Since 2009
Worth the Hurt
"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." --Philippians 1:21
Read: Philippians 1
Standing amidst the growing crowd at the finish line, you could feel the anticipation as runners began coming in. The elite were sprinting through in record time, while the majority of warriors were still battling the elements along the course. A lot of the people I stood near weren't real sure when to expect their loved ones, but because of my Master's degree, I was confident I could predict Loretta's pace and arrival time. (Well, that and because of my nifty marathon GPS that Loretta installed on my iPhone.)
It was awesome. I knew where she started, her pace, her location and when to expect her. Not only did I have the best seat in the house, but I was locked in on her, and she knew it and ran with confidence.
Isn't it comforting to know that the good Lord knows our beginning, our today and our tomorrow? Like so many of us, are you struggling in business, with your health or at school? Let's remind each other that each step is one closer. Each step is gain. He's got the best seat in the house and He's locked in on us. And did you see the bottom of my marathon GPS? Our race is worth the hurt; especially when we consider who we're running to and for.
--Jimmy Peña
Learning the finer points of effective journaling can make the difference in reaching your fitness goals
Accountability -- a singular concept that can define you as a person. It can also determine just how healthy and fit you can become, which is why keeping a detailed fitness journal is a must. And while there are no hard-and-fast rules for journaling, there are a few things that you can and should keep track of in order to maximize your progress.
1 EXERCISES/ACTIVITIES: If you have taken the time to dedicate yourself to an exercise program, it should have some structure. Keep a careful and consistent list of which exercises or activities you are performing on a workout-to-workout basis so that you can have a gauge on what is and is not working for you. If you're in the gym, scribble down the exercises you perform. If you're hitting the trail, note the route you took. Swimming? What stroke did you work on today?
2 VOLUME/INTENSITY: Think distance, sets, reps, time and weight. Dutifully charting each of these variables will not only give you a baseline by which to set future goals but it can also prevent overtraining.
3 FEEL: It's important for you to journal how you feel, both at the start and conclusion of physical activity. How good (or bad) you feel can point you to other key factors, such as what you've eaten, how you've slept or other emotional stresses that can play into your progress (or lack thereof).
Again, workout journaling can be very subjective. For a look at how some other PrayFit members are building accountability, visit our forums by clicking here.
NEW JOURNALS Here's a look at some of our newest members keeping journals >> Hoopcoach
Waving Over Walls
"The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call on Him in truth." --Psalm 145:18
Read: Psalm 145
As a young boy, watching my dad leave for work was more than a habit or tradition -- it was a son's ritual. We'd say bye to him at the door, then I'd run to my room and watch for him from my window. I remember we had a big rock wall, over which I could barely see the top of his truck. As he drove down the street he'd wave goodbye out his window and I'd be waving from mine. And all was right with my world.
But boy oh boy, if I happened to miss his truck, you'd think the sky had fallen. I still remember the anxiety. "Did I miss him? Did I look down or turn away? As much as I wanted to watch him wave, I needed him to know I was there waving back. And if I thought he didn't see me, I was a mess. Mom would get me on the phone with Dad once he got to work, and he'd calm me down. He'd assure me that he sees me waving, even if I can't see him.
I don't know when I grew out of that, but I didn't outgrow the need to see my dad.
God, we're at the window. We've run here to watch you go to work in our world. We're on our tiptoes, and our little eyes are looking for you over the walls of fear and doubt that we ourselves have built. But even if we look down or turn away, you're there. Lord we need you so much. You see us waving, even if we can't always see you.
--Jimmy Peña
PRAYER REQUESTS? God sees you and me in our physical struggles. Whether if it's to lose weight or if we're suffering from a chronic condition with no end in sight, He sees us. So keep waving at Him. And if we can be praying specifically for you, please let us know in the comment section. If not specifically, simply write "Unspoken Request" and we promise to pray.
RECIPE OF THE WEEK: EZEKIEL STYLE Below is a recipe with one of our favorite healthy carb choices: Ezekiel bread. Great as a pre-workout food, Ezekiel bread will stay in your system longer, allowing you to get a lot of good energy from it. Ezekiel bread takes grains and legumes, mixing them together and making bread that contains no flour but is instead a mix of organic sprouted whole grains like wheat, millet, spelt and barley and legumes like lentils and soybeans. This makes the bread not only a source of very low GI carbs, but also a good source of complete protein.
Cinnamon-Apple Peanut Butter Toast 1 slice Ezekiel bread, toasted 2 tsp natural peanut butter 4 pieces thinly sliced apple Pinch ground cinnamon Spread peanut butter on toast, top with apple and cinnamon.
Calories: 159 | Protein: 6 grams | Carbohydrates: 19 grams | Fat: 6 grams
Alternative Recipe: Replace peanut butter with 2 Tbsp of low-fat cottage cheese.
Calories: 109 | Protein: 8 grams | Carbohydrates: 18 grams | Fat: 1 gram
October 18, 2011Read: Hebrews 13
"So we say with confidence, 'The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?'" --Hebrews 13:6
"On a scale of 1-10, it's probably a 9 (in difficulty)" said Bob Connor, the owner of a Massachusetts corn maze. Last week, his farm became the center of national attention when a couple and their newborn couldn't find their way out as darkness fell. The emergency 911 call recorded their fear, and when it came to pass, it was learned that the trio was only 25 feet from the exit when help arrived.
Sounds simple enough, and the farmer's 15 minutes of fame have come and gone, but the story stuck with me this weekend. When it comes to health, the day's maze gets tough to navigate when darkness falls. If we're not careful, we can easily get lost amid the tall statistics. Before you know it, we're turned around and confused while sickness and disease become real scarecrows in the cornfield of life.
So friends, if you're struggling, take courage. Whatever labyrinth you find yourself in, God is neither bewildered or astonished. He's never slept and knows the way. Although the enemy wants to puzzle you, God simultaneously has your hand and an aerial view. So, don't panic. Mercy is on the way. We're either almost out, or He's almost back. You're lost only in a maze of grace.
According to NBC News, a new survey from Gallup indicates... >> Only 1 in 7 American workers are at a normal weight without a chronic health issue; >> 86% of American workers are above normal weight or have chronic health issues; >> Health problems can be linked to 450 million missed work days; >> Abnormal weight costs the economy 153 billion in lost productivity.
How have weight-related issues affected your business, your productivity or the work of a colleague? Please leave your experiences in the comments section below.