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The Home Of Your Dreams

"I was glad when they said unto me, 'Let us go to the house of the Lord.'" --Psalm 122:1

Read: Psalm 122

It's the home of your dreams. White picket fence, freshly cut grass, backyard with a grill. It's that kind of home. When you close your eyes and grin, you're swinging on that front porch watching kids that miraculously -- and perhaps unfortunately -- have your nose. It's the home of your dreams. But despite your best offer, the price is too high. All the money you have can't justify the money you'd owe, so you're labeled unworthy; declined.

Say, ever been in a billionaire's bedroom? Ever walked the President's garden? Well, one thing is for certain: I will never own either. But while I've seen things that only a ton of money can buy, God is building us a mansion that no amount of money can. The offer was Jesus, the payment was His blood, and the asking price is faith. And if you've accepted, the key is yours. Interest paid. The title made to you. Home. The home of His dreams will someday be yours.

So as you and I strive for our little slice of Heaven on earth, be comforted when the world declines you. Because while He keeps asking, God knows what it's like for people to say His offer just isn't enough.

--Jimmy Peña

P.S. Sometimes the bodies that house our souls aren't exactly up to par. Whether by an unforeseen circumstance or perhaps neglect, you feel the Spirit grieve because of it. If so, we want to pray for you. What are your hurts today? What can we pray for? We want to know so we can lift you up. Either let us know or simply say, "Unspoken" and we promise to pray.

HOLY YOGA Many of you know that I've been through some health issues over the course of the last few years. Well, part of my physical therapy for both my cervical replacement and my recent lumbar spinal fusion incorporated some doctor-prescribed/approved yoga moves. Of course, my yoga was limited and supervised, but even as I came home and began my solo treatment, the stretching and strength-building benefits of yoga have remained part of my repertoire.

We get plenty of emails and requests for yoga here at PrayFit, but admittedly, we stay in our lane and leave yoga to the experts. But if you are interested in trying yoga, I urge you to try yoga...BUT from a Christian standpoint. There is one company that I am honored to share with you. Holy Yoga, led by our friend Brooke Boon, is a coast-to-coast and worldwide phenomenon that has nestled and delivered yoga within the Gospel. Beginning today and as we push forward, anything yoga-related will come from our friends at Holy Yoga. If you already love yoga or you're simply interested in learning more, I sincerely urge you to learn from Brooke and her staff.

Check back with us throughout the week as we lean on Brooke to bring you some solid, foundational points to consider for this body-and-soul strengthening practice.

>> To read ahead in the text, visit Holy Yoga's home page by clicking here!


If you're reading this, we're blessed to have you. Whether you're a longtime reader of the faith and fitness writings we've been posting here since 2009 or a newbie who stumbled upon us in a friend's Facebook news feed, we take our commitment to you very seriously. We hope that you'll find the inspiration and practical tools necessary to become a better steward of your health.

Newcomer or not, we hope you'll take a second to read the broad strokes on who we are, what we believe and what our mission is. Our prayer is that the soul of PrayFit speaks to yours...


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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


March 11, 2011Read: 1 Peter 3

"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." --1 Peter 3:15

Last night Prayfit VP Eric Velazquez called me to share his excitement of seeing the International Space Station (ISS) flying across the horizon. Before I could say anything, he rattled off the staggering facts that the ISS is about the size of a football field and orbits the earth at over 17,000 mph. (These facts, he repeated over and over.)

When he finally took a breath, he said something that caught my attention. He explained that as he was looking up, a curious neighbor approached him and inquired. Standing there assured, Eric explained what he was anxiously awaiting, so the neighbor stayed. After a few quiet, awkward minutes, sure enough, the ISS appeared, torching the sky for almost four jaw-dropping minutes. For the neighbor, worth the wait. For Eric, worth the risk.

Pretty awesome. Eric did exactly what you and I should be doing. Not only was he looking in the right direction, he convinced others to join him. Though the sky was clear and without proof, Eric knew what he was waiting for and he didn't want anyone to miss it.

Neither should we.


Application: 1. Are you and I looking up enough for others to be curious? 2. It can be awkward at times, but what are some ways to witness to strangers? 3. Can our fitness be a witness? How?


Thank you everyone for participating in our quiz on stretching yesterday.

Stretching is a delicate issue, literally and figuratively, and should only be done at certain times, under specific circumstances and for the right reasons. So as to which one of the reasons listed was not true...

1. Stretching doesn't necessarily prevent injury.

True: Research confirms that just as many people injure themselves who stretch as those who don't.

2. Stretching actually makes you weaker before a workout.

True: Stretching target muscles prior to a workout relaxes the natural tension within the muscle, preventing it from being as powerful as it could be had it not been pre-stretched.

3. Stretching is for range of motion purposes only.

True: This one is tricky. While there may be benefits of stretching like reduced soreness following rigorous activity, the research-based, ultimate purpose of stretching (functional or for performance) is for range of motion. It makes no sense nor does it provide any benefit to stretch even a sufficiently warm muscle if the ROM is achievable without it. You may see people stretching prior to a jog on the treadmill, but that is not only needless, it could induce unwanted damage. Most people have the range of motion necessary to jog.

4. Stretching a cold muscle could actually cause injury.

True: Think of your muscles like a sponge. The more fluid a sponge has, the easier it is to move. Twist a dry sponge and what happens? Same goes for your muscles.

5. Stretching is best done after a workout, when your muscles are warm and full of fluid.

True: After a workout, the target muscles are full of fluid (water, blood, nutrients, byproducts). It's that fluid that allows for safe and effective stretching for reasons previously mentioned.

So what should you do pre-workout? Get warm. Take a few minutes to do a general warm-up, such as a brisk walk on the treadmill, and follow that with some dynamic exercise such as walking knee hugs, jumping jacks, butt kickers and shadowboxing. If you're weight training, do a few light sets of your first exercise as a specific warm-up before going heavier. General, dynamic, specific. It sounds like a lot, but it will only add minutes to your workout and it can boost performance while decreasing risk of injury.

So...the winners are: Alyssa, Phil, Peggy, Bill and Maria. To Alyssa, Phil, Peggy and Bill, we'd be honored if you let us send you a complementary Prayfit bracelet. For Maria, you were first, so we hope you enjoy your brand new Prayfit Baseball Cap! E-mail your mailing address to

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


March 10, 2011Read: 2 Samuel 22

"I will sing praises to your name." --2 Samuel 22:50

When the Forbes richest person list was revealed yesterday, there were few surprises, save for the absence of billionaire Bill Gates at No. 1. It is rumored that Bill Gates would have had the top spot had he not given so much to charity. Most can't fathom such a sacrifice, but because he gave so much to others, he relinquished a title many would kill for.

Try to imagine. Jesus went from heaven to human. Our minds can't begin to comprehend the exchange. If we can somehow use Bill Gates as a cheap example, while he gave to the needy, he didn't become needy. Billionaire to beggar? Baron to bum? Not exactly. After all, giving to the poor didn't mean living with the poor. But when Jesus came to earth, He did more than join us -- He took our place. We can't fathom such a sacrifice, but for you and I to have any hope, the cross needed the Savior. And that's a title only He could die for.



Did you know stretching before a workout isn't a great idea?

Which one of the following reasons for avoiding a pre-workout stretch is not true? The one with the first correct answer gets a complimentary PrayFit baseball cap!

1. Stretching doesn't necessarily prevent injury. 2. Stretching actually makes you weaker before a workout. 3. Stretching is for range of motion purposes only. 4. Stretching a cold muscle could actually cause injury. 5. Stretching is best done after a workout, when your muscles are warm and full of fluid.

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