Since 2009
May 5, 2011 Read: Luke 22
"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." --Luke 22:42
Though my tiny legs hate me for it, I still head outdoors for a run 2-3 times a week, usually along a two-mile path that takes me around a nearby park. Last week, as temperatures hit the low-to-mid 90s, I found my run labored. Sweat poured from my brow and my legs felt heavy. For a moment, I considered skipping my next sprint and settling into a nice walk for the rest of the way. Then, I noticed the fatigues.
Camped out under a tree to catch what little shade there was to be found, an Army recruiter was coaching a prospective soldier though a set of sit-ups. A hundred yards up the trail, I notice a small group of high school-age guys running my way -- each of them appeared to be waging his own personal battle against the heat, fighting every natural instinct to quit. Each young man in the group was wearing an Army t-shirt. A newer, fitter Army requires soldiers to be in better shape and for these teens, it was training day.
At a time of day when most of their peers were heading to the community pool, these young men were preparing for the privilege to serve. Knowing the dangers inherent to the jobs that they were committing their lives to, not to mention the derision they'd face from their lesser-motivated classmates, these brave young men still chose to defend 307 million people they'd never meet as their trade. Though none of them hoped it would ever come to it, each of them was prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice, and in doing so they unwittingly mirror the life (and death) of another soldier.
Though he feared his demise (Luke 22:42), Jesus voluntarily endured mockery, ridicule and ultimately the pain and suffering of the cross for you and me. Bravery isn't necessarily the act of charging into the breach, but rather a willingness to answer the call.
SWEET NEWS ON SALT New research is rewriting the recommendations on sodium consumption
There are so many things out there that can harm us. Why does salt have to be one of them? For years, we've learned that this tasty seasoning should be consumed only in moderation -- that high sodium consumption could lead to heart disease and high blood pressure -- leaving us to lead cautious and bland nutritional existences. But newer research is laying rest to these guidelines.
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association followed over 3,000 healthy European men and women and found that higher-than-normal sodium consumption did not appear to increase the risk of developing hypertension (high blood pressure) or having a heart attack. What's more startling was that they found those who consumed the least salt had a 56 percent higher risk of death from a heart attack or stroke compared with those who had the highest consumption, even after controlling for obesity, cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, and other risk factors.
While we're not going to encourage you to schedule a Salt Party, researchers concluded that some individuals simply appear to be more sensitive to the mineral than others and that sweeping guidelines for its consumption may be ill-advised.
For the full story, head to CNN Health.
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February 23, 2011Read: John 11
"Jesus wept." --John 11:35
When Mary finally reached Jesus, Lazarus had been dead four days. Perhaps they thought Jesus didn't hurry or didn't notice. Either way, the grief and pain that Mary and the others were feeling moved Jesus to tears. Although Lazarus would soon be having a good laugh, Jesus cried. Why? Their loss was His too, and their pain hurt.
Today I read a story about a woman here in Los Angeles that died at work but wasn't noticed for over a day. Sitting at her desk, in a row of empty cubicles on a practically vacant office floor, she died. Unknown and alone.
Of all the things this story brings to mind, most prominent is an inconsolable Mary comforted by a tear-soaked Jesus. We don't always notice the hurting around us, but He does. He sees, knows and cares. By the way, the lady's name? Rebecca. Means secured. She may have died alone, but her family (and you and I) can rest secure in that what breaks our heart, tears Him apart.
Application: Today, notice the lonely. Someone around you might be dying on the inside. Look them in the eye, smile and offer something perhaps nobody has in a while -- your time.
Cold and flu supplements have become a multi-billion dollar business. As the cold weather rolls in each year, consumers fork over a pretty penny for anything that promises to keep them healthy or get them better. Are these supplements all they’re cracked up to be? PrayFit contributing nutritionist Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC weighs in.
Q: Is there any benefit from those pills, powders and fizzy drinks that promise to cure or protect you from cold and flu germs?
A: Unfortunately there are no proven cures for these illnesses. Some of the most common supplements are harmless; others you need to watch out for. There are numerous vitamin, mineral and herb concoctions out there. Here are a few of the most common ingredients and what you’ll want to know before picking up a cold and flu supplement.
There’s no solid scientific evidence to prove that this herb can prevent or shorten the duration of a cold. Since the quality of herbal supplements is sometimes questionable due to loose regulations, you’re better off saving your money.
Vitamin C
While no one can discount the benefit of meeting your daily needs for vitamin C , only a small amount of research links the vitamin with shortening the duration of colds. While the anti-inflammatory properties may help to relieve some symptoms, proceed with caution — mega-doses can also cause unpleasant side effects like stomach upset and diarrhea.
Zinc does play a role in immune function, but that doesn’t mean that more is better. Excessive amounts can be toxic, causing loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and headaches. It’s pretty tough to eat your way to a zinc toxicity, so stick to zinc from foods like shellfish, pork, beans, nuts and whole grains.
Vitamins A and E
You body relies on vitamins A and E from foods to help keep the immune system running strong. These two vitamins also happen to have cell-protecting antioxidant properties. Again, more is not the answer — large doses from supplements can be toxic.
Bottom Line: Beat germs during the winter months by eating a diet loaded with nutrients and antioxidants from brightly colored fruits and vegetables. If you do come down with an ailment, seek relief from real foods like chicken soup, tea with honey and lemon and orange juice.