Since 2009
November 21, 2011Read: Matthew 26
"The spirit is willing, but the body is weak." --Matthew 26:41
In my second favorite movie of all-time (Rocky II), Rocky walks to his trainer's apartment in the middle of the night to ask for his locker back; he wants to fight again. Dismissive, Mickey delivers one of the most painful and sad lines I've ever heard: "You got the heart, but you ain't got the tools no more." In other words, the spirit is willing, but the body is weak. As an athlete, that phrase carries serious meaning. I know what it's like to be physically limited from doing what my heart is dying to do. But as a Christian, that line is more than a body blow.
As believers, our souls have work to do. In our passage, when Jesus said to His disciples to stay awake, He literally meant "physically." How many reading this page would agree that you'd would be so much more productive at work, alive with your spouse, able to keep up with the kids or even active in church, if you enjoyed better health? If so, maybe you need your locker back.
You may not want to admit it, but it's time to wake up; there's a fighter in you. If the spirit is willing, your body has no right to hold it back. And if you're reading this page, Mickey was wrong. If you've got the heart, you still got the tools. Your soul just needs a fighting chance.
--Jimmy Peña
WATCH | "You've got the heart but..."
THANKS: PrayFit wants to extend a very special thank you to the wonderful people at Planet Infinity and Breadoflife.org for inviting us to speak and share our mission of faith and fitness this past Saturday. You blessed us beyond belief.
Want a good dose of intense, indoor cardio to start the week? Here you go. Variety is not only advisable but required to keep your body changing. This workout forces you to adjust your speed, incline, duration and rest all in the same workout, keeping your lungs and limbs guessing. This interval-style scheme promotes speed, power and endurance, all while increasing your total work capacity. If you're looking for a brutal but effective way to shake up your current cardio routine (and burn a few extra calories), then this workout is for you.
5mph 5% 2min 1min
6mph 6% 1min 1min
7mph 7% 1min 1min
8mph 8% 45sec 1min
9mph 9% 30sec 1min
10mph 10% 20sec 1min
9mph 9% 30sec 1min
8mph 8% 45sec 1min
7mph 7% 1min 1min
6mph 6% 1min 1min
5mph 5% 2min 1min
August 9, 2010Read: Revelation 3 "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." --Revelation 3:20
"Who in their right mind would say no?" I said to myself as I sat in my annual CPR training last week. As it turns out, a conscious adult in a life-threatening emergency has to give consent in order to be helped. In fact, during our in-class role play, we'd practice saying, "I'm trained in emergency service. I'm here to help you. Do I have your consent?" It sounds absurd to think someone would deny being saved, right?
It was kind of easy to think about Jesus during the course. In our (life) time of need, He knocks on the door of our dying hearts saying, "Here I am!". He's the care giver who knows exactly where it hurts and the only one qualified to help.
It is easy -- far too easy -- to get bored of the treadmill. After a while, your seemingly ceaseless jaunt makes you question your entire motivation for exercise. If this is the best way to get fit, you rationalize, then someone pass me a towel and a donut.
Well luckily, there are ways to add some spice -- and greater productivity -- to your treadmill time. As it turns out, variety is not only advisable but required to keep your body changing. This workout forces you to adjust your speed, incline, duration and rest all in the same workout, keeping your lungs and limbs guessing. This interval-style scheme promotes speed, power and endurance, all while increasing your total work capacity.
If you're looking for a brutal but effective way to shake up your current cardio routine (and burn a few extra calories), then this workout is for you.
SPEED INCLINE TIME REST 5mph 5% 2min 1min 6mph 6% 1min 1min 7mph 7% 1min 1min 8mph 8% 45sec 1min 9mph 9% 30sec 1min 10mph 10% 20sec 1min 9mph 9% 30sec 1min 8mph 8% 45sec 1min 7mph 7% 1min 1min 6mph 6% 1min 1min 5mph 5% 2min 1min
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