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Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña

A Determined Rise

"Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light." --Micah 7:8

Read: Micah 7

HurdlesLast night, I had an epic wipeout on my new beach cruiser -- an "into-a-rail-and-over-the-handlebars" kind of spill. If you've ever fallen, you're probably familiar with the question you are faced with in the moments after: Do I get up and carry on, or stay on the ground and wallow in my misfortune? Two Olympic hurdlers illustrated the difference for us last summer.

In one of the heats of the women's 400-meter hurdles, two athletes met disaster but each recovered differently. Just a few seconds into the race, Vania Stambolova of Bulgaria hit the first hurdle, tumbling hopelessly to the track surface as her competition shrunk quickly into the distance. Maureen Jelegat-Maiyo of Kenya stumbled disastrously over a hurdle a few moments later. Both fell. But only one finished.

Dejected and physically beaten, Stambolova picked herself up and ambled reluctantly off of the track, conceding defeat. Jelegat-Maiyo, on the other hand, sprung up and continued on. She finished in last place, almost four seconds behind her next nearest competitor -- a lifetime in the world of elite hurdles. Despite her heroic recovery, there was little fanfare for the Kenyan hurdler to look forward to at the finish. No flash bulbs, no doting reporters -- just the knowledge that she'd picked herself up, run hard and given her best effort, both for herself and her countrymen.

How often do you charge out of the blocks on faith, only to stumble at the start? We misjudge our own power, we underestimate our weaknesses, and we short ourselves on hurdles of health. Sometimes, as was the case on my ride, the falls are catastrophic and sudden, leaving us to wonder what happened. But those stumbles are never enough to knock us out of the race. In fact, our victory -- which begins with a determined rise -- is assured because of the One who has already succeeded on the same obstacle-ridden course. As long as you commit to collecting yourself from a fall, there is no hurdle ahead you can't bound with His help.

--Eric Velazquez

UPDATE ON JIMMY'S 14-DAY POST-SURGERY APPT Great news! Jimmy's check-up went incredibly well yesterday. He's ready for a 3-month healing and rehab process. Thank you for your sincere prayers. Let's raise praise.


EXERCISE IN FOCUS: REVERSE CRUNCH Yesterday's Workout of the Week started off with the reverse crunch because the lower abs are typically the most undertrained area of the midsection. Leading off with it -- you should always train weaknesses first -- allows you to target this hard-to-change area of your body faster. Here's a bit more about it, and some info on how to get it right.

Reverse Crunch | Focus: Lower abs

Lie faceup on the ground with your hands extended at your sides, your feet up and knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Your thighs should be perpendicular to the floor. Slowly bring your knees toward your chest, lifting your hips and glutes off the ground, and try to maintain the bend in your knees throughout the movement. Return under control.


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>> SOWING: Plant the seeds of health and fitness in your church by arranging a visit from PrayFit founder Jimmy Peña. Learn more about his message by clicking here, or write us at to start planning dates!

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Total Loss

"For you formed my inward parts. My frame was not hidden from you." --Psalm 139:13, 15

Read: Psalm 139

As a little boy, I spent many a summer day sweeping floors and washing cars at my dad's body shop. I felt right at home amidst the bondo dust and paint fumes -- even though I could often be found asleep in dad's office. But while I didn't pursue the family business, little did I know that the body shop was a great place to learn about grace.

Each day, customers would come in to either pick up their cars or schedule a drop off, but then there were those who came in just for an estimate. They'd wrecked their car or truck, and all they wanted to know was what it would it take to make it good as new. And whether the damage was their own fault or caused by someone else, sometimes dad would have to tell them it was totaled; their car wasn't worth anything. A total loss meant the insurance company wouldn't touch it, and they'd have to pay for it all by themselves.

We've all wrecked our lives in one way or another, be it with work, a relationship or our health. Thankfully, a total loss is no match for the cross. What the world gives no value, He gives grace.

--Jimmy Peña


With Thanksgiving a few days away, we thought we'd encourage a good midsection training session to begin the week off right! Got 15 minutes? Try this at-home abdominal blitz before you hit the road. Do each exercise to failure before moving on to the next without resting in between. Take a one minute rest only after all the exercises have been performed.

Reverse Crunch Standard Crunch Double Crunch Plank --Rest and repeat as many times in 15 minutes

BONUS! - Click here for exercise descriptions and demonstration videos

>> We start the workout with the reverse crunch which targets the lower abs, since for many of us, the lower abs are our weakest part of the midsection. However, because we're working with just bodyweight, feel free to mix the order up as you see fit. And if you try this workout along with other bodyparts, make sure to do this after your other bodypart moves. Reason being, you want your abs/core fresh to stabilize your body throughout a typical workout. Then you can move on to work your abs and train to fatigue.

>> PRAYFIT TO YOUR INBOX: Click here to start receiving the PrayFit Daily in your inbox each morning!

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Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña

Stumble, Rise

"Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light." --Micah 7:8

Read: Micah 7

In one of the heats of the women's 400-meter hurdles last night, two athletes met disaster but each recovered differently. Just a few seconds into the race, Vania Stambolova of Bulgaria hit the first hurdle, tumbling hopelessly to the track surface as her competition shrunk quickly into the distance. Maureen Jelegat-Maiyo of Kenya stumbled disastrously over a hurdle a few moments later. Both fell. But only one finished.

Dejected and physically beaten, Stambolova picked herself up and ambled reluctantly off of the track, conceding defeat. Jelegat-Maiyo, on the other hand, sprung up and continued on. She finished in last place, almost four seconds behind her next nearest competitor -- a lifetime in the world of elite hurdles. Despite her heroic recovery, there was little fanfare for the Kenyan hurdler to look forward to at the finish. No flash bulbs, no doting reporters -- just the knowledge that she'd picked herself up, run hard and given her best effort, both for herself and her countrymen.

How often do you charge out of the blocks on faith, only to stumble at the start? We misjudge our own power, we underestimate our weaknesses, and we short ourselves on hurdles of health. But those stumbles are never enough to knock us out of the race. In fact, our victory is assured because of the One who has already succeeded on the same obstacle-ridden course. As long as you commit to collecting yourself from a fall, there is no hurdle ahead you can't bound with His help.

--Eric Velazquez

EXERCISE IN FOCUS: REVERSE CRUNCH Yesterday's Workout of the Week started off with the reverse crunch because the lower abs are typically the most undertrained area of the midsection. Leading off with it -- you should always train weaknesses first -- allows you to target this hard-to-change area of your body faster. Here's a bit more about it, and some info on how to get it right.

Reverse Crunch | Focus: Lower abs

Lie faceup on the ground with your hands extended at your sides, your feet up and knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Your thighs should be perpendicular to the floor. Slowly bring your knees toward your chest, lifting your hips and glutes off the ground, and try to maintain the bend in your knees throughout the movement. Return under control.


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Just Before the Call

"Simon answered, 'Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets." --Luke 5:5

Read: Luke 5

Smelly, dirty, grimy -- these are just a few of the ways to describe Peter and his buddies. After all, they spent their days baiting hooks and cleaning fish. I'm smiling as I picture Jesus 'the Recruiter' walking up to this motley crew. Did He pause and grin, crouching down to watch and listen to them work? Maybe after a few minutes, He looked skyward with a smile as if to say, "I found them."

I'm not sure, but I like to wonder what happened in that moment just before the call. What we do know is that of all the fishermen that came off the water, this bunch caught God's attention. And not long after Christ borrowed Peter's boat, the two were catching fish in water too deep for the nets to reach; Peter's preview to the depths of His love.

Friends, remember. You have God's attention. So as we start our cars this week, open our offices, enter our cubicles or prepare for housework, let's do what Peter did and abandon control. Let's just imagine Him saying with a grin, "I found them," and this is that moment just before the call.

--Jimmy Peña

WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Abs Alas, the quest for "six-minute abs" continues. While we won't tell you that great abdominals are a six-minute pursuit, we can tell you that it's possible to get a great workout without spending all day in the gym. The following routine is short but intense and can be added to any existing training program, 2-3 times per week. No prescription for sets -- simply perform as many segments of work as it takes to reach the number listed, resting as little as possible, then move on to the next exercise. The key, as ever, is insisting on progression. Each week for 6-8 weeks, add 10 reps to each abdominal exercise (add 10 seconds to the plank).

Double Crunch - 50 Reverse Crunch - 50 Crunch - 50 Plank - 50 seconds

>> For video demonstrations, click here. BONUS TIPS 1 Never train abs before performing weight training. This can reduce core stability, reduce strength and put you at risk for injury. Save abs for after weights, or do them in a single, dedicated session. 2 Follow this routine with a good cardio session to maximize your body's ability to burn fat locally from that area. Studies have shown that higher-rep abs training followed by cardio can lend itself to "spot reducing," which was previously thought to be a myth. 3 Add in two consecutive low-carb days each week. Recent research has shown this to be more effective for burning fat than extended low-carb dieting or not going low-carb at all. 4 Try tapering your carb consumption in the evening. Your body's metabolism slows as the day wears on, making carbs consumed later in the day more likely (although not certain) to be stored as bodyfat. (Note: If you train in the evening, this is not as important.)

>> To train abs along with PrayFit founder Jimmy Pena, pick up the PrayFit 33-Day Total Body Challenge today!

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Rattle Some Chains

"Then I heard the Lord asking, 'Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?' I said, 'Here I am. Send me.'" --Isaiah 6:8

We often pray for God to send us where He wants us to go. You've probably said, "Here I am Lord... send me." Well, when Paul was put in prison, he kissed the walls. He figured he had a captive audience. If this is where God wanted him, he was gonna rattle some chains.

So take a look around you. Do you have a captive audience? Oh, you may not be in prison, but perhaps God has cleverly placed you right where He wants you. So do like Paul and kiss the walls. Go ahead, throw away the key and rattle some chains. When you pray, "Here I am Lord, send me", maybe He already has.

--Jimmy Peña

Lord, as we begin a new week, help us see those around us (family, friends, co-workers and fellow gym-goers) as the audience that needs to see You, through us. Help us be obedient, leaving the consequences to you. In Jesus' name, amen.


After a fun afternoon Super Bowl Sunday with family and friends -- and more buffalo wings and nachos than you care to admit -- a shock-and-awe abdominal routine might sound rather good today, so here you go. Take 10 minutes and crush your midsection with these simple yet effective moves that target your upper and lower abs, obliques and innermost core musculature. The order is more random than you're used to, so pay attention to the rest periods as they come sporadically and less often than would be typical for an abs workout.

Reverse Crunch - 30 seconds Standard Crunch - 30 seconds Double Crunch - 30 seconds Rest - 30 seconds Plank - 1 Minute Rest - 30 seconds Plank - 1 minute Rest - 30 seconds Double Crunch - 1 minute Standard Crunch - 1 minute Reverse Crunch - 1 minute Plank - 30 seconds Rest 30 Seconds Double Crunch - 1 minute

>> VIDEO: For video demonstrations of these exercises, click here.

PRAYFIT 33: Step up your training with the PrayFit 33-Day Total Body Challenge DVD from Lionsgate. This home-based workout, led by PrayFit founder Jimmy Pena, MS, CSCS, will help you build strength and burn fat, all from home and always honoring the one who made you. Click here for more info, or to order.




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May 23, 2011Read: Joshua 6

Joshua could relate to our steep challenges. His neck cramped as he surveyed the impregnable wall of Jericho. "Gonna need a bigger army," he whispered out of the side of his mouth. You might be saying the same about your predicament. Does something at school or work have you hoping for reinforcements? If so, stand next to Joshua as he listens to God's strategy.

"But the seventh day you shall march around the city seven times, and the priests shall blow the trumpets. Then the wall of the city will fall down flat."

"That's it?...That's the plan!?" I wonder if Joshua paused when he heard the order. After all, he was among men of war (v. 3) and probably dressed for the occasion. Not sure if he hesitated, but I know we sure do. When we have to respect a less than respectful boss, or when it seems the rules only apply to us, obeying God's marching orders is sometimes the last thing we want to do (or actually do), especially if we're ready to fight.

But we all know the story. Joshua's army walked around Jericho for seven days without making a sound or saying a word. Then when it was time: the trumpet, the shouts, and the walls came tumbling down. God's enemies might have laughed and scoffed for a week, but being obedient has never proved popular or easy, just effective.

So the next time we feel like taking the wall ourselves, let's wait with Joshua. He listened, walked without talking, then praised God on day seven. Sooner or later, like Jericho, the world will see we're not just walking in circles.



Here we go. Nothing better than a midsection blast to start the week. Even though you can't completely isolate any one portion of the abdominals, you can emphasize sections based on the way your body is moving. When you raise your upper body toward your legs, that works the upper abs. When you bring your legs toward your torso, you add greater stress on the lower portion. The double crunch -- one of the toughest abdominal movements you can do -- hits your abs from top to bottom. And when you do planks, where there's no movement at all, that hits the innermost core musculature, specifically the transverse abdominins.  So if you have 10 minutes to spare, let's work that tummy until there is none.

Reverse Crunch Traditional Crunch Double Crunch Plank

--Do all four exercises to failure in the order listed and repeat without rest. Try to repeat the cycle for a full 10 minutes. If you're up to it, repeat this workout once more during the week, allowing at least 48-72 hours to recover between sessions.

PRAYFIT SMALL GROUPS: Add some activity to your small group setting by infusing it with a little PrayFit. No matter the size of your group, you can get everything you need at the PrayFit online store. Books, t-shirts, hats -- all the tools to train and outfit your fitness fellowship! Order 20 shirts or more to receive a special small group rate.

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