Since 2009
Throw Your Head Back
"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." --1 Peter 5:7
Read: 1 Peter 5
Depending on when you open this entry, I'm doing one of many things. Check your watch. If it's early, and the sun is rising, be assured I'm dodging traffic and anticipating yellow lights. If it's mid-morning, I'm tapping my toes with my face plastered against the airplane window. And if it's around noon, I'm sprinting. I've let go of my baggage, thrown my head back and my arms are wide open. After weeks of touring, speaking and serving...I'm almost home.
Friends, life is a quick trip; a short but often brutal bridge. On it we sometimes get trampled. Maybe you can relate. Have you been overlooked this week? Ignored rather than recognized? Maybe you're struggling to cope with a troubled teen, financial hardships or health concerns. Whatever your recent trip of life has you burdened with, do what I am doing today. Drop the baggage and throw your head back. The One who knows you best, loves you most. So just run.
--Jimmy Peña
TRAINING TIPS: When to Pump the Brakes
Perhaps you’ve started out the year on a tear, working out several times a week and pushing your body harder with each session. That is fantastic but if you’ve started to notice that you’re a little slower, a little weaker and a little more fatigued than usual, or that your once-meteoric progress has come to a screeching halt, you may be a victim of overtraining.
>> Click here for more on overtraining.
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Time to Board
"What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." --James 4:14
Read: James 4
With flights being cancelled due to Hurricane Sandy, I can relate to those in airports. A few months ago, I found myself stranded. No flights coming or going, I settled into my corner of the gate area and watched others do the same. Turns out, airports are to a writer what open car windows are to my chocolate Lab Josey; an overload on the senses.
As I sat there, I watched my fellow travelers as they took ownership of their waiting space. One lady turned a few open seats into a makeshift office. Another man used the floor for a picnic. I thought I'd seen it all until a young couple installed a mailbox and rolled-out a welcome home mat. Their address: 2 Stayforeverlane
Okay, so maybe the young couple didn't exactly make the waiting area their front porch, but you and I sure do. We claim what's ours, deadbolt our belongings, and even though we're not, we make ourselves at home.
Truth is, we're not here to stay and our wait isn't all that long. But instead of seeing the brevity of life as encouragement to stay strong and healthy, we rationalize since it's not gonna last, why bother? But we have to remind ourselves that we don't do good things in order to be loved, we do them because we are. (If only we saw our health that way.)
So, after a five-hour delay, it was finally time to board. I began packing up my things when a little girl holding her father's hand walked by and asked, "Daddy, will there be someone waiting for us?" And while I didn't hear the father's reply, I do know the answer. And because of that, I think the best we can do is wait and live abundantly like God intended...and be ready when it's finally time to board.
--Jimmy Peña
P.S. All of us at Prayfit are thinking about and praying for everyone affected by Sandy. And while most of you within its terrible path won't see this, we're praying for your safety, comfort and the same for your loved ones.
That's right, it's time for some dessert. Being healthier, after all, isn't about painful deprivation as much as it is about better choices. So if you are moving your body regularly, you shouldn't feel guilty about occasionally giving in to your sweet tooth. But if you are being calorie-conscious, this can be a bit more agonizing unless you know how to indulge without going overboard. That's where PrayFit contributing nutritionist Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, comes in.
"My mother-in-law discovered this recipe last year in a magazine, and these cookies became an instant family favorite," she says. "The combination of orange and chocolate makes for a light but decadent cookie. At 90 calories each, you can have one (or two) and not feel guilty about dessert."
Orange-Chocolate Cookies
Makes 4 dozen
1 cup butter, softened 1 cup granulated sugar 1 egg yolk 2 teaspoons finely shredded orange peel 2 cups all-purpose flour 1/4 cup orange marmalade 6 ounces bittersweet chocolate 1 tablespoon shortening
In a large mixing bowl, beat butter with electric mixer on medium to high speed for 30 seconds. Add sugar. Beat until combined, scraping sides of the bowl occasionally. Beat in egg yolk and orange peel. Beat in as much flour as you can with the mixer. Stir in any remaining flour.
On a lightly floured surface, roll dough to 1/2 inch thickness. Using a 1 1/2-inch round cookie cutter, cut into rounds. Press your thumb into center and fill with 1/4 teaspoon orange marmalade.
Bake on parchment-lined baking sheets in a 375-degree oven for about 12 minutes or until edges are lightly browned. Transfer to a wire rack and let cool. In a small saucepan, melt chocolate and shortening over low heat. Dip half of each cookie in chocolate mixture. Place cookies on rack to set.
Calories: 89 Fat: 5.5 grams Saturated Fat: 2.5 grams Protein: 1 gram Carbohydrate: 11 grams Sodium: 2 milligrams Cholesterol: 15 milligrams Fiber: 0 grams
Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC is a registered dietitian and is currently a nutrition expert for the Food Network, and has worked as a media spokesperson for Cooking Light Magazine. She has appeared on Good Day Street Talk, Food Network.com, Access Hollywood and GMA Health. Visit her at Dana White Nutrition. You can also visit her blog for more recipes at http://blog.foodnetwork.com/healthyeats/.
Just Run
"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." --1 Peter 5:7
Read: 1 Peter 5
Depending on when you open this entry, I'm doing one of many things. Check your watch. If it's early, and the sun is rising, be assured I'm dodging traffic and anticipating yellow lights. If it's mid morning, I'm tapping my toes with my face plastered against the airplane window. And if it's around noon, I'm sprinting. I've let go of my baggage, thrown my head back and my arms are wide open. After weeks of touring, speaking and serving...I'm almost home.
Friends, life is a quick trip; a short but often brutal bridge. On it we sometimes get trampled. Being Friday, maybe you can relate. Have you been overlooked this week? Ignored rather than recognized? Maybe you're struggling to cope with a troubled teen, financial hardships or health concerns. Whatever your recent trip of life has you burdened with, do what I am doing today. Drop the baggage and throw your head back. The One who knows you best, loves you most. So just run.
--Jimmy Peña
PRAYFIT: WEEK IN REVIEW Revisiting a week's worth of faith- and fitness-building entries
>> Follow the Leader: We are protected by the One that we follow
>> Can I Have This Dance?: It's never too late to dance...
>> Beating Miracles: Appreciating the miracle and workmanship of a vital organ
>> Body Toning: How to take your workouts to the next level and redefine your body in 33 days >> Recipe: A lighter, guilt-free spin on dessert
>> Community: How to build the PrayFit Nation, one click at a time
Because He Traveled
“Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My father if it’s possible, let this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.’” --Matthew 26:39
Read: Matthew 26
Getting ready for a business trip is no easy task. From the packing and planning, to some unpacking and repacking, it becomes quite the endeavor. Work before work. And while I’m grateful for the opportunities that business travel allows, I always have one thing on my mind — one solitary vision, and the reason I’m up for the fight — getting home. Even before I leave, I find that I’m homesick and still in my living room.
I wonder if Jesus ever got homesick. I mean, if anyone had the right to miss where they were from, He did. But something made Him leave. That something? Our helplessness.
Divine irony: Because He traveled, we’ll get home.
--Jimmy Peña
Let's hit the back of the arms this week, shall we? Known as the triceps because of the three muscles (long, medial, and lateral heads), the tri's make up the majority of the upper arm.
While you can't completely isolate any one of the three muscles, you can engage one over the others based on the angle of your arm. For example, anytime you raise your arm overhead and extend the elbow, you hit the long (inner) head with better accuracy. Regardless of your fitness level, from beginner to seasoned athlete, these moves can improve your upper arms with laser-like accuracy.
Pressdown 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions Seated Overhead Extension (with a dumbbell, cable or even a soup can) 4 sets of 8-12 repetitions Lying Triceps Extension 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions Close-grip Push-ups 4 sets to failure
FAILURE: Failure is the point at which you can no longer complete reps on your own with good form. Taking your muscles to this point ensures adequate breakdown of muscle tissue, which is key for building strength. However, it should not be overused in any program.
July 26, 2011Read: Matthew 26
“Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My father if it’s possible, let this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.’” –Matthew 26:39
Getting ready for a business trip is no easy task. From the packing and planning, to some unpacking and repacking, it becomes quite the endeavor. Work before work. And while I’m grateful for the opportunities that business travel allows, I always have one thing on my mind. One solitary vision, and the reason I’m up for the fight — getting home. Even before I leave, I find that I’m homesick and still in my living room.
I wonder if Jesus ever got homesick. I mean, if anyone had the right to miss where they were from, He did. But something made Him leave. That something? Our helplessness.
Divine irony: Because He traveled, we’ll get home.
QUESTION: Jesus left Heaven so we would have hope. In the area of health, what are we willing to leave behind as a sacrifice of praise? Will we turn the TV off a few minutes early to walk with family? What about pushing away from the table sooner rather than later? He left Heaven for us, what can we do this week to be more healthy for Him?
PROTEIN PLUS Is protein helping to decrease your blood pressure? Science says 'yes'
In addition to the protein they consume from whole foods like chicken, beef and fish, many active individuals also choose to supplement their diets with protein powders. Doing so ensures more complete recovery from exercise, and works to blunt appetite and increase fat burning. And if you're not using a protein powder to support your training, you may want to start.
Researchers found that milk and soy protein supplements were both associated with a in systolic blood pressure compared with a refined carbohydrate supplement, according to findings of a randomized clinical trial published in Circulation.
"The systolic blood pressure differences we found are small for the individual, but they are important at the population level," said study leader Jiang He, MD, PhD, from Tulane University.
According to previous research, the New Orleans-based scientists note that a 2 mmHg decrease in systolic blood pressure, which was shown in the study, could lead to 6 percent fewer stroke-related deaths, a 4 percent lower rate of heart disease deaths and a 3 percent reduction in overall deaths among Americans.
For more detail, click here.
Questions for the trainer - 32 posts
Got a recipe to share? - 6 posts
Exercise for seniors - 3 posts
Amy Lynne's Workout Journal - 135 posts
Faith Inspired Training Journal - 22 posts
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December 30, 2010Read: Philippians 4 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, let your requests be made known to God." --Philippians 4:6
Earlier this year, my wife and I were planning a business trip. One thing on our list? A new suitcase. One that could hold my clothes, my computer...the kitchen sink. I needed the Rolls Royce of luggage. And guess what? I finally found it. We walked into a store and boom...there it was. With an overhead light shining down upon it, I could almost hear angelic music in my ears. I embraced it like a long, lost friend.
We left the store with confidence, and rather than take it back to the truck, I decided to simply pull it along with us. Besides, we had plenty of other stores to conquer, and I didn't mind everyone seeing my new baggage. They probably thought, "This guy's serious about his packing!" They'd be right.
Well, it didn't take me long to regret that decision. As we went from one store to the next, it became quite clear that maneuvering the USS Suitcase between people, aisles, dogs, strollers, cars and every other object was not a wise choice. Too far to turn back and plenty of stops yet to make, my shopping experience would have been so much better had I left my baggage behind.
You know, as we approach 2011, let's leave 2010 where it belongs: in 2010. Regrets? Disappointments? Do-overs? Let's leave them in the rearview. We have new mercies to live upon and fresh starts to finish. Our physical and spiritual health will be that much more enjoyable (and attainable) if we're not dragging last year into the next.
ACCOUNTABILITY STARTS HERE Start attacking your faith and fitness goals in the company of the PrayFit online community
We've spent the last few days gathering thoughts and goals, and now it's time to write them down in your PrayFit journal. You can tweak and tune as Monday approaches, but get organized now so you can hit the ground running next week. Fitness goals and faith objectives are all fair game in our forums. A great leader once taught me to "inspect what you expect," and keeping a journal allows us to do just that for ourselves. Each week you can inspect your work as you expect results. If you're not seeing the results you want, you can modify your methods for continuous change. It's all about progress and effort.
>> NEW TO THE FORUMS? If you aren't already registered for the PrayFit forums, click here.
>>ALREADY REGISTERED? If you're already registered but have not yet started a journal, you can create yours by visiting the Workout Journals section of our forums and clicking "New Topic" in the top left corner.
September 20, 2010Read: 2 Corinthians 4
"What we see will last only a short time, but what we cannot see will last forever." --2 Corinthians 4:18
There’s an old story about a pharaoh whose young wife died far too soon. In his grief, he ordered his wife’s tomb to be built lavishly. No expense was too great for the monument. Each time he’d survey the construction site, he’d order more jewels and more gold - - Bigger! Higher! His wife’s tomb became his obsession.
One day, as he proudly surveyed his masterpiece, the pharaoh tripped over a box along the perimeter. Embarrassed, he ordered the removal of all the trash. What he didn’t realize was that along with all the rubbish, he’d ordered the removal of his wife’s coffin. See, he was so caught up in the process that he forgot about the purpose.
I was reminded of that story while watching the movie “Up in the Air.” George Clooney played a man whose life was all about the journey. He lived for the process. Flight status boards, frequent flyer miles and hotel key cards were the trophies of his trade. Link enough of yesterday’s trips together with tomorrow’s, and sooner or later, you’ve got yourself a life.
But this week, let’s focus less on our man-made monuments and more on the one who matters. Like John the Baptist, leaping in his mother's womb, to Paul on the road to Damascus, our lives gain meaning when our purpose is revealed. Remember, Jesus is our destination. Everything else is just a first-class ticket to nowhere.
Of all of the training days you can spend in the gym, leg day may be the most important. Whether or not you "need" better, stronger legs, training them -- again, think purpose -- on a regular basis can help you change your body, all over, for the better.
If you're a beginner or you're coming back from an injury or layoff, this workout is for you. As your muscles strengthen and get accustomed to weight training, you can move on to more challenging free weight moves and intermediate-level workouts, but it’s important to build a solid base first to optimize success later.
Exercise Sets Reps Horizontal Leg-Press Machine 2 12, 15 Leg Extension 2 12, 15 Lying Leg Curl 2 12, 15 Standing Calf Raise 2 To failure
>> WIN! If you haven't started a PrayFit Workout Journal already, now's the time. The next 10 people to start (and keep) their journal with us will win a free PrayFit wristband.