Since 2009
March 4, 2011Read: Philippians 1
"For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." --Philippians 1:21
Yesterday, we at PrayFit confirmed plans to promote, endorse and sponsor one of our favorite athletes. A champion in and out of the ring, Robert "The Ghost" Guerrero and PrayFit agreed to terms for his HBO Pay-Per-View televised fight on April 9. We are absolutely ecstatic. A man of God, a loving husband, and a three-time world champion, Robert Guerrero's trunks will carry a new logo: PRAYFIT.COM
In the middle of the ring and in the heat of battle, he'll be wearing our name.
You know as believers in the fight of our lives, we wear His name. With His blood, He stamped his promotion and endorsement on our hearts. He says, "He's mine! She's with me! I'm in their corner!" And any scars we show, we bear for Him. May the marks we bear point others to the cross. So whether it be at work, home, school or with your health, consider this moment the bell, and let's make it a good fight.
“Being a big believer in Jesus Christ, PrayFit gets me on track to start my day off in the right direction. In boxing there is no room for error. You have to be not only be physically prepared but spiritually strong as well.”
–Robert “The Ghost” Guerrero, 3-Time Boxing World Champion
>> WORKOUT: Test your mettle and build your endurance with this run-based workout
>> REPORT: Pecans boost heart health
>> RECIPE: Healthy BBQ chicken pizza. Do we have your attention now?
>> NUTRITION: PrayFit rates five dairy-free alternatives to cow's milk
SHARE: Looking for quick-hit exercise and nutrition information, ideas and programming? Visit our new Fitness and Nutrition pages and be sure to use the new social networking features -- recommend, share, tweet, e-mail -- up top to help spread the word.
READ: "PrayFit: Your Guide to A Healthy Body and A Stronger Faith in 28 Days," now available in stores, is a fantastic, fundamental guide for anyone looking for a renewal of faith and fitness. The book includes 56 days of daily devotionals, complete exercise programs for both beginners and intermediates, as well as full meal plans to speed your results. To pick up a copy for yourself or a friend, visit Barnes & Noble or Amazon today!
March 3, 2011Read: Psalm 139
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." --Psalm 139:14
"Jimmy, you drive." Those three innocent words used to cause me serious panic. Well, it wasn't so much what was said, but who said it. Growing up, whenever the family went anywhere, Dad drove. In fact, I can probably count on one hand the number of times he didn't. But on the other hand, when I got old enough to drive, he'd surprise me and want to take my truck.
Don't get me wrong, it wasn't so much the driving that worried me, but it was the condition of my truck. See, I wasn't a neat freak. Alright, that's putting it mildly. I was kinda messy. (My mom and Loretta are both nodding and shaking their heads right about now.) And whenever Dad caught me off guard, his disappointment in how I was taking care of the truck he gave me was like a dagger.
See, to Dad, that truck was more than something to get me from here to there. It was a gift that he practically built with his own hands. And my negligence might as well have been a blow to the gut. Speaking of, at PrayFit, we believe that our effort to be healthy, whether it be to lose weight or lower our blood pressure, is a way to show God just how thankful we are for the body He made to get us through life. Hypothetically speaking, if God asked us to take Him from here to there, in what condition would He find us? On second thought, that's not all that hypothetical after all.
DAIRY-FREE HEALTH A look at five alternatives to your traditional glass of milk
Whether it’s because of allergies or other personal or dietary reasons, many folks choose to avoid cow’s milk. For a while, soy was the only option at many stores – not anymore! We tested five types of milk alternatives for taste and nutrition.
The Criteria
For our taste tests, we typically sample the same product from various brand names, like peanut butter or nonfat vanilla yogurt. Since the most popular cow’s milk alternatives are made from very different ingredients, we are testing the five most common: rice, hemp, almond, coconut and soy. Each beverage was ranked using our 5-point scale (5 being the highest) and judged based on taste and nutrition information. Since many of the brands offer a variety of options like low fat, vanilla flavored and unsweetened, we chose the “original” version of each brand. We found that all were best served (very) chilled.
Rice Dream Organic Rice Drink Rating: 4.5 Cost: $1.99 (per quart) Nutrition Info per 8 fluid-ounces: 120 calories; 2.5 grams fat; 1 gram protein
Our Take: An overall great option if you’re used to skim milk. It’s surprisingly sweet even though it contains no added sweeteners. A watery consistency (just like skim milk) with some fat added from organic vegetable oils (safflower, sunflower and canola). It’s also very low in protein but fortified with calcium and vitamin D in similar amounts as cow’s milk.
Recommended Uses: Drinking plain or over cold cereal. You can also cook with it – there was a yummy-looking recipe for polenta on the box.
Pacific Hemp Milk Rating: 2 Cost: $3.99 (per quart)
Nutrition Info per 8 fluid-ounces: 140 calories; 5 grams fat; 3 grams protein
Our Take: We weren’t fans of this dairy-free option. It was thick and chalky with a sour, nutty aftertaste. It was sweetened with brown rice syrup and was fortified with 50 percent of the daily recommended amounts of calcium as well as hefty doses of vitamins D and B12. It was the most expensive and among the highest in fat, though the fat came mostly from the heart-healthy polyunsaturated kind.
Recommended Use: Smoothies
Pacific Organic Almond Milk Rating: 4.5 Cost: $1.69 (per quart)
Nutrition Info per 8 fluid-ounces: 60 calories; 2.5 grams fat; 1 gram protein
Our Take: A much more pleasing nutty flavor than the hemp milk with an easily drinkable consistency. It does have a strong almond flavor, which is fine if you like almonds. It was sweetened with evaporated cane juice and fortified with riboflavin, and vitamins A and D, but no calcium.
Recommended Uses: Chocolate milk, over whole-grain cereal, soups, pancake batter
So Delicious Coconut Milk Beverage Rating: 4 Cost: $2.00 (per quart)
Nutrition Info per 8 fluid-ounces: 80 calories; 5 grams fat; 1 gram protein
Our Take: Thick (almost too thick) and creamy with a mild sweetness from added dried cane syrup. There was really no noticeable coconut flavor, but since it’s made from the fruit, most of the 5 grams of fat per serving comes from the less healthy saturated kind. Added nutrients included calcium and vitamins A, D and B12.
Recommended Uses: In coffee or tea, smoothies, or frozen into ice cream and popsicles
EdenSoy Extra Organic Soymilk Rating: 4 Cost: $2.99
Nutrition Info per 8 fluid-ounces: 130 calories, 4 grams fat;, 11 grams protein
Our Take: Like all soy milk, this had a distinctive flavor and slight aftertaste. It did score some points for having far more protein than any of the others, but it did contain some added sweetener. Fortified nutrients included calcium and vitamins E, D, B-12 and beta-carotene.
Recommended Uses: Great for baking due to its high protein content – these banana muffins are proof.
TELL US: What’s your favorite variety of dairy-free milk? Post your thoughts in the comments below.
>> SHOP: Have you picked up any PrayFit gear yet? Browse our online store for shirts, hats, polos and wristbands to show your support for faith and fitness, and be sure to send us pics -- we will post here and on Facebook!
August 12, 2010Read: Matthew 20 "So the last will be first, and the first will be last." --Matthew 20:16
Some of you might be football fans. And if so, draft day is always exciting. Interestingly though, some of football's greatest Hall of Fame legends were some of the last picked on draft day. Curtis Martin, the NFL's fourth-leading rusher of all time (and PrayFit endorser) was selected 74th in 1995. Joe Montana, arguably one of the top three quarterbacks to ever throw a football didn't make the top 10 of his draft -- try 82nd. And as far as Tom Brady, three-time Super Bowl Champion and multiple MVP award winner? Only 198 players were chosen before his name was called.
Just goes to show that what the world sees as a long shot can be a winner in disguise.
Paul persecuted Christians, Moses had a stutter, and when others saw David as a simple shepherd boy, God saw a king. So if you're feeling like a long shot, have faith that you're a winner, not in disguise, but in His eyes.
PRAYFIT NUTRITION: GET YOUR GOAT There's a good alternative for those sensitive to cow's milk
If you're sensitive to cow's milk, you might try the goat variety. Did you know that goat's milk has more essential amino acids and more omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium than cow's milk? With all that said, its protein is easier to digest than cow's milk and has less lactose. Wondering about the taste? It's a bit on the sweeter side.
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