Since 2009
Life is a Subhead
"Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did." --1 John 2:6
Subheads are critical. Ever had to write one? Well, over the years, Eric and I have agonized over our share. For those who may not know, a subhead is that little, tiny sentence under the title of an article, short story, book or manuscript. It's more than the summary sentence and greater than any synopsis. Extract the root of a 10,000-word body of writing and distill it down to one pivotal, all-encompassing core phrase, and there's the subhead. In fact, every one of those 10,000 words -- every paragraph or sidebar -- is subject to it. And above that, it can make the difference between someone reading more or leaving the store. Make no mistake, although it's short and sweet, it's powerful and nothing means more to the author than someone being drawn to the story.
Our lives are subheads in a way. I remember as the fitness editor for magazines, my purpose was to help people shape their bodies, but I wanted my words to help shape souls. I wanted a different subhead. And I'm grateful you're reading it.
The office worker who refuses to gossip, that's a subhead. The cashier at the supermarket who -- after standing on her feet 12 hours -- still asks, "How are you?" and means it, that's a subhead. The second string athlete who out-hustles the starter -- subhead. What's yours? Are you a teacher, lawyer, assistant, stay-at-home mom or dad? Friends, we have the honor and privilege to agonize over our daily subheads, constantly rewriting and revising to get it right. Why? Simple. Someone reading us may choose to turn the page. Our lives are short and sweet, but they're powerful and nothing means more to the Author than someone being drawn to His story.
--Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: As many of you already know, the last thing we want you to be known for is your body. Good health, poor health, it's how we serve God, family and others with our bodies that matters most. How can your health help write your subhead? Are your decisions for an active, abundant life fueling your God-given purpose or do you need to make some adjustments in this area of stewardship? Please share your thoughts below.
Stand with both hands directly in front of you, knees slightly bent with roughly a shoulder-width stance. Keeping your chest up and back flat, squat down until your thighs approach parallel with the floor then explode upward as high as possible, allowing your feet to leave the ground. Land on soft feet with your knees bent and repeat immediately.
December 6, 2010Read: John 16
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.“ –John 16:33
Who am I, Lance Armstrong? Well, as much as I’ve been on the bike, you’d think I was in the Tour de France (Well, minus the necessary aerobic capacity and superior conditioning, of course). But everyday, I jump on the bike and I start pedaling (Wait, did I mention my bike is stationary...and in the garage? Again, not important).
And even though I’m on a practice bike, I can feel that when I switch to the tougher gear, I go further. Change to an easier gear, I go nowhere. Isn’t that the way it is?
I recently read an article by Max Lucado where he cited a passage about the disciples following Jesus onto the boat. First Jesus, then the others. Sure, we all know what happened during the storm, but the getting on board part was also significant. Jesus first, the disciples followed, then came the rough waters.
Isn’t that the way it is? Life in the Tour de Faith means rough years in tough gears. But Heaven, by any other road, is not possible. And since we’d rather be on a tough road with Jesus than on an easy one without Him, I say we keep pedaling.
10-MINUTE WORKOUTS: Low Back and Core
It's a fact that as we age, our lower backs find it more difficult to keep up with our active-living endeavors. Frustratingly, even long bouts of sitting can leave you with an achy back. While some of this is inevitable, we can do our best to stall the aging process in this region with a short, targeted dose of preventative medicine.
By regularly targeting the deep, "core" muscles of your abs (transverse abdominis) and the long muscles of your back (erector spinae), you can strengthen your back to withstand the test(s) of time and bolster your ability to lead a more active lifestyle.
"If you want to work your low back and inner core to help protect and strengthen the muscles that protect your spine, do 10 minutes of Superman (low back work) and planks (core; transverse abdominis)," says Jimmy Pena, MS, CSCS, founder of PrayFit.com.
Superman: Lie on your stomach with your arms overhead (like superman would do) and with your legs straight. Raise your arms up off the ground until you feel tension in your low back, then lower your arms back to the floor. Then raise your legs off the floor, keeping them as straight as possible.
>> Alternate back and forth between your arms and legs for 30-60 seconds.
Plank: Rise up onto your elbows and toes, keeping your body in a straight line. Draw your navel into your spine as tight as possible and with your eyes focused on the floor.
>> Hold plank position for 30-60 seconds.
Each minute go from the superman into the plank without rest in-between until you reach the 10-minute mark.
>> PRAY-FITTER: Looking for more fitness tips? Visit the our new fitness section by clicking here.