Since 2009
A Little Ditty
"For physical training is of some value, but training in godliness has value now and in the life to come." --1 Timothy 4:8
I'm likely giving away my age when I remind you of one of my favorite praise and worship songs, "I Just Came To Praise The Lord." Anyone?...Anyone?
"I just came to praise the Lord. I just came to praise the Lord. I just came to praise His holy name. I just came to praise the Lord."
Classic, right? On more than one occasion, I've felt like that in church. Shake hands, wave at friends, but get me to my seat, I need to talk to Jesus. I felt like that on my walk yesterday. I didn't set any land speed records, but I logged 3.12 miles. It's always such a good time talking to the Lord, cleansing my heart, clearing my mind, praying for family, asking for wisdom, planning excellence. Far beyond the physical benefits the walking is doing to my recovery -- being over a month removed from major back surgery -- my training has always been an extension of my quiet time. Sure, each stride sends vital nutrients to aid in healing, but my "walk" is more important.
Try it. Next time you hit the gym or go for your jog, remember today's little ditty. As you raise those weights overhead, remember the ultimate burden He lifted. As you run your miles, recall the distance He went to call you His own. And I know, the world will demand that you "focus" on the goal, the reason you're in the gym or on the road. And your response can either be spoken or sung, because in truth, you are focusing on the goal and the reason you're in the gym.
--Jimmy Peña
A Little Ditty with Jimmy: Old habits die hard, because 20-plus years ago -- during my really heavy lifting days -- my best lifts always came when my heart was right, my mind was focused and my motives were pure. If I was worried, convicted, or struggling somehow, I just wasn't my best. The habit of praying before each workout became a habit I would take into each set and each rest period, until my training became an extension of my quiet time. Trust me, while I had the Rocky soundtrack blaring in my ears, I had grace and forgiveness coursing through my heart. I even remember specific prayers, mantras even, that I'd say to the Lord. Funny, I still do. Even as I blaze through -- okay, limp through -- my 3.12 miles.
One of the most challenging exercises that you can do for your abs is the double crunch -- which is featured in our workout of the week -- because it hits your abs hard from top to bottom. Here's how to get it right.
Double Crunch | Focus: Upper abs, lower abs | (VIDEO) Lie down on the floor with your legs straight, feet together. Place your hands gently behind your head and raise your feet off the floor roughly six inches. Crunch your upper body off the floor while simultaneously bringing your knees toward your torso, so that your upper body meets your lower body in the middle. Squeeze and return to the start, allowing your legs to remain above the floor throughout.
The Scars & Stripes
"...and by His stripes we are healed." --Isaiah 53:5
Read: Isaiah 53
Driving along the canyon in Los Angeles this week, I came across a tall, old tree in the front yard of a beautiful home. Next to the tree stood an equally tall flag pole. Now, most days I probably wouldn't have noticed, but as I went by I realized the flag was tangled around some branches, evidence of some recent high winds. Now, you may be just like me, but something stirs inside when I see the stars and stripes helpless like that. I don't know, but our symbol of freedom shouldn't be stuck to a tree. It was wrapped so tight in fact, I literally said to myself, "Oh, someone has to climb up there."
With amazing pity for my crimes and yours, our Freedom willingly crawled up that old rugged cross. We were helpless, so someone had to climb up there. And Jesus, with His scars and stripes, embraced it.
--Jimmy Peña
Train major muscle groups in less time with this bodyweight-driven workout
One way to constantly challenge yourself, and therefore effect change in your body, is to outdo your previous performance. And to do that doesn't require a gym -- just the willingness to push. It should be noted that training at higher intensity is relative -- your max effort is entirely unique to your body -- but this workout allows novices as well as experienced trainers to draw equal benefit, training your upper body, abs and legs in 10 minutes flat.
10 Push-Ups
--Set a timer for 10 minutes. Perform these exercises consecutively with no rest in between moves. Do as many rounds as possible of these exercises in the prescribed order in the set 10 minute period. The total number of rounds you complete is your "score" for the day. Partial rounds may count as thirds -- i.e. if you only get through five rounds and then only complete the five push-ups on the sixth round, you've done 5 1/3 rounds.
Advanced Training: If you can complete 10 rounds in 10 minutes, increase the workout length by one minute. Add a minute to the workout each time your number of completed rounds equals the number of minutes trained for sustained progression.
Unlock the Door
"They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers." --Acts 1:14
Peter denied. Thomas doubted. Fear filled the upper room. Both the cross and the tomb were void of any sign of their allegiance, so they hid. Then they heard His voice, felt His scars and were filled with the Spirit. Before long someone said, "Unlock the door."
You and I? We deny. We doubt. And boy do we let fear fill our days. But the same reasons that sent the disciples underground -- an empty cross and tomb -- are why we have faith in the first place. So as we begin a new week, take a few seconds and pause. Stand in the room with Peter, Thomas and the others. Look around at everyday men and women with an extraordinary mission. Like them, beyond your door is a world that needs the gospel according to you. Could be at work, at the gym or even at school, but as you leave your room, imagine the disciples doing the same. Same Jesus, same mission.
Now, somebody unlock the door.
--Jimmy Peña
To start the week, we present a shoulders and abs workout that provides silhouette-enhancing benefits for both men and women. You begin the workout with a total-body move and work your way through progressively more targeted work.
"You start out in the strongest possible position, utilizing your entire body to train the shoulders and slowly begin isolating the different delt heads," says Jimmy Pena, MS, CSCS, founder of PrayFit. "The result is a better v-taper. Stronger shoulders give the visual appearance of a slimmer waistline."
DELTS Dumbbell Squat-Overhead Press* Dumbbell Upright Row Lateral Raise Front raise Bent-over Lateral Raise
ABS Standard Crunch Reverse Crunch Double Crunch
--Perform three sets of 10-12 reps on each exercise in the order listed, resting no more than 60 seconds between sets.
Dumbbell Squat-Overhead Press With a pair of dumbbells, kettlebells or even soup cans, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointed out slightly. Hold the dumbbells at shoulder level. With your abs tight, chest up and back flat, squat down 10-12 inches then press through the floor to extend your legs as you press the weights overhead to full arm extension. Lower the dumbbells back to your shoulders and repeat.
October 28, 2010Read: Job 32
"'Age should speak; advanced years should teach wisdom.' But it is the spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty, that gives him understanding." --Job 32:7-8
At around 3:00 this morning, one of the sweetest, dearest men I've ever known in all the world got up and boarded a plane, embarking on a mission to Nepal. He's been preparing for this trip for decades.
After spending over 40 years as a pastor in Texas and New Mexico, God called him to become a missionary (he's in his 70s now). And if asked, he'll tell you that all those years serving and preaching in churches were all to prepare him to get up and leave at 3:00 this morning.
All the weeks, the Saturday studies, the Sunday morning and evening services, not to mention every Wednesday night for over four decades were merely a prep course for what awaits him when he finally lands. He makes numerous trips like this each year, often to some of the most dangerous regions of Asia.
But though I don't know what awaits him when he lands, I do know what the people there can expect. The message he'll share with them is the same message an eight-year old Texas kid heard back in the 70s. A simple message of Jesus, spoken in love through tears.
What does it take to leave home, risk your life and freedom, and forsake all comforts of safety and family, in order to deliver the gospel to strangers halfway across the world? It takes a life. But not our own. Because over 2000 years ago, Jesus was led to Calvary, where He paid the penalty for your sin and for mine. He went there for me and for you...and died at 3:00.
And that's why Henry Powell got up this morning.
EXERCISE IN FOCUS Looking for a new abs move? Try this one the next time you're at the gym
TARGET: Abs with emphasis on the upper abs
IN WORKOUT: In general, always do abs last in your workout, following your major bodyparts. But within your ab specific training, put this weighted crunch before you bodyweight moves.
SETS & REPS: Perform 4 sets with 10-15 reps.
BENCH: Place a decline bench near a low-pulley cable (your head near the stack). Most gyms have portable abdominal benches, so drag or carry one to the pulley station. Place a couple feet away from the stack so that when you grasp and place the rope in place, the weight rises off the stack.
ROPE: Hook a rope attachment to the cable and hold the handles tight to your body outside your ears. You can also grasp both ends of the rope and hold them on one side of your head. The emphasis is not altered all that much and could be more comfortable and practical depending on the attachment. But if you do so, be sure to transfer your hands to both sides of your head from set to set.
RANGE OF MOTION: Crunch upward as high as possible, bringing your elbows to your quads. Because you’re holding a cable which provides constant tension, you can raise your body as high as possible. In other words, you don’t have to stop short of perpendicular to the floor as you do during the bodyweight version to keep the abs engaged and stimulated, but come up as far as you can go.
BACK TO START: Squeeze your abs hard then slowly lower yourself to the start position and repeat. Feel free to come all the way down until your head touches the bench, but if you want to make it more difficult, stop just short of letting your shoulder blades touch the bench. Either way, don’t let the weight plates touch at the bottom of each rep.