Since 2009
I Got It, Daddy
"Bear one another's burdens." --Galatians 6:2
Growing up the younger of two sons, I used to love it when Daddy and I would take a ride in his truck just the two of us. Sitting shotgun, of course, was not my birthright, so I'd take advantage by rolling the window down, sticking my elbow out, and letting the wind blow. To a baby brother, the front seat was the promised land -- a 10-year old's olive branch.
Well, every once in a while, Dad would let his youngest son steer. As we got close to the house, He'd slow up, I'd scoot over, and we'd become partners. And although I couldn't reach the pedals, I'd assure him by saying, "I got it Daddy." Truth is, I knew he kept a hand on the bottom of the wheel.
Well, when that same hero drove home the news to me that he was one of the 79 million people in the U.S diagnosed with pre-diabetes, my wheels fell off.
Friends, do you have loved ones who are struggling with their health? If so, don't just go along for the ride. Get involved. Seek help. Let's keep praying for God's strength and wisdom to personally live abundantly like He intended, but let's not forget that we're not on this road home, alone. Like my Dad, someone you love needs you scoot over real close and say, "I got it."
--Jimmy Peña
PRAYER REQUESTS:Who do you know that needs prayer? We're scooting over, and we want to help you pray. Be specific or simply say, "Unspoken" and we promise to pray with you.
DID YOU KNOW? --25.8 million children and adults in the United States -- 8.3% of the population -- have diabetes --Diagnosed: 18.8 million people --Undiagnosed: 7.0 million people --Prediabetes: 79 million people --New Cases: 1.9 million new cases of diabetes
Source: American Diabetes Association
A Rhyme & Reason
“Life is not about bodyfat and muscle tone.It’s about where our hearts are at and His grace alone.
It’s not about the mirror or any other measurement. It’s in our service to others, reflecting the Son He sent.
We’re called to honor the body, but not for our praise or reward. We're just simple, humble stewards, on a mission for the Lord.
So eat right, train hard, but don’t forget your purpose, God sees your heart and not what’s on the surface.”
--Jimmy Peña
For many of you, the PrayFit Daily is your entry point to our ministry. But how many of you have really taken the time to explore the rest of what our site has to offer? Take a minute and hit up these key links and be sure to bookmark your favorites!
FITNESS: Here, you'll find all you need to start putting your body in motion for whatever it is called to do. From workouts to exercise demos, we provide you a wide variety of ways to start reshaping your body and boosting your health. NUTRITION: Recipes. Research. Dietary tips. It's no wonder that this is one of the most popular pages on our site. To start eating in balance, click here.
LISTEN: For those looking for more nutrition for their souls, PrayFit offers a selection of audio devotionals, read by founder Jimmy Peña. Click, listen, share. RESOURCES: Our book and DVDs form the backbone of our ministry. All of these products offer readers life-changing guidance on honoring the bodies that carry their souls. You can check them out here, or browse the rest of our branded gear.
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Do You See Yourself?
"The Lord looks at the heart..." --1 Samuel 16:7
Read: 1 Samuel 16
Last week when PrayFit VP Eric Velazquez described seeing his resemblance in his daughter's faces, this weeping writer fought back tears. He said, "Jimmy, it's one thing to know they're your own flesh and blood, but when you start to see yourself, it's simply amazing. I'm at a loss for words." That says a lot coming from Eric, arguably one of the best writers in the country.
But you know, I want to be like Mya and Ella. Not that I want to look like Eric (handsome as he is), but the only thing I want more than being a dad one day is to be a child that resembles his Father.
Friends, as we end this work week, we hope that's the message you've heard here at PrayFit. Some enjoy the fitness tips, others the recipes. But don't miss this: Nothing matters unless we have Jesus in our hearts. If we're at a loss for words, our approach to wellness merely serves as a back-up to A) praise Him with our lives and B) help spread the gospel. Despite our highest highs and lowest lows, when He looks at us, it's His own reflection He longs to see.
--Jimmy Peña
"Lord, we love you. Our utmost desire is for you to live in our hearts. We seek your resemblance. See yourself, we pray. Amen."
FAITH >> CUT TO THE CHASE: Let's follow Him so close that we're covered in His dust >> BREATHLESS: When we breathe it all out, He breathes it all in
>> WHAT CAN I BRING?: The One who matters most is the one that doesn't count
>> A DANGEROUS PRAYER: What will you do with the opportunity to live more healthfully?
FITNESS >> WORKOUT: Use this home-based routine to start the year with a sweat
>> EXERCISE: An in-depth look at one of the best exercises for your core
>> NUTRITION TIP: How to sneak more fruits and veggies in your diet
"They went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was."— Matthew 2:9
This week, like many of you, we'll finally arrive at the home of family and friends to celebrate Christmas. Do you have "going home" traditions? We do too. One tradition my parents actually started during my college years was hanging a "Welcome Home, Jimmy!" sign at the house. When I got married, they added "& Loretta", and we've seen that banner for 16 years now. And no matter how quick our trip might be, that sign is waiting. It's seen its share of attics, but it brings Mom and Dad a lot of joy to pull that out of storage. That sign symbolizes Christmas, and that their children are almost home.
Beyond a doubt right now, celebration plans are almost ready in homes such as yours and of those you love. All the decorations have been hung, everyone's favorite dishes are being prepared and front room curtains are being impatiently pulled back to see if "they're here yet."
You know, I've often wondered if the star in the east was as much God's way to honor His son, as it was our way to find Him. Even though Jesus' time on earth was short, God knew how He'd be rejected, and of the cross that awaited him. So perhaps it was God's way to say, "I love you, Son" and in doing so said to us, "Here He is".
He loves us that much. And if we look forward to seeing loved ones, how much more does He? Because you see, someday God will send for us. And I like to think that after spreading the table for the great celebration and hanging the welcome-home banner across the door, the angels will pull back the curtain, peeking to see...are they here yet?
There's something about the crunch of a perfectly toasted panini that's hard to resist. But oftentimes, it ends up on the "do not eat" list for those of us trying to lean up or lose a few pounds. This recipe, however, is a healthier, protein-packed alternative that will serve you well, whether you're looking to build muscle, get lean or just recover from a tough workout.
Turkey & Cheddar Panini
2 slices Ezekiel Bread 2 tsp Dijon mustard 4 oz deli turkey 2 slices tomato ¼ cup baby spinach leaves 1 slice low fat cheddar cheese 1 tsp canola oil
>> Spread each slice of bread with mustard and assemble panini by layering turkey, tomato, spinach and cheese between slices of bread. Heat canola oil in a nonstick skillet over medium-low heat. Add panini and cook for 3-4 minutes per side, pressing down gently with a spatula. Cook until bread is toasted and cheese is melted.
Calories: 390 | Protein: 30 grams | Carbohydrates: 38 grams | Fat: 12 grams
November 18, 2011 Read: Hebrews 12
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." -- Hebrews 12:1
I think God understands the marathon. Many people will tell you that a marathon is all about the journey, the memories. Well, yes and no. While the memories have their moments, what awaits us at the end is really what it's all about. I mean, I loved the music at mile 12, but I didn't hang around for an entire song. It played, not so much that I would enjoy, but more so that I would endure.
When I began the race, I had a running partner as well as a dedicated pacer (the pacer's name was Paul, by the way.) But as you learned this week, a little over midway through the race, my body started to fail me. And when the partner and pacer ran ahead, I had to slow down. But had that not happened, I would have missed the blind man with his guide, and the woman in the wheelchair with no legs. And yes, I would have missed the two men who led me my last few miles of the race. Two men wearing identical shirts; bright yellow jerseys with black letters. Unmistakable to me. Not so much for the color combo, but for the words on their backs. On one shirt, "Father", and on the other, "Son". Oddly enough, the only comfort I could muster at the time was written on the back of two strangers.
The journey is one thing. But while our bodies fail us, friends leave us, and pacers lose us, the only real comfort is who we follow to the finish. I think God understands the marathon.
P.S. At dinner that night, I watched a lady limping her way through a restaurant. As she passed our table, I said, "Congratulations". Surprised, she thanked me. Hmm. You can always tell the runners. You can see it in their walk.
--Jimmy Pena
>> FOREVER ROAD: Each step is worth it when we remember who awaits us in the end
>> WHATEVER YOU DO: No matter how painful the pace, keep going
>> TRACKING NUMBERS: Following the steps of the one who's already won the race
>> TIRED OF RUNNING: His favorite place to run is to our rescue
>> RUNNER'S RESOURCES: Our favorite digital haunts for running advice
>> SPEED TRICK: A surprising benefit of running sprint intervals
July 20, 2011Read: Exodus 4
"The Lord said, 'Throw it on the ground." --Exodus 4:3
Moses was reluctant to part with his staff but when he finally laid it down in obedience, it became the rod of God. Abraham was asked to lay down his own son upon the alter, and Peter was asked to lay down his nets after catching nothing all night.
You know, we talk a lot about picking up the weights or picking up the pace in our pursuit of a fitter lifestyle, but God is honored most by what we're willing to lay down. What are you holding that's keeping you from living a healthier, more abundant life? Whatever it might be, just know that Moses, Abraham and Peter know first hand that it's alright to let go.
Now firmly in the grasp of summer, most of us are suddenly concerned with our arms and stomachs -- bodyparts that are on display in every tanktop or swimsuit. But no matter the season, one of the most neglected parts of our training programs is the back. Because it's not something you see in the mirror everyday, it's easy to minimize it's importance in your training split. But training the back hard and often not only makes for a stronger, more eye-catching physique but a healthier one at that. Strengthening the muscles of the back makes you stronger at nearly everything else, not to mention "mundane," everyday tasks like sitting, standing and walking. Often, people find that by training their backs, they have less back, hip or neck pain. Go figure.
This week's workout is for the gym-goer who wants a great back workout using primarily cables, which challenge the back with constant tension throughout each move. The back is a tough bodypart but, if done correctly, it can be one of the most gratifying training sessions all week. So here we go. After a good general warm-up such as jogging or riding a stationary bike:
Lat Pulldown: A good place to start, hitting the upper lats primarily, but also serving as a great overall warm up). Reverse-Grip Pulldown: This brings the biceps into play to a greater degree, which is why you can move more weight on this version. And by flipping your grip, you increase the range of motion, shifting more focus to the lower lat area. Wide-Grip Seated Row: This move targets not only the upper lats, but also the middle back, including the rhomboids and middle traps. Swimmers: A bodyweight-only move where you lie on your stomach and extend your legs and arms up and down in a swimming motion, stimulating the lower back with laser-like precision.
So do 3-4 sets of the first three cable exercises with 10-12 repetitions. On the swimmers move, do 3-4 sets of 15 repetitions (or 15 seconds of controlled reps per set). You can do all your sets for each exercise before moving on to the next exercise or, to add a cardio element, you can perform this in circuit fashion, going from one exercise to the next with little rest.
>> JOIN THE MOVEMENT: Thousands of people have changed their lives and bodies through the transformative power of a simple motto: "In Jesus' name, we train." Find out why so many have made PrayFit a part of their daily routines by clicking here. And, as always, we thank you for continuing to share PrayFit with others! Use the "Recommend," "Tweet" and "Share" features at the top of this page to broadcast this link to your social networks!
May 10, 2011Read: Genesis 22
"Isaac spoke up and said to his father 'Abraham, Father?' 'Yes, my son?' Abraham replied. 'The fire and wood are here,' Isaac said, 'but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?'" --Genesis 22:7
When I was a kid my dad said to me, "Son, never give God anything that costs you nothing." And if I've ever felt like my father's son, it's now, as PrayFit is being shared and enjoyed by homes and churches across the country.
Part of our message for believers is to embrace a paradigm shift in the importance of physical health; to see a healthy heart and lower bodyfat as a means of praise. Plainly said, something so fearfully and wonderfully made deserves more attention and upkeep.
That simple truth reminds me of an old song about Abraham by singer Larnelle Harris called "When Praise Demands a Sacrifice."
"When praise demands a sacrifice, I'll worship even then, surrendering the dearest things in life. And if devotion costs me all, He'll find me faithful to the call, when praise demands a sacrifice."
So if we embrace the belief that our health is a means of praise, and if praise demands a sacrifice, what will it cost you?
Keeping in mind that your health is ultimately and inseparably intertwined with your duty as a believer, which of the following areas do you feel that you may have room for improvement personally?
1. Making smarter choices at lunch 2. Eating less food at each meal 3. Getting up earlier to prepare breakfast rather than eating fast-food 4. Walking around the block with your spouse each night 5. Training with push-ups, sit-ups and bodyweight squats before heading to work 6. Playing outside with your kids 7. All of the above 8. Other
Let us know how we can help you achieve your goals, not only in the realm of fitness, but also those things concerning your health that you know would please the Lord. Leave your comments and thoughts below.
>> PRAYFIT IN PRINT: Looking for a great way to get your faith and health back on track? "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days" includes two 28-day, at-home workout programs, detailed meal plans and daily inspiration to nourish your faith. Find out what Tyler Perry, LL Cool J, Mario Lopez and so many more are talking about!
August 19, 2010Read: Psalm 32
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.” –Psalm 32:8
Not sure if you’ve seen Bear Grylls in The Discovery Channel’s Man vs. Wild series, but he’s a former military guy with some serious survival skills. Each show begins with a helicopter dropping him in the middle of some uncharted land where his mission is simple but brutal: Get through the dangerous, unfamiliar territory until he’s lifted to safety. And while each episode finds him in a different death trap, his advice always has some consistent themes: stay nourished, use the sun as your guide, look for shelter before the weather hits, and seek the higher ground.
I particularly enjoyed one segment when he revealed what keeps him going when the going gets rough; he hides a laminated photo of his loved ones in the sole of his shoe. Hmm…love in his soul.
When our days are like the jungle, I say we take Bear’s advice. Let’s stay nourished with God’s word and use the Son as our guide. Seek His higher ways in the storm, and one day, He’ll be back to lift us all to safety.
PRAYFIT RECIPE OF THE WEEK:Nectarine and Avocado Salsa Add some new flavors to a traditional Latin favorite
Nectarine & Avocado Salsa
Makes about 4 cups
Ingredients: 3 nectarines, chopped ½ red bell pepper 2 scallions, finely chopped 1 jalapeno pepper, finely chopped 1 avocado, diced ¼ cup chopped radish Juice of 1 lime 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro ¼ teaspoon kosher salt ½ teaspoon hot sauce (or to taste)
>> Place ingredients in a medium bowl and toss to combine. This fresh salsa is fabulous with tortilla chips, fajitas, or fish tacos.
Nutrition Info Per Serving Serving Size: 1/4 cup
Calories: 32 Total Fat: 1.5 grams Saturated Fat: 0 grams Carbohydrates: 4 grams Protein: 0.5 grams Cholesterol: 0 grams Sodium: 24 milligrams Fiber: 1.5 grams
PrayFit contributor Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC is a nutrition expert for Food Network.com and the Healthy Eats blog. She is a registered dietitian, certified athletic trainer and owner of Dana White Nutrition, Inc., which specializes in culinary and sports nutrition.