Since 2009
You Have Some Body
"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." --Genesis 1:31
Read: Genesis 1
When we think of creation, it's easy to think of the depths of the ocean floor. Mention God creating the world and our minds gravitate toward the peaks of Everest. Trees, birds, deserts, the sun. Some of God's best work, wouldn't you agree? But folks, He didn't rest until He made us. He didn't stamp "It was very good" until He gave us freckles, elbows and our little toes. His glorious face wouldn't show a Father's pride until He saw a smile on ours.
Make no mistake, you're not one. When you think of creation, look in the mirror. When you consider the breadth of His work, take a deep breath yourself. Because when He said it was good, He was looking at you. What did He see? His image. Rediscover His handiwork. You have some body.
--Jimmy Peña
Question: How often do you stop to ponder the amazing craftsmanship of the Maker? How many times during the day do you stop to marvel at the function of your limbs, the cadence of your heartbeat or the countless other functions that God breathed into you? How often do you take these things for granted? Why or why not? Give your honest responses in the comments section below.
BOOST HEART HEALTH This wonder food can help lower bad cholesterol by 16% Keeping your heart vibrant and healthy goes way beyond exercise and eating less. But luckily, there are foods that you can eat that can boost your efforts. This source of healthy fat has been shown to reduce your levels of LDL, or bad cholesterol, significantly.
March 4, 2011Read: Philippians 1
"For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." --Philippians 1:21
Yesterday, we at PrayFit confirmed plans to promote, endorse and sponsor one of our favorite athletes. A champion in and out of the ring, Robert "The Ghost" Guerrero and PrayFit agreed to terms for his HBO Pay-Per-View televised fight on April 9. We are absolutely ecstatic. A man of God, a loving husband, and a three-time world champion, Robert Guerrero's trunks will carry a new logo: PRAYFIT.COM
In the middle of the ring and in the heat of battle, he'll be wearing our name.
You know as believers in the fight of our lives, we wear His name. With His blood, He stamped his promotion and endorsement on our hearts. He says, "He's mine! She's with me! I'm in their corner!" And any scars we show, we bear for Him. May the marks we bear point others to the cross. So whether it be at work, home, school or with your health, consider this moment the bell, and let's make it a good fight.
“Being a big believer in Jesus Christ, PrayFit gets me on track to start my day off in the right direction. In boxing there is no room for error. You have to be not only be physically prepared but spiritually strong as well.”
–Robert “The Ghost” Guerrero, 3-Time Boxing World Champion
>> WORKOUT: Test your mettle and build your endurance with this run-based workout
>> REPORT: Pecans boost heart health
>> RECIPE: Healthy BBQ chicken pizza. Do we have your attention now?
>> NUTRITION: PrayFit rates five dairy-free alternatives to cow's milk
SHARE: Looking for quick-hit exercise and nutrition information, ideas and programming? Visit our new Fitness and Nutrition pages and be sure to use the new social networking features -- recommend, share, tweet, e-mail -- up top to help spread the word.
READ: "PrayFit: Your Guide to A Healthy Body and A Stronger Faith in 28 Days," now available in stores, is a fantastic, fundamental guide for anyone looking for a renewal of faith and fitness. The book includes 56 days of daily devotionals, complete exercise programs for both beginners and intermediates, as well as full meal plans to speed your results. To pick up a copy for yourself or a friend, visit Barnes & Noble or Amazon today!
March 1, 2011Read: 3 John 1
"I hope all is well with you, and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit." --3 John 1:2
If you missed it like I did, read the verse again. Yep, that's it. In one verse, God has woven permission for a healthy concern of the body. Never at the expense of what's most important, but when was the last time you and I hoped the same for someone? Oh, we often ask how the kids are, how the job is going, and the progress of one's golf game -- but what about their health? Not the casual, "So how you been" or "How you doin'?," but rather a real longing to see your friends and family as healthy on the outside as they are on the inside.
Truth is, we may be as timid to ask as we are to be asked. But either way, it's okay. Because we have both permission and an obligation to hope for health.
PASS THE PECANS Research shows that almonds may not sit alone in the nut hall of fame
Over the last several years, the almond has become the rock star of the nut family and rightly so -- it's a wonder food that promotes heart health and aids in fat loss in addition to a host of other health benefits. But new research is showing that the pecan, which is also rich in healthy fat, may deserve at least co-billing as top nut.
Researchers at Loma Linda University demonstrated that the naturally occurring antioxidants in pecans, specifically Vitamin E, may help contribute to heart health and disease prevention. The findings, published in the Journal of Nutrition, showed that a pecan-enriched diet lowered levels of LDL cholesterol by 16.5 percent -- more than twice the American Heart Association's Step I diet, which was used as the control diet in that study. Similarly, the pecan-enriched diet lowered total cholesterol levels by 11.3 percent (also twice as much as the Step I diet).
"This does not give you permission to pound down pecan pie," says Jim Stoppani, PhD, co-author of "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days" (Regal Books). "But having three ounces of raw, unsalted pecans daily, as in the study, could help you ward off heart disease and some cancers."
Source: Science Daily