Since 2009
June 3, 2011Read: Psalm 121 “My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.” --Psalm 121:2
It’s Friday. The ninth inning. The fourth quarter. The last period.
When coaches encourage their players to “leave it all out on the field,” it’s not to sure-up a victory or avoid defeat, but more so to prevent regret either way.
Of all people, Jesus understood Friday. If anybody ever had cause to hesitate before Friday’s first step, He did. But He finished the game. He suited up and took on the best the world had to offer by offering himself for the world.
Let's finish the week stronger than we began it. In Jesus' name, we train.
NAVIGATION STATION Today, we highlight some of the most visited pages on the site. Find everything you need to live abundantly in just a few clicks.
NUTRITION: Recipes, healthy eating tips and more
FITNESS: Workouts, exercise descriptions and the latest fitness news
FORUMS: Enjoy fellowship and accountability with the PrayFit community
STARTER GUIDE: Hear from the founder and learn what you need to get started...TODAY
STORE: Gear up with shirts, hats and wristbands or shop for others at the PrayFit store
>> QUESTION OF THE DAY: Just finding the time to moving is the hard part. Once you're up and about, what is your favorite form of healthy activity? Share in the comments section below and have a great weekend!
April 12, 2011Read: Genesis 6
"Noah did everything God commanded him." --Genesis 6:22
We spend an incredible amount of time on this earth waiting. We wait at traffic lights, elevators, DMVs, for mail, for appointments, for that phone call, the offer letter, for good news, for any news...you name it, if we want something, sometimes we have to wait.
Noah knew what it was like to wait. Imagine him hammering the side of the ark with one hand while waving to passing neighbors with the other. "Evenin'! Yeah, I'm building an ark! For the, uhh...flood! Have a good night!" But we all know the story. The rain finally came, and Noah's purpose was revealed. Good thing he kept building.
Like Noah, are you waiting for God to storm into action? Trying to get into that college? Get that new job? Good, but hammer while you wait. You never know, that first drop of rain just might be today.
It's unquestionably one of the best ad campaigns the armed forces have ever rolled out. The concept of "Army Strong," illustrated by visions of hard-charging, camouflaged men and women in peak physical condition, doing what they can to keep our nation safe at home and abroad. Those hesitant to head down to the nearest recruiting station, no matter how patriotic, are sometimes deterred by the expectation of countless push-ups and sit-ups and 10-mile hikes. But today's Army is much different.
In the throes of a complete physical fitness makeover, soldiers are instituting new and more dynamic movements into their programming to prepare them for battle. Ever wonder how you'd stack up? Now you find out what it's like to be Army Strong.
>> Do you know a homeland defender? If you know a cop, firefighter, National Guardsman, soldier, airman, sailor or guardian, please let them know about our forum dedicated specifically to them and what sacrifices they make to keep health a priority in their professions.
February 9, 2011Read: Psalm 119:107
"Revive me O Lord, according to your word." --Psalm 119:107
This morning, I woke up anxious. With barely one eye open, I stumbled across the room to check my phone. If you're like me, you look for that red light that screams, "You have a message!" But in my case, nothing. I grabbed my coffee and made my way to my favorite morning spot, but not before checking that measly phone...again. Alas, no red light. But as I sat there for a moment, I looked and realized that I had set my phone down right next to my bible. From across the room, I grinned, because I could feel the Holy Spirit say, "You do have a message..."
Rather than look for the red light, I should have been looking for the red letters.
By Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC
As a registered dietitian, I share many of the same tips with clients over and over again. For instance, I always tell my clients to give up saying they don’t have enough time to eat better and exercise, and remind them: Health should be a priority!
We asked nutrition experts from across the country to share their most valuable tips. Here are their top nutritional landmines to avoid when it comes to eating for better health.
Don’t Stock Your Pantry With Junk Even if it’s not for you (yeah, right!), leaving junk food at arm’s length is just asking for trouble. Mitzi Dulan, RD, CSSD says “never put junk food on your kitchen countertop.” There’s a time and place for cakes, cookies or whatever junk food you love, but it shouldn’t be an everyday thing. How about a bowl of fresh fruit on the counter instead?
Don’t Ignore Hunger Cues Chef and dietitian Katie Cavuto-Boyle says don’t “clear your plate just because.” Read her recent post all about mindful eating.
Don’t Guzzle Your Calories Healthy Eats’ “Veggie Table” dietitian Janel Ovrut reminds her clients to bypass gulping endless calories. “Even seemingly healthy enhanced waters and beverages are usually loaded with sugar. Get nutrients from food, and hydration from water,” she says. Not a fan of water? We’ve got ways to flavor it up that won't compromise your waistline.
Don’t Buy Into the Latest Diet Craze Food writer Jessica Cox, RD, reminds her clients to “avoid defined meal plans and ‘diets.’ It’s hard to stick to a boring meal plan for more than a few days. Instead, resolve to make a few healthier choices each day within your normal routine.” Alma Kay Nocchim, RD, CD, LD backed this up by also warning against “diets” altogether. “Changes must be considered a positive change in lifestyle to work!” Melissa Buczek, MS, RD, CDN says “don’t follow the latest ‘fads.’ Instead, seek out reliable, health information from professional source. Don’t think of your daily food intake as a ‘diet;’ make every meal and snack a pleasurable experience, a healthy part of your day-to-day life.”
Don’t Believe Everything You Hear Along the same lines as those diet crazes is our nutrition expert Toby Amidor’s number one no-no. “Don’t believe everything you see on TV or read.” she says. “There is lots of nutrition and diet information swirling around out there. Before you go and buy the newest buzz food, gather the facts by looking for information published by registered dietitians. To find a registered dietitian near you, check out www.eatright.org.”
Don’t Throw In The Towel Any nutrition professional will tell you that mistakes are part of the learning process. Registered dietitian and author of "The Thin Diary," Cindy Guirino warns against giving in if you slip up. “Don’t collapse when you spot too many lapses,” she says. “Correct the behavior that is causing it.” For instance, if you are prone to hitting the drive-thru because you're pressed for time, you may want to consider prepping healthy, easy-to-eat meals ahead of time that you can have anywhere.
Don’t Skip Meals Dietitian and life coach, Linda Eck Mills discusses a topic that RDs bring up on a daily basis. “Stop skipping meals, especially breakfast! If you don’t like traditional breakfast foods, eat foods you do like.” she says. “You will actually slow your metabolism by skipping meals.”
Don’t Weigh-In Daily It’s super-easy to get hung up on that number on the scale. What most people don’t realize is that daily weights are not always an accurate measure of your success. Don’t “weigh yourself every day” says Heather S. Zeitz, RD, Vice President of Health Content at Alere. “If you are going to monitor weight, pick one time a week where you weigh yourself first thing in the morning, before you eat or drink,” she says. “Fluid fluctuations throughout the day and week will be discouraging and won’t help build confidence in your efforts to manage your weight.”
TELL US: What are some of your major nutritional hurdles? Discuss in the comments section below.
Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC, is a registered dietitian, certified athletic trainer and owner of Dana White Nutrition, Inc., which specializes in culinary and sports nutrition.
January 17, 2011Read: Psalm 18
"He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me." --Psalm 18:17
During a recent trip, I met an incredible individual. Today he's a successful businessman, but years ago he was invisible. A former member of the elite Delta Special Forces, he was trained in the dark arts of hostage rescue. They had one primary mission: To get behind enemy lines, set captives free and bring them home.
He explained that just to be considered for Delta, he was dropped into unfamiliar territory and instructed to get from point A to B as fast as possible which often took days. At each checkpoint, he had no idea if he had reached it in time or how many more days were left in the test. Along with discouragement to continue, all he was given was a new destination and the opportunity to quit.
As he talked, my mind wandered. Our life can sometimes feel like that selection process. We're dropped into unfamiliar territory, discouraged daily, without knowing when it all will end. But we'd be wise to remember that with Jesus in our hearts, we've already been rescued. Unnoticed and disguised as a human, He stepped onto foreign soil to set us captives free. Because He did, we don't quit.
WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Full-Body Dumbbell Blast
While bodybuilders tend to specialize, training individual bodyparts on certain days of the week, there are a great many people who are forced to multi-task. Short on time but high on motivation, some prefer to get as much done as they can, in as little time possible. This short, full-body workout, which requires little more than a set of dumbbells and some floor space, will call your entire musculature into play in 10-15 minutes.
Using the same light-moderate pair of dumbbells, go from one exercise to the next without rest. Simply do as many reps as you can of each exercise. After the last exercise on the list, go ahead and rest 2-3 minutes then go through the circuit again, for a total of three times maximum. You can perform this workout 2-4 times per week, depending on experience.
Dumbbell Squat to Overhead Press Dumbbell Squat to Upright Row Two-hand Bent-Over Dumbbell Row Dumbbell Curl Floor Dumbbell Chest Press * Weighted (Dumbbell) Crunch
* Feel free to substitute dumbbell bench press if you have a bench available.
>> FEATURED WORKOUT JOURNAL: TrooperG | Running + PrayFit