Since 2009
February 23, 2011Read: John 11
"Jesus wept." --John 11:35
When Mary finally reached Jesus, Lazarus had been dead four days. Perhaps they thought Jesus didn't hurry or didn't notice. Either way, the grief and pain that Mary and the others were feeling moved Jesus to tears. Although Lazarus would soon be having a good laugh, Jesus cried. Why? Their loss was His too, and their pain hurt.
Today I read a story about a woman here in Los Angeles that died at work but wasn't noticed for over a day. Sitting at her desk, in a row of empty cubicles on a practically vacant office floor, she died. Unknown and alone.
Of all the things this story brings to mind, most prominent is an inconsolable Mary comforted by a tear-soaked Jesus. We don't always notice the hurting around us, but He does. He sees, knows and cares. By the way, the lady's name? Rebecca. Means secured. She may have died alone, but her family (and you and I) can rest secure in that what breaks our heart, tears Him apart.
Application: Today, notice the lonely. Someone around you might be dying on the inside. Look them in the eye, smile and offer something perhaps nobody has in a while -- your time.
Cold and flu supplements have become a multi-billion dollar business. As the cold weather rolls in each year, consumers fork over a pretty penny for anything that promises to keep them healthy or get them better. Are these supplements all they’re cracked up to be? PrayFit contributing nutritionist Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC weighs in.
Q: Is there any benefit from those pills, powders and fizzy drinks that promise to cure or protect you from cold and flu germs?
A: Unfortunately there are no proven cures for these illnesses. Some of the most common supplements are harmless; others you need to watch out for. There are numerous vitamin, mineral and herb concoctions out there. Here are a few of the most common ingredients and what you’ll want to know before picking up a cold and flu supplement.
There’s no solid scientific evidence to prove that this herb can prevent or shorten the duration of a cold. Since the quality of herbal supplements is sometimes questionable due to loose regulations, you’re better off saving your money.
Vitamin C
While no one can discount the benefit of meeting your daily needs for vitamin C , only a small amount of research links the vitamin with shortening the duration of colds. While the anti-inflammatory properties may help to relieve some symptoms, proceed with caution — mega-doses can also cause unpleasant side effects like stomach upset and diarrhea.
Zinc does play a role in immune function, but that doesn’t mean that more is better. Excessive amounts can be toxic, causing loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and headaches. It’s pretty tough to eat your way to a zinc toxicity, so stick to zinc from foods like shellfish, pork, beans, nuts and whole grains.
Vitamins A and E
You body relies on vitamins A and E from foods to help keep the immune system running strong. These two vitamins also happen to have cell-protecting antioxidant properties. Again, more is not the answer — large doses from supplements can be toxic.
Bottom Line: Beat germs during the winter months by eating a diet loaded with nutrients and antioxidants from brightly colored fruits and vegetables. If you do come down with an ailment, seek relief from real foods like chicken soup, tea with honey and lemon and orange juice.
November 16, 2010Read: Matthew 14
"Take courage! I am here." --Matthew 14:27
Perhaps like you, we live as part of a homeowner's association, where all community matters big and small are discussed, deliberated and put to vote each month. Loretta attends all the meetings, but not just to show her support or weigh-in on the issues. No, the poor thing has to. She's on the board. As for me? You're more likely to find me in a Red Sox shirt than at a community meeting. Spotted owls have more face time. You get it.
Well, last week, I knew Loretta was especially anxious about this month's session. Nervous as she left the house, she asked me to pray because the agenda was packed and the crowd, brutal. I prayed of course, but then I did the unexpected.
When I walked into the community center (a stranger to 99% of the room), I immediately found a seat in the very back. When she spotted me, her eyes got wide, her cheeks got red, and I grinned. Reinforcements had arrived. Unconcerned with the agenda, all I knew was that her biggest fan showed up in the least likely of places.
To be continued...
Nothing is worse than getting into a good groove with workouts, only to be sidelined by a chest cold or fever. And with flu season upon us, people are flocking to drugstores for boatloads of Vitamin C and other "natural" preventative medicine. But your best defense may be the gym.
The Human Performance Laboratory at the Appalachian State University, North Carolina Research Campus, recently conducted a study that found that people who exercise regularly seem to have fewer and milder colds. Those individuals who exercised five or more days per week not only had 46% less colds, but had a 41% lower incidence of cold symptoms. These active participants also experienced 34% fewer days of cold symptoms.
The take home message is that regular exercise not only boosts bone health, builds muscle and reduces bodyfat but it also enhances your quality of life by keeping you away from the sniffles. A workout a day keeps the doctor away...
>> For the full story, click here.
August 5, 2010Read: Luke 5 "Simon answered, 'Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.'" --Luke 5:5
Smelly, dirty, grimy -- these are just a few of the ways to describe Peter and his buddies. After all, they spent their days baiting hooks and cleaning fish. I'm smiling as I picture Jesus the recruiter walking up to this crew. Did He pause and grin, crouching down to watch and listen to them work? Maybe after a few minutes, He looked skyward with a smile as if to say, "I found them."
I'm not sure, but I like to wonder what happened in that moment just before the call. What we do know is that of all the fishermen that came off the water, this bunch caught God's attention. And not long after Christ borrowed Peter's boat, the two were catching fish in water too deep for the nets to reach; Peter's preview to the depths of His love.
So as we start our cars, open our offices, enter our cubicles or prepare for housework, let's do what Peter did and abandon control. Let's just imagine Him saying with a grin, "I found them", and this is that moment just before the call.
Of all the things that we recommend at PrayFit, we probably don't mention proper rest often enough. But the idea that you can take fitness too far is serious business. Overtraining Syndrome is real and it's serious. Here are just a few of the actual symptoms that some people experience when diagnosed with overtraining problems. Are you overtrained?
1 Sleep disturbances: Getting too much sleep or too little sleep; waking up fatigued despite a normal amount of sleep. 2 Psychological Reactions: Burnout, boredom, depression, irritability, anger. 3 Impaired performance: Decreased strength and endurance, delayed recovery, general intolerance to training. 4 Decreased immune function: Increased susceptibility to colds, flu and infections, or a slow rate of healing.
If you are suffering from any (or all) of these conditions, you may want to take a step back and look at your training program. You are likely doing too much of something. It's a good idea to reduce your workout frequency (how often you train), volume (how much you do), intensity (how heavy you're going) or just to get more rest between sessions. Also, you will want to make sure that your nutrition is adequate enough to support your training -- some people who are striving to lose weight will mistakenly slash calories in an effort to speed weight loss.
>> RECRUIT TO THE CAUSE: Expansion of our growing PrayFit army is up to you! Go to our new official Facebook page and click on "Suggest to Friends" to help loved ones get closer to their faith and fitness goals in 2010.
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