Since 2009
November 18, 2011 Read: Hebrews 12
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." -- Hebrews 12:1
I think God understands the marathon. Many people will tell you that a marathon is all about the journey, the memories. Well, yes and no. While the memories have their moments, what awaits us at the end is really what it's all about. I mean, I loved the music at mile 12, but I didn't hang around for an entire song. It played, not so much that I would enjoy, but more so that I would endure.
When I began the race, I had a running partner as well as a dedicated pacer (the pacer's name was Paul, by the way.) But as you learned this week, a little over midway through the race, my body started to fail me. And when the partner and pacer ran ahead, I had to slow down. But had that not happened, I would have missed the blind man with his guide, and the woman in the wheelchair with no legs. And yes, I would have missed the two men who led me my last few miles of the race. Two men wearing identical shirts; bright yellow jerseys with black letters. Unmistakable to me. Not so much for the color combo, but for the words on their backs. On one shirt, "Father", and on the other, "Son". Oddly enough, the only comfort I could muster at the time was written on the back of two strangers.
The journey is one thing. But while our bodies fail us, friends leave us, and pacers lose us, the only real comfort is who we follow to the finish. I think God understands the marathon.
P.S. At dinner that night, I watched a lady limping her way through a restaurant. As she passed our table, I said, "Congratulations". Surprised, she thanked me. Hmm. You can always tell the runners. You can see it in their walk.
--Jimmy Pena
>> FOREVER ROAD: Each step is worth it when we remember who awaits us in the end
>> WHATEVER YOU DO: No matter how painful the pace, keep going
>> TRACKING NUMBERS: Following the steps of the one who's already won the race
>> TIRED OF RUNNING: His favorite place to run is to our rescue
>> RUNNER'S RESOURCES: Our favorite digital haunts for running advice
>> SPEED TRICK: A surprising benefit of running sprint intervals
October 31, 2011Read: 2 Corinthians 4
"What we see will last only a short time, but what we cannot see will last forever." --2 Corinthians 4:18
There’s an old story about a pharaoh whose young wife died far too soon. In his grief, he ordered his wife’s tomb to be built lavishly. No expense was too great for the monument. Each time he’d survey the construction site, he’d order more jewels and more gold - - "Bigger! Higher!" His wife’s tomb became his obsession.
One day, as he proudly surveyed his masterpiece, the pharaoh tripped over a box along the perimeter. Embarrassed, he ordered the removal of all the trash. What he didn’t realize was that along with all the rubbish, he’d ordered the removal of his wife’s coffin. See, he was so caught up in the process that he forgot about the purpose.
I was reminded of that story while watching the movie “Up in the Air.” George Clooney played a man whose life was all about the journey. He lived for the process. Flight status boards, frequent flyer miles and hotel key cards were the trophies of his trade. Link enough of yesterday’s trips together with tomorrow’s, and sooner or later, you’ve got yourself a life.
But this week, let’s focus less on our man-made monuments and more on the One who matters. Our lives gain meaning when our purpose is revealed. Remember, Jesus is our destination. Everything else is just a first-class ticket to nowhere.
Firm Believer: How can you add true meaning to your life in the area of health? What will you commit to the Lord this week in honor of your purpose on earth?
WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: 3 MILES Time to hit the road (or treadmill). Whether you choose to slow walk, fast walk, jog or run, three miles is the goal. This could be the start of a new habit or you have a time to beat, keep good track of your time. In a couple of days, your goal will be to do the same three-mile route in slightly less time. Simple. Effective. Go the distance, literally.
PRAYFIT NEWS: Three miles is a great place to start but in a little less than a week, PrayFit founder Jimmy Pena will be among the field of over 40,000 runners toeing the start line at the ING New York City Marathon. Though it's his first foray into distance running, his goal as he snakes his way through the five boroughs will be the same as it is every time he sets foot in the gym: to honor the One who gave him the ability to do it in the first place. Visit next week for a first-person recap of Pena's first-ever 26.2.
June 27, 2011Read: Acts 2
"You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence." --Acts 2:27-28
Yesterday, in our tiny cul-de-sac, I spent some time trying to teach my youngest daughter how to ride a tricycle. After helping her place her feet on the pedals, I gave the back of her seat a gentle but sustained nudge to show her how pedaling should feel. For Ella, watching her tiny, sandaled feet make their revolutions was more exciting than monitoring the road ahead. We had to stop several times because she'd start an inadvertent turn into the curb or gutter, only to have me pull her back at the last second. As we went on, she got more comfortable. She seemed to catch on quickly to the fact that we'd only go as fast as I was willing to push and that if danger loomed, I'd be there to help her right her course.
Our Father guides us through life in similar fashion. Only by walking (or riding) with Him do we sustain a safe pace and a steady course. And when we do veer off the path, He's always there to pull us back to safety to continue the journey...together.
WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Static Strength
In breaking from the more dynamic, high-energy workouts that usually appear here on Mondays, this week's workout is a bit static...literally. We're going to take one exercise which doesn't allow you to move whatsoever. The stationary wall squat is an isometric (or static) exercise that works to strengthen your entire lower body (quads, glutes, hamstrings), all without movement.
The execution is simple: lean against the wall with your legs bent at 90-degree angles (or close to it) for as long as possible. Be sure to time yourself so the next time you try this move you can beat your time to failure. The thing about isometric exercises is that they're angle-specific, meaning you gain strength at only the angle you're working. So for that reason, when you reach fatigue at one angle, and after a brief rest period, you change the angle.
Try this: Place your feet 2-3 feet from a stable wall and lean your back against it. Make sure you back is fully supported from your hips to your head. Gently slide down the wall until your legs are bent at 90-degree angles. Keeping your feet flat on the floor, hold that position for as long as possible and note the time. Rest about 30 seconds and repeat. As you find you can't hold the low position for quite as long, straighten your legs to raise your body up the wall a few inches and repeat the hold. Continue to work your way up the wall until you're almost to a standing position. The key is to work as many different angles as possible so you gain strength throughout the sitting-standing range of motion
June 8, 2011 Most people, Christian or not, are familiar with the Footprints story. The end stanza where the Lord tells the author why there was only one set of footprints during the hard times puts a lump in the throat of even those with the most hardened of hearts.
"The time when you have seen only one set of footprints is when I carried you."
This week, amidst a storm of work tasks and family obligations, I also found myself alone on the beach. As I chatted to the Lord about all of my stresses -- the deadlines, the bills, my overcrowded daytimer -- I was stopped in my tracks, not by his response but by His silence. Hurt and agitated -- as I would be with any friend -- by the apparent indifference to my woes, I turned to look at Him. Seeing that He was no longer by my side, I looked back. There He was -- quickening His stride to hear what I was saying.
He never stopped caring about my problems. I had just become so consumed with stress that I didn't realize that I'd left Him behind. In just a few days, I seem to have outpaced my Maker, the distance between us filled with my own neglect.
Sometimes, as we struggle to navigate the chaos of life, we forget that God wants us to walk with Him. He still carries us through the tough times but we'd do well to remember to stay close by His side because He died to hear every word.
CARBS: FUEL NOT FOE The simple truth about carbs and fitness
There are scores of books and mounds of literature on the consumption of carbohydrates and how this macronutrient relates to performance and body composition. But the bottom line is that your body needs carbohydrate to fuel any number of basic processes. Carbs are the preferred fuel source of the cell, so going totally without them in hopes of shedding a few pounds can end up working against you. To keep things simple, try to focus first on the types of carbs you're consuming daily and when you're consuming them.
Complex carbohydrates, referred to as "good" carbs, are slower-digesting in nature and thus have less of an effect on blood sugar. They provide a steady stream of fuel for your work day and for your active lifestyle while having a minimal impact on your waistline. Examples of these good carbs include oatmeal, vegetables, wheat bread and other whole grain products.
Simple carbohydrates, or "bad" carbs, are digested rapidly in the body causing huge swings in blood sugar and spikes in the hormone insulin which can signal for your body to store fat. White bread, white tortillas, sugary snacks and beverages can be detrimental to your energy and overall health if consumed in excess.
STRATEGIZE: Most of the day, make sure that your carb sources are of the complex variety. The only exceptions to this rule are first thing in the morning or after a hard workout, when your body actually needs a rapid refuel of sugars to fuel recovery.
>> FAD DIETS: Have you ever tried a brand diet like Atkins, South Beach or Paleo? Do you rely on microwave diet meals to keep you in balance? Tell us your experience with diets in the comments section below, being sure to mention your successes and stumbles.
January 14, 2011Read: Mark 9
"I tell you the truth, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to Christ, will certainly not lose his reward." --Mark 9:41
All week long, I've had this thought running through my mind: He who knows us best, loves us most. I'd like to break it down, if I may.
"He who knows us." Have you ever considered that God actually knows you? If someone famous knew you, how would that make you feel? You'd likely want to do a little name-dropping now and then, huh? Come to think of it, over the last few years, I've met some pretty big stars, but I bet not one of them can actually glance up at the sky and count them. But God can.
"He who knows us best." We all have close friends, spouses, parents, and siblings. Some of us even have twins! But nobody -- and I mean nobody -- under the sun knows you better than the Son Himself. From thoughts we haven't even thought to the ones we wish to forget, He knows us best.
"He loves us most." Here's the kicker. He actually loves us. He doesn't like us or tolerate us. He doesn't excuse us or simply endure us. He loves us. More than you love your kids, your husband or grandmother. Imagine?
You know, it's really not a matter of how far we'll go in this life, but more about where we'd be without Him.
I feel like name-dropping. How 'bout you?
DID YOU KNOW? Consider the Cost
Three hundred billion dollars. That's a "3" followed by 11 zeros. Forgive the food reference, but that's a lot of cheddar. Sadly, this number now represents the amount of money that the U.S. and Canada combine to spend each year on obesity and weight-related problems. And since we insist on being better whenever possible, it's worth noting that $270 billion of that price tag rests with the U.S.
The $300 billion total cost in the United States and Canada is the result of: increased need for medical care ($127 billion); loss of worker productivity due to higher rates of death ($49 billion); loss of productivity due to disability of active workers ($43 billion); and loss of productivity due to total disability ($72 billion), said the Society of Actuaries (SOA).
This number, while staggering, should serve to motivate you in 2011. Let's strive to be part of the solution, rather than part of the problem.
Source: Business Week