Since 2009
Wear The Song Out
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and the light unto my path." --Psalm 119:105
I'm gonna wear this song out. Seems I can't get over a new ditty by Steven Curtis Chapman. Play, repeat, play, repeat. Thing is, I want to wear this song out; out on my walk, out to my therapy, out to the store. Well, you'll be glad that I have a new song for our stroll together today. Let's walk and talk.
My eyes had not yet adjusted. After turning out the lights last night, I stood in pitch blackness. You know the feeling. Though your eyes are wide open, you can't see the end of your nose. So I did what you do. I didn't budge. I reasoned that in my condition the last thing I need to do is trip and fall. But Loretta's eyes had already adjusted to the dark. "You're fine, take another step." And there it is. What had to happen for me to move? I needed to have faith that Loretta could see in the dark.
We encourage babies to do it. Patients that surround me at rehab need to hear it. From someone discouraged because they haven't lost a pound, to someone trying to overcome the loss of a loved one, it's the most basic, difficult and necessary action any of us have to do to get through.
Are you in the dark today, unable to budge? Fearful about something? Timid or unsure? The light of your circumstances has gone out and you're standing there blind with your eyes wide open. Friend, He knows how you feel. But He sees in the dark. After all, He is the light. Just close your eyes, hold on to Him and take another step. And another step. And another step. And another step. Before you know it, you're wearing the song out.
--Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: As you step out the door, is putting one foot in front of the other as tough literally as it is theoretically? I hope we can be an encouragement to you to keep going. Praying for you, hoping for you, helping shine His light so you can find your way. If you'd like us to help you pray about something, let us know. We're right here.
(Again I encourage you to go to iTunes and download the new CD by Steven Curtis Chapman called, "A Glorious Unfolding." When you get to "Take Another Step" turn it up for me.)
Convenience of exercise is one of the greatest determining factors in program adherence. In other words, the easier a workout is to get in, the less likely you will be to skip it. For a great many people, home workouts are best. Team PrayFit's two workout DVDs provide challenging, results-driven, at-home workouts that are guaranteed to help you build a stronger, healthier body -- without having to venture out to a franchise gym. So far, the reviews on our latest DVD -- the PrayFit 33-Day Body Toning System -- are outstanding! Click here to read what others are saying! For a sneak peek at what you can expect in our newest offering, click the video player below. To order now, click here.
Stopped in His Tracks
"When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout out, 'Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.'" --Mark 10:47
Read: Mark 10
A few hours before surgery, Loretta and I were reading together about the blind man sitting on the side of the road in Jericho. His name was Bartimaeus. When Bartimaeus heard it was Jesus who was walking by, he began to shout out, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" Over and over he yelled. Despite being rebuked by others, he continued to shout, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" And it's the reaction of Jesus that touched my heart that morning of the surgery. The bible says that when Jesus heard him shouting, He stopped walking. Some bible versions say that He "stopped in his tracks," and other translations say He "stood still".
Oh my sweet family and friends, although I'm not blind, I was begging. A month ago, I didn't want the Lord to take another sweet step. Seconds before surgery, a nurse tried small talk, but I'm afraid she sounded more like the teacher in the Charlie Brown cartoons. They transferred me to the operating table which, for all I knew, sat on the side of that dusty road in Jericho. When the doctor said he would see me in recovery, I slowly turned my head to the side, and as tears streamed from my shut eyes, I stole a line from Bartimaeus and fell asleep.
Well, I'm beyond blessed to report that the surgery was successful. Jesus stopped in His tracks. Praise God, He stood still to hear a prayer. You know, when Bartimaeus received his sight, the very first thing he did was follow Jesus along the road. I suppose he figured the best test of his new peepers was to focus on the One who finally made them work. I plan on doing the very same thing.
--Jimmy Peña
P.S. A little over 10 months ago, while I was traveling, writing and working, I was hit with a debilitating infirmity. I came home to begin medical treatment, and since January, I've lost 50 pounds of healthy tissue -- not the good kind of weight loss. I weighed more at age 14 than I do at 40. But what you have just read was a personal journal entry that I wrote to a small group of family members who prayed for me as I went into surgery. And this week -- my first week back in a month -- I'm sharing some of those entries with you; things God has taught me through His word and through the fire. You know, at PrayFit we believe health is a means of praise. Well, never in my life has that been more true.
WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: USER CHOICE Tell us what your workout of the day or week is and we might use it to help others as next week's training program. Be specific and thorough. You lead the group! Nearly 10,000 people will get your workout, so make it count!
>> If you're looking for ideas to get you started, visit our Fitness page by clicking here.