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Strong Community
"Simon answered, 'Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets." --Luke 5:5
Read: Luke 5
Smelly. Dirty. Grimy. These are just a few of the ways to describe Peter and his buddies. After all, they spent their days baiting hooks and cleaning fish. I'm smiling as I picture Jesus the Recruiter walking up to this motley crew. Did He pause and grin, crouching down to watch and listen to them work? Maybe after a few minutes, He looked skyward with a smile as if to say, "I found them."
I'm not sure, but I like to wonder what happened in that moment just before the call. What we do know is that of all the fishermen that came off the water, this bunch caught God's attention. And not long after Christ borrowed Peter's boat, the two were catching fish in water too deep for the nets to reach; Peter's preview to the depths of His love.
Friends, remember. Like that little bird reminded us yesterday, you and I have God's attention. So as we start our cars, open our offices, enter our cubicles, prepare for housework or hit the exercise routine, let's do what Peter did and abandon control. Let's just imagine Him saying with a grin, "I found them," and this is that moment just before the call.
--Jimmy Peña
STRENGTH IN YOUR NUMBERS Pastor Randy Frazee of Oak Hills Church in San Antonio once wrote, “The experience of authentic community is one of the purposes God intends to be fulfilled by the church. The writings of Scripture lead one to conclude that God intends the church, not to be one more bolt on the wheel of activity in our lives, but the very hub at the center of one’s life…" Are you plugged into a good church community or small group?
PRAYFIT NEWS: Team PrayFit Gets Stronger From a Team PrayFit standpoint, we grew in strength yesterday. Details to come but we added to our team in a mighty way in terms of representation and management. We're so grateful to the Lord for allowing it. We'll unveil soon, but we're praising God for answered prayer. Join us!
EGGS FOR MUSCLE How did the incredible egg earn its nickname?
Many of you may think that eggs are just a simple breakfast food — something that’s been on your plate every morning since you can remember. But it is so much more, particularly if you’re looking to gain muscle, says Jim Stoppani co-author of “PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days”(Regal Books). Researchers found that subjects who ate three whole eggs per day gained twice as much muscle in 12 weeks as those who only had one egg per day.
EGG FACTS: One whole egg contains 72 calories, 6 grams of protein, 0 grams of carbohydrate and 5 grams of fat. But don’t worry — about 80% of that fat is monounsaturated and saturated fat, which actually aids in the muscle-building process.
A Life Spent Saving
His father was a fisherman. During low tide, he and his friends would fashion fish nets into makeshift baseballs, milk cartons into mitts and use tree branches for bats. The boy who would come to be known as "Sandman" played in it until the tide came in. Not much has changed.
Regarded as the greatest closing pitcher in the history of baseball, Mariano Rivera took the mound -- the hill -- one final time. After recording two outs in the ninth, the waves were crashing near his feet and the sun was setting. So, counterparts Derek Jeter and Andy Pettitte went out to get their friend.
"It's time to go," Jeter said.
And that was it. The tide came in. Teammates embraced, tears flowed and millions of fans around the world wept. The man whose job it was to bring an end to games had reached the end of his. The man credited with the most "saves" in history didn't save anything for the next day.
As promised, this week will be a week with a theme. So plan on spending time each day studying the lives of men and women who finished strong for the cause of Christ. Biblical closers, if you will. Some overcoming incredible obstacles to fulfill their God-given dreams; all called by God to finish better than they started. Any names come to mind? Any favorites you hope we cover? I hope you're blessed by what you read.
Friends, Jesus found fisherman on the sand with one goal on His mind, to climb a hill and save us. Because of that, may you and I treat each day like it's low tide.
--Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: Just in time, the "Sandman" goes out to the mound after the game to gather a little to take home with him. What a moment in the sand. And if you take a look at this video in its entirety, you'll see the cloud of witnesses -- his teammates -- in the dugout greet and embrace Mo. Imagine the cloud of witnesses awaiting us. Of course, it won't be our life they applaud. It won't be our name they echo. It will be His. We will cry, "Jesus." Is there a better end to a life He saved?
Don't Miss This Boat
“We worked hard all night and caught nothing.” --Luke 5:5
Read: Luke 5
Tired, worn, done. In that order. All that work and nothing to show for it. Peter's hands were as raw as they were empty, and the last thing he wanted to do was try again. But Jesus wouldn't let him quit -- not on his watch. In fact, Jesus said, "Now go out to where it's deeper and let down your nets to catch some fish." (v.4)
You know how Peter feels. You're struggling with your health. You've been fishing all night for the right plan or diet but you can't catch a break; not even a nibble of hope. But Peter didn't catch boat loads because of fancy nets and the newest bait. He caught his catch because he trusted, tried again and went deeper. I say we draw a line in the sand. As a matter of fact, Peter's pushing away from the shore. They're calling for you. If you hurry, you can make it.
--Jimmy Peña
Question: Peter's catch isn't point of the story; neither is your physique. So what is? And since Peter's successful catch wasn't required for heaven, why was it important to Jesus?
RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Tangy Carrot Slaw
This makes for a quick, nutritious dish that is a combination of crunchy, soft, sweet, and tangy, and it’s easy to vary the ingredients based on personal preference. Shredded carrots are sold near the bagged salads. This recipe is also good with chopped apple.
Ingredients: 1 (10-oz.) bag shredded carrots 1 (14-oz.) can chickpeas ½ cup raisins or dried cranberries ¼ cup roasted, unsalted sunflower seeds 2 tablespoons olive oil 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice salt and pepper to taste
Directions: Drain and thoroughly rinse the chickpeas, then add to carrots, dried fruit, and sunflower seeds. Whisk together the olive oil and lemon juice and add salt and pepper, then toss with the other ingredients. Serves 6. Best if eaten within 1-2 days.
Approximate nutrition information per serving (not counting salt and pepper to taste): 210 calories, 8g fat (1g saturated), 120mg sodium*, 32g carbohydrate, 5g fiber, 5g protein.
FOOD TIP: A recent study showed that thoroughly draining and rinsing canned beans in a colander can remove up to 40% of the sodium. This tactic should also work for many canned vegetables. Or, you can buy no-salt-added canned veggies and beans, which are becoming increasingly more available.
Emily Ann Miller, MPH, RD is a registered dietitian and works at a Washington, DC-based independent, nonprofit science organization, where her work is currently focused on environmental and policy solutions to obesity prevention. She also speaks to groups about health and nutrition and provides nutrition education to patients at a free medical clinic that serves low-income, uninsured adults in the Washington, DC area. You can view more of Emily’s nutrition tips and updates by following her on Twitter, @EmilyAMillerRD.
October 14, 2011Read: Exodus 4
"The Lord said, 'Throw it on the ground." --Exodus 4:3
Moses was reluctant to part with his staff, but when he finally laid it down in obedience, it became the rod of God. Abraham was asked to lay down his own son upon the altar, and Peter was asked to lay down his nets after catching nothing all night. I'm sensing a theme.
You know, we talk a lot about picking up the weights or picking up the pace in our pursuit of a fitter lifestyle, but God is honored most by what we're willing to lay down. And if we're obedient in the most difficult times, He'll bless us beyond belief. What are you holding that's keeping you from living a more abundant life either spiritually or physically? Whatever it might be, just know that Moses, Abraham and Peter know first hand that it's okay to let go.
RECOVER FASTER WITH R.I.C.E. Learn the basics of injury management to get back to your exercise program sooner
When you roll an ankle playing basketball or feel a pull in your hamstring during a sprint, do you wrestle over what approach to take? Is it heat? Or does ice work best? Should you just wrap it up tight and call it a day? If you can remember the term "RICE," you'll never go wrong with treating acute, soft-tissue injuries like strains and sprains. RICE is an acronym that stands for "rest, ice, compression and elevation," a fundamental injury treatment technique used in training rooms everywhere.
R - REST Forget about making tomorrow's pick-up game. Your body needs time to heal and complete rest is the only way to ensure that the injured soft tissue remains immobile until the pain has subsided and the majority of function has returned.
I - ICE We love to hate the cold stuff. Applying an ice pack to the area, usually for 20 minutes of each hour as soon as possible after the injury, helps to alleviate pain and swelling to the area. Care should be taken not to over-ice, as the extended restriction of blood flow can limit the delivery of nutrients and the elimination of waste from the injured area.
C - COMPRESSION Keeping a good elastic bandage on hand is a good idea if you're active, as this simple implement can help to further reduce inflammation. Wrap the affected area firmly, but not so much so that it is overly restrictive and never sleep with it on -- doing either can unnecessarily or dangerously interrupt important blood flow.
E - ELEVATION Gravity is your friend. If possible, keep the affected limb above the heart in order to reduce swelling and to improve the removal of waste products from the point of injury.
What about heat? From the above, you have probably deduced that most of these steps are designed to limit swelling and blood flow to the injury. Since direct heat increases circulation to the point of application, applying heat before swelling subsides (usually 48-72 hours) can be counterproductive, even if it offers some temporary comfort. To these steps, you can also add a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) such as ibuprofen which will further aid in pain management and the reduction of swelling.
September 29, 2011Read: Luke 5
"Simon answered, 'Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets."--Luke 5:5
Smelly, dirty, grimy -- these are just a few of the ways to describe Peter and his buddies. After all, they spent their days baiting hooks and cleaning fish. I'm smiling as I picture Jesus 'the Recruiter' walking up to this motley crew. Did He pause and grin, crouching down to watch and listen to them work? Maybe after a few minutes, He looked skyward with a smile as if to say, "I found them."
I'm not sure, but I like to wonder what happened in that moment just before the call. What we do know is that of all the fishermen that came off the water, this bunch caught God's attention. And not long after Christ borrowed Peter's boat, the two were catching fish in water too deep for the nets to reach; Peter's preview to the depths of His love.
Friends, remember. You have God's attention. So as we start our cars, open our offices, enter our cubicles or prepare for housework, let's do what Peter did and abandon control. Let's just imagine Him saying with a grin, "I found them," and this is that moment just before the call.
RECIPE: BBQ CHICKEN PIZZA Use this recipe to enjoy a healthier, homemade pizza
If you are easily tempted by the lure of buttery crust, bubbling cheese and a "supreme" piling of toppings, well you're not alone. But as tasty as pizza is, it is generally not the healthiest food on the planet. Sure, a slice or two isn't going to have you flooding over your belt line but indulging more than that (or more often) is a -- dare we say? -- recipe for disaster. This alternative from Dana White, MS, RD, ATC, a writer for the Food Network and contributing nutritionist for PrayFit, helps save calories with healthier ingredients, taking the guilt out of your next pizza night.
NEW!!! Read up on PrayFit 33-Day Total Body Challenge, the newest home exercise DVD from Lionsgate Entertainment, due out December 6. (Available for pre-order now on Amazon)
September 22, 2011Read: Luke 5
“We worked hard all night and caught nothing.” --Luke 5:5
Tired, worn, done. In that order. All that work and nothing to show for it. Peter's hands were as raw as they were empty, and the last thing he wanted to do was try again. But Jesus wouldn't let him quit -- not on his watch. In fact, Jesus said, "Now go out to where it's deeper and let down your nets to catch some fish." (v.4)
You know how Peter feels. You're struggling with your health. You've been fishing all night for the right plan or diet but you can't catch a break; not even a nibble of hope. But Peter didn't catch boat loads because of fancy nets and the newest bait. He caught his catch because he trusted, tried again and went deeper. I say we draw a line in the sand. As a matter of fact, Peter's pushing away from the shore. They're calling for you. If you hurry, you can make it.
Question: Peter's catch isn't point of the story; neither is your physique. So what is? And since Peter's successful catch wasn't required for heaven, why was it important to Jesus?
GET IN ON THE DISCUSSION Use our online forums to interact with like-minded folks on all things faith and fitness
>> ACCOUNTABILITY: One PrayFit member is seeking digital workout partners!
July 20, 2011Read: Exodus 4
"The Lord said, 'Throw it on the ground." --Exodus 4:3
Moses was reluctant to part with his staff but when he finally laid it down in obedience, it became the rod of God. Abraham was asked to lay down his own son upon the alter, and Peter was asked to lay down his nets after catching nothing all night.
You know, we talk a lot about picking up the weights or picking up the pace in our pursuit of a fitter lifestyle, but God is honored most by what we're willing to lay down. What are you holding that's keeping you from living a healthier, more abundant life? Whatever it might be, just know that Moses, Abraham and Peter know first hand that it's alright to let go.
Now firmly in the grasp of summer, most of us are suddenly concerned with our arms and stomachs -- bodyparts that are on display in every tanktop or swimsuit. But no matter the season, one of the most neglected parts of our training programs is the back. Because it's not something you see in the mirror everyday, it's easy to minimize it's importance in your training split. But training the back hard and often not only makes for a stronger, more eye-catching physique but a healthier one at that. Strengthening the muscles of the back makes you stronger at nearly everything else, not to mention "mundane," everyday tasks like sitting, standing and walking. Often, people find that by training their backs, they have less back, hip or neck pain. Go figure.
This week's workout is for the gym-goer who wants a great back workout using primarily cables, which challenge the back with constant tension throughout each move. The back is a tough bodypart but, if done correctly, it can be one of the most gratifying training sessions all week. So here we go. After a good general warm-up such as jogging or riding a stationary bike:
Lat Pulldown: A good place to start, hitting the upper lats primarily, but also serving as a great overall warm up). Reverse-Grip Pulldown: This brings the biceps into play to a greater degree, which is why you can move more weight on this version. And by flipping your grip, you increase the range of motion, shifting more focus to the lower lat area. Wide-Grip Seated Row: This move targets not only the upper lats, but also the middle back, including the rhomboids and middle traps. Swimmers: A bodyweight-only move where you lie on your stomach and extend your legs and arms up and down in a swimming motion, stimulating the lower back with laser-like precision.
So do 3-4 sets of the first three cable exercises with 10-12 repetitions. On the swimmers move, do 3-4 sets of 15 repetitions (or 15 seconds of controlled reps per set). You can do all your sets for each exercise before moving on to the next exercise or, to add a cardio element, you can perform this in circuit fashion, going from one exercise to the next with little rest.
>> JOIN THE MOVEMENT: Thousands of people have changed their lives and bodies through the transformative power of a simple motto: "In Jesus' name, we train." Find out why so many have made PrayFit a part of their daily routines by clicking here. And, as always, we thank you for continuing to share PrayFit with others! Use the "Recommend," "Tweet" and "Share" features at the top of this page to broadcast this link to your social networks!
August 5, 2010Read: Luke 5 "Simon answered, 'Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.'" --Luke 5:5
Smelly, dirty, grimy -- these are just a few of the ways to describe Peter and his buddies. After all, they spent their days baiting hooks and cleaning fish. I'm smiling as I picture Jesus the recruiter walking up to this crew. Did He pause and grin, crouching down to watch and listen to them work? Maybe after a few minutes, He looked skyward with a smile as if to say, "I found them."
I'm not sure, but I like to wonder what happened in that moment just before the call. What we do know is that of all the fishermen that came off the water, this bunch caught God's attention. And not long after Christ borrowed Peter's boat, the two were catching fish in water too deep for the nets to reach; Peter's preview to the depths of His love.
So as we start our cars, open our offices, enter our cubicles or prepare for housework, let's do what Peter did and abandon control. Let's just imagine Him saying with a grin, "I found them", and this is that moment just before the call.
Of all the things that we recommend at PrayFit, we probably don't mention proper rest often enough. But the idea that you can take fitness too far is serious business. Overtraining Syndrome is real and it's serious. Here are just a few of the actual symptoms that some people experience when diagnosed with overtraining problems. Are you overtrained?
1 Sleep disturbances: Getting too much sleep or too little sleep; waking up fatigued despite a normal amount of sleep. 2 Psychological Reactions: Burnout, boredom, depression, irritability, anger. 3 Impaired performance: Decreased strength and endurance, delayed recovery, general intolerance to training. 4 Decreased immune function: Increased susceptibility to colds, flu and infections, or a slow rate of healing.
If you are suffering from any (or all) of these conditions, you may want to take a step back and look at your training program. You are likely doing too much of something. It's a good idea to reduce your workout frequency (how often you train), volume (how much you do), intensity (how heavy you're going) or just to get more rest between sessions. Also, you will want to make sure that your nutrition is adequate enough to support your training -- some people who are striving to lose weight will mistakenly slash calories in an effort to speed weight loss.
>> RECRUIT TO THE CAUSE: Expansion of our growing PrayFit army is up to you! Go to our new official Facebook page and click on "Suggest to Friends" to help loved ones get closer to their faith and fitness goals in 2010.
>> GEAR UP: Don't have your PrayFit distressed ballcap yet? Click here to enter the PrayFit store.