Since 2009
He Moves In
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old is gone, the new has come." --2 Corinthians 5:17
Read: 2 Corinthians 5
Last year, I had the privilege of spending a week on the set of ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. When it aired, I remembered the feeling I had when that family first answered the knock at the door, then came back a week later to a brand new house. Talk about gut-wrenching! Someone they never expected came into their world and freely gave them something they couldn't afford on their own. He saw where they lived and said you don't have to live here anymore.
As I stood and watched the process, I couldn't help but think of Jesus. Just like we did for that family, He knocks gently, anxiously awaiting our answer. But rather than calling for a wrecking ball, He does the unthinkable: He moves in. Instead of a hammer, He carries a suitcase. He gives us something we could never afford on our own -- Himself -- saying we don't have to live here anymore, alone.
–-Jimmy Peña
Yesterday we had a question for runners: What burns a greater percentage of fat calories? High-intensity intervals or low-intensity/long runs? Today, we answer.
At a low intensity, the body will burn more fat relative to the total number of calories burned, so percentage-wise, low-intensity activity burns a higher percentage of fat calories. But take that same person and have him/her train at a high intensity, and they'll burn more total fat calories, even though as a percentage of the total, it's less.
And so it was Kelly who said it first and best when she commented, "I am a runner and the low-intensity, long runs are the fat burners as far as greater % of fat burned. However, at higher intensities you burn more total calories -- and more fat calories overall -- than you do at lower intensities."
Congrats, Kelly. Go ahead and email sales@prayfit.com and let us know what store item you'd like. Be sure to please indicate RUNNING TRIVIA in the subject line. And thank you to everyone for being on PrayFit each day and week. You bless us.
April 14, 2011Read: John 13
"I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you." --John 13:15
Yesterday I found myself washing feet. Well, not literally, but serving others didn't come easy. If you're like me, some days it takes muscle to move a muscle. In fact, when I was asked to help someone, I hesitated so long that I think grass actually grew. No seriously...I didn't budge.
But in my reluctant moment, ironically, I had to reach for a water bottle and I don't know why, but the thought of Jesus washing feet came to mind. Forgive the comparison, but there is no comparison. Simply put, if God can clean feet, I can jump to mine.
TRIVIA THURSDAY Time to exercise your gray matter on today's quiz
1. What is the safest time of day to have a cheat meal? a. Right after a blistering workout b. First thing in the morning c. In the middle of the day between lunch and dinner d. Right before bed
2. The wide-grip seated row exercise works which muscle(s)? a. lower lats, upper traps b. lower lats, rhomboids c. Upper lats, upper traps d. upper lats, rhomboids, middle traps
The first one to get both answers correct gets a complimentary PrayFit wristband and PrayFit Cap!
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March 18, 2011Read: Luke 3
"...one is coming who is more powerful than I, and I'm not worthy to untie his sandal straps." --Luke 3:16
Sitting in a music studio yesterday, I had a the unique privilege of hearing a young, talented band who opens the show for another very popular group of musicians. Their task is simple: set the stage and prepare the audience for the main attraction. You know, something tells me John the Baptist would understand their job. It's a role he played until the day he died.
Sitting there listening to them, I got to thinking about John; what he said, how he acted. But I think of all his many traits, his best quality was knowing it wasn't his show; that the act to follow was really the act to follow.
Yes indeed, John showed us that our only job is to invite a crowd, pull back the curtain and get out of the way.
Here's yesterday's question: Of these choices, what's the best post-workout combo?
a. Egg whites and Cream of Wheat b. Whey protein and white rice c. Egg whites and oatmeal d. Whey protein and brown rice
ANSWER: B (Whey protein and white rice)
After a training session, you want a fast-digesting protein to start repairing muscle tissue and a fast-digesting carbohydrate to replenish glycogen stores. When it comes to protein, whey would be the fastest on our list. It is easily digested and has a very high level of bioavailability, meaning that your muscles will get the building blocks (amino acids) that they need for complete repair. And when it comes to carbohydrate, the white rice is fast at refilling those depleted energy tanks (note: the cream of wheat is also a very fast-digesting carb). So knowing that, the best answer is B.
For all of those who chose oatmeal, you should know that it is one of our favorite foods. It's great tasting and extremely nutritious but it is very slow to digest, which means that it's a great choice pre-workout, for breakfast or even between big meals.
>> AND THE WINNER IS...: Thanks for your answers everyone! The first person to get it right was Justin Ziegler. E-mail your mailing info directly to jimmy@prayfit.com to claim your prize!
March 14, 2011 "Any injustice in this life is offset by the honor of choosing our destiny in the next."
-- Max Lucado
Workout of the Week: 10-Minute Triceps
The triceps. This muscle group, critical for every upper body pushing movement, represents some 2/3 of the mass in your upper arm. Men who want bigger arms sometimes mistakenly overtrain their biceps but it's the out-of-sight, out-of-mind triceps that need the attention. For women, the back of the arm can be a "trouble" area -- a place where more bodyfat is stored and muscle tone can be tougher to hold on to. This short workout will help both genders provide this area with a mini-makeover worth its weight in tanktops.
You must train the triceps from three different angles to make sure that all three triceps heads are targeted. To keep the workout challenging, the pace is kept high, as you move from exercise to exercise with no rest.
The first exercise is the two-hand overhead extension which targets the long head. You will move immediately into a two-hand kickback, keeping both elbows high to target the middle head of the triceps. Finish the mini-circuit with close-grip push-ups to completely exhaust the back of the arms, this final move emphasizng the outer "horseshoe" portion of the triceps. Rest a couple of minutes and repeat. (Note: if you don't have dumbbells, you can use elastic bands or even soup cans.)
Overhead triceps extension - 12-15 repetitions Two-arm kickback - 12-15 repetitions Close-grip push-up - To failure (if necessary, do modified push-ups from the knees)
Triceps Trivia: Even when referring to one arm, always refer to the muscle as triceps. In fact, "tricep" is not a word.