Since 2009
Dad Hands
"So the other disciples told him, 'We have seen the Lord!' But he said to them, 'Unless I see the marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it.'"--John 20:25
Read: John 20
The older I get, the more my hands are looking like my dad's. I'll be typing or writing something, and I'll pause to look at my hands and immediately think of his. But unlike my clumsy paws, Dad can actually put his to work. He can fix everything or put anything together. Weld it, untie it, prime it, paint it, dig it...you name it, if we put it in his hands, he's able.
It's funny...despite that knowledge, I've often handed something to Dad for help, and immediately began to tell him how do it or what I think should be done next. To which Dad simply says, "James, am I doing this, or are you?" Gulp!
I think we have the tendency to do the same with the Lord. We pray for His guidance, ask for His help, and we "give it to Him," yet we never really let go of worry, doubt or control. (A show of hands of those who can relate...)
But we need to remember that the very same hands that reached for a sinking Peter on the water, and rubbed mud into the eyes of the blind, are the very same hands that still reach for us today. They assure us in hospital rooms and lead us through the dark times. It's no wonder Thomas wanted to see His hands. He can hold us like a newborn baby in one, while holding off Satan's army with the other. He wants us to bring Him our knots each day. It's what He does. He's got Dad hands, and He is able.
--Jimmy Peña
Question: During this holy week, what about you needs to be in His hands today? Your job? A relationship? Anxiety? Your heart? Whatever it is, He is right there. You can touch Him. You will never be the same.
STUDY: Obesity Linked to Chronic Pain
Knees hurt? Back sore all the time? Before reaching for another dose of ibuprofen, you might wanna check the scale. A recent study reaffirmed what you might already know -- that carrying around excess weight puts you at much higher risk for chronic pain.
March 29th, 2011Read: Matthew 9
"She said to herself, "'If I can just touch the hem of his garment, I will be whole.'" --Matthew 9:21
If you've spent any time here on PrayFit, you've realized by now that we love America's pastime. We agree with Babe Ruth when he said, "Baseball is the greatest game God ever saw fit to let man invent." And with opening day around the corner, we thought we'd give you another reason why we love it even more. Ever notice that the managers wear the same uniform as the players? Think about it. There's not another sport like it. Ever see a football coach with a helmet? Or a basketball coach wearing a tank-top and shorts? No, baseball is the only sport where its managers blend in with the team.
I think Jesus could relate, because he chose to relate. Rather than standout among us, he blended in with us. Though He created the universe, His appearance was universal. He became our up-close-and-personal savior. In order to reach us, He let us touch Him.
SLEEP LESS, EAT MORE Failing to get a good night's sleep can lead to overeating
One of the most important keys to achieving and maintaining a healthy body composition is to exercise regularly. But it's also important to rest and new research is showing that a failure to do so can result in weight gain. How?
Researchers at Columbia University's New York Research Obesity Center found that those who were sleep deprived ate more during the day. Women, on average, consumed 329 calories more when sleep deprived while men had 263 more when under-slept. Regularly consuming 300 calories more than usual can lead to 30 pounds of weight gain over a year, researchers say, putting you at significantly greater risk of obesity-related illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease.
Read more on the study here: CNN Health
Source: CNN