Since 2009
Stay Hungry
"And I do not want to send them away hungry, for they might faint on the way." --Matthew 15:32
I bet they couldn't get enough. In fact, the sun had set three times and I wonder if they even noticed. Who was this man? The words, the wisdom, the...grace! Indeed, I bet they couldn't get enough, which is probably why they didn't leave to eat.
The bible says that the crowd remained with the Lord for three days. Now granted, you and I have heard some amazing sermons. We've been in the presence of wonderful teachers. But a three-day, non-stop lesson? Even Max Lucado would lose me and Charles Stanley would excuse me. But this wasn't just any teacher referring to Jesus. This was Jesus on the subject of Jesus. This was Love teaching how. The face of grace was offering it. And I think that explains a lot about the crowd. Each morsel of forgiveness was a feast, and they were famished. They were starving for salvation. Oh yes, they were too hungry to eat.
Friends, we all have our agendas. School, work, ministry, health. Our plates are full. But from everything we can take away from the sermon Jesus gave over those three days, let's also learn from the crowd. Let's follow their lead and stay hungry. Before we conquer the gym, the road or even the world, let's pause to devour the words they heard. Remember, there was plenty of time to eat after they were full.
So don't go too soon. Jesus is talking. Let's not leave because we're starving for the things this life can offer. Let's stay because we're too hungry for the things it can't.
--Jimmy Peña
Questions: How important is it to you to eat right today? To feed and build your body? Is it just as important to you to feed your spirit? If you compared the time you spend in the gym with the time you spend in the word, would you have to change your answer? Reading and praying is a discipline issue; one we all need to work on. Won't you start today? Remember, Jesus knew the crowd first needed their spirits fed, but He also had compassion on their physical hunger. What does that teach us about the balance He allows for in our lives?
Convenience of exercise is one of the greatest determining factors in program adherence. For a great many people, home workouts are best. Team PrayFit's two workout DVDs provide challenging, results-driven, at-home workouts that are guaranteed to help you build a stronger, healthier body -- without having to venture out to a franchise gym. So far, the reviews on our latest DVD -- the PrayFit 33-Day Body Toning System -- are outstanding! Click here to read what others are saying! For a sneak peek at what you can expect in our newest offering, click the video player below. To order now, click here.
Stay Hungry
"And I do not want to send them away hungry, for they might faint on the way." --Matthew 15:32
Read: Matthew 15
I bet they couldn't get enough. In fact, the sun had set three times and I wonder if they even noticed. Who was this man? The words, the wisdom, the...grace! Indeed, I bet they couldn't get enough, which is probably why they didn't leave to eat.
The bible says that the crowd remained with the Lord for three days. Now granted, you and I have heard some amazing sermons. We've been in the presence of wonderful teachers. But a three-day, non-stop lesson? Even Max Lucado would lose me and Charles Stanley would excuse me. But this wasn't just any teacher referring to Jesus. This was Jesus on the subject of Jesus. This was Love teaching how. The face of grace was offering it. And I think that explains a lot about the crowd. Each morsel of forgiveness was a feast, and they were famished. They were starving for salvation. Oh yes, they were too hungry to eat.
Friends, with the new week beginning, we all have our agendas. School, work, ministry, health. Our plates are full. But from everything we can take away from the sermon Jesus gave over those three days, let's also learn from the crowd. Let's follow their lead and stay hungry. Before we conquer the gym, the road or even the world, let's pause to devour the words they heard. Remember, there was plenty of time to eat after they were full.
So don't go too soon. Jesus is talking. Let's not leave because we're starving for the things this life can offer. Let's stay because we're too hungry for the things it can't.
--Jimmy Peña
Questions: How important is it to you to eat right today? To feed and build your body? Is it just as important to you to feed your spirit? If you compared the time you spend in the gym with the time you spend in the word, would you have to change your answer? Reading and praying is a discipline issue; one we all need to work on. Won't you start today? Remember, Jesus knew the crowd first needed their spirits fed, but He also had compassion on their physical hunger. What does that teach us about the balance He allows for in our lives?
10-MINUTE WORKOUT: INTERVAL BURN Burning fat effectively, while preserving as much muscle as possible. It's the key to improving body composition over time. This 10-minute workout, which can be done on a treadmill or out on the trail, gives you a great option to get busy burning this week.
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Your gracious purchase will help us continue the mission of PrayFit.com. We are very much in your debt and thankful for all you do for us.
August 5, 2011Read: Exodus 14
"It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!” --Exodus 14:12
Before the Israelites crossed into the promised land, they found themselves in no man's land. They were in the middle of the harshest desert in the world, after all. They had long since left the paradoxical security of pharoah's bondage where, despite being in captivity, they were provided food, water and accommodations at night. Their GPS? The footsteps of a stuttering man and his brother.
Walking aimlessly day after day under the punishing African sun, survival instinct began to wash over them. Hunger, thirst, frustration and fear had started to erode the already tenuous faith that they had placed in Moses and Aaron. But they were stuck. Both before them and behind them lie vast, hopeless stretches of scorching hot sand, with nary a nibble of food or a drop of water in sight. What to do?
Then Moses laid it out: “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
When we find ourselves wandering in the desert, we'd be well served by continuing boldly on the course that He's set for us. If we do, thirsting only for the water that gives life, reaching the sand's horizon will be eternally more rewarding. Moses assured the Israelites that even though fear lies ahead, God lives above. How's that for a compass?
Q: How can drinks be zero calorie? Doesn't everything take energy to be digested by your body and wouldn't that make these beverages inherently caloric?
A: Since these types of beverages are mostly water (plus artificial sweeteners, which are chemicals), they contain virtually no calories. Water is absorbed by most cells by simple diffusion and similar pathways that do not require energy so the calorie expediture is considered negligible. The effects that the chemicals may have will vary depending on the type, but do not have much to do with caloric intake or expenditure.
>> DID YOU KNOW? Research shows that people may over-rely on diet drinks, consuming more calories than usual because of the perceived caloric deficit. Temper your consumption of these beverages, instead getting the bulk of your fluid from water. Aim to consume about half of your bodyweight in ounces of water per day. A 160-pound person should aim for around 80 ounces from sun-up to lights out.
PrayFit contributing nutritionist Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC, is a registered dietitian, certified athletic trainer and owner of Dana White Nutrition, Inc., which specializes in culinary and sports nutrition.
February 9, 2011Read: Psalm 119:107
"Revive me O Lord, according to your word." --Psalm 119:107
This morning, I woke up anxious. With barely one eye open, I stumbled across the room to check my phone. If you're like me, you look for that red light that screams, "You have a message!" But in my case, nothing. I grabbed my coffee and made my way to my favorite morning spot, but not before checking that measly phone...again. Alas, no red light. But as I sat there for a moment, I looked and realized that I had set my phone down right next to my bible. From across the room, I grinned, because I could feel the Holy Spirit say, "You do have a message..."
Rather than look for the red light, I should have been looking for the red letters.
By Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC
As a registered dietitian, I share many of the same tips with clients over and over again. For instance, I always tell my clients to give up saying they don’t have enough time to eat better and exercise, and remind them: Health should be a priority!
We asked nutrition experts from across the country to share their most valuable tips. Here are their top nutritional landmines to avoid when it comes to eating for better health.
Don’t Stock Your Pantry With Junk Even if it’s not for you (yeah, right!), leaving junk food at arm’s length is just asking for trouble. Mitzi Dulan, RD, CSSD says “never put junk food on your kitchen countertop.” There’s a time and place for cakes, cookies or whatever junk food you love, but it shouldn’t be an everyday thing. How about a bowl of fresh fruit on the counter instead?
Don’t Ignore Hunger Cues Chef and dietitian Katie Cavuto-Boyle says don’t “clear your plate just because.” Read her recent post all about mindful eating.
Don’t Guzzle Your Calories Healthy Eats’ “Veggie Table” dietitian Janel Ovrut reminds her clients to bypass gulping endless calories. “Even seemingly healthy enhanced waters and beverages are usually loaded with sugar. Get nutrients from food, and hydration from water,” she says. Not a fan of water? We’ve got ways to flavor it up that won't compromise your waistline.
Don’t Buy Into the Latest Diet Craze Food writer Jessica Cox, RD, reminds her clients to “avoid defined meal plans and ‘diets.’ It’s hard to stick to a boring meal plan for more than a few days. Instead, resolve to make a few healthier choices each day within your normal routine.” Alma Kay Nocchim, RD, CD, LD backed this up by also warning against “diets” altogether. “Changes must be considered a positive change in lifestyle to work!” Melissa Buczek, MS, RD, CDN says “don’t follow the latest ‘fads.’ Instead, seek out reliable, health information from professional source. Don’t think of your daily food intake as a ‘diet;’ make every meal and snack a pleasurable experience, a healthy part of your day-to-day life.”
Don’t Believe Everything You Hear Along the same lines as those diet crazes is our nutrition expert Toby Amidor’s number one no-no. “Don’t believe everything you see on TV or read.” she says. “There is lots of nutrition and diet information swirling around out there. Before you go and buy the newest buzz food, gather the facts by looking for information published by registered dietitians. To find a registered dietitian near you, check out www.eatright.org.”
Don’t Throw In The Towel Any nutrition professional will tell you that mistakes are part of the learning process. Registered dietitian and author of "The Thin Diary," Cindy Guirino warns against giving in if you slip up. “Don’t collapse when you spot too many lapses,” she says. “Correct the behavior that is causing it.” For instance, if you are prone to hitting the drive-thru because you're pressed for time, you may want to consider prepping healthy, easy-to-eat meals ahead of time that you can have anywhere.
Don’t Skip Meals Dietitian and life coach, Linda Eck Mills discusses a topic that RDs bring up on a daily basis. “Stop skipping meals, especially breakfast! If you don’t like traditional breakfast foods, eat foods you do like.” she says. “You will actually slow your metabolism by skipping meals.”
Don’t Weigh-In Daily It’s super-easy to get hung up on that number on the scale. What most people don’t realize is that daily weights are not always an accurate measure of your success. Don’t “weigh yourself every day” says Heather S. Zeitz, RD, Vice President of Health Content at Alere. “If you are going to monitor weight, pick one time a week where you weigh yourself first thing in the morning, before you eat or drink,” she says. “Fluid fluctuations throughout the day and week will be discouraging and won’t help build confidence in your efforts to manage your weight.”
TELL US: What are some of your major nutritional hurdles? Discuss in the comments section below.
Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC, is a registered dietitian, certified athletic trainer and owner of Dana White Nutrition, Inc., which specializes in culinary and sports nutrition.
November 12, 2010Read: Proverbs 16
"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." --Proverbs 16:3
Well, here we are. Friday. For some, it's the end of a glorious week. Each route you ran was a touchdown and each plan proved you're a genius. But for others, today marks the end of a not-so-glorious streak of five lost days tied together with a thick band of disappointment. You didn't begin the week feeling this way. You had different plans...much different.
For thousands of Carnival Cruise Splendor passengers, the week was anything but splendid. Drifting powerless, they too had different plans. Their hopes of food, fun and relaxation, were replaced with hunger, boredom and stress. Adding insult to injury, their ship had to be pulled to safety by tug boats at a blazing 4 mph. Misery took its time.
Friends, God knows our weeks. He knows our weak weeks. Your plans fail, my plans fail, and we drift. We're a group of wide-eyed strangers who boarded the big boat of life on Monday only wanting to jump ship by Wednesday. And even though we're saved, seeing land on Friday took way too long. But we can take today's sunrise as a reminder that the tug -- His gentle tug -- is enough. It really is enough.
WEEK AT A GLANCE Whether your week was adrift or at full throttle, here's a look back at a week of healthy living tips
>> WORKOUT: Blast your legs in 15 minutes or less!
>> NEWS: Guess who is coming after your kids with bad intentions?
>> RECIPE: An easy shake to energize your day or refuel after workouts.
>> TRIBUTE TO OUR VETS: A humble salute to those who have served.
>> STUFF A STOCKING: “PrayFit: Your Guide to A Healthy Body and A Stronger Faith in 28 Days,” is the perfect gift for anyone looking for a renewal of faith and fitness. The book includes 56 days of daily devotionals, complete exercise programs for beginners and intermediates, as well as full meal plans to speed results. Order a gift today or pick one up for yourself by heading to Barnes & Noble or Amazon today!