Since 2009
Deeply Rooted
Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong. --Ephesians 3:17
If there were ever any doubts that I was sentimental, yesterday's scene removed them. Looking over the wall at the construction site next door, my heart sank. Not at what they were about to build, but at what they had to remove to do so. For days, they've been laying the dirt for a massive new set of condos and shops, and they're almost done clearing the four football fields' worth of space. The last thing that needed to go was the foliage. For the 50-foot excavator, most of the weeds and bushes were no match. But at the top of the hill stood a very old, very strong tree. The trunk was easily 8-10 feet in diameter, and likely the first tree in the field many years ago, and thus, the last one out.
The massive excavator backed up for a running start and tore into it, ramming it over and over and over again, but it wouldn't budge. It just wasn't ready to go. Eventually, the breaking of the trunk sounded like thunder, because something so deeply rooted is not so easily moved.
Deeply rooted. If you're battling something physical today, and forces beyond or within your control work to tumble you, stand firm. Yeah, I'm sentimental, but just like my tree yesterday, you can say, "Not yet," because your health is something to protect. And spiritually, the more we love and trust Him, the deeper our faith grows. With Jesus in our hearts, we're His family tree and there's salvation in the soil; and from that you cannot be removed.
--Jimmy Peña
When it comes to running, few in this country are better at it than ultramarathoner and PrayFit supporter Josh Cox. Today, you'll get to know Josh a bit better through this candid interview. In it, he discussed his father's battle with cancer, time at seminary and what it means to give back. He also chats about what it takes to achieve a better running stride and the best thing you can do to run faster race times.
>> Click here for the full interview.
“Jimmy and the PrayFit team embody the words Paul penned to Timothy, ‘For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.’ (1 Tim. 4:8) Their daily devotional feeds my spirit and inspires my sweat!” –-Josh Cox, elite ultramarathoner, American record holder in the 50K
>> Click here to read the endorsements from other PrayFit supporters.
Perspective: Salvation
"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose trust is the Lord." --Jeremiah 17:7
Read: Jeremiah 17
It seems like the latest and greatest kids movies these days are all in 3D. Well, if you are an older child that might be great news, but for the younger ones, it can be a tricky thing to understand the concept that you must wear the proper glasses in order to fully experience the intended effects of the 3D movie. Well, my youngest son is not a big fan of the movie glasses and insists on watching without them. We show up on time, perfect seats, bag of popcorn and ready to go. We are all set except without the glasses, the screen is pretty much a colorful blur.
As a mother, this just kills me because I want the best for him, I want him to experience every amazing effect of the movie and not miss a single detail. Yet, as the third child (and a lot like his mom), he is stubborn and he thinks he knows best. So while my other two children are sitting still, 3D glasses on and fully engaged in the movie, my youngest is distracted and restless.
I often wonder if this is how Jesus feels about us. He wants the absolute best for our lives and he offers us the only tool we need: salvation. Some of us are just too stubborn to accept the offer because we think we know best. Until we give up ourselves and fully commit our hearts and lives to Jesus, we will continue seeing and living a flat, one-dimensional life that will never satisfy. We might have our perfect seats and our popcorn ready but until we get the proper perspective -- seeing life through the lens of salvation, living our lives with Jesus, through Jesus -- we aren't really seeing anything at all.
--Allison Earnst
PrayFit's contributing writer, Allison Earnst, is a fitness expert, motivator, competitor and mother of three. She's been featured in numerous magazines including FitParent, Natural Muscle and Oxygen magazine. She has shared her fitness story on Good Morning America, Extra TV and Lifetime's "The Balancing Act." You can visit her blog by clicking here.
Do you do pilates? If so, you are doing your midsection a considerable favor. Pilates, which many dismiss as “for women only” can pay big dividends, particularly when it comes to your abs. Research in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that 36 weeks of pilates training improved the volume of muscle fiber in the rectus abdominis by 21%. And a stronger, thicker abdominal wall means better back support, greater core stability and a midsection worth showing off.
SHOP: Looking to gear up with some PrayFit apparel or wristbands? Click here.
Deeply Rooted
Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong. --Ephesians 3:17
If there were ever any doubts that I was sentimental, yesterday's scene removed them. Looking over the wall at the construction site next door, my heart sank. Not at what they were about to build, but at what they had to remove to do so. For days, they've been laying the dirt for a massive new set of condos and shops, and they're almost done clearing the four football fields' worth of space. The last thing that needed to go was the foliage. For the 50-foot excavator, most of the weeds and bushes were no match. But at the top of the hill stood a very old, very strong tree. The trunk was easily 8-10 feet in diameter, and likely the first tree in the field many years ago, and thus, the last one out.
The massive excavator backed up for a running start and tore into it, ramming it over and over and over again, but it wouldn't budge. It just wasn't ready to go. Eventually, the breaking of the trunk sounded like thunder, because something so deeply rooted is not so easily moved.
Deeply rooted. If you're battling something physical today, and forces beyond or within your control work to tumble you, stand firm. Yeah, I'm sentimental, but just like my tree yesterday, you can say, "Not yet," because your health is something to protect. And spiritually, the more we love and trust Him, the deeper our faith grows. With Jesus in our hearts, we're His family tree and there's salvation in the soil; and from that you cannot be removed.
--Jimmy Peña
Yesterday, PrayFit announced that it had received an official endorsement from runner extraordinaire Josh Cox. Today, you'll get to know Josh a bit better through this candid interview. In it, he discussed his father's battle with cancer, time at seminary and what it means to give back. He also chats about what it takes to achieve a better running stride and the best thing you can do to run faster race times.
>> Click here for the full interview.
“Jimmy and the PrayFit team embody the words Paul penned to Timothy, ‘For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.’ (1 Tim. 4:8) Their daily devotional feeds my spirit and inspires my sweat!” –-Josh Cox, elite ultramarathoner, American record holder in the 50K
>> Click here to read the endorsements from other PrayFit supporters.
Daddy, Daddy
"He fell with his face to the ground and prayed, 'My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me.'" --Matthew 26:39
Read: Matthew 26
Ella's scream has a way of piercing ears but this morning, it broke my heart. In the arms of her swim instructor, who was imparting what my wife and I know are vital and potentially life-saving skills, a hysterical Ella reached out to me. "Daddy, daddy!" she cried, over and over. All I wanted to do was to take her hand, to let her know it would be okay, to reassure her that I would never let any harm come to her. Instead, I walked out.
I swallowed the lump of parental guilt in my throat when I remembered how important this lesson would be. She would have to suffer so that she could be taught. Turning away, in this case, was how I could best protect her.
God could have saved His son. He could have taken the cup (v. 39) as Jesus begged Him to do. With his only son "overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death," God could have easily interceded on his behalf. Instead, against every Paternal instinct and with His heart breaking, He did nothing.
When her 15 minutes were up, she sat smiling in Wendy's lap, feasting on a lollipop, the reward for her brief aquatic ordeal. At the pool, I turned away so that Ella could learn. In the garden, God turned away so that we could live.
--Eric Velazquez
PRAYFIT TEAMS WITH HEAVENUP.COM PrayFit joins MercyMe, Phillips Craig & Dean and many more Christian artists and authors in HeavenUp.com, a new faith-based social networking site. HeavenUp, which is being called a "virtual fellowship" will also feature devotionals from the PrayFit team.
>> For the full story, click here.
>> Start your own account and friend PrayFit by registering here!
COMMUNITY Visit these hot topics on the PrayFit forums to offer encouragement, experience and insight
Started today! by Kangel
RUNNERS by admin
Belly fat won't budge by ChrisLawrence
Any servicemen or servicewomen on here? by admin
My Untitled Workout Journal by string
John's Challenge 33/33 by JohnBMc
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Under the Radar - By Eric Velazquez
"It is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful." --1 Corinthians 4:2
Read: 1 Corinthians 4
As a baby Christian (I wasn't baptized until I was 25 years old), I really prided myself on my ability to fly under the radar. I was new to the club so I implemented a low-key initiation period where I could just live under the radar. I didn't want any attention called to my new-found faith any more than my previous shortcomings -- I just wanted to adjust to grace at my own pace, under the warm blanket of ambiguity.
In one way or another, we're all still baby Christians clinging to the comfort of anonymity. We think we can get away with doing just enough not to lose His divine favor, not so much that you risk being pressed into greater service. Of course, this is just no way to exercise faith. Paul reminds us that while we aren't judged on our works, we are called to live by faith -- to live boldly in the light of salvation so that others may see and be saved by it.
The world makes it easy to do "just enough" -- to be wholly adequate, never daring to seek our full potential. But whether it's our faith, our health or our love, we should never wither to our calling. Baby Christians or not, it's time for us to stride confidently out of conformity and onto His radar.
--Eric Velazquez
Question: Are you doing "just enough" in the realm of health and fitness? Are you challenging your body each and every day? Have you become content with doing the same workout at the same pace or with the same weights? How we care for our bodies can reflect the love of the One who created them. Do you think your health can be a witness to those around you?
Who Wants the Ball?
"For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." --2 Timothy 1:7
Read: 2 Timothy 1
Imagine a coach before a big football game. The team has taken a knee and their helmets are off as they await the last few words of encouragement. The coach stands before them and says, "Now listen up, boys. We got here as a team and we'll finish as one. I believe in you. But...I gotta admit, I think the other coach is smarter than me, and the other kids, well, they're a lot bigger than you. But hey, it was a fun season. Try not to get hurt. Now, let's go!"
Not much confidence in those words, right? Aren't we glad that's not how God sends us off into the world to tackle our biggest foes -- foes of health issues, financial hardships, relationship battles and good old fear and doubt. On the contrary, if God had a blackboard, He'd outline our daily route...straight to the cross. His pre-game words would be the same today as they were yesterday: "Be strong and courageous, for I am with you wherever you go" (Josh 1:9) and "I have overcome the world" (John 16:33).
Who wants the ball?
Question: The Bible is full of wonderful verses that remind us of God's strength, love and guidance. What is your favorite?
--Jimmy Peña
You can find plenty of ways to fight bodyfat everyday here at PrayFit.com but this list, put out by Health.com and picked up by CNN, is easy one-stop shopping for those looking to get a little leaner in 2012. The full list, which includes tips on everything from rep pace to nutritional supplements, can be found by clicking here.
>> NEW! Have you visited the redesigned PrayFit Store? Click here to shop for books, DVDs, apparel and more with our retooled, user-friendly shopping cart.
>> GUEST SPEAKING: Want PrayFit founder Jimmy Pena to come to your church in 2012 to help lay the groundwork for your fitness ministry? E-mail us at info@prayfit.com for more details!
March 25, 2011Read: 1 John 1
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." --1 John 1:9
I hate tetherball. I've always hated tetherball. For those of you unfamiliar with this sadistic schoolyard pasttime, let me break it down for you. There's a ball tied to a rope, which is tied to a pole. You stand opposite your opponent and try to hit the ball in one direction, while your opponent does his/her best to hit it in the opposite direction. The one who can get the ball to swing around until it touches the pole wins.
Not surprisingly, this hatred can be sourced to my height-challenged dimensions. I am 5'7", short enough to be dwarfed by most fourth graders today (and by my daughters soon enough). If I was the one serving, that would usually be the only time I'd touch the ball. I'd end up watching helplessly as the ball swung overhead. Out of reach, out of luck -- someone show me the way to the kickball diamond.
Still, the image of tetherball is a powerful one -- the ball straining at the end of a taut rope, with physics doing its best to snap the ball loose. And the game is won once the ball is back in contact with the pole.
We all stray from the Lord. Sometimes, it feels so far that we don't think we deserve to be back with Him. We get pulled so far in the opposite direction, waiting for -- and sometimes expecting -- the line to snap, releasing us into spiritual oblivion. But once you accept Him into your heart, there's no outside force that can shake you loose, no circumstance that can separate you from your salvation. You are tethered to Him by a rope of grace.
>> What is your testimony? Share it with us -- swings and all -- on the PrayFit forums by clicking here.
COMPOUND MOVES If you are looking to build strength, devote your energy to multi-joint moves
The three most popular, widely-used lifts in the gym are the bench press, deadlift and squat. Referred to as "The Big Three," these moves fall into a category of exercises called compound, or multi-joint, lifts. These exercises require movement at more than one joint, which means that more total muscles have to get involved to complete each rep. And the more muscle you work, the more muscle and strength you stand to gain. As a bonus, the more muscle you recruit on a given exercise, the more calories you burn. Finally, any measure of muscle gain will improve your metabolism since muscle is calorie-eating tissue.
Anyone looking to gain strength would be best served by doing compound moves, almost exclusively at first. Isolation, or single-joint, moves like curls, pressdowns, leg extensions or leg curls have their place in physique building, but they are secondary exercises that should only be implemented once you have built an adequate base of strength from which to work.
But The Big Three don't stand alone in the strength-gain column. Here are a few more exercises that make you stronger in a hurry:
Barbell row Pull-up Dip Bodyweight squat Lunge Push-up
>> For exercise descriptions and videos, click here.
>> For more workouts and exercise tips, click here.
ALSO: Pictured below are the official fight night trunks of former (and future) boxing champ Robert "The Ghost" Guerrero, who is taking on Michael Katsidis on April 9 on HBO Pay-Per-View. For more info on the fight, visit HBO Boxing!
(Photo courtesy Team Guerrero)
March 17, 2011Read: Ephesians 2
"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is a gift of God." --Ephesians 2:8
As you'll soon see, we love this time of year. Longer days and better weather help put a spring in our step. Maybe you're the same? It's just a good time of the year for fresh starts, new beginnings and to make things right! But I read something today that gave me pause. Author Louie Giglio said, "For Lent, I'm giving up."
Naturally, we think there's something missing from his sentence. Um, Louie? You forgot something buddy. When in truth, "period" is exactly what should come next. You see, things like doing good, being kind or trying to live healthy shouldn't be done in order to be loved. They should be done because we are. Besides, we can't earn salvation today any more than we can lose it tomorrow. Should we do our best? Yes. But is our best good enough? No. (I'm with Louie.)
What's the best post-workout meal?
a. Egg whites and Cream of Wheat b. Whey protein and white rice c. Egg whites and oatmeal d. Whey protein and brown Rice
The person with the first correct answer gets a complimentary PrayFit shirt! Post your responses in the comments section below.
>> NUTRITION: Looking for ways to eat better, cook lighter or shop smarter? Visit our depot of nutritional wisdom by clicking here.
>> FITNESS: In need of a new workout? Looking to refine a particular bodypart? Hoping to see some exercise videos? Click here.
Smerge: PrayFit newbie going hard
Bugs: Day 1 of 28 in the books
March 10, 2011Read: 2 Samuel 22
"I will sing praises to your name." --2 Samuel 22:50
When the Forbes richest person list was revealed yesterday, there were few surprises, save for the absence of billionaire Bill Gates at No. 1. It is rumored that Bill Gates would have had the top spot had he not given so much to charity. Most can't fathom such a sacrifice, but because he gave so much to others, he relinquished a title many would kill for.
Try to imagine. Jesus went from heaven to human. Our minds can't begin to comprehend the exchange. If we can somehow use Bill Gates as a cheap example, while he gave to the needy, he didn't become needy. Billionaire to beggar? Baron to bum? Not exactly. After all, giving to the poor didn't mean living with the poor. But when Jesus came to earth, He did more than join us -- He took our place. We can't fathom such a sacrifice, but for you and I to have any hope, the cross needed the Savior. And that's a title only He could die for.
Did you know stretching before a workout isn't a great idea?
Which one of the following reasons for avoiding a pre-workout stretch is not true? The one with the first correct answer gets a complimentary PrayFit baseball cap!
1. Stretching doesn't necessarily prevent injury. 2. Stretching actually makes you weaker before a workout. 3. Stretching is for range of motion purposes only. 4. Stretching a cold muscle could actually cause injury. 5. Stretching is best done after a workout, when your muscles are warm and full of fluid.
October 22, 2010Read: Acts 2
“Peter replied, ‘Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.’” --Acts 2:38
Car commercials make me chuckle sometimes. After the soft, deep, melodic voice convinces and comforts you to purchase what’s too-good-to-be-true, a speed talker recites the declaration of fine print in one breath: More money than you can afford due at signing, not available in all states, void where prohibited (which is probably everywhere or at least where you live), all outrageous terms subject to credit approval (which is highly unlikely).
We live in a strings-attached society. No wonder we’re a tough crowd. Show us a good deal and we’re looking for a trap door. Maybe that’s why grace is such a tough sell. The world just knows there’s a catch. But if Heaven had fine print spoken in one final breath, it might read something like this: Payment for your sin is more costly than you can afford but Jesus paid your debt in full; grace available to all the world and never prohibited; it's free, it’s a gift. Jesus loves you no matter your credit; accept him today, don’t wait.
Yep. Too good to be true. I’m sold.
PRAYFIT WEEK IN REVIEW A look back at a week of healthy-living tips
WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: 10-Minute Fat Blasting Workout
HEALTH: Are artificial sweeteners safe?
FAT-BURNING: 7 more ways to burn fat faster
RECIPE: Sautee some kale with PrayFit nutritionist Dana Angelo White
>> NEWS: Today, PrayFit secured the endorsement of three-time boxing champ Robert "The Ghost" Guerrero (see below). Be sure to tune in to his fight on HBO's Boxing After Dark on Saturday, November 6.
"Being a big believer in Jesus Christ, PrayFit gets me on track to start my day of in the right direction. In boxing there is no room for error. You have to be not only be physically prepared but spiritually strong as well."
--3-Time Boxing World Champion Robert "The Ghost" Guerrero