Since 2009
Pick Up Your Bed
"I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house." --Mark 2:11
It took four men to get him near Jesus. Four men who wouldn't stop until they made a breakthrough, literally. The bible says that "when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying." Reading this story a few weeks ago, some things dawned on me. First, the breakthrough -- the realization that there was no other option; no Plan B. Jesus was in the healing business and their friend was buying.
Then, before Jesus does for the paralytic what the man thought he needed most, Jesus says, "Your sins are forgiven you." (Wait, what? His sins? Why not first heal his legs?, I wondered.) Then Jesus answered my question when He asked the scribes, "Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven you,' or to say, 'Arise, take up your bed and walk?'"
In case there was any doubt of His ability to forgive sins, Jesus went ahead and said to the paralytic, "I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house." A paralyzed man carrying his prison back home is enough to quiet the doubters. And here's my last thought...he carried his bed home. Jesus put him to work. He didn't say, "Tell others what I did for you," or "Show off your legs." No, carrying his bed said it all.
You'll forgive the long entry, but all I want to do is carry my bed. Our blessing of health is an opportunity to go to work; for family, friends, those less fortunate, our health is a means of praise. Someone you know needs a breakthrough. I did. And I'm betting the healed man in our story lifted other people's burdens from that day forward, wouldn't you agree? If you do, pick up your bed. Let's go to work.
--Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: Who are you in today's story? Are you in need of a breakthrough? Dealing with an illness, infirmity or other struggle? Perhaps you're a friend, helping someone through the roof by praying for them, listening to them? Maybe you feel like you're one of the crowd, the onlookers, not really engaged either way, be it with your health or the health of someone else. Well, we know who we are NOT in this story, so let's go. Who needs prayer? Let's lift someone through the roof. Let's place someone you know and love as close the healer as we know how to. As always, simply say "Unspoken" and the team and readers will pray for you.
How did you sleep last night? While people desperate to lose a few pounds and inches like to focus on fitness and nutrition, there are a number of factors that can work for you -- or against you. One that is typically underrated is good, old fashioned shut-eye. Find out what the research says about how all those late nights can be moving the scale in the wrong direction.
>> Click here for the study from CNN Health.
Thousands of people have chosen to receive the PrayFit Daily in their inboxes each morning. If you haven't signed up for this complimentary service already, simply click the links provided here. Click, type, send -- it could be the most rewarding 30 seconds you spend on the computer this morning! And if you want to help us continue our faith-and-fitness revival -- you can do so by sending friends this link or sharing it with your social networks!:
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/cSd8tp
Sometimes, it's just a family that needs recalibrating in the areas of faith and fitness. But sometimes, it's your church family that could use a little tune-up. Congregations across the country have welcomed Jimmy and his message of health as a means of praise, using it as a way to kick off a revival of sorts...and your town could be next. Contact us at info@prayfit.com to schedule a visit from the PrayFit team! As always, for churches and other non-profit events there is never a speaking fee. Talk to your pastors and leaders. Reach out to us and let's see health as a means of praise, together.
Ella's Grin
"The Lord watches over you." --Psalm 121:5
Read: Psalm 121
Recently, PrayFit co-Founder Eric Velazquez posted this picture of his little girls. What Eric wrote as a caption was something I'm sure only a father can truly understand, but it hit me. Eric said:
"Does Ella's grin give it away that they're not really asleep? Still, I found them in bed, sharing a blanket and laughing yesterday, and it was just one of those fun, dad moments I wanted to snap. Bonus: Mya is in bed wearing a princess dress. She refused to nap without it."
Hmm...haven't we all slept with Ella's grin? We close our eyes, pretend, and try to fool God under the blanket of the very grace He provides. But the fact is, He knows us. And He loves us despite ourselves. Call me sentimental ('cause I am), but I like to think God watches over us like Eric does his kids, pausing on moments too good to pass up...with a grin of His own.
--Jimmy Peña
Lord, we love you. And you're watching. Though we often fall asleep on Your watch, we never lose your blanket of grace. We're so glad You love us and You never, ever... stop being Dad.
Question: How does knowing God is watching over you help you take better care of yourself and your family?
PRAYFIT NEWS & NOTES >> ARE YOU ON FACEBOOK? If not, you should be, if only to "like" PrayFit! Sign-up to get all the latest PrayFit updates, inspiring quotes, health facts and photo albums showing the PrayFit team in action. Sign up here or, if you're already a member, click here for pics of Jimmy Pena addressing crowds last weekend at Destiny Family Christian Center in El Paso, Texas.
>> TOTAL BODY CHALLENGE: "Let's give 33 minutes a day for 33 days to honor the One who gave us 33 years," says PrayFit founder Jimmy Pena. The PrayFit 33-Day Total Body Challenge, in stores now, is an at-home, bodyweight-only workout program designed to makeover the body that carries the soul. The DVD also comes equipped with powerful devotionals, delivered by Pena. (For an audio sample of these devotionals, click here.)
>> FELLOWSHIP: Part of the PrayFit mission is to develop a church of like-minded believers -- a nationwide congregation devoted to abundant living through faith and fitness. The good news? You don't have to go anywhere. Our online community is available to you at the click of a mouse. Click here to sign up or, if you're already a member, click here to get back into the discussion.
He Remembers
"For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more." --Hebrews 8:12
A documentary recently left me drenched in a flood of tears. Hosted by Maria Shriver, the short movie was a touching look at Alzheimer's, and the devastating effects the disease has on the sufferer as well as the family. From grandchildren, to children, to spouses, the idea of forgetting and being forgotten is nothing short of a nightmare. As the credits rolled, I found myself calling my wife and mother. Please don't forget I love you, was the only thought I had as I dialed.
And then I found myself thinking of the Lord. Friends, aren't we so glad He remembers? Affectionally, He remembers when He made us. Faithfully, He remembers when we first spoke His name, and thankfully He remembers ours. The only thing He doesn't remember is our sin.
That -- gracefully -- He remembers to forget.
--Jimmy Peña
SLEEP & ALZHEIMER'S New research reveals startling risk of being underslept
How well you sleep at night may be an indicator of you risk for Alzheimer’s Disease. A new study out of the American Academy of Neurology showed that those who spent less than 85% of the time in bed asleep were more likely to have Alzheimer’s. While it’s important to note that about half of the subjects had Alzheimer’s somewhere in their family tree, the risk remains alarming.
Need more motivation to get your z's? Disrupted sleep can interfere with muscle recovery and the regulation of hormones that are critical for muscle-building, fat-burning and metabolism. Try to get 7-9 hours of sleep per night to reduce risk of Alzheimer’s and to keep your fitness goals on track.
November 21, 2011Read: Matthew 26
"The spirit is willing, but the body is weak." --Matthew 26:41
In my second favorite movie of all-time (Rocky II), Rocky walks to his trainer's apartment in the middle of the night to ask for his locker back; he wants to fight again. Dismissive, Mickey delivers one of the most painful and sad lines I've ever heard: "You got the heart, but you ain't got the tools no more." In other words, the spirit is willing, but the body is weak. As an athlete, that phrase carries serious meaning. I know what it's like to be physically limited from doing what my heart is dying to do. But as a Christian, that line is more than a body blow.
As believers, our souls have work to do. In our passage, when Jesus said to His disciples to stay awake, He literally meant "physically." How many reading this page would agree that you'd would be so much more productive at work, alive with your spouse, able to keep up with the kids or even active in church, if you enjoyed better health? If so, maybe you need your locker back.
You may not want to admit it, but it's time to wake up; there's a fighter in you. If the spirit is willing, your body has no right to hold it back. And if you're reading this page, Mickey was wrong. If you've got the heart, you still got the tools. Your soul just needs a fighting chance.
--Jimmy Peña
WATCH | "You've got the heart but..."
THANKS: PrayFit wants to extend a very special thank you to the wonderful people at Planet Infinity and Breadoflife.org for inviting us to speak and share our mission of faith and fitness this past Saturday. You blessed us beyond belief.
Want a good dose of intense, indoor cardio to start the week? Here you go. Variety is not only advisable but required to keep your body changing. This workout forces you to adjust your speed, incline, duration and rest all in the same workout, keeping your lungs and limbs guessing. This interval-style scheme promotes speed, power and endurance, all while increasing your total work capacity. If you're looking for a brutal but effective way to shake up your current cardio routine (and burn a few extra calories), then this workout is for you.
5mph 5% 2min 1min
6mph 6% 1min 1min
7mph 7% 1min 1min
8mph 8% 45sec 1min
9mph 9% 30sec 1min
10mph 10% 20sec 1min
9mph 9% 30sec 1min
8mph 8% 45sec 1min
7mph 7% 1min 1min
6mph 6% 1min 1min
5mph 5% 2min 1min
March 29th, 2011Read: Matthew 9
"She said to herself, "'If I can just touch the hem of his garment, I will be whole.'" --Matthew 9:21
If you've spent any time here on PrayFit, you've realized by now that we love America's pastime. We agree with Babe Ruth when he said, "Baseball is the greatest game God ever saw fit to let man invent." And with opening day around the corner, we thought we'd give you another reason why we love it even more. Ever notice that the managers wear the same uniform as the players? Think about it. There's not another sport like it. Ever see a football coach with a helmet? Or a basketball coach wearing a tank-top and shorts? No, baseball is the only sport where its managers blend in with the team.
I think Jesus could relate, because he chose to relate. Rather than standout among us, he blended in with us. Though He created the universe, His appearance was universal. He became our up-close-and-personal savior. In order to reach us, He let us touch Him.
SLEEP LESS, EAT MORE Failing to get a good night's sleep can lead to overeating
One of the most important keys to achieving and maintaining a healthy body composition is to exercise regularly. But it's also important to rest and new research is showing that a failure to do so can result in weight gain. How?
Researchers at Columbia University's New York Research Obesity Center found that those who were sleep deprived ate more during the day. Women, on average, consumed 329 calories more when sleep deprived while men had 263 more when under-slept. Regularly consuming 300 calories more than usual can lead to 30 pounds of weight gain over a year, researchers say, putting you at significantly greater risk of obesity-related illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease.
Read more on the study here: CNN Health
Source: CNN