Since 2009
June 1, 2011Read: 2 Corinthians 5
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old is gone, the new has come." --2 Corinthians 5:17
Last year, I had the privilege of spending a week on the set of ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. When it aired, I remembered the feeling I had when that family first answered the knock at the door, then came back a week later to a brand new house. Talk about gut-wrenching! Someone they never expected (Tyler Perry) came into their world and freely gave them something they couldn't afford on their own. He saw where they lived and said you don't have to live here anymore.
As I stood and watched the process, I couldn't help but think of Jesus. Just like we did for that family, He knocks gently, anxiously awaiting our answer. But rather than calling for a wrecking ball, He does the unthinkable: He moves in. Instead of a hammer, He carries a suitcase. He gives us something we could never afford on our own--Himself--saying we don't have to live here anymore, alone.
If you're looking for a way to get or stay slim, you're in the right place
A new study is confirming what we've said all along -- that by sharing time with other fit-minded people, you can actually have more success in your quest to reach or stay at your goal weight.
The more people used an interactive weight management website such as PrayFit, the more weight loss they maintained, according to the study. The research showed that consistent website users who logged on and recorded their weight at least once a month for two-and-a-half years maintained the most weight loss.
You can build in extra accountability by keeping a public workout journal, such as those located at our forums.