Since 2009
Grace In Numbers
"But he gives us more grace." --James 4:6
Max Lucado once wrote, "Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off." I thought of that quote yesterday while going through the vast number of prayer requests; each name was mentioned out loud and every need lifted by all of us at PrayFit, not to mention a countless number of all of you that went through them. Thank you for your prayer support. Grace in numbers.
Speaking of, how many of you reading this today are hearing the voice of grace? You eat right, get your exercise in, take your vitamins. But there's something that's been missing. Something more important. Something...deeper. A show of hands of those that have taken care of the body, but you hear God knocking on the door of your heart, letting you know He misses His time with you. Or maybe the voice inside is urging you to improve your relationship with your spouse, someone at work, or "that" neighbor. Until now, you've shrugged it off. You've done the math and you can't figure out why bother. Besides, the mirror still agrees with you, the money isn't bad, and you suppose that "If that neighbor wants to talk to me -- then, well -- they can come talk to me." But that's what grace is. It's the solution to our toughest equations.
I know sometimes the math of life just doesn't add up. We scratch our heads. We multiply our hurts and subtract our days. We feel divided, because it's not always easy to forgive, or cope, or strive, or to be modest, or patient, or try harder, or quieter. But the longer I live, the sweeter the proof is that when you carry the One, grace always solves for why.
--Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: What is the voice of grace urging you to change? Your health? Bible study time? Other? Remember, if the Lord is urging us, He gives us the power to pull it off.
****IMPORTANT SITE UPDATE****: This is an early notice and we'll mention it again tomorrow that the site will be down next week for some maintenance and an important upgrade. We're getting ready to unveil something for you, and the much smarter ones among us need the site to work their magic. So you'll forgive the interruption but I'm confident you'll be pleased with what you see when we're through. Of course, you can still come back on a daily basis to read, listen to or watch years' worth of content! Sound good? Thanks guys. Happy Thursday.
Sometimes, it's just a family that needs recalibrating in the areas of faith and fitness. But sometimes, it's your church family that could use a tune-up. Congregations across the country have welcomed Jimmy and his message of health as a means of praise, using it as a way to kick off a revival of sorts...and your town could be next. Contact us at info@prayfit.com to schedule a visit from the PrayFit team! As always, for churches and other non-profit events there is never a speaking fee. Talk to your pastors and leaders. Reach out to us and let's see health as a means of praise, together.
Shackles and Heavy Burdens
Way back in the day, I would often incorporate various tools and tactics into my training in order to become stronger, better. One of my favorites was the use of big, heavy-linked chains. Yes, chains. Boy how times have changed. Seen rarely, and often only in shipyards, these chains were massive. Popeye would be so proud. Well, depending on the exercise, you attach them to the ends of the bar (which already have free weights on them) and perform the exercise.
I got to thinking about those old chains recently. See, chains provide a unique value to training. As you raise the bar higher and higher, the bar actually gets heavier. Why? As you lift the bar up, more links of the chain leave the ground. As you lower the weight toward the floor, one-by-one, the links begin piling up and the load you're carrying gets lighter. Simply put, the load is lightest the closer you get to the floor.
What are you lifting? What burden are you carrying? In many ways, our obligations and daily demands -- linked together -- create a pretty heavy load. Family, work, bills, deadlines, grades, health, illness, link, link...link. Even if you love the calling and the work, the occasional rest is necessary.
Friends, why do we stress quiet times? Burdens get lighter the closer we get to the floor. If the day were a heavy set of deadlifts, then the quiet, prayerful rest periods do a soul good. Matter of fact, back in the weight room, it's proven that short periods of rest help the lifter sustain the workload with greater success. Beat that with a stick. I just knew those old chains would come in handy someday.
--Jimmy Peña
P.S. For the old-school among us, sing with me some Gaither Music...
"Shackled by a heavy burden. 'Neath a load of guilt and shame. Then the hand of Jesus touched me. And now, I am no longer the same.
He touched me. Oh, He touched me. And oh the joy that floods my soul. Something happened, and now I know, He touched me and made me whole."
Prayer Requests: And finally, so many people with needs and requests. If you saw yesterday's post, you may have been there to pray for others. If you have the time, click on yesterday's entry and read through the growing number of urgent needs. Some have appointments to see the doctor today. Thanks everyone.
He Put It In Writing
"Love one another." --John 13:34
Read: John 13
If you couldn't find me yesterday, chances are good that I was busy at the Hallmark store. You know, it's tough to find a card with the right words. Most of them don't even come close to saying what I would actually say. Like many a husband, I waited 'til the last minute to find the one thing that matters most to my wife: the card. (See, today is her birthday).
Sure, I could come home with chocolate, flowers and diamonds, but if I were to forget the card, I may as well have forgotten her name. If I've learned anything after 17 years it's that jewelry may reach her hand, but words find her heart. And her reaction says it all.
Friends, God gave us the world, but He didn't stop there. No, He didn't want the world to be the closest we get to Heaven, so He said exactly what He meant and put it in writing. And what matters most to Him -- our reaction -- well, that says it all.
--Jimmy Peña
P.S. By the way, I never did find the right card yesterday. But as it turns out, they make some that are blank inside... GET IN ON THE DISCUSSION Read, comment or start your own string in our online community
WORKOUT JOURNALS >> Eric Gonzalez: 35-year-old dad getting back on track
>> Momof2darlings: How one mother insists on getting healthier...NOW
FAITH >> Peter Ryan: Desperate and in need of some spiritual guidance
>> Prayer Requests: List your needs, or just pray for others
FITNESS >> Morning Exercise: How do you get motivated for early training?
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