Since 2009
Inspect What He Expects
Years ago, while cutting my teeth in leadership and service, I learned how important it was to inspect what you expect. Daily checklists and standard operating procedures were the keys to the satisfaction of both the consumer and the team around you. Here's a neat insight. In some of the finest hotels in the world, the housekeeping department employs a very simple strategy. In the back of the hotel -- or the back of the "house," as it's called -- they hang pictures of guest rooms. Within the frames are immaculate, impeccably clean, spotless rooms, with nothing out of place. Get this...they view them daily. That way, they know exactly how each room should appear, making it easier to create excellence. Each time a guest enters the room, it's perfect. Those pictures hang there as reminders of the standard that must be kept. When it comes to our lives as believers, Christian athletes or fitness-minded individuals, we too have checklists and standard operating procedures. We track our training and measure our meals, striving for a stewardship-savvy life. And by God's Word, our thoughts, motives, actions...our hearts can be measured daily. But try as we might, we're not always 5-Star. Some days we're more like a flickering no vacancy sign; not today, can't stay, go away. Isn't it true? We inspect what He expects only to find that we don't always think purely, speak kindly or act humbly.
Because of that, Jesus hung on the cross and paid for our sins, reminding us of the standard we couldn't keep. We need to go there daily.
--Jimmy Peña
Inspection: When it comes to fitness, do you inspect what He expects? If Jesus were the standard that determined your outlook on your health, would that force you to train more or less?
Thousands of people have chosen to receive the PrayFit Daily in their inboxes each morning. If you haven't signed up for this complimentary service already, simply click the links provided here. Click, type, send -- it could be the most rewarding 30 seconds you spend on the computer this morning! And if you want to help us continue our faith-and-fitness revival -- you can do so by sending friends this link or sharing it with your social networks!:
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/cSd8tp
Sometimes, it's just a family that needs recalibrating in the areas of faith and fitness. But sometimes, it's your church family that could use a little tune-up. Congregations across the country have welcomed Jimmy and his message of health as a means of praise, using it as a way to kick off a revival of sorts...and your town could be next. Contact us at info@prayfit.com to schedule a visit from the PrayFit team! As always, for churches and other non-profit events there is never a speaking fee. Talk to your pastors and leaders. Reach out to us and let's see health as a means of praise, together.
Leland Family Ministry
Homeless. Orphan. Addict. Lost. These are just a few of the words you could use to appropriately describe Libbie Combee's first 30 years of life. But stand among the rows of freshly grown produce she gives to the hungry people in her community, or sit in a Bible study she leads for those recently freed from prison, or watch as she encourages those struggling with addiction, and you'd describe her last twenty years a little differently. In fact, if you combine the grace that Paul preached with the works that James demanded, I think you'd get Libbie Combee and the ministry she founded.
Last week, I had the unbelievable honor of speaking at The PrayFit Banquet hosted and produced by the Leland Family Ministry. I assure you folks, I was blessed and fed more than I blessed and fed others. I left Florida wanting and needing to do more with my health and my little company because of this group. It's been said that you never know how far away you are from your goal until you're standing right next to it. Well, standing next to Libbie, I promise that statement is certainly true. As we start a new week, let the example that Libbie -- who makes it look so natural -- be the standard we follow. Let's use our health to serve.
Simple. Significant. Selfless. Servant. These are just a few of the words you could use to appropriately describe Libbie Combee. If you would like to learn more about her and the ministry she founded, please go to their website. You'd bless us if you would. Have a great week everyone. Let's go to work.
--Jimmy Peña
P.S. Pictured above is the PrayFit Banquet venue from last week. What a tremendous time together of fellowship, praising the Lord and serving each other. Can't wait to go back!
It's Not In Our DNA
“One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him.” --Luke 17:15-16
Our DNA is remarkable. Our microscopic fingerprint. A double-helix with 25,000 regions of genes that tell the body how to build itself. And we’re getting better at reading it. Want to know if your child has the genetics of an all-pro athlete? There’s a gene for that. Or maybe even more impressive, there’s a gene that determines motivation to become an all-pro athlete. One’s genetic make-up can tell us so much about our future. The smarter we get, the better we’ll be at predicting all sorts of things from the likelihood of certain illnesses to athletic potential.
Aren’t we glad that Heaven isn’t determined by our DNA? When ability falls short and capability fails miserably, Jesus touches our hearts and leaves a permanent imprint of a nail-scarred hand; the only statistically significant indicator of one’s destiny.
–Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: As believers, we have to employ healthy habits in our lives. The goal of abundant life needs to become part of our DNA. If it wasn't something that we have to consciously do, God wouldn't have reminded us. Some things don't come naturally, whether it be motivation, athletic ability, coordination. But none of that matters. God sees the heart, so don't spend time critiquing the mirror or applauding it. Get moving in order to reflect Him. Serve others, be an example to kids, help neighbors, get active in church. When we say health is a means of praise, we don't mean for ourselves.
Convenience of exercise is one of the greatest determining factors in program adherence. In other words, the easier a workout is to get in, the less likely you will be to skip it. For a great many people, home workouts are best. Team PrayFit's two workout DVDs provide challenging, results-driven, at-home workouts that are guaranteed to help you build a stronger, healthier body -- without having to venture out to a franchise gym. So far, the reviews on our latest DVD -- the PrayFit 33-Day Body Toning System -- are outstanding! Click here to read what others are saying! For a sneak peek at what you can expect in our newest offering, click the video player below. To order now, click here.
November 11, 2011 In honor of all our veterans who have served this great land, PrayFit extends our utmost respect. No words of encouragement, no workout of the day. Just a simple, sincere day of silence, setting our pens down to applaud their sacrifice. Today, if you know a vet, reach out to say thanks. If you see one, take the time to offer a hand of gratitude. Join us in silent prayers of protection for those who so dutifully protect us. Thank you, veterans.
--Team PrayFit
>> MILITARY FORUM: If you are a member of our armed forces, we hope that you’ll share your thoughts on faith and fitness with the PrayFit family in our Homeland Defenders forum. If you know a faithful serviceman or woman, we hope that you’ll refer them there so that we can all benefit from their experiences.
November 11, 2010 In honor of all our veterans who have served this great land, Prayfit offers our utmost respect. No words of encouragement, no workout of the day. Just a simple, sincere day of silence, setting our pens down to applaud their sacrifice.
Team Prayfit
>> MILITARY FORUM: If you are a member of our armed forces, we hope that you'll share your thoughts on faith and fitness with the PrayFit family in our Homeland Defenders forum. If you know a faithful serviceman or woman, we hope that you'll refer them there so that we can all benefit from their experiences.