Since 2009
Saved. Alone.
"In all things give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." --1 Thessalonians 5:18
Read: 1 Thessalonians 5
Over 100 years ago, a very successful lawyer and real estate mogul, Horatio Spafford, lost a lot in the great Chicago fire of 1870, but years later he lost much, much more. The fire left thousands homeless, and Horatio and his family spent years helping those less fortunate. Exhausted, Horatio and his wife, along with their four daughters planned a cruise to Europe. But just prior to pushing off, Horatio was called upon to stay for business. Still, he sent his family on their much-needed vacation.
Their ship however, the Ville du Havre, didn’t make it to England. Horatio learned of the tragedy through the now famous and urgent telegram from his wife. It read simply, "Saved. Alone."
I'm probably not the first person to do a poor job of summarizing the story of Horatio Spafford, but I was reminded of it yesterday while on a walk with my dog, Josey. As I turned a corner, talking to the Lord about my needs and concerns of our new website, I came across a homeless woman; mid-thirties, sunburned, sitting next to what looked like years of life in a shopping cart. I smiled, and she called Josey "perty." As I continued to walk, I thought to myself, "I'm worried about web traffic. She lives in traffic."
This week is a good reminder to hug those close to us, and to help those less fortunate. And 130 years later, Horatio can help us do just that. You may not recognize his name, but you know his famous hymn. As he boarded a ship to find his wife, he wrote these words:
"It is well with my soul. When peace like a river attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul!”
Good words for us to remember and repeat as we give thanks, if for no other reason than being saved alone. So from our families to yours, have a blessed Thanksgiving weekend.
--Team PrayFit
>> The PrayFit Daily will continue on Monday, November 26. Until then, you can continue to interact with the PrayFit Nation via Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, or visit our forums.
>> This weekend (Saturday, Nov. 24), catch PrayFit endorser Robert Guerrero in action on HBO as he takes on Andre Berto in what is shaping up to be one of the best boxing bouts on the 2012 calendar. Check out our Q&A with Robert as he prepares for this weekend's fight by clicking here.
Rescue. Shelter.
"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." --2 Corinthians 5:21
Read: 2 Corinthians 5
In case you missed this story, former New Jersey Governor Richard Codey went undercover last week as a homeless man. He was cold, hungry and plagued with hip problems in the middle of the night. Governor Codey noted that he thought the best way to relate to the homeless was to become homeless himself. In the end, he was rejected by 22 shelters. Imagine...a former governor leaving his mansion to spend a night among the paupers.
Isn't it easy to think of Jesus right about now? Sure it is. Although, Jesus didn't just stay the night did He? He could have, but He didn't. No, He spent a lifetime here. And because He did, we can relate to Him in so many ways. Are you ignored at work? He understands. Rejected by neighbors? So was He. Hurting physically? Jesus knows your pain. But Jesus did more than dress up like us. Note the verse: "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us..." See, He does more than relate. He rescues.
Divine irony. He became homeless...so we could follow Him home.
--Jimmy Peña
One of the key exercises in yesterday's workout of the week was the dumbbell upright row. This multi-joint movement effectively targets your middle deltoid head but it also engages your trapezius, rear delts and albeit to a much lesser degree your forearms and biceps. Because so many muscle groups are involved in this movement, you are able to use significantly more weight than you would be on isolation moves in the routine such as lateral raises. For an exercise demonstration and a deeper analysis of the physiology, click here.
November 23, 2011Read: 1 Thessalonians 5
"In all things give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." --1 Thessalonians 5:18 Over 100 years ago, a very successful lawyer and real estate mogul, Horatio Spafford, lost a lot in the great Chicago fire of 1870, but years later he lost much, much more. The fire left thousands homeless, and Horatio and his family spent years helping those less fortunate. Exhausted, Horatio and his wife, along with their four daughters planned a cruise to Europe. But just prior to pushing off, Horatio was called upon to stay for business. Still, he sent his family on their much-needed vacation.
Their ship however, the Ville du Havre, didn’t make it to England. Horatio learned of the tragedy through the now famous and urgent telegram from his wife. It read simply, "Saved. Alone."
I'm probably not the first person to do a poor job of summarizing the story of Horatio Spafford, but I was reminded of it yesterday while on a walk with my dog, Josey. As I turned a corner, talking to the Lord about my needs and concerns of our new website, I came across a homeless woman; mid-thirties, sunburned, sitting next to what looked like years of life in a shopping cart. I smiled, and she called Josey "perty." As I continued to walk, I thought to myself, "I'm worried about web traffic. She lives in traffic."
This week is a good reminder to hug those close to us, and to help those less fortunate. And 130 years later, Horatio can help us do just that. You may not recognize his name, but you know his famous hymn. As he boarded a ship to find his wife, he wrote these words; good words for us to remember and repeat as we give thanks, if for no other reason than being saved alone.
"It is well with my soul. When peace like a river attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul!”
So from our families to yours, have a blessed Thanksgiving weekend.
--Team PrayFit
>> The PrayFit Daily will continue on Monday, November 28. Until then, you can continue to interact with the PrayFit Nation via Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, or visit our forums.
January 6, 2011Read: John 10
"My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow." --John 10:27
By now you've undoubtedly heard about the homeless man with the golden voice. Remarkable story. Ten years homeless, cardboard sign in hand, Ted begged for money, for food -- and to be heard. "If they would only listen to me," he probably thought. He even wrote it down. But the days passed as often as the cars. "See me, hear me." Finally, someone did. Ted's world will never be the same.
Reminds me of another homeless wanderer with something to say to anyone willing to listen. He had his message written down too. Only, when someone stopped to listen, He ended up changing their world.
Have you heard His voice?
Hundreds of website entries, countless hours of prayer and over two years of toil come to fruition today (Thursday, Jan. 6) with the official, nationwide debut of "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and Stronger Faith in 28 Days" (Regal Books). The book features two, 28-day devotionals, daily exercise prescriptions, meal plans, healthy living tips and more that can benefit readers of all ages and fitness levels -- regardless of where they are on their walk. It is only through the support of the PrayFit community that this day is finally upon us. Thank you and blessings!
>> To pick up a copy for yourself or a friend, visit Barnes & Noble or Amazon today!
Supporters for PrayFit are weighing in...
“Jimmy Pena is one of the most knowledgeable fitness writers I know. He’s one of our nation’s leading fitness resources. Respect.”
–LL Cool J, entertainer
“This exciting devotional will enable you to live out the Scripture which says to ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength! (Mark 12:30 NIV)’” -Josh Hamilton, Texas Rangers, 2010 American League Most Valuable Player
“Not only is Jimmy Pena one of my best friends, but whenever I want to get dialed-in for a role or photo shoot, he’s my only call. And I love starting my day at PrayFit.com, building spiritual and physical muscle. A one-of-a-kind concept from the best in the business.”
–Mario Lopez, host, EXTRA
“PrayFit is my daily dose of inspiration — both physically and spiritually — from my favorite fitness guru, Jimmy Pena. He is so well versed in faith and fitness that there’s no one else I’d rather have in my corner.”
–Rachel Cannon, actress and yoga instructor
“Being a big believer in Jesus Christ, PrayFit gets me on track to start my day of in the right direction. In boxing there is no room for error. You have to be not only be physically prepared but spiritually strong as well.”
–Robert “The Ghost” Guerrero, 3-Time Boxing World Champion
“PrayFit focuses on the importance of a balanced life – a life committed to both physical and spiritual nourishment. One that flourishes when faith and fitness intersect.”
–Curtis Martin, 5-time NFL Pro Bowler