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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Finish Strong

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." --Psalm 73:26

Read: Psalm 73

Well? Was a week at the beach? On Monday we opened with "A Strong Life" and that begged the question, "What does a strong life look like?" And since we know that the good Lord is always on watch, our little friend that we found on the road was a good reminder that He knows about and cares about our little predicaments. And when God finds us, we become a strong community with those he places in our path, our neighborhood, our church. If you missed any of our entries this week, you can click the links here or scroll our archives and we hope they bless your life. Your comments this week had all of us at PrayFit nodding our heads and with chills to boot.

Speaking of giving us chills, your stories and testimonies that we're collecting are absolutely wonderful. We are in awe. If you missed our plea, we want to know that if you have a faith and fitness testimony you want to share. If the answer is "YES," we want to read it. Please e-mail the team at and tell us how God has moved in your life in the area of health. Perhaps you're healing from an infirmity. Maybe His grace alone has seen you through struggles; your faith in God has catapulted you to an abundant, healthy life!

Or on the flip-side, maybe you're more modest because you're trying to honor Him. Perhaps you haven't given enough time to the Lord with too much emphasis on your body, and now He's helped you find balance. Whoever you are and whatever your story, send it to us. In 300 words or less, share it. Each month, we plan on sharing some of your stories with the PrayFit nation. Your testimony may help change someone's life. If you're healthy in body and strong in spirit, we want to know.

A good week. A strong week. Soak up today's chapter and verse. Say the verse out loud. Go ahead. He is our strength, amen? What better way to end a week. We hope you have a good, restful weekend and we'll see you right back here on Monday. Healthy in body and spirit.

--Team PrayFit


Jimmy Peña's message of "Life is not about the body, but health is a means of praise" is being well-received by congregations around the country. His story-telling approach to how a healthy body can strengthen the body of Christ and inspire abundant living is a message you don't want to miss. For speaking appearances, ministry assistance, media inquiries, write us at

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

3000 Miles To Grace Land

"To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps." --1 Peter 2:21

Read: 1 Peter 2

You can learn a lot on a walk. I've been so blessed this week by your comments and thoughts on our theme. On our walk that counts, we learned that when things get pruned, they bloom. We encouraged one another to take another step during dark times and wear the song out the door. And yesterday, we watched the gait of some of the Bible's most amazing characters as well as that of our life's main character, Christ. The only walk to follow.

We've said it before, but it's estimated that Jesus physically walked over 3,000 miles during His public ministry. Imagine, 3,000 miles in order that we could see grace land with one step.

Wow. What a good God we have. What a faithful God we serve. What a walk to follow.

--Jimmy Peña

P.S. Where did your walk take you this week? Hopefully in good health we pray. Hope to see you right back here Monday morning. Have a good weekend.

Jimmy Peña's message of "Life is not about the body, but health is a means of praise" is being well-received by congregations around the country. His story-telling approach to how a healthy body can strengthen the body of Christ and inspire abundant living is a message you don't want to miss. For speaking appearances, ministry assistance, media inquiries, write us at

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

The Imperfect Game

Pretty neat weak. I liked our theme: "Closers." Great life-enders. Thumbing through God's word and some books of my favorite authors, the number of remarkable men and women (and yes, even the donkey) who finished their life's game with the kind of endurance that Paul penned is jaw-dropping. Just count all the pitfalls, the pitiful, and the pits! What a pit-y party. And, well, it might as well have been. Because while their lives were heavenly, inspired and God-breathed, each one of them -- like you and me -- needs amazing pity.

On June 3, 2010 Armando Gallaraga was one out away from pitching only the 21st perfect game in baseball history. Not only did he hold the opposition to zero hits, he never even walked a batter. Each of the first 26 hitters he faced sat down. But with only one out left in the 9th, umpire Jim Joyce mistakenly called a hitter safe at first. The blown call cost Armando his place in history. From perfect to imperfect, just like that. Getting support around baseball as well as from Armando himself, a tearful and regretful Jim Joyce was quoted as saying, "Nobody's perfect."

With baseball's closer role woven throughout our theme this week, I thought of that game. That imperfect game. You and I have made some blown calls in life, haven't we? That one day. Those dumb days. Bad judgement calls. If we could take them back, we would. But since we can't, our chance at a perfect life is impossible. We'd have a better chance of swallowing the ocean than being flawless. Enter Jesus, The Savior.

Imagine it. He takes our place on the hill. His was a sinless, sacred life. Blameless. Spotless. Perfect. But because of our sin, He climbed on the cross and died for each one. Amazing pity. When God looks at your life and mine, He sees the life of His Son. No blown calls. He alone was worthy to take the loss, in order that we could win what only perfection can earn. And in what hour on Friday does the Bible say our Savior's eyes closed? Yes. In the 9th.

--Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: If you missed any of this week's entries, be sure and see A Life Spent Saving, Out of the Pits, The Purpose Fulfilled Life and The Set-Up Man. We hope they blessed your week and life. Do you have a favorite Biblical closer? Someone we didn't mention? We'd love to read it. Share it with us. Have a good weekend. And please don't miss Monday's entry. I'm already excited to write it.

IMG_4821GEAR UP!: We're getting ready to load our FALL LINE of clothing and accessories, so it's time to clear the store! Please take a quick look at the store to find our t-shirts and tanks with some of our favorite verses. Friends, it's through your giving that we're able to continue the ministry of PrayFit and we are so grateful. We hope these items bless your life and your testimony as Christians with a heart for health. Thank you for your love and support.

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