Since 2009
November 9, 2010Read: Matthew 1
"The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means 'God with us.'" --Matthew 1:23
No matter how old you might be, chances are you've experienced a few important "day befores." Turn back the clock and you might remember the day before you: graduated... got married... got promoted...
While all those days bring back a number of different memories for us, each moment has one common denominator: a new title. The next day you were: a graduate... a wife... a boss... The day before, you were none of those.
Turn back the clock and we once knew God as Yahweh, Abba, The Great I AM, and the Alpha & Omega. But then one day God became: flesh... a baby... Immanuel...
Creation…meet creator. And once you meet Him, you'll never be the same again either. You can bet your soul you'll be different than you were...the day before.
It may sound like hyperbole, or a scare tactic concocted by those of us in the health industry who have taken a defensive posture against obesity. But it is worth noting that the fast food industry has ramped up its effort to attract more young people to its establishments.
"In 2009 preschoolers saw 56% more ads for Subway, 21% more ads for McDonald's and 9% more ads for Burger King, compared with 2007," the story says. "Children age 6 to 11 saw even more: 59% more ads for Subway, 26% more for McDonald's and 10% more for Burger King."
In addition, more of the available options for kids are -- surprise! -- unhealthy. French fries are served in kids' meals an astounding 86% of the time, for example.
"We should be clear that the fast food industry is not solely to blame for the rise in child obesity," says PrayFit editorial director and father of two Eric Velazquez. "Parents have to make a conscious effort to prepare more healthful meals at home and to help their kids make better choices when you are in the drive-thru. Of course, occasional indulgences are fine but making good choices as often as possible can go a long way toward instilling good habits reversing the trend of weight-related health issues in America."
>> Read the full story from the L.A. Times here: Fast food restaurants market too heavily to kids, says study