Since 2009
You Know The Story, Part II
"So he got up and went to his father." --Luke 15:20
We had a rule growing up. If my brother and I got in trouble for doing something wrong, we weren't allowed to keep pouting about it. No sir. Once it was done, and my brother got what he deserved, it was over. Finished. Like it never happened. Well okay, we suffered consequences, yes, but it wasn't held over our heads. In fact, if I was pouting about it later on, you guessed it, I got in trouble for pouting. You know what that taught me? Trust. I trusted my parents. I knew what to expect. Periodically reprimanded, constantly loved.
Although he came back with memories of deeds as stinky as his pig-slopped clothes, yesterday's prodigal couldn't stray beyond his father's love. Before he knew it, a robe replaced his rags, a ring dressed his hand and a feast filled his belly. And while you and I may not have mud on our shoes, there's not a person reading this sentence who doesn't need that kind of grace from a grace-giving God.
You know, many of us have treated our bodies -- our inherited health -- much like the prodigal treated his promised pay. We've over spent and wasted it. But something tells me the prodigal son took better care of the things he was given after he got home. And so can we. For some, there's a family waiting for you, too; waiting for you to start eating better, to stop smoking, to start exercising. They're waiting to celebrate you. Who's coming home, been home, staying home? You're the life of their party. It doesn't begin without you.
--Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: Knowing that God sees our hearts, not our waistline, should invigorate and empower us to be better stewards of health. We're constantly loved. Doesn't that fire you up to live your entire life to its fullest? Let's see a few "YES" comments. We ask again: Who's coming home, been home, staying home?
NUTRITION TIP: Eat in Balance for Sustained Health
With all the fad diets out there that promise to help you lose weight for good, the best one may have been under your nose this whole time. Scientists at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology found that the body responded best to a diet that was split equally among the three macronutrients — carbs, protein and fat.
June 7, 2011 Read: James 4
"What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." --James 4:14
Last week, while on my way to do an interview with Guideposts Magazine in New York, I found myself stranded at the airport. No flights coming or going, I settled into my corner of the gate area and watched others do the same. Turns out, airports are to a writer what open car windows are to my chocolate lab Josey; an overload on the senses.
As I sat there, I watched my fellow travelers as they took ownership of their waiting space. One lady turned a few open seats into a makeshift office. Another man used the floor for a picnic. I thought I'd seen it all until a young couple installed a mailbox and rolled-out a welcome home mat. Their address: 2 Behereforever Lane.
Okay, so maybe the young couple didn't exactly make the waiting area their front porch, but you and I sure do. We claim what's ours, deadbolt our belongings, and even though we're not, we make ourselves at home.
Truth is, we're not here to stay and our wait isn't all that long. But instead of seeing the brevity of life as encouragement to stay strong and healthy, we rationalize since it's not gonna last, why bother? But we have to remind ourselves that we don't do good things in order to be loved, we do them because we are. (If only we saw our health that way.)
So, after a five-hour delay, it was finally time to board. I began packing up my things when a little girl holding her father's hand walked by and asked, "Daddy, will there be someone waiting for us?" And while I didn't hear the father's reply, I do know the answer. And because of that, I think the best we can do is wait and live abundantly like God intended...and be ready when it's finally time to board.
TREADMILL: BACKWARDS PROGRESS? How a new study is redefining how to use this staple piece of gym equipment
While most of us would just as soon ignore the treadmill, it is still one of the most basic and essential pieces of gym equipment around. But are we using it optimally?
A new study, released at the American College of Sports Medicine's (ACSM) annual meeting, found that those who pedaled backward on treadmills and elliptical machines gained greater quadriceps and hamstring strength and had greater aerobic capacity than those who went forward.
The study will require larger samples to measure but the results are encouraging for those rehabilitating injuries as well as those returning from a long layoff that need to build strength and endurance quickly. The most obvious caveat is that backwards walking, at least in the beginning, should be done using the provided safety handles until you are more sure-footed with the chosen equipment.
For the full story, click here.
May 24, 2011 Read: Philippians 1
"Being confident in this, that he who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it until the day of Jesus Christ." --Philippians 1:6
I bet Noah spent a good deal of time at the window when he was on the ark. If nothing more than for some needed fresh air, something tells me he often kept his eye out for land. After all, he built what he had to, and he was ready to deliver. So I'm guessing if he wasn't caring for his precious cargo, he could be found watching and waiting.
If you're like me, you spend a lot time at your window. Oh we're not at sea, per se, but you may often feel like you're drifting as you wait for that offer letter, that e-mail, that phone call. You've done everything in your power, but what you need most -- to land something -- seems nowhere on your horizon.
As for Noah, hope in the form of an olive branch finally arrived. The dove on the window sill was Noah's "You've Got Mail." No more waiting, no more watching, no more send/receive. Land was nigh. Yours just might be too.
It's not just a cool Old West poker name. In one of the most recent surveys conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Rocky Mountain State was found to be among the leanest in the nation, with a prevalence of obesity below 20%. Only the District of Columbia joined Colorado below the 20% mark. Louisiana weighed in the heaviest, with a 34% obesity rate.
April 12, 2011Read: Genesis 6
"Noah did everything God commanded him." --Genesis 6:22
We spend an incredible amount of time on this earth waiting. We wait at traffic lights, elevators, DMVs, for mail, for appointments, for that phone call, the offer letter, for good news, for any news...you name it, if we want something, sometimes we have to wait.
Noah knew what it was like to wait. Imagine him hammering the side of the ark with one hand while waving to passing neighbors with the other. "Evenin'! Yeah, I'm building an ark! For the, uhh...flood! Have a good night!" But we all know the story. The rain finally came, and Noah's purpose was revealed. Good thing he kept building.
Like Noah, are you waiting for God to storm into action? Trying to get into that college? Get that new job? Good, but hammer while you wait. You never know, that first drop of rain just might be today.
It's unquestionably one of the best ad campaigns the armed forces have ever rolled out. The concept of "Army Strong," illustrated by visions of hard-charging, camouflaged men and women in peak physical condition, doing what they can to keep our nation safe at home and abroad. Those hesitant to head down to the nearest recruiting station, no matter how patriotic, are sometimes deterred by the expectation of countless push-ups and sit-ups and 10-mile hikes. But today's Army is much different.
In the throes of a complete physical fitness makeover, soldiers are instituting new and more dynamic movements into their programming to prepare them for battle. Ever wonder how you'd stack up? Now you find out what it's like to be Army Strong.
>> Do you know a homeland defender? If you know a cop, firefighter, National Guardsman, soldier, airman, sailor or guardian, please let them know about our forum dedicated specifically to them and what sacrifices they make to keep health a priority in their professions.