Since 2009
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."— Revelation 3:20
It was a typical day when Jesus knocked on my heart's door. I wasn't expecting company, so when He knocked, I hesitated. Looking through the peep hole, I wasn't exactly sure what to do, so I paused. Again, He knocked gently. As I slowly opened the door to invite Him in, I admit, I was a bit embarrassed at what He walked into. I had plenty of grudges lying around, and the smell of fear lingered heavy in the air. Quickly trying to clean the place up, I asked if I could get Him anything, but He just made his way through the halls. (He seemed to know His away around.)
He first walked by my room of regrets. "Ugh, why didn't I keep that door closed?", I grumbled. Then my shoulders drooped when He saw all of the corners where I stood in compromise. "I'm sure He'll want to leave now", I resigned.
But the next thing I knew, we were in the backyard. I seldom went out there. He led me to the garden of Grace that He himself had planted. He said this garden will never die, and that I should spend time there each day. I nodded.
Then to my surprise, when we walked back inside, everything was made new. What was once a den full of doubts had become a living room of faith. It even had a new room; a Master bedroom. He said if I'd let Him, that's where He'd stay.
I'm so glad I let Him in that day. He's the resident king in the castle of my heart. I don't always act like I know that, but He shows me the garden everyday. And I nod.
--Jimmy Peña
>> IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Today marked the official, global release date of PrayFit's 33-Day Total Body Challenge DVD byLionsgate. View the trailer by clicking here, or order yours immediately by visiting Amazon. Share the news with your pastors, small groups, friends and relatives!
RECIPE OF THE WEEK: SAUTEED KALE Go green with this health-filled, spicy spin on kale
Serves: 4
Ingredients: 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 2 bunches kale, trimmed and chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add kale, season with salt and pepper and sauté for 2-3 minutes. Add garlic; reduce heat to medium and cook, turning frequently for an additional 5 minutes. Add vinegar and continue to cook until kale is just tender, about 5 minutes more.
Nutrition information per serving: Calories: 103 Total Fat: 3 grams Saturated Fat: 0 grams Carbohydrate: 15 grams Protein: 5 grams Cholesterol: 0 milligrams Sodium: 125 milligrams Fiber: 3 grams
Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC is a registered dietitian and is currently a nutrition expert for the Food Network, and has worked as a media spokesperson for Cooking Light Magazine. She has appeared on Good Day Street Talk, Food Network.com, Access Hollywood and GMA Health. Visit her at Dana White Nutrition.
>> For a printer-friendly version of this recipe, click here.
December 2, 2010Read: Revelation 3
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." --Revelation 3:20
It was a typical day, a very normal day much like this one, when Jesus knocked on my heart's door. I wasn't expecting company, so when He knocked, I hesitated. Looking through the peep hole, I wasn't exactly sure what to do, so I paused. Again, He knocked gently. As I slowly opened the door to invite Him in, I admit, I was a bit embarrassed at what He walked into. I had plenty of grudges lying around, and the smell of fear lingered heavy in the air. Like I said, I wasn't expecting Him. Quickly trying to clean the place up, I asked if I could get Him anything, but He just made his way through the halls. He seemed to know His away around.
He first walked by my room of regrets. "Ugh, why didn't I keep that door closed?", I grumbled to myself. Then my shoulders drooped when He saw all the corners where I stood in compromise. "He'll surely want to leave now."
But the next thing I knew, we were in the backyard. I seldom went out there, but He led me to the garden of Grace that He himself had planted. He said this garden will never die, and that I should spend time there each day. I nodded.
Then to my surprise, when we walked back inside, everything was made new. It even had a new room; a Master's bedroom. He said if I'd let Him, that's where He'd stay. Then almost immediately, what was once a den full of doubts had become a "living" room of faith.
I'm so glad I let Him in that day. He's the resident king in the castle of my heart. I know I don't always live like I know that, but He shows me the garden everyday. And I nod.
If you don't currently keep a journal, now is the day to start. By logging your progress or workouts in terms of number of sets, reps, rest periods, for example, you can track from one workout to the next just how well you’re doing. If you don’t keep a journal, it makes it very difficult for you to know if you’re improving.
Next week, we'll run a three-part series on better journal keeping. We hope that you'll start your own and visit us all next week for ways to fine tune it! For now, visit some of our featured workout journals to see how others are working toward healthier bodies.
August 31, 2010Read: 2 Corinthians 5
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old is gone, the new has come." --2 Corinthians 5:17
Last year, I had the privilege of spending a week on the set of ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. When it aired, I remembered the feeling I had when that family first answered the knock at the door, then came back a week later to a brand new house. Talk about gut-wrenching! Someone they never expected came into their world and freely gave them something they couldn't afford on their own. He saw where they lived and said you don't have to live here anymore.
As I stood and watched the process, I couldn't help but think of Jesus. Just like we did for that family, He knocks gently, anxiously awaiting our answer. But rather than calling for a wrecking ball, He does the unthinkable: He moves in. Instead of a hammer, He carries a suitcase. He gives us something we could never afford on our own--Himself--saying we don't have to live here anymore, alone.
COMMUNITY KEEPS WEIGHT OFF If you're looking for a way to get or stay slim, you're in the right place
A new study is confirming what we've said all along -- that by sharing time with other fit-minded people, you can actually have more success in your quest to reach or stay at your goal weight.
The more people used an interactive weight management website such as PrayFit, the more weight loss they maintained, according to the study. The research showed that consistent website users who logged on and recorded their weight at least once a month for two-and-a-half years maintained the most weight loss.
You can build in extra accountability by keeping a public workout journal, such as those located at our forums.
For the full story from Science Daily, click here.
>> REGISTER: If you haven't already, it's time to register at our forums and start your own workout journal! Sign up here!