Since 2009
The Water's Edge
"One day Jesus was walking along the shore..." --Matthew 4:18
Read: Matthew 4
Although the weather was gloomy last weekend, Loretta and I decided to drive to the coast to relax. As we walked onto the sand, we immediately noticed a sea lion laying on the beach. When the wildlife rescue team arrived, they said it was probably sick and needed to rest, which is why it came ashore. Had it not, those able to save it said it would have surely died at sea.
Now, if you've been on PrayFit for any length of time, you know by now that I'm a little sentimental, so you'll forgive the analogy. But some of the greatest men and women have been rescued near the water. Moses needed courage on the banks of the Red Sea. David needed wisdom as he chose five stones. And on the beach in Galilee, Andrew and Peter met their Purpose face-to-face. Courage, wisdom, a Savior.
Are you facing some heavy work issues? Are you or someone you love in dire need of physical healing? Or maybe you just need a little rest. No matter your needs as we start a new week, His favorite place to run is to our rescue. Let's remember that our only hope in the world is waiting for us at the water's edge.
--Jimmy Peña
Wanna change your entire body? Start at the bottom and work your way up. By training the large muscles of your lower body with greater intensity, you stand to burn more calories and raise your metabolism. This 10-minute training plan, which attacks your legs with bodyweight exercises only, is designed to set your whole body on a path to transformation. Click below to get started.
The Water's Edge
"One day Jesus was walking along the shore..." --Matthew 4:18
Read: Matthew 4
Although the weather was gloomy last weekend, Loretta and I decided to drive to the coast to relax. As we walked onto the sand, we immediately noticed a sea lion laying on the beach. When the wildlife rescue team arrived, they said it was probably sick and needed to rest, which is why it came ashore. Had it not, those able to save it said it would have surely died at sea.
Now, if you've been on PrayFit for any length of time, you know by now that I'm a little sentimental, so you'll forgive the analogy. But some of the greatest men and women have been rescued near the water. Moses needed courage on the banks of the Red Sea. David needed wisdom as he chose five stones. And on the beach in Galilee, Andrew and Peter met their Purpose face-to-face. Courage, wisdom, a Savior.
Are you facing some heavy work issues? Are you or someone you love in dire need of physical healing? Or maybe you just need a little rest. No matter your needs as we start a new week, His favorite place to run is to our rescue. Let's remember that our only hope in the world is waiting for us at the water's edge.
--Jimmy Peña
10-MINUTE WORKOUT: LEGS Wanna change your entire body? Start at the bottom and work your way up. By training the large muscles of your lower body with greater intensity, you stand to burn more calories and raise your metabolism. This 10-minute training plan, which attacks your legs with bodyweight exercises only, is designed to set your whole body on a path to transformation. Click below to get started.
>> NEW!!! For a more comprehensive target training routine plus motivation and biblical encouragement, try the NEW PrayFit 33-Day Body Toning System DVD, exclusively through Thomas Nelson Publishing and its family of retailers. Find out more or place an order by clicking here.
March 10, 2011Read: 2 Samuel 22
"I will sing praises to your name." --2 Samuel 22:50
When the Forbes richest person list was revealed yesterday, there were few surprises, save for the absence of billionaire Bill Gates at No. 1. It is rumored that Bill Gates would have had the top spot had he not given so much to charity. Most can't fathom such a sacrifice, but because he gave so much to others, he relinquished a title many would kill for.
Try to imagine. Jesus went from heaven to human. Our minds can't begin to comprehend the exchange. If we can somehow use Bill Gates as a cheap example, while he gave to the needy, he didn't become needy. Billionaire to beggar? Baron to bum? Not exactly. After all, giving to the poor didn't mean living with the poor. But when Jesus came to earth, He did more than join us -- He took our place. We can't fathom such a sacrifice, but for you and I to have any hope, the cross needed the Savior. And that's a title only He could die for.
Did you know stretching before a workout isn't a great idea?
Which one of the following reasons for avoiding a pre-workout stretch is not true? The one with the first correct answer gets a complimentary PrayFit baseball cap!
1. Stretching doesn't necessarily prevent injury. 2. Stretching actually makes you weaker before a workout. 3. Stretching is for range of motion purposes only. 4. Stretching a cold muscle could actually cause injury. 5. Stretching is best done after a workout, when your muscles are warm and full of fluid.
November 30, 2010Read: John 4
"Jesus answered her, 'If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.'" --John 4:10
Earlier this year, I was asked to participate as a fitness consultant on a very popular television show. Along with their invitation came paperwork, questionnaires and a background check. Even though an offer was on the table, and I'd been on this show before, I still had to prove I had the chops. And while I was so honored with the invite, I declined due to several scheduling conflicts and commitments.
What if our relationship with Jesus was dependent on our past? What if our ability to approach God was based on a background check of biblical proportions? If it was, the woman at the well might have sought a different source of water. Paul, Jacob, Peter, me, you...all checkered pasts and spotty resumes; the fallen need not apply.
But we serve an approachable Savior. So don't get held up on the blemishes of your resume. His scars are proof He has all the background on us He'll ever need.
According to a new study, over 600,000 people die each year from secondhand smoke; the majority of them children.
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July 28, 2010Read: Matthew 9 "She said to herself, "'If I can just touch the hem of his garment, I will be whole.'" --Matthew 9:21
If you've spent any time here on PrayFit, you've realized by now that we love America's pastime. We agree with Babe Ruth when he said, "Baseball is the greatest game God ever saw fit to let man invent." And after watching some good ball this weekend, we found another reason to love it even more. Ever notice that the managers wear the same uniform as the players? Think about it. There's not another sport like it. Ever see a football coach with a helmet? Or a basketball coach wearing a tank-top and shorts? No, baseball is the only sport where its managers blend in with the team.
I think Jesus could relate, because he chose to relate. Rather than standout among us, he blended in with us. Though He created the universe, His appearance was universal. He became our up-close-and-personal savior. In order to reach us, He let us touch Him.
According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, food remains the best source of calcium. Dairy products are high in calcium, while certain green vegetables and other foods contain calcium in smaller amounts.
For people who have trouble digesting dairy products because of lactose intolerance, lactose free dairy products and lactase enzyme pills are also available.
Calcium-fortified foods and calcium supplements are helpful for people who are unable to get enough calcium in their diets. Some juices, breakfast foods, soymilk, cereals, snacks, breads and bottled water have calcium that has been added. If you drink soymilk that is fortified with calcium, be sure to shake the container well, as calcium can settle to the bottom.
Daily Calcium Recommendations: >> Adults under age 50 need 1,000 mg of calcium and 400-800 IU of vitamin D daily. >> Adults 50 and over need 1,200 mg of calcium and 800-1,000 IU of vitamin D daily.
People who get the recommended amount of calcium from foods do not need to take a calcium supplement. These individuals, however, still may need to take a vitamin D supplement. Getting too much calcium may increase the chance of developing kidney stones in some people. According to most experts, the safe upper limit for total daily calcium intake from all sources is 2,000 - 2,500 mg. Need a gauge? One cup of whole milk contains 276 mg of the bone-building stuff.
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