Shoulders Overhead Press - 4 x 6,8,10,12 Upright Row - 4 x 8,10,12,15 Dumbbell Lateral Raise - 4 x 10,12,15,20

--Prior to training, perform a dynamic warm-up to raise your internal body temperature and to prepare your joints for the work ahead. Try 5-10 minutes of running in place, jumping jacks and jump rope, for example. Then, do a few light sets of the first exercise for each bodypart before your "working" sets.

NOTE: You'll notice that, on most exercises, the target number oreps increase with each successive set. This is called a reverse pyramid. This allows you to lift the heaviest weight early in the set, when your strength levels are highest. Then, as you fatigue, you can lower the weight to allow for more reps, which recruit additional muscle fibers and provide additional blood flow. This also adds volume to the workout, meaning more calories burned during your time in the gym. For each rep range listed, select a weight that brings about failure at that number. Failure is the point at which you can no longer complete clean repetitions on your own.

EXERCISE DESCRIPTIONS: To see some of these moves in action, visit, one of the web's largest resources for exercise demos.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


"Where is the one born King of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him."— Matthew 2:2

Saturday night's lunar eclipse was as rare as it was spectacular. But if you're like me, you missed it. Chances are, we were all asleep, exhausted from work, school and some early Christmas shopping. It may have been a celestial phenomenon, but who has time for star gazing anyway?

It was 2000 years ago that God placed the star in the east to announce the birth of Jesus. But much like this weekend's early morning miracle, most everyone missed it. The calendar on Bethlehem's Blackberry was booked -- too busy, too stressed, too in control. Things had to get done and nobody else could do them. And yet, Jesus came to earth. Despite a limited live audience, life's main character was born.

Simply put, a lunar eclipse occurs when our world gets in the way of the sun.

Lord, may we never again let the same happen to us.

–Jimmy Peña


The mark of a true gym warrior is the telltale hobble in the days that follow leg day. You see, as your calendar begins to crowd over the course of the week, the first thing to suffer is usually your workout schedule. And the first bodypart routine to get bumped is usually legs, due to the energy, focus and determination required to thoroughly and properly exhaust these large muscles.

Legs, however, offer you the best chance of the week to make a positive and drastic effect on your overall body composition. Because of the amount of muscle mass worked in a single, well-scripted leg routine -- like the one offered here -- you enjoy a greater caloric burn and hormonal response in the days that follow that workout. So do yourself a favor -- don't skip leg day. Ever. The long term benefits are too great to sacrifice for the sake of a few days of discomfort.

Perform these exercises in the order listed, allowing 90-120 seconds of rest between sets and exercises.

Leg Extension: 3 sets of 8-10 reps The leg extension is a single-joint move that targets the front of your legs without the assistance of other muscle groups.

Leg Curl: 3 sets of 8-10 reps The leg curl is an isolation move that zeros in on your hamstrings without any help from other muscles.

Leg Press: 4 sets of 12-15 reps The leg press is compound, multi-joint exercise that hits the quads, hams and glutes. Research shows that it is the best exercise to target the inner, tear drop muscle of the quad (vastus medialis). Despite what many trainers will tell you, no matter your foot placement, the leg press is not the best exercise for the glutes because you don't have full hip extension.

Smith Machine Lunge: 4 sets of 12 reps The lunge is a multi-joint move that works all major muscles of the leg while providing the added benefit of safety. And since the weight is locked in a predetermined range of motion, you don't have to worry about balance --  you can focus your efforts on simply pushing the weight.

Jump Squat: 4 sets to failure Capping off the workout is the jump squat. A plyometric move where you don't decelerate your momentum, but rather allow your feet to leave the ground on each rep. Plyometrics are an excellent "finisher" for this kind of workout as the jump squat will exhaust every last bit of fast-twitch fiber your legs have to offer.

FAST-TWITCH describes the muscle fibers most responsible for fast, powerful and explosive movements such as jumping or lifting weights. These fibers are also the ones most responsible for muscle tone.

NEXT LEVEL TRAINING: Take your workouts to the next level with PrayFit's first DVD, PrayFit: 33-Day Total Body Challenge, now available for order on Amazon and other retail websites. Reserve yours by clicking here or shop for friends.

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April 6, 2011Read: Mark 12

"Love thy neighbor as yourself." --Mark 12:31

Sitting on our little porch, I'm watching Loretta add potting mix, dirt and water to plants and shrubs. The smell of barbecue from a nearby condo fills the air. Somebody's cookin' out. The neighborhood seems alive tonight. Sun-filled cheeks on neighborhood kids is evidence of a fast-approaching summer. It seems God has dropped me in an episode of Leave it to Beaver. Somehow you'd expect Wally to come strollin' by. But I know better. This is no Pine Street.

I know better because I know myself better. When was the last time we visited a new neighbor? Or went to see the widow down the street? Or invited the single dad to church? Not sure if you can relate, but we have more in common with Mrs. Kravitz than we do June Cleaver. In reality, however, our homes, apartments and condos are as much an opportunity to witness as gyms, offices and schools. Let's make it a point this week to do something in Jesus' name for those we live around.



If you're looking for a hearty, healthy soup, look no further than the kitchen of PrayFit contributing nutritionist Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC. In this clip, Dana shows you how to make what she refers to as the "perfect" bowl of soup -- low sodium and loaded with nutrients. So click away and get cookin' -- a quick and nutritious dish awaits!


>> FIGHT NIGHT: Don't forget to check out PrayFit athlete Robert Guerrero as he takes on Michael Katsidis for the WBO and WBC interim lightweight boxing titles, live from Las Vegas on HBO Pay-Per-View this Saturday (April 9). Guerrero will be wearing across his trunks when he steps into the ring! For more info, visit HBO Boxing.

>> GEAR UP: Make sure you're outfitted for your fight night party. Pick up our newly designed PrayFit hats and t-shirts at the PrayFit Store.


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March 21, 2011 "Pray big and give God the ball. He can make our impossible shots with our eyes closed."

--Jimmy Pena

Workout of the Week: Push/Pull

Workouts come in many shapes, sizes and styles. But if you're a traditional weight training kind of gym-goer, you may want to try this 20-minute upper body workout. By training opposing muscle groups in succession, you'll be able to condense your workout while maintaining higher levels of strength from your first rep to last.

What works best for you in this case is the fact that a muscle will be stronger if its antagonist, or opposing muscle group, is contracted immediately before it. Not many techniques in the gym allow for a particular muscle to be able to make a gain in strength by indirect means like the push-pull routine. So if you do a bench press followed by a bent-over row, you’ll be stronger on the bent-over row and vice versa. The reason behind the increase in strength of the second muscle group is because there is an innate limitation of an agonist by its antagonist.

When training opposing muscle groups in this fashion it’s important to not take the first exercise to failure. Doing so will not allow you to benefit from the technique with as much success. Rather, the first exercise in the superset should be done with lighter weight with 3-4 reps. Then you rest about a minute before beginning the next exercise, increasing the weight for a heavy set (4-6 reps for example).

Exercise Incline Bench Press and High Row Barbell Overhead Press and Lat Pulldown Decline Bench Press with Low Row Triceps Pressdown and Cable Curl

Note: Do four sets of each superset, performing 3-4 reps of the first exercise and 6-8 reps of the second exercise.

Please email us questions at or make your comments here! For more workouts, visit our FITNESS page.

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January 4, 2011Read: John 14

"In my father's house are many rooms..." --John 14:2

I couldn't help but notice today--from Twitter to Facebook to chain emails--the avid exercisers mocking the new faces at the gym. And they all had the same, general theme: "Oh those resolutions. I wonder how long they will last..."

Aren't we glad God doesn't say the same about us? "Oh, here's Jimmy again. Same sin, same confession, I wonder how long this commitment will last."

If it helps, think of the new face at the gym like a visitor at a crowded church on Christmas day. Acknowledge them, welcome them and tell them you'll see them next time. You never know, your words of encouragement might be just what saves their lives. Remember, it took courage for them to show up. Now, it's your turn.



If you tackle both weights and cardio in the same workout, always do your cardio after your weights. Research shows that your resistance training will be hindered if preceded by intense cardio, however, your cardio will not be hindered if preceded by weights. Also, you burn more fat and calories if you follow your weight training with cardio. And remember, volumes of research show that high intensity interval training (HIIT) burns more fat and calories in less time than the slow, long bouts of traditional, steady-state cardio.

So if you need a tough HIIT session to burn some unwanted fat and calories after a tough weight workout, try this quick blast.

Warm-up: 3-5 minutes

Run for 1 minute

Rest for 1 minute

Run for 45 seconds

Rest for 45 seconds

Run for 30 seconds

Rest for 30 seconds

Run for 15 seconds

Rest for 15 seconds

--After 1 minute of rest, repeat the entire sequence backwards, starting with the 15-second intervals.

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