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Training Wheels

"Nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way Jesus our Master has embraced us." --Romans 8:38

Read: Romans 8

On my way to a meeting yesterday, PrayFit V.P. Eric Velazquez shared with me one of those moments. You know, a pivotal, unforgettable snapshot in time. The kind that leaves dads like him standing on sidewalks wondering where the years are going without his permission. Yes indeed, his little Mya is learning to ride her bike. He says she does alright until she looks back to realize he's let go. Real freedom is scary for Mya.

Yeah, I can't help it. Who reading this just loves the scene he's living? What a picture. We all know that Eric needs to let go so Mya can learn to ride on her own. After some good coaching and maybe a few innocent spills, it won't be long before she has the confident balance required to get up and go. What a spectrum. Mya will soon realize she doesn't need help, and Daddy will soon realize he has to stop giving it.

Letting go. Not something that comes easy for us. Whether it's about control, a habit, a burden, a worry, or the past, God knows how tough it is for us. But as Eric and I talked about the experience, we both gave thanks for one gospel fact: God never let's go of His children. Like little Mya, we pedal our hearts out, don't we? School, work, church, family, relationships, and health; a life full of spills, skinned knees, broken hearts and bruised egos.

Real freedom. Weeping dads on sidewalks know the feeling. Kids on bikes do too. But taking a page from Mya's lesson, real freedom for the believer comes when we look back only to realize that grace has a real good grip.

--Jimmy Peña

"Freedom for the believer comes when we look back only to realize that grace has a real good grip."

EXPERT ADVICE: Rest & Recovery

So here we are in the closing days of January. How are you doing with those resolutions? Have you been diligent about your workouts? Still using good discretion in the kitchen? We certainly hope so. Yet while some of you struggle to find a foothold with your recommitment to exercise and nutrition, others may be going a little overboard -- and feeling the effects. You see, you can get too much of a good thing. Click here to learn the signs of overtraining and how to scale back to keep your results on track.



Churches. Community events. Schools. Corporate events. PrayFit is on the march in 2014 with its unchanging message; one of stewardship, of faith, of humility, of endurance. The team is actively booking spring and summer events! Reach out to us at for more details. As always, for churches and other non-profit events there is never a speaking fee. Talk to your pastors and leaders. Reach out to us and let's see health as a means of praise, together.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

2014: Let Him Make The List

Well dear friends, here we are. Last day of the year. Many of us are cleaning out cupboards, jotting down training schemes and setting our goals and objectives for a happy and healthy new year. And for that, we are so excited. We can't wait to be a resource of encouragement and motivation. And like many of you, I want God to make my list. But not as an item to be checked off, but that He actually MAKES my list.

Sure, I may have my own plan for the year, but honestly, I want His plan for my life! What about you? As you clean your cupboard, have you allowed Him to clean your heart? Like old food, what on the inside of us needs to be removed (or added) for next year? The list isn't easy, so let Him make it and then get excited about what God has in store. As you do, consider the changes you can make for His glory. We spend hours in the gym, running miles, swimming laps or on social media, but rarely spare 10 minutes a day in His Word or on our knees in prayer. Will that change for you this year?

COVER YOUR EARS FITNESS INDUSTRY: You can hit every single fitness goal imaginable and completely miss honoring Him with your body. Remember, it's not the height of our health that matters, but the depth of our hearts. Like I said, the list isn't easy, so let Him make it.

And if you don't know Jesus as your Savior, we pray that's at the very top. You will never be the same once you do. Jesus in a life makes all the difference. Your health is worth fighting for, no doubt, but your heart was worth dying for. Thank Him for it. Accept Him. Invite Him into your life. Be filled with grace, then spend the rest of your days out-of-breath trying to live it and give it.

Have a blessed new year -- a year of genuine faith and a wholehearted pursuit of health. And if God makes your will.

–Jimmy Peña

"The list isn't easy, so let Him make it and then get excited about what God has in store. As you do, consider the changes you can make for His glory."

The PrayFit Daily will resume Monday, January 6. If you're not already subscribed, click here! Get ready for 2014.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Welcome Back

"I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me." --Galatians 2:20

Read: Galatians 2

Well?? (typed with a big smile and spoken loudly)

On behalf of everyone at PrayFit, welcome back. If you've recently subscribed, thank you for being part of our community. We hope you remain constantly encouraged and challenged to live your best life, in part, by what you read from us each day. Speaking of your "best life," yesterday Dr. Charles Stanley was encouraging his congregation to live theirs. I took notes.

He told them that if they wanted to be everything God intended, taking care of themselves was an absolute. He thundered away as he reminded them that the bodies they neglect wasn't theirs, but it was God's temple on earth. He said an unhealthy body weakens 1) your energy for the task, 2) your ability to focus, 3) your alertness, 4) your enthusiasm and 5) your readiness to take on new challenges for the Lord. And he ended the section by saying, "We have a right, a privilege and responsibility to keep our bodies healthy."

Notice his theme? Health as a means of praise and of service. For those who are new, that's a common thread of ours; one that's woven into each and every thing we say and do. It's not that we don't have anything else to energize the effort but we just can't seem to exhaust its strength and power. This Thursday marks five years of daily devotions at -- five years of celebrating God, touching hearts, moving bodies, soothing hurts and experiencing grace.

And so let a new year begin. May it be a year of genuine faith. May we be on our knees in prayer daily before and above all other priorities. May we remind ourselves of the grace we've been given so that we freely give it to others just the same. And when our eyes are clear and our hearts made right -- during the easy times and even when the world has us on the run or the ropes -- may we dig down deep within the temple He gave us to gladly, boldly, humbly, modestly and courageously honor Him with it, in Jesus' name.

Welcome back to PrayFit.

--Jimmy Peña

Question: What is your personal theme this year? Do you have one? If you do or want to think of one, please share it with us. We'd like to pray for each and everyone one of them and let the worldwide PrayFit community do the same.

>> GET STARTED: If you're looking for a launching off point for your get-fit endeavors in 2013, try one of our two at-home, 33-day fitness programs or our book, which includes two 28-day bodyweight-only programs and a full meal plan. You can grab these resources in our online store.

>> READ: For quick-hit, healthy living resources, visit our dedicated fitness and nutrition pages, which are updated with new content each week.

>> COMMUNITY & FELLOWSHIP: Our family has grown by leaps and bounds in five years. Interact with fellow faith-and-fitness devotees by joining our forums today. Here, you can share successes and struggles, swap recipes, pray for one another or just catch up with like-minded friends. Already a member? Sign in here.

>> SOCIAL NETWORKS: Now you can "like," "join," "tweet" and "watch" PrayFit. Click the links below to get plugged in with the rest of the PrayFit community. Facebook HeavenUp Twitter YouTube

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


January 4, 2011Read: John 14

"In my father's house are many rooms..." --John 14:2

I couldn't help but notice today--from Twitter to Facebook to chain emails--the avid exercisers mocking the new faces at the gym. And they all had the same, general theme: "Oh those resolutions. I wonder how long they will last..."

Aren't we glad God doesn't say the same about us? "Oh, here's Jimmy again. Same sin, same confession, I wonder how long this commitment will last."

If it helps, think of the new face at the gym like a visitor at a crowded church on Christmas day. Acknowledge them, welcome them and tell them you'll see them next time. You never know, your words of encouragement might be just what saves their lives. Remember, it took courage for them to show up. Now, it's your turn.



If you tackle both weights and cardio in the same workout, always do your cardio after your weights. Research shows that your resistance training will be hindered if preceded by intense cardio, however, your cardio will not be hindered if preceded by weights. Also, you burn more fat and calories if you follow your weight training with cardio. And remember, volumes of research show that high intensity interval training (HIIT) burns more fat and calories in less time than the slow, long bouts of traditional, steady-state cardio.

So if you need a tough HIIT session to burn some unwanted fat and calories after a tough weight workout, try this quick blast.

Warm-up: 3-5 minutes

Run for 1 minute

Rest for 1 minute

Run for 45 seconds

Rest for 45 seconds

Run for 30 seconds

Rest for 30 seconds

Run for 15 seconds

Rest for 15 seconds

--After 1 minute of rest, repeat the entire sequence backwards, starting with the 15-second intervals.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


December 29, 2010Read: Matthew 17

"Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, 'Why couldn't we drive it out?'" --Matthew 17:19

Yesterday we began thinking and praying about next year's goals. Pretty exciting (and daunting). My heart skips a beat when I think of some of the big mountains my little legs want to climb. Dreams are awesome, aren't they? It's like saying, "That one, God. Yes! Let's conquer that!" And with a little faith, we chase them.

Well, just as soon as we began our road trip home the other day, I saw a sign: DELAYS AHEAD. I didn't give it much thought. A few miles later: EXPECT DELAYS. I looked at my watch. "So far so good," I reasoned. So I shrugged, turned up the radio and set my cruise control. But sure enough the next sign literally read: EXPECT EXTREME DELAYS SOON. They weren't kidding about the "extreme" or "soon" parts. In fact, I knew it was gonna be bad when I saw cars pulling off the highway by any means possible to find a short cut. Our quick five-hour trip had quickly become eight.

You know, as we begin to think about, pray for and jot down faith and fitness goals for the upcoming year, we can expect delays. Even though we might hit the new year at full speed, the chances of a few roadblocks are high. But let's not quit or lose heart. Whatever the next bend brings, the good Lord will get us through. So let's stay on the right road and keep the faith in drive.


STAY THE COURSE | Statistics show that commitment to New Year's resolutions wane after the first month, and only 20% maintain the resolutions past Valentine's Day.

FOR DISCUSSION | What are some of the roadblocks you foresee in your goals for 2011? Are there any signs pointing to a slowing of your progress? Share your worries, fears and roadblocks here with like-minded friends in the PrayFit community.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


December 28, 2010Read: 1 John 4

"You dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." --1 John 4:4

Only days away from the dawn of a new year, and it's time to begin focusing on that list. The list. The list of resolutions that we're going to ask you to draw up. It's time to jot down the year's swing-for-the-fence agenda.

Each year, my wife and I write down our five personal goals and objectives for the year. It's arguably one of my favorite traditions. We witness them, sign them, and post them on the fridge -- visible, daily reminders of when the line was drawn in the sand.

Well, as we were driving home yesterday from Arizona, I was daydreaming about the next year -- things I want to accomplish, goals I want to chase. And at that very moment, we drove by a golf practice range. I remember thinking that I'm a much better golfer at a driving range than I am on an actual course. Why? Probably because I'm swinging without fear of failure. No adjacent fairways to avoid. Just wind up and try and kill it off the tee.

That's how I want to view this new year. This new year is a brand new course, a new challenge. God is my most valuable resource and with Him as my caddy, helping me make the right choices, I can't go wrong. He knows where the hazards are, how deep the sand is, when to lay up and when to pull out the driver. All I have to do is keep my eye on the ball.

What about you? What will you swing for next year? Have you made your list? Well, if you haven't or even if you have, spend some time these last few days thinking and praying about what you're going to tackle this year, because we're gonna ask you about them. And when fear and doubt creep in to discourage your list, just remember today's theme verse, see the ball and crush it.



We all have our sights set on particular objectives. From the faith side of things, some of us might want to study the book of Romans, chapter and verse. Maybe we are hoping to be faithful to daily prayers with our spouse or kids. And from a fitness standpoint, we might want to hit the gym at least three times a week, improve flexibility or run a marathon! Whatever your goals, we want you to begin praying about them, and before next Monday, we want you to have narrowed them down to a list you plan to attack. But this year, you'll have a community of believers to help hold you accountable, encouraging you and seeing you succeed both physically and spiritually. Your homework is as simple as it is critical: think and pray about what the Lord is placing on your heart for the upcoming year. And we'll see you tomorrow.

>> GET ACCOUNTABLE: Eager to signpost your goals for 2011? Drop them in the comments section below, or post them at the PrayFit Facebook page.

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