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March 18, 2011Read: Luke 3

" is coming who is more powerful than I, and I'm not worthy to untie his sandal straps." --Luke 3:16

Sitting in a music studio yesterday, I had a the unique privilege of hearing a young, talented band who opens the show for another very popular group of musicians. Their task is simple: set the stage and prepare the audience for the main attraction. You know, something tells me John the Baptist would understand their job. It's a role he played until the day he died.

Sitting there listening to them, I got to thinking about John; what he said, how he acted. But I think of all his many traits, his best quality was knowing it wasn't his show; that the act to follow was really the act to follow.

Yes indeed, John showed us that our only job is to invite a crowd, pull back the curtain and get out of the way.



Here's yesterday's question: Of these choices, what's the best post-workout combo?

a. Egg whites and Cream of Wheat b. Whey protein and white rice c. Egg whites and oatmeal d. Whey protein and brown rice

ANSWER: B (Whey protein and white rice)

After a training session, you want a fast-digesting protein to start repairing muscle tissue and a fast-digesting carbohydrate to replenish glycogen stores. When it comes to protein, whey would be the fastest on our list. It is easily digested and has a very high level of bioavailability, meaning that your muscles will get the building blocks (amino acids) that they need for complete repair. And when it comes to carbohydrate, the white rice is fast at refilling those depleted energy tanks (note: the cream of wheat is also a very fast-digesting carb). So knowing that, the best answer is B.

For all of those who chose oatmeal, you should know that it is one of our favorite foods. It's great tasting and extremely nutritious but it is very slow to digest, which means that it's a great choice pre-workout, for breakfast or even between big meals.

>> AND THE WINNER IS...: Thanks for your answers everyone! The first person to get it right was Justin Ziegler. E-mail your mailing info directly to to claim your prize!

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


March 17, 2011Read: Ephesians 2

"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is a gift of God." --Ephesians 2:8

As you'll soon see, we love this time of year. Longer days and better weather help put a spring in our step. Maybe you're the same? It's just a good time of the year for fresh starts, new beginnings and to make things right! But I read something today that gave me pause. Author Louie Giglio said, "For Lent, I'm giving up."

Naturally, we think there's something missing from his sentence. Um, Louie? You forgot something buddy. When in truth, "period" is exactly what should come next. You see, things like doing good, being kind or trying to live healthy shouldn't be done in order to be loved. They should be done because we are. Besides, we can't earn salvation today any more than we can lose it tomorrow. Should we do our best? Yes. But is our best good enough? No. (I'm with Louie.)



What's the best post-workout meal?

a. Egg whites and Cream of Wheat b. Whey protein and white rice c. Egg whites and oatmeal d. Whey protein and brown Rice

The person with the first correct answer gets a complimentary PrayFit shirt! Post your responses in the comments section below.

>> NUTRITION: Looking for ways to eat better, cook lighter or shop smarter? Visit our depot of nutritional wisdom by clicking here.

>> FITNESS: In need of a new workout? Looking to refine a particular bodypart? Hoping to see some exercise videos? Click here.


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