Since 2009
Behind The Scenes
"When you help someone out, don’t think about how it looks. Just do it — quietly and unobtrusively. That is the way your God, who conceived you in love, working behind the scenes, helps you out." --Matthew 6:2-4
Yesterday, Eric sent me some behind-the-scenes footage from our DVD series; specifically, various things that went on the day we shot the "Prayfit Minutes" portion of the discs. Wow, I had never seen any of it. Great memories. (We've posted a quick 10 seconds from that day for you to see below.) But I spent the better part of yesterday afternoon watching what was going on before and after the cameras rolled. And you know, everything you saw on the DVD was the result of dozens of people doing their finest work. I couldn't tell you their names but countless people across the country have heard our message of health and praise all because of what these pros did off-camera.
In Matthew, we learn the importance of doing things for others without being seen; void of any credit and in the absence of praise. In fact, you and I are never to do good things so that others can see us. “Be especially careful when you are trying to be good so that you don’t make a performance out of it. It might be good theater, but the God who made you won’t be applauding." (Matthew 6:1 The Msg) The passage goes on to say that when we tell others what good we've done, we've lost the blessing in Heaven.
Giving, praying, doing. So much of who we are should happen when nobody sees it. That fires me up. The gospel done in secret. In fact, that's how God works. "When you help someone out, don’t think about how it looks. Just do it—quietly and unobtrusively. That is the way your God, who conceived you in love, working behind the scenes, helps you out." (Matthew 6:2-4)
--Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: When the offering plate comes around in church, you don't tell everyone what you give. That would not only be absurd, but you'd lose the blessing in Heaven. How can our health be a private offering to the Lord? Are you in the habit of showing off your physical gifts from God for the praise of others? Let's work this week to pray in private, give to the needy in private, do for the Lord just for the Lord, even when it comes to our health. And when we do, He knows it. And that's enough.
"THAT'S A WRAP!": What a great day this was. We are still so honored by the countless people from Lionsgate Entertainment who did such an amazing job on set. And while we won't show you too much of all the footage, we thought we'd show you the minute they told Jimmy we were wrapped. (He gets excited)...
Me and My Drum...
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, working as unto the Lord, not for men." --Colossians 3:23
Read: Colossians 3 Turns out PrayFit has a theme song -- a song that sums up PrayFit perfectly. My wife and friends might guess it's a Rocky montage or the Gladiator theme song but alas, no. I have one better. The Little Drummer Boy. (Pa rum pum pum pum)...
"Come they told me, a newborn King to see. Our finest gifts we bring, to set before the King. Little baby, I am a poor boy too. I have no gift to bring, that's fit to give a King. Shall I play for you on my drum? Then He nodded... I played my drum for Him. I played my best for Him. Then He smiled at me. Me and my drum."
You and I are poor. Like the little boy, we have nothing to bring that's fit to give the King. But He's delighted when we come to Him. And it's music to His ears when we play our life to its fullest. And that's the basis of PrayFit. Giving our best effort to let health be a means of praise. I want to bring a smile to His face, don't you? The very idea of doing so brings one to mine; to me and my drum. Pa rum pum pum...pum.
--Jimmy Peña
Question: What is your offering today? P.S. This entry was written while listening to "Little Drummer Boy" by The Vocal Majority on The Twelve Days of Christmas album; just in case you're inspired. I highly recommend it with closed eyes.
PRAYFIT POLL: Over the next few weeks, we want to conduct a series of polls to help our team serve you better. If you wouldn't mind, taking a second today or anytime you see this poll to give us your feedback. We'd be in your debt. Please leave your responses to this informal survey in the comments section below.
1. Are you able to enjoy the Prayfit Daily each weekday? Would it be more convenient if the devotion(s), tips and recipes came to you only once per week, or once per month? 2. What sort of information do you find most useful? The devotions? Workouts? Fitness tips? 3. What would you like to see more of in our health-related items? More workouts? More recipes? More stats and research? 4. Is there anything specific about our website that you would want us to improve upon in 2013?
WORKOUT OF THE MONTH: As you work to keep winter weight gain at bay -- the average is about 0.8 pounds per holiday season -- we suggest the PrayFit: 33-Day Body Toning System. This highly-challenging workout can be done at home with some dumbbells and a workout mat and is guaranteed to provide a powerful stimulus for change. Whether you're looking to lose a few inches around the waist or simply shape-up specific bodyparts, this is the DVD for you. Click here to read more or to purchase one for yourself or a friend! (NOTE: As a reminder, once we reach 25 reviews on Amazon, we're offering one random reviewer a gift from the new PrayFit online store!)
In its first week of release, it has been in the Top 25 of Amazon's hot new releases in fitness & exercise. A quick click of the play button below will give you a glimpse at what this workout has to offer. The best part? It's just 33 minutes a day, honoring the One who gave us 33 years.
Clive Said That
"Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has given more to the treasury than all the others." --Mark 12:43
Read: Mark 12
Like many of us, Clive Staples didn't really start living until he gave his heart to Jesus. Nine days after he and a writing buddy went for a long walk, Clive -- a known agnostic -- accepted God's grace and used the rest of his life as an offering to the Lord. Two thousand years earlier, Jesus watched a poor widow offer her life's savings -- two copper coins (worth about half a penny) -- into the church plate.
Two people that changed our world with one, single offering. But it was their offering of all.
Who's world would change if you asked God to help you give your all to your health? Maybe Your spouse? Your Kids? Maybe a friend who needs you to be all God intended you to be. Well, whoever comes to mind, just remember, it's not about perfection, but diligence. After all, "We don't have souls, we are souls. We have bodies." Clive Staples said that. But you know him better as C.S Lewis.
--Jimmy Peña
>> Soreness in a Sermon: Hard intervals yield eternal results when we know who we represent
>> Work Backwards: Retrace your steps for a view of the cross to regain focus
>> Rattle Some Chains: Feeling captive? Maybe you're right where you should be
>> 28 Days: Want to get leaner, fitter, stronger and healthier in four weeks? This is your ticket
>> Accountability: 4 ways to start journaling for better, faster results
>> Protein: How this macronutrient rock star can help you build strength, lose fat
>> Fruits & Veggies: 2 ways to get more of 'em
LOOKING FOR CONVICTION?: Spend 3 minutes and 34 seconds finding it by clicking here.
September 26, 2011Read: Psalm 124
“God’s strong name is our help.” Psalm 124:8
Forget the idea that when we're healthy, we're better at work. Try to ignore the fact that when we take care of ourselves, we're better for our families, kids and spouses. Block all that out for a second. Focus on this short and simple command: "Honor God with your body." Vain, you say? Petty? Too temporary? It would be if it were my idea. But it isn't. It's His.
Yesterday at church, we sang praises. We listened to a sermon about the importance of praise. Then we offered Him praise through the giving of our tithes and offerings. All good. All expected. All right. But then the Pastor returned to the podium, rubbed his oversized stomach and jokingly bragged about the oversized meal and game he was about to enjoy.
Now, maybe I'm sensitive. I admit, perhaps my feelings are exposed because my life's work revolves around health as a way to praise God. But friends, listen up. Our best effort at health is not a good idea because of the benefits it brings, it's a good idea because God said it. In the end, we're not loved because we succeed at it, nor because we plead forgiveness if we fail at it. He loves us regardless. But shouldn't we be doing one or the other?
Join us this week as we put our health in perspective; a heavenly perspective.
WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: TOTAL BODY 10 Train most major muscle groups in less time with this bodyweight-driven workout
Recently, a well-respected fitness coach said that losing weight may not be as simple as "move more, eat less." Rather, he says, we should "train harder, eat smarter." While it's true that attention to energy balance -- the old "move more, eat less" mantra -- has some value and can be effective, it is entirely more productive to simply give your best effort day in and day out while continuing to eat a balanced diet that will support your training.
One way to constantly challenge yourself, and therefore effect change in your body, is to outdo your previous performance. And to do that doesn't require a gym -- just the willingness to push. It should be noted that training at higher intensity is relative -- your max effort is entirely unique to your body -- but this workout allows novices as well as experienced trainers to draw equal benefit, training your upper body, abs and legs in 10 minutes flat.
5 push-ups
10 crunches
15 squats
--Set a timer for 10 minutes. Perform these exercises consecutively with no rest in between moves. Do as many rounds as possible of these exercises in the prescribed order in the set 10 minute period. The total number of rounds you complete is your "score" for the day. Partial rounds may count as thirds -- i.e. if you only get through five rounds and then only complete the five push-ups on the sixth round, you've done 5 1/3 rounds. Rest at least 24 hours between workouts. To allow for better recovery, perform this workout no more than three times in a seven-day period.
Advanced Training: If you can complete 10 rounds in 10 minutes, increase the workout length by one minute. Add a minute to the workout each time your number of completed rounds equals the number of minutes trained for sustained progression.
October 29, 2010Read: Exodus 35
"From what you have, take an offering for the Lord. Everyone who is willing is to bring to the Lord an offering." --Exodus 35:5
Last night, the PrayFit team offered a sneak preview of the book's 28-day, bodyweight-only program to a small group of enthusiastic believers from Christ Lutheran Church in Costa Mesa (Calif.). This cross-section of newly-minted PrayFitters, who represent the start for what we hope will be a nationwide rejuvenation of faith and fitness, was diverse to say the least. Those battling injury, those nursing arthritic joints, those who are simply looking to shed a few pounds -- they all showed up to offer what they could, not to us, but to the Lord.
Despite their wide array of backgrounds, they were all linked by a simple theme: a desire to honor the body that houses the soul.
People are often reluctant to renew their commitment to their health. It's uncomfortable, it's tiring and it's scary. But like Jimmy's dad told him: "Son, never give the Lord anything that costs you nothing."
We hope you'll join our friends at Christ Lutheran and give whatever you have to offer of yourselves -- today and everyday from here on out -- and let the Lord do with it what He will.
>> PRAYFIT IN PRINT: Read more about the upcoming PrayFit book and find out how you can pre-order copies for yourself, friends and family. Click here.
PRAYFIT WEEK IN REVIEW Revisit the week's fitness and nutrition wisdom
>> 10-MINUTE ABS: Try the PrayFit Workout of the Week and read up on Tyler's (Texas) Fit City initiative.
>> DIABETES ON THE RISE: Just how bad is the diabetes epidemic in the U.S.? Worldwide?
>> HALLOWEEN WISDOM: Ease the impact on your gut (and teeth) with these easy tips.
>> ABS ON THE DECLINE: Learn the ins and outs of this novel, but highly effective move for stronger abs.
August 3, 2010Read: Mark 12 "Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has given more to the treasury than all the others." --Mark 12:43
Clive didn't really start living until he gave his heart to Jesus. Nine days after he and a writing buddy went for a long walk, Clive -- a known agnostic -- accepted God's grace and used the rest of his life as an offering to the Lord. Two thousand years earlier, Jesus watched a poor widow offer her life's savings -- two copper coins (worth about half a penny) -- into the church plate.
Two people that changed our world with one offering. Their offering of all.
Who's world would change if you asked God to help you give your best to your health? Your spouse? Kids? Remember, it's not about perfection, but diligence. We're called to care for the body that carries the soul. After all, "We don't have souls, we are souls. We have bodies." Clive said that. But you know him better as C.S Lewis.
In a 2007 study cited by The Obesity Society, the alarming trend of weight gain was made clear. Of the respondents in a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) analysis...
--25.6% were obese.
--26.4% of men and 24.8% of women were obese.
--the obesity prevalence ranged from 19.1% for men and women aged 18--29 years to 31.7% and 30.2%, respectively, for men and women aged 50--59 years.
--by race/ethnicity and sex the obesity prevalence was highest for non-Hispanic black women (39.0%) followed by non-Hispanic black men (32.1%).
--The obesity prevalence was higher in the South (27.3%) and Midwest (26.5%) and lower in the Northeast (24.4%) and West (23.1%).
A separate but related survey showed that approximately 75% of Americans identify themselves as Christian.
Sources: ReligiousTolerance.org, The Obesity Society