Since 2009
You, He Knitted
"You knit me together in my mother’s womb." --Psalm 139:13
Read: Psalm 139
God spoke, and there was light. He breathed the stars in space and put the moon in place. But you? You, He knitted. Imagine, the God who filled the oceans with water made your eyes to blink. After spraying the cosmos with trillions of galaxies, He gave you goosebumps. (And then you did the same to Him.)
--Jimmy Peña
Try the following workout to jump-start your week. Build muscle, burn calories...all at your own pace. Everyone has a "best." What's yours? That's what your effort should be everyday. Walk in place with high knees - 1 min. Jog in place - 1 min. Jumping jacks - 1 min. Jog with high knees - 1 min. Rest 30 sec. Push-ups - 30 sec. Straight-arm plank - 30 sec. Standard plank - 30 sec. Push-ups - 30 sec. Rest 30 sec.
Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Perform this workout up to three times per week, allowing 24-48 hours between sessions. For your push-ups, regardless of what type you are doing, count your reps and strive to increase that number from workout to workout.
DVD: Looking for a new program to speed your gains along in 2012? Try the PrayFit 33-Day Total Body Challenge DVD by Lionsgate.
February 14, 2011Read: Chronicles 4
Quote of the Day: "O Lord, that you would bless me indeed. Increase my land, keep your hand upon me and protect me from the evil one, so that I may not cause pain." --1 Chronicles 4:9-10 Workout of the Week: Legs in 10
You may not have heard it here first but you've certainly heard it here often: Training your legs regularly is one of the best things you can do to enhance your body composition. The quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and calves represent a large portion of your body's musculature so, by working them hard you burn more calories. This, of course, on top of the more direct benefits such as increased strength, stamina and power production. This lower-body routine allows you to train for multiple goals at once, without equipment and in just a few minutes.
Warm-up: Jog in place for 1 min.
High-knee running Jumping jacks Squat jumps Split jump lunge Speed skaters Wall squat hold --Perform each exercise for one minute, taking no rest between exercises. Then, repeat the entire sequence once or twice more.
SHARE: How is everyone doing in their daily fitness routines? Runners? Weightlifters? Walkers or swimmers? We want to hear from you in the comments section below!
FEATURED WORKOUT JOURNALS: >> Eddie71: The man with the plan
>> PrayFit El Paso: Building team accountability
>> Tina Meinhardt: Back on the bike