Since 2009
The Temptation of Pride
"Men of Israel, why do you marvel at this?" --Acts 3:11
When Peter and John came across the lame man at the temple gate, Peter said to him, "Look at us." When the lame man fixed his eyes on them, Peter said, "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk." (Acts 3:6) And as you'll see later in the passage, all the people later saw the man walking, leaping and praising God, and they ran to Peter and John in awe.
But what Peter said to them should rock our world. Peter said, "Men of Israel, why do you marvel at this? Or why look so intently at us, as though by our own power or godliness we made this man walk?" (v.12) Peter wanted nothing to do with credit. He wanted out of the way. Any praise was deflected before it was uttered. The last thing he wanted was for the people to miss the point of the miracle.
The temptation of pride. Tough for many Christians in the fitness industry. Torn, because the most difficult battle for the gifted Christian athlete isn't the work it takes in the gym, but in the aftermath of pride. Ironic isn't it? Peter and John told the lame man to look at them, but they didn't want to be seen.
--Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: If Christians aren't promoting humility, modesty and meekness in the fitness industry, who will? If not you, who? Are we desperate for others to "look at us" in order to be seen or for them to see Christ? What changes do you need to make in order to be seen less? Knowing that God opposes the proud, in what ways can you follow Peter's example? We know it's odd for a fitness company to NOT be about the body, but then again, our health was important to God long before the fitness industry; an industry that needs revolutionaries to rock its world. Revolutionaries who don't want the crowd to miss the point of the miracle. Will you be one this week?
REVIEW US: We've heard lots of great, early feedback from you all about The PrayFit Diet on our Facebook page and Twitter. Now, we're asking you to share your views on Amazon so that others can see what you like about the book and how it's helping you find biblical balance with your nutrition. Click here to leave a short review for future Amazon shoppers!
1 Carbs are the body's preferred source of energy but not all carbs are created equal.
2 Choosing slower-digesting carbs provides better, longer-lasting energy and greater benefits for body composition.
3 Fiber reduces the impact of carbs, aids digestion and helps keep weight off.
4 Carb timing counts. Having carb-heavy foods upon waking and after working out are less likely to be stored as fat.
I Wanna See You Be Brave
Sure do hope you've had a good first week back and an excellent fresh beginning to 2014. Monday we reminded each other that a new year is only new when we allow God to turn yesterday's shadows into shade. Tuesday we took that very heart and realized that while we often hail from rock bottom, grace says we can begin again. And of course on Wednesday, we all took inventory of the #oneword that captures what God is pressing into our lives for the year.
Speaking of, yesterday Loretta introduced me to a neat song called "Brave." I'd heard it on various commercials, but never really listened to the words. It actually reminds me that as a little boy, whenever I was attempting something physical outside, I'd say, "Dad, watch! Daddy, watch me!" And whatever it was I was trying, knowing he was looking gave me that little something extra. And of course, he genuinely watched, knowing his attention meant the world to me and say, "Good, my boy!"
Frankly, the idea that our little lives are being watched by a great and mighty God is too massive of a concept for my puny mind to comprehend. But when I imagine Him believing in me, encouraging my every situation, it's too critical of a truth for my little heart to ignore. Here are some of the words of "Brave" that feel like daggers as they go from my ears to the center of my heart and hopefully to yours:
Say what you want to say. Let the words fall out. Honestly, I want to see you be brave. Say what you want to say. Let the words fall out. Let your words be anything but empty. Why don't you tell them the truth? I want to see you be brave.
Truth is, He's the only thing brave in us. That's right. On our own we're nothing. We're scared. And what's more, He's the most important thing to be brave about! If you and I disagree with that, it only means the truth is invading our pride. But when we act, speak, witness, and work because He's watching, we show the world how big our brave is. Watch me, Abba. Watch me, Daddy. I'll be brave.
–Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: What are some of the ways He's called you to be brave? Be more mindful of the foods you eat? Take that walk with your spouse? Spend more time alone in Bible study? Be less prideful? Witness to strangers? Give without credit? All of the above? (This is me with my hand up.) What about you? Let your words be anything but empty.
P.S. Thank you everyone for all of the PrayFit birthday wishes yesterday. Means the world to us. More than you know.
The Temptation of Pride
"Men of Israel, why do you marvel at this?" --Acts 3:11
When Peter and John came across the lame man at the temple gate, Peter said to him, "Look at us." When the lame man fixed his eyes on them, Peter said, "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk." (Acts 3:6) And as you'll see later in the passage, all the people later saw the man walking, leaping and praising God, and they ran to Peter and John in awe.
But what Peter said to them should rock our world. Peter said, "Men of Israel, why do you marvel at this? Or why look so intently at us, as though by our own power or godliness we made this man walk?" (v.12) Peter wanted nothing to do with credit. He wanted out of the way. Any praise was deflected before it was uttered. The last thing he wanted was for the people to miss the point of the miracle.
The temptation of pride. Tough for many Christians in the fitness industry. Torn, because the most difficult battle for the gifted Christian athlete isn't the work it takes in the gym, but in the aftermath of pride. Ironic isn't it? Peter and John told the lame man to look at them, but they didn't want to be seen.
--Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: If Christians aren't promoting humility, modesty and meekness in the fitness industry, who will? If not you, who? Are we desperate for others to "look at us" in order to be seen or for them to see Christ? What changes do you need to make in order to be seen less? Knowing that God opposes the proud, in what ways can you follow Peter's example? We know it's odd for a fitness company to NOT be about the body, but then again, our health was important to God long before the fitness industry; an industry that needs revolutionaries to rock its world. Revolutionaries who don't want the crowd to miss the point of the miracle. Will you be one this week?
As summer begins to wane, people are making last-ditch efforts to get in shape. But the key to success may not lie in your routine, or even your diet. To find out what the most important factor is during this time of year, click here.
Nearly 10,000 people have chosen to receive the PrayFit Daily in their inboxes each morning. If you haven't signed up for this free service already, simply click the links provided here. Click, type, send -- it could be the most rewarding 30 seconds you spend on the computer this morning! And if you want to help us go viral with this sign-up drive -- if you want to help us continue our faith-and-fitness revival -- you can do so by sending friends this link:
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/cSd8tp
Life's Greatest Pleasure
"People will be lovers of themselves." --2 Timothy 3:2
Read: 2 Timothy 3
I happened to run across one of those motivational posters this weekend. You know, the kind with those powerful statements meant to inspire you to be all you can be. Well, even though it wasn't exactly new to me, this one caught my attention nonetheless. It said, "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can't." Evidently, people agreed because it had about a million "likes" underneath it. And why not? Who doesn't want to show the world? But then it dawned on me: How many times someone has actually said to me, "Jimmy, I don't think you can do that." How 'bout you?
You know, if there's one thing I've noticed about the fitness industry it's that there's a self-placed chip on its shoulder and the delusion that someone is daring to knock it off. For whatever reason, Godly confidence has been replaced with a harsh, in-your-face tone, backed up with visuals. That topic demands a week's worth of devotions, but let me take it further. Even if it was true -- even if the world placed bets against one's "ability" to be do something, in fitness or otherwise -- is proving the world wrong life's greatest pleasure?
The correct answer brings me a long way to this point, and one that we try and get across at PrayFit. Let's not take so much pleasure in doing what others say we can't. Let's take pleasure in doing what God says we can. If they intersect, great. If they don't, even better. Besides, if man says I can't, and God says I shouldn't, I'd rather show Him than show them.
--Jimmy Peña
Discussion: Can you spend so much time in the gym or counting calories trying to "prove" the world wrong (whoever that is) that you actually miss what God is calling you to do with the health you're building? What if the world said, "Believer, I bet you can't invite a perfect stranger to church. I bet you can't give to the homeless person on the corner. I bet you can't be modest." If that's what the world said we couldn't do, I wonder if we'd try to prove it wrong. Would it help us if we realized those things are God's will already? Share your thoughts below.
STUDY: DIABETES ON THE RISE Just exactly how prevalent is this disease and what can it lead to? A new study highlights a few grim truths.
>> Click here for the full report.
>> For one of the best written books on the diabetes epidemic, pick up Sugar Nation by Jeff O'Connell.
You Have Some Body
"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." --Genesis 1:31
Read: Genesis 1
When we think of creation, it's easy to think of the depths of the ocean floor. Mention God creating the world and our minds gravitate toward the peaks of Everest. Trees, birds, deserts, the sun. Some of God's best work, wouldn't you agree? But folks, He didn't rest until He made us. He didn't stamp "It was very good" until He gave us freckles, elbows and our little toes. His glorious face wouldn't show a Father's pride until He saw a smile on ours.
Make no mistake, you're not one. When you think of creation, look in the mirror. When you consider the breadth of His work, take a deep breath yourself. Because when He said it was good, He was looking at you. What did He see? His image. Rediscover His handiwork. You have some body.
--Jimmy Peña
Question: How often do you stop to ponder the amazing craftsmanship of the Maker? How many times during the day do you stop to marvel at the function of your limbs, the cadence of your heartbeat or the countless other functions that God breathed into you? How often do you take these things for granted? Why or why not? Give your honest responses in the comments section below.
BOOST HEART HEALTH This wonder food can help lower bad cholesterol by 16% Keeping your heart vibrant and healthy goes way beyond exercise and eating less. But luckily, there are foods that you can eat that can boost your efforts. This source of healthy fat has been shown to reduce your levels of LDL, or bad cholesterol, significantly.
October 28, 2011Read: Ecclesiastes 7
"The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride." --Ecclesiastes 7:8
I could hear it in his voice. Dejected, defeated, exhausted, PrayFit founder Jimmy Pena was in his third hour of a commute that should take 45 minutes. Those familiar with Southern California freeways can relate to the emotional roller coaster of emerging from a sea of brake lights with renewed hope, only to pull to a screeching halt a quarter mile ahead. Accidents, curious passersby, construction -- all things beyond his control. Tonight, Jimmy was, as ever, at the mercy of the pace provided.
Life can be the same way. Just when we think that we are ready to meander into the fast lane, we are pinned in by other obstacles and forced to stay put until the traffic eases. In these moments, we may want to lay on the horn or maneuver for the next closest exit but invariably, the best play is to exercise patience and wait it out.
Are you stuck in one of life's jams, physically or spiritually? In need of Godspeed? Stay in your lane and let Him guide you through. Someday the rearview will reveal that there really was no better place on earth, than on the road that led to Heaven.
And oh, for the record, Jimmy made it home just fine. It was much later than he may have wanted but he arrived safely to a smiling wife and a silent embrace that seemed to absorb all of the frustration of the road behind him. Someday, we'll all be so blessed.
>> WE'RE PAGE-TURNERS: If you love the Author, the end will be better than expected
>> THE ONE WHO CALLS: Believe it or not, you're in the same class pharoahs and kings
>> THE MOMENT AT HAND: Let's clear our throats and make the most of our opportunities today
>> NO OTHER WORD FOR GRACE: It may be worth novels but a single word will do
>> WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Use mechanical advantage to enhance your productivity
>> TEST THE MACHINE: Make practice out of setting the bar high and hurdling it the next day
>> SMARTER SOUP: Liven up this comfort food with a few easy tips
>> MUSCLE FOOD: Add eggs to your breakfast to get stronger
He's On Watch
"And even the very hairs on your head are numbered." --Matthew 10:30 Parents do the greatest things. I got an email from my Mom this weekend about a bird's nest in the backyard that she and Dad have been keeping an eye on for the last few weeks. Well, I'm happy to announce on their behalf that the lone egg finally hatched. Truly, something that happens in backyards everywhere is the highlight of their week. In fact, my parents are so proud, Dad pulled out his mega-powered telescope from storage so they could watch the little thing. Now mind you, the bird's nest is maybe 10-feet from the back door, but they're using a lens that can detect moisture on the moon. "Honey, come look!" I can just hear them now.
Funny, that little bird has no idea its being watched so closely. And if you'll forgive the comparison, sometimes we forget, too. While God is powerful enough to see beyond time and space, He's focused on our little lives. We're His highlight; under His wing and His watch. Isn't today just like any other day? Not to God.
--Jimmy Peña
May 20, 2011Read: 1 Chronicles 29
"Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name." --1 Chronicles 29:13
He wipes the sweat from his brow as he sweeps an empty body shop. Every few seconds, his eyes rise to see if any customers have stumbled in, but none do. His wife takes care of the office, the phones, and the plant on the window sill. "Please Lord, bring us a customer." They'd poured out their life's savings. So as he continues to sweep a spotless floor, she straightens the OPEN FOR BUSINESS sign on the front window. It's a good shop. Empty and ready.
Certain things that happened this week reminded me of that story. Some days it feels like I'm sweeping an empty body shop, whispering to the Lord to see things through. You know, it's when we empty ourselves that the Lord does His work. But if we're full of ourselves or anything else, we leave no room for Him.
So Lord, we give you all that we do and say. We love you and we thank you in advance for what you will do in the days, weeks and months ahead. We're empty and ready.
(Oh, and thank you for sending a customer to my mom and dad so many years ago. In many ways, because you filled their empty shop, I can fill up this page with your good word.)
Have a blessed weekend everyone. In Jesus' name, we train.
>> WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: A 10-minute push-ups and planks circuit for the ages
>> PREWORKOUT FOOD: How dark chocolate can power your routine
>> RECIPE: Chicken sausage & pepper flatbread
>> CAUSE AND EFFECT: What is behind America's obesity epidemic?
>> PRAYFIT IN PRINT: Looking for a great way to get your faith and health back on track? “PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days” includes two 28-day, at-home workout programs, detailed meal plans and daily inspiration to nourish your faith. Find out what Tyler Perry, LL Cool J, Mario Lopez and so many more are talking about!
>> SHARE: Help us get others on board with this whole “faith and fitness” thing. Use the “Recommend,” “Tweet,” “E-Mail” and “Share” buttons at the top of each day’s entry to get your social network in the know about PrayFit. Also, you can “like” us, “follow” us or “watch” us by clicking the Facebook, Twitterand YouTube icons at the bottom of each page.
May 2, 2011Read: 1 Thessalonians 5
"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." --1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Today was baptism day at church. If you've never been to one of these services, you should know -- it's not just the baptized that need towels. Fully immersed believers up front and tear-soaked pews throughout mean that everyone is leaving wet.
But for one family, there wouldn't be any dunking. They explained to us that their daughter was being baptized differently -- with a few sprinkles of water instead of the complete immersion -- because she had a rare and dangerous skin disorder that makes her particularly vulnerable to injury. A pat on the back, an unexpected stumble or an overzealous hug from someone who doesn't know any better could literally pull the delicate skin from her 10-year-old body.
Yet there she stood, proud and determined, ready to publicly declare her love for the Lord.
With my two, healthy, rambunctious daughters causing mayhem just a few doors away in Sunday school, I quietly reflected on what this family must have endured to come to this day. Hospital visits, constant anxiety, sleepless nights and enough tears to fill the baptismal they now stood beside. In a desert of hopelessness, when most would surrender to the sand, this family ran to the water that gives life.
The lunge is a fantastic exercise for just about any part of the fitness demographic. Those looking to boost athleticism can enhance balance and improve overall leg strength. Those concerned with aesthetics can burn a ton of calories while shaping their entire lower-body musculature. Even seniors and those coming back from injury can use the lunge to improve stability and coordination. The message is clear: this all-purpose movement should be a staple of your exercise routine.
First, let us revisit the basics of the lunge:
Lunge | Focus: Quads, glutes, hamstrings | (VIDEO)
Stand with your feet together, abs tight and eyes focused forward. Step forward with one foot. Bend both knees to lower yourself, making sure your front knee doesn’t pass your toes on your front foot. Stop just short of your rear knee touching the floor and reverse directions, driving through the heel of your forward foot to return to the start. Alternate legs for reps.
This week, your goal is to complete 100 lunges. Yes, that's 50 per foot. Advanced trainees won't get off easy, though. Here are our week's guidelines. Choose a workout challenge, based on your experience level.
Beginner: Perform 100 lunges before Friday. If it's 10 lunges at a time, twice a day, each day this week, then that's fine. Just make sure that you reach 100 by Friday.
Intermediate: Perform 100 lunges for time today. Mark your time. Thursday, perform 100 lunges again and strive to beat Monday's time. Use Thursday's time as your benchmark for next week's workouts.
Advanced: Perform 100 lunges each day this week for time. If you beat your time by more than 10 seconds in any workout, use 10-pound dumbbells (or heavier) for the next. Your goal is still to beat Monday's time each workout. Carry this process into next week's workouts.
>> GEAR UP: If you're faithful and into fitness, it's time to start dressing the part. Head over to our online store to pick up some of our newly-redesigned PrayFit gear. If you're looking for a structured fitness and nutrition plan, pick up a copy of "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days."
>> EXERCISE CENTRAL: If you need more guidance on PrayFit's core exercises, click here.
April 8, 2011Read: Proverbs 16
"Pride cometh before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." --Proverbs 16:18
Last night, I was telling a good friend that PrayFit received a strong endorsement and that we jumped from rank No. 52,000 to No. 49 on Amazon overnight -- the #1 biggest mover on Amazon over the last 24 hours. I was out-of-my-skin excited. So blessed! I ended my sentence with "God is good, isn' t He?" His reply? "Yes He is. But He was just as good when you were ranked No. 52,000."
You know, you and I put a lot of stock in how the world ranks us. From bank accounts to street addresses to book clubs, we can get so focused on where we fall, that's exactly what happens.
PRAYFIT BULLETIN A "newsy" look at what's new in the world of PrayFit
Faith and Fitness in Demand: Thanks in part to a very gracious endorsement from PrayFit supporter Tyler Perry, "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days," spent the day yesterday as the No. 1 book on Amazon's Movers and Shakers list and climbed to No. 49 on the site's sales rankings. We also welcomed over 100 more subscribers to the PrayFit Daily list, which delivers devotionals and healthy living tips to readers' inboxes each morning.
PrayFit Steps into the Ring: This weekend (April 9), boxer/believer Robert Guerrero will tangle with the relentless Michael Katsidis on HBO Pay-Per-View but he won't be alone. An endorser of PrayFit, Guerrero will be wearing our website address on his trunks. For more info on the fight, visit HBO Boxing.
“Being a big believer in Jesus Christ, PrayFit gets me on track to start my day off in the right direction. In boxing there is no room for error. You have to be not only be physically prepared but spiritually strong as well.”
–Robert “The Ghost” Guerrero, 3-Time Boxing World Champion
Store Remodel: Check out our streamlined store -- newly remodeled for your purchasing pleasure -- by clicking here. If you're into the whole faith and fitness thing, you may as well dress like it.
(Pray)FitFabFun: E! News host Giuliana Rancic does more than dish on celebrity gossip. Her website, FabFitFun, which caters specifically to the ladies, is filled with tons of info on exercise and nutrition. PrayFit founder Jimmy Pena, who serves on the site's advisory council, will be featured on the site this Monday (April 11). Among the things that Pena will be discussing is the concept behind "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days." Set it to your favorites and check it out on Monday, or for a quick tour of Rancic's site, click here.
December 13, 2010Read: Matthew 6
“Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven." --Matthew 6:1
We've been talking a lot lately about the importance of our physical health as a means of praise, and if that has reached your heart, we're so blessed. If the mere prospect of a new day is reason enough to praise God with smarter choices at the dinner table, then great. Because you're right...it's not about the body.
With that said, perhaps the challenge is to be healthy, quietly. In truth, if our health is praise, there's no need for a declaration of independence from a sedentary lifestyle, and no need to sound the alarm against a less-than-stellar diet. No speeches, no "look at what I'm doing for God" announcements. We're called to take care of the body that carries the soul, period. So let's allow the byproducts of our obedience do the talking.
Push away from the table sooner, quietly. Turn the TV off earlier to go outside, quietly. Praise God with your health, quietly.
WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Bolder Shoulders in 10
People's motivations for exercise may vary but the desire for stronger, better looking or just plain healthier shoulders is pretty universal. This complex joint possesses of the most delicate and amazing musculature in the entire body, which is to our benefit because that allows for a variety of ways in which they can be trained. For this quickie shoulder routine, which will walks the line between strength and endurance, grab some light dumbbells or even a pair of soup cans. Trust us, this won't take much weight. If you need a shoulder smash -- a new challenge to set the foundation for a remade set of deltoids -- then this week's 10-minute workout is just for you.
A good warm-up is always important but it could be argued that it is most important on shoulder day. The wide range of motion with you shoulders is maintained by several small muscles that can injure easily if not properly prepared for the work ahead. For this, or any other shoulder routine, follow the prescribed warm-up as the bare minimum of your training prep.
Warm-up | Raise your arms out to your sides until they're parallel with the floor. Make small circles with your arms for 1-2 minutes. Without rest, go right to into this routine. Rest as little as possible as you go from one exercise to the next.
Using your soup cans or light dumbbells: Lateral raises for 1 minute Alternating straight punches for 1 minute Front raises for 1 minute Alternating straight punches for 1 minute Bent-over lateral raises for 1 minutes Alternating straight punches for 1 minute Overhead presses for 1 minute Alternating straight punches for 1 minute
--To keep your alternating straight punches effective, simply focus on punching to full extension at eye level or just above.