Since 2009
Honoring our Veterans
Today, we pause to humbly offer our gratitude to those who have served or are currently in uniform for the cause of freedom at home and abroad. The dangers you face and the sacrifices you and your families make are gestures that are not lost on us.
If you know a veteran, reach out to say thanks. If you see one, take the time to offer a word of encouragement. If you are one, then we hope that you are blessed today. Join us in prayers of protection for those who so dutifully protect us or leave a few words of affirmation in the comments section below.
Vets, today we honor you. But as far as we're concerned, each day we get to fly Old Glory is Veterans Day. Thank you for your service.
--Team PrayFit
>> MILITARY FORUM: If you are a member of our armed forces, we hope that you’ll share your thoughts on faith and fitness with the PrayFit family in our Homeland Defenders forum. If you know a faithful serviceman or woman, we hope that you’ll refer them there so that we can all benefit from their experiences.
Not registered for our forums yet? Click here to get started.
>> Need workout ideas for the week? Click here to visit our fitness page.
June 2, 2011Read: Matthew 9 "She said to herself, "'If I can just touch the hem of his garment, I will be whole.'" --Matthew 9:21
If you've spent any time here on PrayFit, you've realized by now that we love America's pastime. We agree with Babe Ruth when he said, "Baseball is the greatest game God ever saw fit to let man invent." And after watching some good ball this weekend, we found another reason to love it even more. Ever notice that the managers wear the same uniform as the players? Think about it. There's not another sport like it. Ever see a football coach with a helmet? Or a basketball coach wearing a tank-top and shorts? No, baseball is the only sport where its managers blend in with the team.
I think Jesus could relate, because he chose to relate. Rather than standout among us, he blended in with us. Though He created the universe, His appearance was universal. He became our up-close-and-personal savior. In order to reach us, He let us touch Him.
While the debate over government-mandated health care has come to a slow simmer on Capitol Hill, we are all left to ponder one very important question: What can we do as individuals?
With an estimated $147 billion spent in the U.S. annually on obesity-related health issues, the first thing we can do is to collectively drop a few pounds. One study found that the average overweight patient saved $380 per year in medical care by sticking to a weight loss program consisting of exercise and proper nutrition. This can be for a number of reasons. Weight loss for overweight or obese individuals can...
--lower blood pressure --lower bad cholesterol --improve energy --improve mood --reduce joint pain --improve heart health --extend life expectancy --reduce risk of adult-onset diabetes
Improvement in your heart, joints and overall well-being is worth a nightly walk and a few less visits to the drive-thru. Perhaps our national health care situation would be better served by us simply being more committed to our national health?
>> SHARE: Do you think we can impact the cost of health care by taking better care of our bodies? Have you ever been denied coverage because of your weight? Has a doctor ever assigned you to a weight loss program? Share your experiences in the comments section below.
February 25, 2011Read: John 1
"...and He dwelt among us." --John 1:14
I recently saw an advertisement for the show Undercover Boss, where the CEO of a very large company puts on a staff uniform and secretly joins his own working class. From the boardroom to the mail room, the one in charge becomes the one in line. Great concept. What better way to relate to his people than to live among them?
Wait, I think I've read that somewhere before...
>> WORKOUT: Lunge for better legs, glutes
>> HEALTH: Are cold and flu medications really worth it?
>> STUDY: What are the root causes of obesity?
NEW!!! At the top of each day's entry, you'll be able to share pages you like with your social networks. Click "Recommend," "Tweet," "Share" and/or "E-mail" to get your friends and family in the PrayFit loop!
VIDEO: If you haven't checked it out already, be sure to visit PrayFit's YouTube channel for exercise videos, messages from the founder and more.
July 28, 2010Read: Matthew 9 "She said to herself, "'If I can just touch the hem of his garment, I will be whole.'" --Matthew 9:21
If you've spent any time here on PrayFit, you've realized by now that we love America's pastime. We agree with Babe Ruth when he said, "Baseball is the greatest game God ever saw fit to let man invent." And after watching some good ball this weekend, we found another reason to love it even more. Ever notice that the managers wear the same uniform as the players? Think about it. There's not another sport like it. Ever see a football coach with a helmet? Or a basketball coach wearing a tank-top and shorts? No, baseball is the only sport where its managers blend in with the team.
I think Jesus could relate, because he chose to relate. Rather than standout among us, he blended in with us. Though He created the universe, His appearance was universal. He became our up-close-and-personal savior. In order to reach us, He let us touch Him.
According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, food remains the best source of calcium. Dairy products are high in calcium, while certain green vegetables and other foods contain calcium in smaller amounts.
For people who have trouble digesting dairy products because of lactose intolerance, lactose free dairy products and lactase enzyme pills are also available.
Calcium-fortified foods and calcium supplements are helpful for people who are unable to get enough calcium in their diets. Some juices, breakfast foods, soymilk, cereals, snacks, breads and bottled water have calcium that has been added. If you drink soymilk that is fortified with calcium, be sure to shake the container well, as calcium can settle to the bottom.
Daily Calcium Recommendations: >> Adults under age 50 need 1,000 mg of calcium and 400-800 IU of vitamin D daily. >> Adults 50 and over need 1,200 mg of calcium and 800-1,000 IU of vitamin D daily.
People who get the recommended amount of calcium from foods do not need to take a calcium supplement. These individuals, however, still may need to take a vitamin D supplement. Getting too much calcium may increase the chance of developing kidney stones in some people. According to most experts, the safe upper limit for total daily calcium intake from all sources is 2,000 - 2,500 mg. Need a gauge? One cup of whole milk contains 276 mg of the bone-building stuff.
>> NEW FACEBOOK PAGE: We're moving! If you're already with us on Facebook or are interested in receiving our updates in your daily feed, click here to go to our new "official" page. From there, click "Like" and then "Share" to get your friends in the know!
>> NEW TO PRAYFIT?: If you're new to the site, welcome. Click here for a message from the founder and some tips on how to get the most each day out of your PrayFit experience.