Since 2009
The New Year Is In Me
"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old is gone, the new is here." --2 Corinthians 5:17
The confetti is all but cleaned up, the streamers are in the trash, Christmas decorations have been stored and the calendar is brand new. Deep breath...and...let it out. So THIS is 2014! But it doesn't take long for things to feel normal again does it? For some reason, the commute this morning is still bumper-to-bumper, co-workers are still grumpy and junk food made its way back to your lunch box. Seems last year's ho-hums and habits still cast their shadows.
Truth is, a new year is only new if we make it that way. For you and me, a change in year only matters when it changes in here (this is me pointing to my heart). So starting today, no matter what seems old, let's find a way to make it new. That commute? Try seeing it as an extended quiet time with the Lord. Those co-workers? Be the only one in the office unwilling to gossip or grumble. And at lunch, be the first to push away from the table as a way to praise the Lord for health. Slowly but surely, we'll realize the difference is in us. Seems those weren't shadows after all. It was shade.
–Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: You and I aren't strong enough to overturn our circumstance, but Jesus is. And if we rely on Him each day, we can conquer our battles. Anxiety, health, job-related stress -- all of it needs to be placed at the foot of the cross as soon as our feet hit the floor. The closer we get to Him, the more shade we find. Welcome back, kids. And welcome, 2014.
If you're reading this, we're blessed to have you. Whether you're a longtime reader of the faith and fitness writings we've been posting here since 2009 or a newbie who stumbled upon us in a friend's Facebook news feed, we take our commitment to you very seriously. We hope that you'll find the inspiration and practical tools necessary to become a better steward of your health.
Newcomer or not, we hope you'll take a second to read the broad strokes on who we are, what we believe and what our mission is. Our prayer is that the soul of PrayFit speaks to yours...
SOCIAL NETWORKS: Now you can "like," "join," "tweet" and "watch" faith and fitness at your leisure. Click the links below to get plugged in with the rest of the PrayFit community in 2014! Facebook HeavenUp Twitter Instagram YouTube
Nearly 10,000 people have chosen to receive the PrayFit Daily in their inboxes each morning. If you haven't signed up for this complimentary service already, simply click the links provided here. Click, type, send -- it could be the most rewarding 30 seconds you spend on the computer this morning! And if you want to help us go viral with this sign-up drive -- if you want to help us continue our faith-and-fitness revival -- you can do so by sending friends this link:
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/cSd8tp
What We Do In Life...
"She extends her hand to the poor, and she stretches her hands to the needy." --Proverbs 31:20
She was always there. Where he went, she went. The constant encourager and supporter to one of my life's most special friends. For nearly 50 years, she stood by his side, sat and watched him preach, traveled with him and taught with him on the mission field. Together they were non-stop servants on a non-stop gospel-giving, soul-saving parade.
When the Lord took Brother Powell home suddenly just over a year ago, my life and that of many others was shaken to its foundation. I wrote about it and shared it with you in an entry called "In Loving Memory." But today I'm writing about her -- our dear Sister Powell. Because there she is, doing exactly what she does. With unexplainable strength, she's now in Cambodia -- encouraging, supporting, teaching others about Christ. With incomparable grace, Sister Powell is reaching as many as she can with her life. Talk about someone who knows what her health is for.
Yesterday from the mission field, Sister Powell commented on the site and she quoted Gladiator. (She's mighty cool, isn't she?) And it's true Sister Powell, like you said: What we do in life, echoes in eternity. But I didn't learn that from a gladiator. I'm learning it from you. The sweetest picture of strength and honor this side of Heaven. And on behalf of every reader of PrayFit, I salute you.
--Jimmy Peña
NOTES TO SISTER POWELL: Hey everyone, Sister Powell (one of our most faithful readers and dearest friends) won't read this until tonight since she's halfway around the world in places with questionable internet service, but you'd bless me and I know it would bless and mean a lot to her if you prayed for her. If you feel inclined, jot down a quick hello to her in the comments section. Let's fill her room full of notes of encouragement and prayers.
DID YOU KNOW? When the diet does not have enough calcium for our body’s needs, calcium is taken from the bones? That’s a less-than-stellar fact that more people should consider. (Source: American Osteoporosis Foundation)
A Rhyme & Reason
“Life is not about bodyfat and muscle tone.It’s about where our hearts are at and His grace alone.
It’s not about the mirror or any other measurement. It’s in our service to others, reflecting the Son He sent.
We’re called to honor the body, but not for our praise or reward. We're just simple, humble stewards, on a mission for the Lord.
So eat right, train hard, but don’t forget your purpose, God sees your heart and not what’s on the surface.”
--Jimmy Peña
For many of you, the PrayFit Daily is your entry point to our ministry. But how many of you have really taken the time to explore the rest of what our site has to offer? Take a minute and hit up these key links and be sure to bookmark your favorites!
FITNESS: Here, you'll find all you need to start putting your body in motion for whatever it is called to do. From workouts to exercise demos, we provide you a wide variety of ways to start reshaping your body and boosting your health. NUTRITION: Recipes. Research. Dietary tips. It's no wonder that this is one of the most popular pages on our site. To start eating in balance, click here.
LISTEN: For those looking for more nutrition for their souls, PrayFit offers a selection of audio devotionals, read by founder Jimmy Peña. Click, listen, share. RESOURCES: Our book and DVDs form the backbone of our ministry. All of these products offer readers life-changing guidance on honoring the bodies that carry their souls. You can check them out here, or browse the rest of our branded gear.
FELLOWSHIP: Are you already a member of our forums? Get back in on the discussion by clicking here. Not yet signed up? All it takes is 20 seconds to get started. Click here.
Your Mission...
"I hope you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit." --3 John 1:2
Read: 3 John 1
I remember like it was yesterday, scrounging through an old box of books while whispering to myself, "Your mission, should you choose to accept it...." I'm smiling as I type this sentence. Great memories. See, in 1996, the movie of the year was the first Mission: Impossible, and I was bound and determined to see it. But as a young married couple, times were tight. With both of us working and in school, we watched every penny. I knew that in order for us to see the show, it was up to me. (Light the fuse, cue the music.)
Long story short, the sign at the end of the street read, "WE BUY BOOKS." And fortunately, I kept every schoolbook I'd ever read (from every class). So if they were buying, I was selling. When Loretta got home, I greeted her with a kiss, a grin and two tickets. Special times.
That story came to mind recently when someone requested PrayFit resources for their church. Seems I'm still selling books. Only now it's for what many see as an impossible mission: to conquer the obesity epidemic in our homes and churches. But I think John said it best. In his third epistle, the first thing he said to a man named Gaius was, "I hope you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit." (v. 2) A worthy hope he had for his friend, especially considering the times in which they lived. And it's still a worthy hope today; a hope that defines our purpose at PrayFit. Is your church in need of help? Does someone you love need encouragement to be healthy for the right reasons? If so, we're on a mission, and we're bringing books.
--Jimmy Peña
The protagonist in the Mission: Impossible films, Ethan Hunt, was successful due to his vast experience in the world of espionage...and a few choice inventions. From voice-replicating throat chips to explosive gum, the tools of the trade were always vital to the mission. Same applies for you and yours. Try these resources when it comes to confronting health issues in your home and community:
>> READ: Our first book, "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 33 Days," provides two 28-day exercise programs, a complete diet plan and biblically-inspired devotions to keep you motivated each step of the way.
>> WATCH: PrayFit has partnered with Lionsgate Entertainment to bring you two home-based workout DVDs -- the second more challenging than the first. Train along with founder Jimmy Peña as you work to become stronger, leaner and healthier, all from the comfort of your living room.
For more information on these and other products, click here.
The Race with Grace
"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ." --Colossians 3:23-24
Read: Colossians 3
Her face says it all. Exhaustion meets joy and mission meets accomplishment. Now, I don't mean to over-dramatize the moment but I think Paul was on to something when he talked about the Christian life as a race -- a race that believers are called to run with endurance, never aimlessly. Over the last few years, we've written entries after marathons, many of which are among my favorites. But this picture, taken mere seconds before she saw me, pretty much sums it up. And with the week's race being almost over, I thought it appropriate for today.
For some of you, the week was steep. The phone never rang, the e-mail didn't arrive, or your health didn't cooperate. For others, everything was downhill, and you could do no wrong. Either way, I think our dear friend Sandie Powell said it best in the comment section yesterday when she said, "The amazing thing is that He is as proud of our attempt (to run) as he is in our finish." And she's right. Did Loretta win the marathon? Well, maybe only in my eyes, but my eyes are the only ones that mattered. She wasn't the fastest, but she gave it all she had, and there was no doubt where she was headed.
I want to live like that, don't you? I want everything I do and say, how I treat my health and how I love others to show the world that I'm on a road that leads to the only One that matters. From start to finish, I'm in this race with grace. And after the uphills, the downhills and even the pitfalls, when mission meets accomplishment -- not ours, His -- I want my face to say it all.
--Jimmy Peña
Nearly 10,000 people have chosen to receive the PrayFit Daily in their inboxes each morning. If you haven't signed up for this free service already, simply go to our homepage and look for the box pictured here. Click, type, send -- it could be the most rewarding 30 seconds you spend on the computer this morning! And if you want to help us go viral with this sign-up drive, you can do so by sending friends this link:
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/cSd8tp
"He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.'"— Mark 16:15
"Tell me, Jimmy, can you talk about some before and after successes?"
Of all the questions about PrayFit I fielded on the radio this week, that was probably the toughest to answer. Not because we don't have powerful testimonies of physical change, but like I told the host, "It's too early for a victory lap." Because honestly, the day health won't be a necessary battle will be the day it's no longer our responsibility.
But right now, during this "before" called life, our souls want to go places our bodies simply can't go. And because of that, sadly, our minds don't let our hearts even dream of living abundantly. Serve on the mission field? Laugh. Participate in a charity walk? Chuckle. Make it to church? Sigh. Our physical troubles have become spiritual warfare. We're soldiers of the cross who can't reach the battlefield.
Sure, someday we'll be rescued from a body that doesn't work, but until then, let's see what it can do for the cause of Christ. After all, His great commission to us -- "Go" -- hasn't changed. It's still an action verb.
–Jimmy Peña
In addition to the typical monkey bar romps and lunchtime hoops, dedicated muscle strengthening is a good idea for kids. Training for strength, contrary to a commonly-held belief, does not interfere with a child’s growth or promote excessive musculature. In fact, even a minimal amount of strength training can be beneficial for a child’s bone density, muscle growth, coordination and motor learning. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends at least three days per week of activities that include strengthening moves such as gymnastics, push-ups or jumping rope.
August 9, 2011Read: Hebrews 9 "Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin." --Hebrews 9:22
By now you've heard the tragic news of the group of American troops, including 22 Navy SEALs, killed in Afghanistan on Saturday. According to news reports, the troops on the ground requested additional forces, at which time a CH-47 Chinook helicopter was dispatched, carrying members of the U.S. special operations command. They died on a rescue mission.
Yesterday morning, I watched an interview with the family of Aaron Vaughn, one of the SEALs killed in the crash. Of Aaron, his mom said: "Everything he did was secret, and it just feels really strange right now, that only in his death can we celebrate who he was in his life." Known as a devout follower of Christ, Aaron loved America, and there was nothing else he would rather do with his life.
Our hearts at PrayFit are heavy, and we honor Aaron Vaughn and all of those with him. We can't think of a more appropriate way to remember Aaron's ultimate sacrifice than to recall what Jesus did for us on Calvary. He loved us, and there was nothing else He would rather do with His life. He became the ultimate sacrifice, and died on a rescue mission.
>> We are grateful for those who serve in the military -- those who build their lives around defending those they will never meet, for a cause they believe in without compromise. If someone you know or love is serving in the armed forces, or if you have lost someone who wore the uniform, please share in the comments section below so that we can salute and pray for you (and them) as a community.
DID YOU KNOW? >> If you were born after the year 2000, you have a 1 in 3 chance of developing Type II diabetes. It is no longer exclusively called adult-onset diabetes, since kids today are developing the diet-induced disease at an alarming rate.
May 20, 2011Read: 1 Chronicles 29
"Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name." --1 Chronicles 29:13
He wipes the sweat from his brow as he sweeps an empty body shop. Every few seconds, his eyes rise to see if any customers have stumbled in, but none do. His wife takes care of the office, the phones, and the plant on the window sill. "Please Lord, bring us a customer." They'd poured out their life's savings. So as he continues to sweep a spotless floor, she straightens the OPEN FOR BUSINESS sign on the front window. It's a good shop. Empty and ready.
Certain things that happened this week reminded me of that story. Some days it feels like I'm sweeping an empty body shop, whispering to the Lord to see things through. You know, it's when we empty ourselves that the Lord does His work. But if we're full of ourselves or anything else, we leave no room for Him.
So Lord, we give you all that we do and say. We love you and we thank you in advance for what you will do in the days, weeks and months ahead. We're empty and ready.
(Oh, and thank you for sending a customer to my mom and dad so many years ago. In many ways, because you filled their empty shop, I can fill up this page with your good word.)
Have a blessed weekend everyone. In Jesus' name, we train.
>> WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: A 10-minute push-ups and planks circuit for the ages
>> PREWORKOUT FOOD: How dark chocolate can power your routine
>> RECIPE: Chicken sausage & pepper flatbread
>> CAUSE AND EFFECT: What is behind America's obesity epidemic?
>> PRAYFIT IN PRINT: Looking for a great way to get your faith and health back on track? “PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days” includes two 28-day, at-home workout programs, detailed meal plans and daily inspiration to nourish your faith. Find out what Tyler Perry, LL Cool J, Mario Lopez and so many more are talking about!
>> SHARE: Help us get others on board with this whole “faith and fitness” thing. Use the “Recommend,” “Tweet,” “E-Mail” and “Share” buttons at the top of each day’s entry to get your social network in the know about PrayFit. Also, you can “like” us, “follow” us or “watch” us by clicking the Facebook, Twitterand YouTube icons at the bottom of each page.
February 3, 2011Read: John 1
"And the word became flesh and dwelt among us..." --John 1:14
Yesterday we wrote about a wild bald eagle that shows up in the most unexpected of places: the zoo. According to wildlife experts, this majestic male is likely fond of a female eagle being held in captivity. But what we didn't touch on was the reason she can't be set free: she's injured and too vulnerable to survive in the wild. So, he comes to see her. For reasons he doesn't understand, she can't follow him. So he comes down to her level, because she can't get up to his.
Those eagles sure are making it hard for us to think about anything else. Imagine, God did more than pay a visit, He made our home His own. He opened earth's door, stepped inside and threw away the key. He breathed our air and slept on the dirt. The thought of us trying to survive on our own was enough to kill him...so He stayed.
TRUE OR FALSE Time to test your healthy-living acumen
1. You burn more calories warming the body than cooling it. 2. You cause more muscle damage walking downhill than struggling to walk uphill. 3. The longest muscle in the body is the sartorius. 4. Stretching doesn't prevent injury. 5. The safest time of day to have a cheat meal is immediately following a workout.
How did you score? Find out the answers tomorrow.
January 17, 2011Read: Psalm 18
"He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me." --Psalm 18:17
During a recent trip, I met an incredible individual. Today he's a successful businessman, but years ago he was invisible. A former member of the elite Delta Special Forces, he was trained in the dark arts of hostage rescue. They had one primary mission: To get behind enemy lines, set captives free and bring them home.
He explained that just to be considered for Delta, he was dropped into unfamiliar territory and instructed to get from point A to B as fast as possible which often took days. At each checkpoint, he had no idea if he had reached it in time or how many more days were left in the test. Along with discouragement to continue, all he was given was a new destination and the opportunity to quit.
As he talked, my mind wandered. Our life can sometimes feel like that selection process. We're dropped into unfamiliar territory, discouraged daily, without knowing when it all will end. But we'd be wise to remember that with Jesus in our hearts, we've already been rescued. Unnoticed and disguised as a human, He stepped onto foreign soil to set us captives free. Because He did, we don't quit.
WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Full-Body Dumbbell Blast
While bodybuilders tend to specialize, training individual bodyparts on certain days of the week, there are a great many people who are forced to multi-task. Short on time but high on motivation, some prefer to get as much done as they can, in as little time possible. This short, full-body workout, which requires little more than a set of dumbbells and some floor space, will call your entire musculature into play in 10-15 minutes.
Using the same light-moderate pair of dumbbells, go from one exercise to the next without rest. Simply do as many reps as you can of each exercise. After the last exercise on the list, go ahead and rest 2-3 minutes then go through the circuit again, for a total of three times maximum. You can perform this workout 2-4 times per week, depending on experience.
Dumbbell Squat to Overhead Press Dumbbell Squat to Upright Row Two-hand Bent-Over Dumbbell Row Dumbbell Curl Floor Dumbbell Chest Press * Weighted (Dumbbell) Crunch
* Feel free to substitute dumbbell bench press if you have a bench available.
>> FEATURED WORKOUT JOURNAL: TrooperG | Running + PrayFit
October 28, 2010Read: Job 32
"'Age should speak; advanced years should teach wisdom.' But it is the spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty, that gives him understanding." --Job 32:7-8
At around 3:00 this morning, one of the sweetest, dearest men I've ever known in all the world got up and boarded a plane, embarking on a mission to Nepal. He's been preparing for this trip for decades.
After spending over 40 years as a pastor in Texas and New Mexico, God called him to become a missionary (he's in his 70s now). And if asked, he'll tell you that all those years serving and preaching in churches were all to prepare him to get up and leave at 3:00 this morning.
All the weeks, the Saturday studies, the Sunday morning and evening services, not to mention every Wednesday night for over four decades were merely a prep course for what awaits him when he finally lands. He makes numerous trips like this each year, often to some of the most dangerous regions of Asia.
But though I don't know what awaits him when he lands, I do know what the people there can expect. The message he'll share with them is the same message an eight-year old Texas kid heard back in the 70s. A simple message of Jesus, spoken in love through tears.
What does it take to leave home, risk your life and freedom, and forsake all comforts of safety and family, in order to deliver the gospel to strangers halfway across the world? It takes a life. But not our own. Because over 2000 years ago, Jesus was led to Calvary, where He paid the penalty for your sin and for mine. He went there for me and for you...and died at 3:00.
And that's why Henry Powell got up this morning.
EXERCISE IN FOCUS Looking for a new abs move? Try this one the next time you're at the gym
TARGET: Abs with emphasis on the upper abs
IN WORKOUT: In general, always do abs last in your workout, following your major bodyparts. But within your ab specific training, put this weighted crunch before you bodyweight moves.
SETS & REPS: Perform 4 sets with 10-15 reps.
BENCH: Place a decline bench near a low-pulley cable (your head near the stack). Most gyms have portable abdominal benches, so drag or carry one to the pulley station. Place a couple feet away from the stack so that when you grasp and place the rope in place, the weight rises off the stack.
ROPE: Hook a rope attachment to the cable and hold the handles tight to your body outside your ears. You can also grasp both ends of the rope and hold them on one side of your head. The emphasis is not altered all that much and could be more comfortable and practical depending on the attachment. But if you do so, be sure to transfer your hands to both sides of your head from set to set.
RANGE OF MOTION: Crunch upward as high as possible, bringing your elbows to your quads. Because you’re holding a cable which provides constant tension, you can raise your body as high as possible. In other words, you don’t have to stop short of perpendicular to the floor as you do during the bodyweight version to keep the abs engaged and stimulated, but come up as far as you can go.
BACK TO START: Squeeze your abs hard then slowly lower yourself to the start position and repeat. Feel free to come all the way down until your head touches the bench, but if you want to make it more difficult, stop just short of letting your shoulder blades touch the bench. Either way, don’t let the weight plates touch at the bottom of each rep.