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"Before the mountains were brought forth...from everlasting to everlasting you are God." --Psalm 90:2
Read: Psalm 90
Someone from tomorrow is praying for me today. (Come again?) Well, like many of you, I have friends on the other side of the world. And yesterday they asked me if they could be praying specifically about anything, and it hit me. I'm sitting on Thursday, they're conquering Friday. I wanted to say, "What's it like tomorrow?"
When Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James arrived at the tomb, they were told to go tell the disciples and Peter that Jesus had risen, and "He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you." (Mark 16:7) Imagine the moment. Yesterday He was dead and gone, today He's alive, and He has just walked the road they needed to find Him. The path is safe.
Wow. If we can pray for each other from different time zones, how much comfort does it bring us to know that God is timeless? He's not only alive in us, but He's been where we're going. Yesterday is dead and gone, but Jesus lives. So go ahead and follow. Someone from tomorrow is praying for you today.
--Jimmy Peña
NEWS: This week, PrayFit's 33-Day Total Body Challenge DVD (Lionsgate) was featured on Beliefnet.com, a faith-based website that reaches over 5 million visitors per month. Click here for the news, then visit our new Press/Media page for related PrayFit hits!
AUDIO: Click here to hear some of PrayFit's most powerful devotionals, as read by author and founder Jimmy Pena.
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