Since 2009
September 17, 2010Read: 1 John 1
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." --1 John 1:9
When doctors say, “You’ll be good as new,” we know what they mean. They’re taking all their knowledge and expertise and, based on their best efforts, will try and restore us to optimum health. What they don’t mean is that we’ll be as healthy as we were 10, 20 or 30 years ago. We explain to physicians what the symptoms are and where it hurts. Why do we give all that information? Well, simple…so they can know how to treat us and make us aaaaall better. And while we’re so thankful for our doctors, when they say “good as new,” deep inside we know what they mean.
Let’s imagine we’ve made an appointment with Jesus, the great physician. You’re sitting in the exam room, waiting for Him to walk in. You’re hurting. On the wall are no diplomas, no certifications — just framed pictures of the faces of others who have been there to see Him. And now you’re here. For some, this is your first time in His office. And you’re here because life has been painful. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. Maybe your marriage didn’t last, retirement was put on hold, or your health was taken away far too soon. And now you need someone to not only take away the pain, but to remove the hurt.
A light knock at the door and it’s Him. You don’t know whether to fall on your face or hug Him, so you manage to do both. He sits down next to you, and even though He knows the answer to His next question, he asks you where it hurts, and pointing at your heart, you tell Him. In your anguish, He holds your hand, and you notice the nail scars in His.
He stands and grabs His prescription pad, and you watch as He scribbles. He hands it to you and walks you to the door. You look into His eyes, and you thank Him. And with tears still in His, He says goodbye.
As you go to pay the bill, the people behind the desk tell you that there’s no charge, that your physician has paid the price in full; you’re free to go. All you have to do is fill the prescription and you’ll be good as new. And somehow deep inside, you know what they mean.
PRAYFIT WEEK IN REVIEW A look back at a week of healthy living solutions
PrayFit Workout of the Week: More Defined Shoulders
Stats: The ever-expanding reach of the obesity epidemic
Video: Time in the kitchen with nutritionist Dana Angelo White
Q&A: The benefits and drawbacks of using training straps
It was a great week. We're so thankful you joined us and we hope it's been an encouragement. Enjoy the weekend and we'll see you Monday. In Jesus' name, we train.
--Team PrayFit
September 16, 2010Read: Matthew 10
"And even the very hairs on your head are numbered." --Matthew 10:30
Of last year’s highlights and heroes, none made as much of an impact on me as did a small group of soldiers-turned-bodyguards. Once brave on the battlefield for our country, these men now stand in the gap between danger and their client, with no regard for self. On watch and on guard, for the sake of their call.
As it so happens, I was hired to help their client with training and nutrition, so I had a rare, bird's eye view of their excellence. And what I witnessed was nothing short of perfection. Selfless, stealthy. Shepherds in suits. I say shepherds because shepherds are fierce protectors; they can handle themselves, no problem. And yet shepherds are as caring for their sheep as nurses with newborns. And because I stayed close to the client, I shared his shield. I was safe, not because of who I was, but because of who he was. One call from the client, and you got the cavalry.
So I suppose it's no wonder the bible refers to Jesus as the Great Shepherd. He watches over us night and day, and would go through hell to keep us safe. As a matter of fact, He did.
One call to Him? Calvary.
Q: What's the real deal with weight lifting straps? Are they beneficial or are they keeping me from developing maximum strength?
A: To many of you who love to lift weights, the idea of using a pair of pulling straps on back day is the last thing on your mind. But let’s take a practical look at what exactly is going on when you use straps.
Let’s say your best 10 rep max (10RM) on dumbbell rows without straps is 100 pounds, meaning if you just use your hands, you could row a 100-pound dumbbell ten times. Then we twist your arm and you reluctantly use a pair of straps which allows you to pull that same dumbbell 12 times. First off, if you could achieve 1-2 more reps by using a simple pulling strap, imagine how many more reps your back could endure over the course of a year! That’s two extra reps per set, at, say, four sets per exercise, at four exercises per day, at two days a week. The cumulative benefits to be derived from the benefits that straps offer far outweigh the biggest drawback, which is development of grip strength. However, if you're that serious about grip strength, you can simply add a forearms training session at some point during the week.
Try a set of straps on your heaviest pulling days and see how your back responds to the added weight and volume that they allow. You can try any starter set of straps -- we suggest Versa Gripps (www.versagripps.com). (today's fitness tip is a modified excerpt from my work in Musclemag magazine)