Since 2009
Here I Am To Worship
"I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart." --Psalm 138:1
Read: Psalm 138
Here I am to worship. If it's been a while since you've been to the gym, whisper it to the Lord as you open that door. If you're starting to walk after work with your spouse, pray it together as you take that step. Maybe you're about to take a swim, go for a jog or start your at-home DVD. Whatever the case, say it: Here I am to worship.
And as you do, remember -- it's not about the mirror, or lower bodyfat, or the muscle. Those things may happen, they may not. If they do, consider them gifts of obedience and blessings of diligence. But we believe it warms God's heart when we take care of ours. So go ahead. Lift, run, walk, swim, stretch. Have church. After all, you are a temple.
--Jimmy Peña
WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Push-Up Practice The push-up is one of the most fundamental exercises you can build into your program for increasing upper body strength. But not everyone can hit the deck and give us 50. No matter where you are on the push-up power continuum, this scaled workout will allow you get better at it...fast.
A Strong Church
"For physical training is of some value, but training in godliness has value now and in the life to come." --1 Timothy 4:8
Read: 1 Timothy 4
Many of you know how much I appreciate Dr. Charles Stanley of First Baptist, Atlanta. And outside of my sweet Brother Henry Powell who led me to Jesus, I consider Dr. Stanley a trusted pastor and mentor. Well, I had the pleasure of visiting his church again last Sunday. His topic: What makes a strong church? I grinned with anticipation in my chair, because I like it when he gets practical. And while I won't list all of the qualities he mentioned, I wanted to share a few.
Doctrinally sound. He said that if the church neglects the Word of God, we're weak.
Faith beneath the surface. He said that every Sunday in a room below the pulpit, a group of men pray for him and for the audience.
Genuine, committed and organized. Genuine love for each member, committed to the purpose of spreading the Gospel, and practically organized to deliver the message.
As he finished preaching, he asked two questions: "What are you doing to contribute to the strength of your church?" and "If others followed your pattern, will the church be strong?"
And now you know why I was grinning. Because I believe that our lives, our bodies and overall health could benefit greatly if we treated them like a church. If you're with me say "Amen." Consider the practical parallels.
1. If we neglect the Word each day, we are absolutely weak. Our might is not in our muscle or bone, but in our spirit. 2. Without faith beneath the surface, there is no service. Pretty is as pretty does. 3. With a genuine, committed and organized approach to honoring the body that God so lovingly designed, we can be even more effective in serving others with our God-given message.
And so humbly, if you would allow me to do as Dr. Stanley did and ask you two questions: What are you doing to contribute to the strength of your church? And if others followed your pattern, would their church be strong?
–Jimmy Peña
Commit: Spend 10 minutes each day reading God's word and praying. Then and only then, pursue physical goals. Will you make this commitment?
Convenience of exercise is one of the greatest determining factors in program adherence. In other words, the easier a workout is to get in, the less likely you will be to skip it. For a great many people, home workouts are best. Team PrayFit's two workout DVDs provide challenging, results-driven, at-home workouts that are guaranteed to help you build a stronger, healthier body -- without having to venture out to a franchise gym. So far, the reviews on our latest DVD -- the PrayFit 33-Day Body Toning System -- are outstanding! Click here to read what others are saying! For a sneak peek at what you can expect in our newest offering, click the video player below. To order now, click here.
Of Walls and Temples
"When all our enemies heard of it, and all the nations surrounding us saw it, they lost their confidence; for they recognized that this work had been accomplished with the help of our God." --Nehemiah 6:16
Read: Nehemiah 6
When Nehemiah heard the news of Jerusalem his heart broke. The walls had been toppled and the temple destroyed. Through prayer, trials, and trust, the faithful people of Israel rebuilt the wall in just 52 days, which was miraculous because the wall had been laying in ruin for 140 years. It's a wonderful, powerful story of God's accomplishment. I urge you to read Nehemiah with us.
I was reminded of that story last week when we traveled to the wonderful city of Asheboro, North Carolina. We had the pleasure of speaking to hospital staff, encouraging their continuous effort to extend the dreams of the sick. We rallied with community business leaders, reminding them that our health enables us to be better servant-leaders. And we joined the mission of a small group of believers who, like Nehemiah, have a broken heart for the temple and are building walls to protect it.
You know, the bible says that when Jerusalem's walls were rebuilt, the enemies "lost their confidence" because they knew God had accomplished it for them. Wow. Constructing walls, rebuilding temples. Keep going, Asheboro. How blessed we are to witness your work; humbled to have been given a brick.
--Jimmy Peña
Question: What walls does your church, community or business need to build to protect and honor health? Have you broken ground?
HEALTH TIP: Cold Remedies Cold and flu supplements have become a multi-billion dollar business. As the cold weather rolls in each year, consumers fork over a pretty penny for anything that promises to keep them healthy or get them better. Are these supplements all they’re cracked up to be? PrayFit contributing nutritionist Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC weighs in.
>> Click here to see what really works.
>> COMMUNITY & FELLOWSHIP: Our family has grown by leaps and bounds in five years. Interact with fellow faith-and-fitness devotees by joining our forums today. Here, you can share successes and struggles, swap recipes, pray for one another or just catch up with like-minded friends. Already a member? Sign in here.
Here I Am To Worship
"I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart." --Psalm 138:1
Read: Psalm 138
Here I am to worship. If it's been a while since you've been to the gym, whisper it to the Lord as you open that door. If you're starting to walk after work with your spouse, pray it together as you take that step. Maybe you're about to take a swim, go for a jog or start your at-home DVD. Whatever the case, say it: Here I am to worship.
And as you do, remember -- it's not about the mirror, or lower bodyfat, or the muscle. Those things may happen, they may not. If they do, consider them gifts of obedience and blessings of diligence. But we believe it warms God's heart when we take care of ours. So go ahead. Lift, run, walk, swim, stretch. Have church. After all, you are a temple.
--Jimmy Peña
MENU MAKEOVER: Bread Pudding By Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC
With the kiddos being back in school, those after school snacks are back in business. And soaked in sugar, eggs and half-and-half, bread pudding is decadent to say the least. Good news: it’s possible to cozy up with a tasty version of this comfort food for less calories.
Nutrition Facts Classic bread pudding recipes can have over 600 calories and 30 grams of fat per serving. If you’re using doughnuts and buttery croissants instead of bread, you’d be lucky to keep things under 1000 calories.
The basic recipe is simple, combine bread with custard and bake. To lighten things up, you can use smarter ingredients at each stage of the recipe and keep portions to about ½ cup per person.
Bread Dense or sweetened breads will undoubtedly have more calories and monster portions just aren’t necessary. Consider using whole-grain bread for tummy-filling fiber and figure on 4 to 5 cups of cubed bread for 8 servings.
Custard Replacing half-and-half with low fat milk saves 200 calories and 25 grams of fat per cup. Don’t worry about the thinner consistency of the milk -- eggs help thicken the mixture and allow it to bake without separating. For every 2 cups of liquid, add 2 eggs and ½ to ¾ cup of sugar.
Extras Boost flavor (sensibly) with any of these embellishments: • Add 2 cups of fresh fruit or ½ cup of dried fruit • Sprinkle the top with cinnamon and sugar before baking • Mix in ¼ cup dark chocolate chips • Add 2 tablespoons of rum or orange liqueur to the custard
Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC, is a registered dietitian, certified athletic trainer and owner of Dana White Nutrition, Inc., which specializes in culinary and sports nutrition.
Here I Am To Worship
"I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart." --Psalm 138:1
Read: Psalm 138
Here I am to worship. If it's been a while since you've been to the gym, whisper it to the Lord as you open that door. If you're starting to walk after work with your spouse, pray it together as you take that step. Here I am to worship.
Whatever you do, it's not about the mirror, or lower bodyfat, or the muscle. Those things may happen, they may not. If they do, consider them gifts of obedience and blessings of diligence. But we believe it warms God's heart when we take care of ours. So go ahead. Lift, run, walk, swim, stretch. Have church. After all, you are a temple.
--Jimmy Peña
MENU MAKEOVER: Bread Pudding By Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC
Soaked in sugar, eggs and half-and-half, bread pudding is decadent to say the least. Good news – it’s possible to cozy up with a tasty version of this comfort food for less calories.
Nutrition Facts Classic bread pudding recipes can have over 600 calories and 30 grams of fat per serving. If you’re using doughnuts and buttery croissants instead of bread, you’d be lucky to keep things under 1000 calories.
The basic recipe is simple, combine bread with custard and bake. To lighten things up, you can use smarter ingredients at each stage of the recipe and keep portions to about ½ cup per person.
Bread Dense or sweetened breads will undoubtedly have more calories and monster portions just aren’t necessary. Consider using whole-grain bread for tummy-filling fiber and figure on 4 to 5 cups of cubed bread for 8 servings.
Custard Replacing half-and-half with low fat milk saves 200 calories and 25 grams of fat per cup. Don’t worry about the thinner consistency of the milk -- eggs help thicken the mixture and allow it to bake without separating. For every 2 cups of liquid, add 2 eggs and ½ to ¾ cup of sugar.
Extras Boost flavor (sensibly) with any of these embellishments: • Add 2 cups of fresh fruit or ½ cup of dried fruit • Sprinkle the top with cinnamon and sugar before baking • Mix in ¼ cup dark chocolate chips • Add 2 tablespoons of rum or orange liqueur to the custard
Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC, is a registered dietitian, certified athletic trainer and owner of Dana White Nutrition, Inc., which specializes in culinary and sports nutrition.
September 12, 2011Read: Psalm 139
“You knit me together in my mother’s womb.” --Psalm 139:13
God spoke, and there was light. He breathed the stars in space and put the moon in place. But you? You, He knitted. Imagine, the God who filled the oceans with water made your eyes to blink. After spraying the cosmos with trillions of galaxies, He gave you goosebumps. (And then you did the same to Him.)
Please join us this week as we look at the miracle of our bodies as His prized creation, and how His temple on earth will outshine the stars.
Try this workout to jump-start your week. Build muscle, burn calories...all at your own pace. Everyone has a "best." What's yours? That's what your effort should be everyday.
Walk in place with high knees - 1 min. Jog in place - 1 min. Jumping jacks - 1 min. Jog with high knees - 1 min. Rest 30 sec. Push-ups - 30 sec. (modify per your abilities) Straight-arm plank - 30 sec. Standard plank for - 30 sec. Push-ups - 30 sec. (modify per your abilities) Rest 30 sec.
Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 times. Perform this workout up to three times per week, allowing 24-48 hours between sessions. For your push-ups, regardless of what type you are doing, count your reps and strive to increase that number from workout to workout.
>> Jobs, heartache, stress, joy, praise -- offer your prayers for the community here
>> New member seeks online weight loss accountability partner
May 31, 2011Read: 1 Corinthians 7
"You were bought with a price." --1 Corinthians 7:23
Yesterday on Memorial Day, my wife and I found our way to an outdoor mall. And as is typical of me, when she decides to go inside a shop, I stand at the outer marker. It's almost like a Field of Dreams moment with Kevin Costner, where if the kid steps off the field, he can't go back. Yeah, that's me at malls.
So there I was, window shopping, shielding the glare from my eyes as I stood close to the glass. Curious, I looked up and saw that everything in the store was 25 bucks. Each item as different as the next was of equal value; each could be bought with one price.
You know, all of us are equal in God's eyes, and we have no idea what all Heaven has in store. But we do know that it was bought with one price. And since something already paid for is a gift, all we have to do is receive it. Window shopping at the outer marker won't cut it -- yet one step of faith will make all our field of dreams come true.
HOW'S YOUR TRAINING JOURNAL? Add a splash of accountability to your training
If you're new to PrayFit, please get used to us talking about logging workouts and tracking progress. One of our core values is the idea of progression. Simply put, the body will change according to the level at which you stress it. And one of the basic and yet most critical ways to determine progress is to "keep score" by keeping a journal of performance.
No matter what you choose to do to keep fit -- run, bike, swim, lift, etc. -- start tracking how well your workouts are going so you can improve upon or augment your training from one week to the next. We have forums for you to use or you can use a simple diary, but by all means, jot it all down.
Featured Journals:
PrayFit El Paso: Group accountability in Texas
MelodyCurtis: PrayFit newbie ready to start
Lindsey: Weeks in, seeing progress
October 12, 2010Read: Proverbs 22
"A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control." --Proverbs 22:24-28
Jesus was love. He healed the sick, caused the blind to see and fed the masses.
Jesus was Lord. He hung from the cross, only to defeat death both spiritually and literally.
But Jesus was also man. He bled, he cried, he loved.
With His humanity came another very human trait: anger. One of the most famous anger-fueled outbursts in recorded history was the scene He caused at the temple in Jerusalem in the days before His crucifixion. Upset that the moneychangers that had more or less converted the temple in Jerusalem into an early-A.D. Wall Street, He shouted, threw coins and turned over tables. This depiction of a enraged Jesus is a stark contradiction to the gentle Savior that most of us like to think about but it's important to remember that his anger was purposeful and divine while ours is often petty and misguided.
In a society rife with stress-filled workplaces, conflict-riddled homes, polarizing political debate and seemingly interminable commutes, it is not uncommon for us to give in to our temper -- to lash out at those around us or have a Jesus-at-the-temple kind of outburst. But we are taught in Proverbs and hundreds of other places in scripture that anger is a destructive and polluting force in our lives. In anger, we tend to exhibit the least Christ-like parts of ourselves. Our tongues sharpen, but our sensitivity to those around us dulls. We sling harsh words or worse, often leaving a shameful wake of hurt and despair.
James 1:20 reminds us that man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. As with other sin, our goal should always be to get better everyday -- to systematically stamp out behavior that can harm us (or those around us). It's not to say that you won't have a fleeting moment of fury the next time you are wronged, but how you deal with it (Ephesians 4:26-27) means everything, both to those around you and in the eyes of the Lord.
OBESITY: AN OCCUPATIONAL HAZARD The high cost of America's weight problem in the workplace
Those who struggle with their weight sometimes come to the conclusion (read: rationalization) that obesity is a "victimless" crime -- that they are somehow only hurting themselves. Well, there's a mounting body of research that is proving just the opposite -- that rising obesity numbers are costing our country billions each year. A new study in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, states that the U.S. economy suffers a hit of over $70 billion as a result of an obese work force. This number is measured by a variety of factors including lost work days and down productivity.
For the full story on the Duke University study, click here.
>> SECURITY THREAT: To find out how America's weight problem has become a national security issue, visit Mission: Readiness.
>> PRAYFIT HEADLINES: PrayFit founder Jimmy Pena spoke to the Tyler Paper to promote his upcoming guest-speaking appearance. Read the full article here.