Since 2009
Unlock the Door
"They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers." --Acts 1:14
Read: Acts 1
Peter denied. Thomas doubted. Fear filled the upper room. Both the cross and the tomb were void of any sign of their allegiance, so they hid. But then they heard His voice, felt His scars and were filled with the Spirit. Before long someone said, "Unlock the door."
You and I? We deny. We doubt. And boy do we ever let fear fill our days. But the same reasons that sent the disciples underground -- an empty cross and tomb -- are why we have faith in the first place. So as we begin a new day, take a few seconds and pause. Stand in the room with Peter. Imagine for a second you're with Thomas and the others. Look around at everyday men and women with an extraordinary mission. See the look in their eyes? Like them, beyond your door is a world that needs the gospel according to you. Could be at work, at the gym or even at school, but as you leave your room, imagine the disciples doing the same. Same Jesus, same mission.
Now, somebody unlock the door.
--Jimmy Peña
[exercise in focus]
Yesterday's Workout of the Week included a move that many are unfamiliar with: the straight-arm plank. This challenging core move -- which also lights a a bit of a fire in your shoulders and triceps -- is worth a closer look today.
Straight-arm plank | Target: Core
The straight-arm plank is basically holding the top portion of a push-up. Hold the position as long as possible, keeping your abs, lower back and glutes tight. Within the context of this workout — following push-ups and squats — this move is incredibly difficult. Planks are thought of as an "abs" move but they emphasize the muscles beneath your six-pack -- the transverse abdominis. And by training these deep muscles harder, more regularly, you can better tone and flatten your entire midsection while also adding greater core stability.
Try this: Challenge your core by beginning in a straight-arm plank. Once you reach failure, go into a standard plank, again holding the position to failure. Once you fail on the standard plank, simply drop your knees to the floor and go as long as you can. This three-position plank series will fry your midsection from the inside out -- literally.
Now What?
"He has made everything beautiful in its time." —Ecclesiastes 3:11
Read: Ecclesiastes 3
Now what? Have you ever asked yourself that? If so, you're not alone. It may not comfort you to know that this ham-and-egg writer has asked himself that question many times, but a few others you'll recognize just might. Who comes to mind? Abraham when he reached the altar with Isaac, Moses when he reached the sea, or Joshua when they finally reached Jericho. The same question they whispered to themselves after being obedient was the same question Satan shouted when Jesus was on the cross: Now what?
In response, God left Heaven's hall for Bethlehem's stall. He then climbed out of his crib and onto the cross. He became the answer to our biggest question and our direst need. Are you facing a 'now what' moment? Maybe your health is taking a wrong turn or the job you wanted is already filled. Whatever you're dealing with, the next time you look up at the stars, think of Abraham. When you run into a sea of obstacles and walls too tall to climb, remember Moses and Joshua. Just like you, their question just before the miracle was 'now what?'
--Jimmy Peña
PRAYFIT SUCCESS STORY Team Prayfit wants to publicly recognize Roy Gonzalez, of Las Cruces, New Mexico. Roy describes himself as a Christian and family man. He says he's finally getting fit after 20 years of neglecting his health. He's a 49ers fan, a wannabe golfer, husband, dad, son, brother, and uncle. And one more thing...Roy has lost over 51 pounds since turning his health into praise with PrayFit. Congratulations, Roy! So blessed to know you. You inspire us all.
>> You can follow Roy on his journey at Twitter @RoyJr4753.
>> Got a success story of your own? We want to hear it! Share it with the PrayFit community by clicking here.
If you're short on time, but long on enthusiasm, today's workout will meet both needs. No equipment required -- all you need is some open space and 5-10 minutes. Even if you had other plans for the day's workout, indulge us and give it a try anyway.
Plyo Push-Up: Akin to a normal push-up, this version requires you to have your hands leave the ground on each rep. The plyo push-up stimulates and innervates the fast-twitch fibers (the ones most responsible for tight, toned muscles). Upon failure -- the point at which you can no longer continue with good form -- go right into the...
Standard Push-Up: Do as many as you can. The push-up works the chest, front shoulders and triceps, not to mention your core musculature. Upon failure move right into a...
Straight-arm Plank: Basically, you're in the start of a push-up position with your arms straight, palms pressing into the floor, back straight and abs tight. Hold that position for as long as possible. When your arms begin to shake and fail, lower yourself to your elbows and begin the...
Standard Plank: Hold that position above the floor until failure. Like the straight-arm version, the plank works the innermost core muscles (transverse abdominis), the muscles that support your spine and ultimately your entire body.
After a brief rest, repeat that sequence. Chart your reps (or total time) for each exercise and strive to do better the next time you try this workout.
May 16, 2011Read: 2 Corinthians 4
"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, and what is unseen is eternal." --2 Corinthians 4:18
During a recent book tour and business trip, I spent a couple weeks with an important client who was gracious to put me up in a very nice condo for my visit. But, despite my short stay, anyone who knows me knows I don't travel well, and the more like home I can make things, the better. So Loretta sent me with my favorite movies, books, my pillow...basically, anything from home I could fit in my carry-on, I took.
But no matter how much I tried, that condo still felt foreign. Despite what I dressed it up with, it was nothing more than temp housing. Nonetheless, I kept it as clean as possible during my stay simply because of the client I represented.
You know, there's a reason why this world feels foreign, and these bodies like temp housing: they are. But because of who we represent, the best we can do is take care of them during our short stay. We'll be home soon enough.
WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Push-Ups and Planks
If you're short on time, but long on enthusiasm, today's workout will meet both needs. No equipment required -- all you need is some open space and 5-10 minutes. Even if you had other plans for the day's workout, indulge us and give it a try anyway.
Plyo Push-Up: Akin to a normal push-up, this version requires you to have your hands leave the ground on each rep. The plyo push-up stimulates and innervates the fast-twitch fibers (the ones most responsible for tight, toned muscles). Upon failure -- the point at which you can no longer continue with good form -- go right into the...
Standard Push-Up: Do as many as you can. The push-up works the chest, front shoulders and triceps, not to mention your core musculature. Upon failure move right into a...
Straight-arm Plank: Basically, you're in the start of a push-up position with your arms straight, palms pressing into the floor, back straight and abs tight. Hold that position for as long as possible. When your arms begin to shake and fail, lower yourself to your elbows and begin the...
Standard Plank: Hold that position above the floor until failure. Like the straight-arm version, the plank works the innermost core muscles (transverse abdominis), the muscles that support your spine and ultimately your entire body.
After a brief rest, repeat that sequence. Chart your reps (or total time) for each exercise and strive to do better the next time you try this workout.
>> PRAYFIT IN PRINT: Looking for a great way to get your faith and health back on track? “PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days” includes two 28-day, at-home workout programs, detailed meal plans and daily inspiration to nourish your faith. Find out what Tyler Perry, LL Cool J, Mario Lopez and so many more are talking about!
>> SHARE: Help us get others on board with this whole “faith and fitness” thing. Use the “Recommend,” “Tweet,” “E-Mail” and “Share” buttons at the top of each day’s entry to get your social network in the know about PrayFit. Also, you can “like” us, “follow” us or “watch” us by clicking the Facebook, Twitter and YouTube icons at the bottom of each page.
February 7, 2011 Quote of the Week
"Can you imagine a life without fear? What if faith, not fear, was your default reaction to threats?" --Max Lucado
The surest way to exact positive change in your body is to incorporate resistance training. The good news is that you don't need access to a weight room to get a good workout. By using your own bodyweight, you can get a full-body session that will build strength, add muscle and burn bodyfat. The bonus? It'll just take a few minutes.
This 10-minute routine works your body from your legs up! Rest only as long as it takes to get into position for the next move. Once you get through the routine, repeat it if you have time...and the energy.
Jog in place: 1 minute Bodyweight squats: 1 minute Jump squat: To failure Wall squat: 1 minute hold Push-ups (standard or modified from knees): To failure Straight-arm plank: To failure
[exercise in focus]
Straight-arm plank | Target: Core The straight-arm plank is basically holding the top portion of a push-up. Hold the position as long as possible, keeping your abs, lower back and glutes tight. Within the context of this workout -- following push-ups and squats -- this move is incredibly difficult.